The Riddler


The world is a testing ground for human ingenuity
Name: Edward Nigma

Nicknames\Aliases: The Riddler

Age: ~30(not sure of the exact age)

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Personality: Nigma is known for being a smooth talker and having a very high IQ. However, this is tempered by his intense narcissism, histrionic behavior, underlying egomania, and his  OCD for the creation and dissemination of his lethal riddles and games

Backstory: After a teacher announces that a contest will be held over who can solve a puzzle the fastest, a young Edward Nigma (Edward Nashton per later writers) sets his sights on winning this, craving the glory and satisfaction that will come with the victory. He sneaks into the school one night, takes the puzzle out of the teacher's desk, and practices it until he is able to solve it in under a minute. As predicted, he wins the contest and is given a book about riddles as a prize. His cheating rewarded, Edward embraced the mastery of puzzles of all kinds, eventually becoming a carnival employee who excelled at cheating his customers out of their money with his bizarre puzzles and mind games. He soon finds himself longing for greater challenges and thrills, and dons the disguise of the "Riddler" to challenge Batman, believing him to be a worthy adversary.

-wikipedia(because it sums it up pretty well)


  • extremely adept at decoding and decrypting
  • high intelligence(known as Batman's most intelligent adversary)
  • expert strategist
  • skilled with engineering and technology


His signature cane is also a cane gun

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