[The Road Goes Ever On] Irukandji Darktide


Two Thousand Club
Irukandji Darktide was – is – a Darktide. Yes, one of those Darktides. He grew up on Skullstone with his brother, Moray. Their childhood was one spent running around the docks of Skullstone, getting into mischief, dreaming of going to sea. As Moray got older, he signed on with a pirating outfit and went to sea. This left Irukandji on his own. Moray came back when he could, and spent time as his duties allowed him. Having said that, this time was not extensive. Naturally, Irukandji bided his own time, waiting for the day he could go to sea with his brother.

That day finally came. By this time, Moray achieved a relatively high rank on the vessel he worked on. He did not afford his brother any favoritism, however. In fact, Moray worked his sibling even harder. Irukandji didn’t complain. He used it as motivation to become a better sailor and a better crewmember. Moray eventually achieved the rank of captain, and Irukandji was one of his officers. Moray’s crew loved him, and his name gained notoriety throughout the West. As time went on, Irukandji felt working in his brother's shadow would never garner him the notoriety or fame he wanted. So he decided to strike out on his own. He wanted to make a name for himself. His time at sea with his brother left him with considerable sailing skills. He also had a head for the tactics and strategies for combat at sea. His brother got all the glory. Irukandji knew he was just as good as Moray, if not better. He just needed a chance to prove that. Moving to the Coral Archipelago, he took a position as a simple sailor in the Coralite navy. His sailing skills and tactical expertise allowed him to rise quickly through the ranks, eventually achieving the rank of captain.

It was as a captain that Irukandji made his name. He single handedly defeated 3 Wavecrestian naval vessels in a skirmish at sea. He was given command of a task force charged with hunting down Fae raiders. He was successful, in both hunting down the raiders and brokering a peace deal with those selfsame raiders. His last command was as a Lintha hunter. Working with a crew outfitted in a merchant vessel, the "fleet" went trolling for Lintha. The merchant vessel would serve as bait, and Darktide's ships would act as the bear trap. The ruse worked the first couple of times. The third time, the Lintha were waiting for him. They’d cottoned on to his strategy, and so laid an ambush for his ambush.

The battle that raged over the seas that day was ferocious and brutal. No quarter was asked, and none was given. Unfortunately, numbers were against Irukandji. The Lintha came to the fight prepared to wipe out the thorn in their side, and they committed considerable resources to achieve this end. What they didn’t count on, though, was Irukandji’s Exaltation. Without the blessing of the Unconquered Sun, Irukandji would be dead and those of his crew who didn’t die would have ended up either as slaves or in the Lintha’s cookpots. As it happened, though, Irukandji was blessed by the Unconquered Sun. Through his actions and endeavors, he and his rag tag band of sailors won the day. Needless to say, the Lintha did not survive the day. Most of them, anyway. A few did manage to escape. Now the Darktide name is doubly cursed amongst the Lintha.

They limped home, their vessel barely sea worthy. Irukandji knew he faced a problem. Those crewmembers that survived knew what he was. Anathema. He couldn’t kill them. They’d served with him, faithfully. He couldn’t blame them for years of propaganda. As they made their way home, he offered the crew a choice. Those who wished to continue sailing with him were more than welcome. He would have them, gladly, and would do whatever he could to insure their well-being. Those who wished to leave were free to do so. He just asked one favor – that they refrain from mentioning his Exaltation when the returned to port. Only a few chose to leave. Using his newly found powers, Irukandji sanctified the oath taken by him and those choosing to leave his service. The crew swore to say nothing of his Exaltation. He swore to allow them to leave, and to never hunt them for leaving his service.

Unfortunately, the Coralite naval brass didn’t take too kindly to having their ships destroyed. They used this “defeat†as a reason to bounce Irukandji out of the navy. The truth of the matter is they were worried on two fronts. The first was that Irukandji was getting a bit too popular for their tastes. This would not have been such an issue but the fact that Irukandji was Moray Darktide’s brother left many if Irukandji was a spy for Skullstone. They had, in fact, been looking for a way to release Irukandji for some time. This was the excuse they were looking for. They also released his crew, stating dereliction of duty as the reason. Their pensions were revoked and they were left without a job. Any who might have had lingering doubts about joining the Exalt’s crew were mollified when they learned of this turn of events.

Needless to say, Irukandji and his crew did not remain in Coral for very long. Having trained this crew in boarding tactics, Darktide hired himself and his crew out as marines, for special jobs. In this way, he traveled south, looking for work, looking for a posting and, perhaps more importantly, looking for a ship. His desire to become Creation’s greatest sailor still burns hotly. He just needs to opportunity to prove himself. An opportunity he is continually looking for. Curiously, there has been little mention of the two Darktide brothers ever working with one another. Or encountering one another. Some even say the two are one and the same. But that surely is merely rumor....
Name: Irukandji Darktide

Caste: Eclipse

Motivation: Become the most famous sailor Creation has ever known.

Str: xxx

Dex: xxxxx

Sta: xxxx

Cha: xxxx

Man: xxx

App: xx

Per: xxx

Int: xx

Wit: xx



*MELEE xxxx

*WAR xxx (Naval Battles +2)








OCCULT xx (Ghosts +1)








*SAIL xxxx

* Indicates favored and Caste abilities

Languages: Seatongue, Riverspeak, Low Realm, Old Realm


Artifact xx – Wavecleaver Daiklaive

Artifact xx – Orichalcum Reinforced Buff Jacket

Followers xx – Crew

Resources xxx

Willpower xxxxx xx

Essence xxxx

Personal: 19

Peripheral: 36 (44 – 8 committed)


Compassion xx

Conviction xx

Temperance xx

Valor xxx

Virtue Flaw – Foolhardy Contempt


Graceful Crane Stance

Monkey Leap Technique

First Awareness Excellency

Keen Sight Technique

First Melee Excellency

Dipping Swallow Defense

Bulwark Stance

Heavenly Guardian Defense

Ox-Body Technique

Second Sail Excellency

Salty Dog Method

Crew-Inspiring Charisma

Perfect Reckoning Technique

Hungry Tiger Technique

Combo - Kiss of the Hurricane Whirlwind

First Melee Excellency

Dipping Swallow Defense

Hungry Tiger Technique

Peony Blossom Attack

BP Expenditures

Dex to 5 - 4

Willpower from 5 to 7 - 4

Melee to 4 - 1

Sail to 4 - 1

War to 3 - 1

Bureaucracy to 1 - 1

Specialty - War: Naval Combat (x2) - 1

Specialty - Occult: Ghosts (x1) - 1

Resources from 1 to 3 - 2

Stunt XP: 1 (sail raising stunt)

Stunt XP: 1 (ship buying stunt)

1st XP Expenditures:

Athletics to 3 - 3 XP

Dodge to 3 - 4 XP

Heavenly Guardian Defense - 8 XP

Perfect Reckoning Technique - 8 XP

Monkey Leap Technique - 8 XP

2nd XP Expenditures (6/24/09)

Essence to 3 - 16 XP

Bureaucracy to 2 - 1 XP

3rd XP Expenditures (8/17/09)

Linguistics to 3 - 3 XP

Presence to 3 - 3 XP

Ship Claiming Stance - 8 XP

One Weapon, Two Blows - 8 XP

4th XP Expenditures (10/2/09)

Essence to 4 - 24 XP

Socialize to 2 - 4 XP

Mastery of Small Manners - 8 XP

5th XP Expenditures (1/23/10)

Upgrade for Dipping Swallow Defense for Heavenly Guardian Defense - 2 XP

Hungry Tiger Technique - 8 XP

Kiss of the Hurricane Whirlwind - 8 XP

Attitude is right, though clothes aren't, not really. Art by anry


The clothing is right, but I'm not too pleased with the actual look of the pirate, in terms of physicality. Put the pirate above in these clothes and you have Irukandji. Art by Hbruton.

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