[The Road Goes Ever On] Uncharted Waters


Two Thousand Club
Irukandji Darktide

Irukandji sits in a dank, dark watering hole in Shensu. The Protectorate island holds little interest for the (former) captain, but the Coral watchdogs here are less pronounced than in other ports. Azure was right out. He knows he (and, by extension, his crew) will never find a ship there. His "actions" have had the added complication of blacklisting his name from most pirates and privateers working for Coral. He was lucky to find the merchant who needed the extra ship in his fleet moved to Shensu. The pay wasn't great, but, since he had a full crew - or near enough to one - the job was his. Unfortunately, his stay on Shensu has eaten through the meager profits from that small job. The merchant had a crew of his own waiting here, ready to take the sheets of the new ship.

Now Irukandji sits, waiting, looking, hoping. He needs to find an opportunity soon. His crew relies on him, and he can't let them down. Granted, Shensu isn't the hotbed of maritime activity - in fact, rumor has it the Fae have a stronghold somewhere nearby - but something will come. The Unconquered Sun will provide. He just has to be ready when the opportunity comes.....
Golden Shadow entered the watering hole, sticking out in the dank, dim place like a high-class concubine in a seedy brothel. She was red-haired and golden-skinned, clad in a rose-pink sleeveless silk robe over a plain linen shift; pretty, but not beautiful. Her nose subtly wrinkled at the stench as she cast a baleful blue-eyed glare over her shoulder at a person yet unseen.
Kale Waverunner

"What?" a male voice asked the woman staring back out the entrance of the suspicious dockside tavern, his tone a clear sign of his amusement. "I asked the old man for a dockside tavern, and this is what he recommended."

The sound of steps echoed from the sun-drenched entrance, the soft clink of weapons in various sheaths and holsters ringing with each soft plod of a boot. The silhouette of a tall figure suddenly appeared in the door frame, its features eclipsed by the orange light of the setting sun save that of a feathered cap. As it stepped down into the musty watering hole, the figure strangely seemed to shrink and define, the roughly man-shaped blob of darkness becoming more human with each step. Finally standing next to the glaring woman, the man's features are clear. Clad in the rough clothes of a sailor, a magnificent red greatcoat, and the feathered cap of a shipmaster, the handsome straw-haired man appeared just as out of place his companion. Placing a hand to his stubble-graced chin, the youthful man surveyed the seedy bar with his remaining eye, a sparkling viridian orb mirrored by a patch of black cloth.

"Why not?" the man asked the woman beside him. "Let's get us a drink, shall we?"

The sailor turns as the two figures enter The Bloated Whale. The first thing that registers is the feathered cap. The feathered cap meaning ship master. It's the first one he's seen on this cursed island since he's arrived. I may be in Plentimon's bailiwick. Luck may just be on my side here. If this man IS a ship master, I may be able to secure work.

Feeling the coin purse at his side - the increasingly empty coin purse - he figures he has enough to by these two strangers a round. A little lubrication can often do wonders for negotiations. Irukandji turns to the two figures as they approach the bar.

Essaying an elaborate bow to the pair, Irukandji gives his best smile. "Welcome, captain, to Shensu. It's not often strangers are seen in this part. So, from one stranger to another, might I buy you a drink?" The former captain arches an eyebrow at the man in the feathered cap.....
Kale Waverunner

"Well I'll be a demon's ass...," Kale chuckled, "This is the first sign of hospitality I've seen in this place. No need for the formalities, friend. A drink you say? Well, I can't refuse that."

Motioning for Shadow to follow them, Kale strode over to bar, his greatcoat trailing behind him to reveal the very tips of the handgrips of several flame piece holstered beneath.

"The name's Kale, Kale Windrunner, Captain of the Crestcutter," he introduced himself, shaking the man's hand as they sat down. "So I take it you're a local?"
Irukandji Darktide

Motioning to the barkeep for three flagons of ale, Irukandji takes the proffered hand and shakes amiably. "Pleased to meet you, Kale. I can call you Kale, can't I?" Without waiting for a reply, he continues talking. "They call me Irukandji Darktide. Luckily, that also happens to be my name. Fortuitous, no? Now, to answer your question: no, I'm not a local. Maybe 'So, from one stranger to another, can I buy you a drink' has a different meaning from where you come." Another smile cracks the sailor's face, taking away any sting the words may carry.

The three flagons of ale arrive, and Irukandji pushes one toward each of his companions. He takes a long draught, winces slightly, then licks his lips. Then he leans in and speaks in a conspiratorial whisper. "The ale tastes like a whore's piss, but it does get the job done. And it's a whole order of magnitude better than the rum." Irukandji shudders to think of that vile concoction. Then he leans back, studying Kale. "So. You say you're a captain. Of the Crestcutter. You...you don't have any need of additional crew, do you?"
Golden Shadow

Golden Shadow stepped daintily over the filthy floor, ignoring the glances her way, and ignored Kale's jokes about a dockside tavern. "I'll pass on a drink," she said softly, her accent obviously Azurite. "I can think of less painful ways to die."

She looked at Irukandji with narrowed blue eyes as she sat. "Golden Shadow," she replied politely. "Ship's medic."

Can this guy read minds or something? Malfeas...

"Crew?" Kale asked, holding back his initially open response. "Perhaps... Though, Darktide, huh? I've heard rumors of a Darktide serving Skullstone."

The Dawn paused, taking a deep swig from his flagoon. As he set the ale back onto the bar, Kale leaned back against the bar, his voice cooling as his eye narrowed.

"Now, of course I can't fully expect you to come out and say it if you're him, but I hope you can understand my sentiments, friend. I've got enough trouble as it is running my business, let alone what one of the most infamous pirates in all of the Great Western Ocean might bring."
Irukandji Darktide

Irukandji quickly schools his features. He does not try to hide his connection to his brother. "Moray Darktide is my brother. I've spent my career in the shadow of that infamous name. Been mistaken for him time and time again. I am NOT Moray Darktide. I am my own man. But of course, I realize you have to look after your own interests. These questions must be asked. Now that they have been asked, my question still stands. Are you looking for crew?"
Kale Waverunner

"Easy now," Kale spoke cooly. "I had no idea there were two of you folks running around. You can't expect an outsider to these regions such as myself to know something like that now, can you?"

The smuggler took another sip from his ale. As good as pisswater, perhaps, but it still did the job. Sort of.

"Now that we've settled that... Aye, I'm looking for crew. We've been shorthanded since losing some good sailors not too long ago. Business has been a bit hard; you can't really expect to progress and grow when you're down in able hands, let alone maintain and keep the jobs you once held. I'll accept any man, provided he's got the spirit and can handle the worst."
Kale Waverunner

"You know as well as I do that those pirates were looking for trouble, Shadow," Kale responded, his head half turned back to the woman with a coy smile. "I mean, my name isn't that well known around these parts. Just be happy we weren't in the Islets!"
Irukandji Darktide

A lopsided grin, somewhat melancholy, spreads across the former captain's face. "No one realizes there are two of us running around. As soon as you mention the Darktide name, it's 'Oh, Moray this!' and 'Moray that!' Just gets old after a while. Guess I'm a little touchy. My apologies for the overreaction.

"Now, as for crew....it just so happens I have some good men. Experienced sailors, battle hardened. Know how to take orders. And yes, they can handle the worst. As can I. It's the worst that helps you define yourself. Some of my men can act as marines. Some of them have acted as marines. I can lead 'em, too. Not that you have any need for that sort of thing, but if you do, they're available. I'm assuming pay will be an equal share, just like the rest of the crew. You have any other questions?"
Kale Waverunner

"Huh," Kale ponders, chuckling. "You never said anything about others. And here I was only expecting to get a few hires at most...

"No matter though. Aye, that should do. Maybe it's just this watery excuse for ale talking, but I'm not feeling especially like a businessman at this hour. So why not? As for pay... Well, I can't pay you or your men on equal terms with my own until you've proven yourself. Standard business procedures and all. Iif you're as good as you say, the first run or so will be all you'll need. That said, I won't cheat you either. How's three quarters standard for your men... and full standard for you?"
Irukandji Darktide

"Of course. I wouldn't expect a captain worth his salt to agree to equal payment until they proved their worth. But the deal you propose sounds perfectly equitable." Irukandji holds out his hand to seal the deal. "Now, are you planning on leaving anytime soon? I need to know what to tell the men...."
Kale Windrunner

"Aye," the captain nods. " We'll ship off in the morning. I've got a sizeable shipment of goods we'll be taking back south to Pearl. Bring your men to the Crestcutter at daybreak; we'll set sail shortly after."
Golden Shadow

"The sooner out of Coral, the better," Shadow agreed softly. Since her Exaltation, she'd felt nervous in the Archipelago for obvious reasons.
Irukandji Darktide

"Daybreak it is. At the Crestcutter. Now. Can I refresh those tankards or whore's piss?" Irukandji gives an insouciant wink as he signals the barkeep....
Kale Waverunner

"Aye, and keep 'em coming," Kale responded with a smile. "It's going to take a hell of lot more to get me anywhere."
OOC: So now we can dip on over to the in game thread, don't you think? Or do you want to play out more? It doesn't really matter to me. We can do both, if you're feeling ambitious. But since the others have done six pages of posts, I figure we can jump on in....
OOC: On that note, recall in my first post, your ship is unloading 'specialty items' in the harbor. Wavecrest has no real issue with the smuggling as long as it doesn't hurt THEM. And your people just want to enjoy the harbor and get off that cramped ass ship. :P

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