[The Road Goes Ever On] Arc One: Sub-Thread: Market Meeting Tag Stalker


Two Thousand Club
Irukandji Darktide

His head a bit fuzzy from the drink, Darktide uses the walk to the market as a chance to clear his thoughts. This...person. Whitewater, for lack of a better name. She says she's from the Underworld. Okay, she didn't say that, exactly. In fact, she never mentioned herself at all. What she said was "There are those of us who wish nothing more than for the destruction of the Underworld." But it's not a leap of faith to say she's an Essence user, at least. She vanished right in front of our eyes. If she is a servant of the Underworld, it's possible she's a deathknight. I don't know what to make of that, really. The question is, what does she want? Well, I can run my thoughts around in circles. I won't find out anything until I speak with her.

The Eclipse walks with a purpose, the rain giving the city a cleaner feel. That feeling will be gone by morning. Malfeas, it will be gone by midnight. But right now, the clean feeling is welcome. Finally, Irukandji reaches the market. He slowly circles the stalls, studying the wares cursorily, giving the impression of interest. All the while, his eyes play over the crowd. He knows he won't see her until she wants him to, but he keeps his eyes peeled nevertheless. He takes particular time around shadowed and out of the way areas, knowing she probably favors those. And all the while, he waits....

"A curious way you carry yourself, Darktide. Brother perhaps? Cousin? Bah, it doesn't matter. I am here as requested... Well, in actuality I was behind you since the alley. What was it you wished to speak about?"

Whitewater will emerge from Darktide's shadow, the veils of essence provided from 'her' hearthstone quickly fading into nothingness. 'Her' head will tilt slightly with curiosity.
Irukandji Darktide

Darktide's eyebrow arches in curiosity and surprise. He gives a short bow to the lady. "What I wished to speak to you about was a comment you made in the alley. What was it you said? Ah, yes. 'There are those of us who wish nothing more than for the destruction of the Underworld.' Those words are most curious. 'Those of us.' I'm assuming one of those 'us's' is you. As I said, I was once an inhabitant of Skullstone. I know the dead. I don't know the Underworld - other than what shows itself on Skullstone - but I know enough to recognize a possible ally. So. I thought it might be prudent to have a discussion. See if we can help each other. Shall we walk whilst we talk?" Irukandji motions with his arm, then offers that same arm to Whitewater.

Whitewater will smile, pulling forth the same smile she always (mostly always) carries before taking Darktide's arm. Her body will curve a bit to cling firmly to his side and her free hand will cup itself between their shared arms.

"Its always good to find someone who recognizes a friendly face! So tell me, what is it you would like to know?
Irukandji Darktide

The Eclipse is silent for a few moments, their steps taking them along a winding path, the silence growing. When Darktide speaks, his voice is low, pitched only for Whitewater's ears. "What I wish to know, dear lady, is what you meant by the comment I just quoted you. Why do you want the destruction of the Underworld? Who is the 'us' in 'Those of us?' And finally, whose word spreads quickly? Let's start there, and see where the conversation takes us...."

She'll continue to smile and look about the city, "Its a fragile thing, the human mind. So tender.. so easily broken. In my life, I was given a choice. To accept this.... Gift (Her voice will darken and twist with that word, the seething hate nearly palatable) and save them and seek revenge for those who took my life.. Or simply watch them scream and suffer. Well, my choice was more than obvious. Always I have regretted my choice.. and only recently I have come to a point where I could leave and try to find a better way. As for who they are... That is best left unmentioned for right now."
Irukandji Darktide

The Eclipse is silent once again, letting their steps take them through the market. "If I might ask a personal question...why us? Or, rather, why your compatriots? Is there a specific reason? Chance? Fate? Do you think we can help you? Or is this just happenstance? I'm curious...." Irukandji looks straight ahead, waiting for Whitewater's response.

"The way they spoke struck me as odd, so I followed them and interacted with them for a time. From there? Well.. One of them is more than a mortal, and more than likely more than a Dragon Blood. I was curious- But he showed genuine compassion for me, so I thought to repay the favor by defending him."
Irukandji Darktide

Darktide nods at Whitewater's comments. "Yes. That one will have to be...schooled on how to speak. Even though they speak in a language not commonly spoken in these parts, he gives too much away. Should a Dragon-Blood overhear, he'd be in deep trouble. Now. I'm certainly not averse to having you with us. I think it would give us a certain...insight...into our enemy. The question becomes, will you be able to travel with the Captain? Given what happened earlier today? And when I say I'm not averse to having you with us, please be aware that Kale's is the last word in terms of who sails with us and who doesn't. It's his ship. So. Do you think you can make this work?"

"Truthfully," Whitewater will smile, "The only reason he's still alive is because you called me here. I will not sail under his command, but another ship is easily gotten in ports such as these. If that should not be an option? Well, I am rather good at being a stow-away and blending in."
Irukandji Darktide

"You flatter me, ma'am." Darktide will give a short bow to the lady on his arm. "It's funny you should mention acquiring another ship. Recent conversations have led my thoughts in that selfsame direction. Just a few problems. First, I don't have the money to legally acquire a ship. Don't get me wrong. I've captained ships before. I was rather good at it. And I have a crew. If I may be so bold, could I ask your assistance in this endeavor? Someone of your considerable talents would be most useful in this enterprise. Would you be amenable to such an exertion?"

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