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Fantasy The Return of ☾ℒℯtℴ☽ (Always Open)

If women didn't wear this then what did they wear? "If what I wearing is "nice" then why would something bad happen to?" He really didn't make any sense to her. She was about to tell him to go ahead and lead the way but he spoke up asking about her wolf before she could say anything. She noticed he slight growl and smirked. "I have had him since he was a pup. What's wrong don't like wolves?...Well he won't attack unless I tell him to or if you try anything on me. And also he is not fond of vampires either so try not to make him mad huh?"

@Darth Gangsta
"Are they alive?"

"Of course they are, idiot. If they were not alive, we'd know."

"Oh. Sorry. Just seeing them like this makes my horns tingle. I don't like it."

"How do you think we feel? We live inside of them... If they died... Well, we don't know what would happen to us."

Nutwig heard the buzzing sounds of Kala and the Spiders buzzing around their head. It was reassuring, especially after what happened.... How long had they been out? It seemed more than a few hours... They didn't want to open their eyes. Their entire body ached and throbbed. Even breathing was hard.

"Kala... A-Amaranth?" they croaked. They could feel both of them perk up as they touched their minds.

"Nutwig! I was beginning to think you'd never wake up!" Kala shouted. Nutwig daintily touched their head. His voice was too loud and Nutwig had one hell of a headache. "Ah. Sorry," the golden stag bleated. "Are you alright?"

"Well, my head hurts and I can't feel my left hand... But other than that... How long was I out?" The pair fell oddly quiet and Nutwig became painfully aware of how much his left arm wasn't responding to anything. "Kala? Spiders? Are you still there?"

"We are," Kala said tentatively. "But... Nutwig...Maybe they should tell you." Kala motioned towards the Spiders, which stirred about them. They seemed to be in a panic, Nutwig could tell. Mostly, it was silent inside their body in which the Spiders made their home, but now the Spiders were scurrying about as if they were trying to hurriedly prepare something before they could notice.

"Well, Nutwig... We have some bad news," the Spiders mumbled halfheartedly. "Y-your arm... It's gone. The Humans burned it off. W-we tried to make you a new one out of our web, but nothing seems to be working. We're so sorry..."

Ah. So that was it. Nutwig slowly opened their eyes and glanced down at their left arm... Or, at least, where their left arm used to be. It was now a charred stump of wood. They could see the remnants of the Spider's failed attempts to fashion them a replacement. Knotted strands of web fluttered and twitched in the wind. It was almost pitiful, but Nutwig couldn't feel anything right now except for a burning anger.

Those damned humans! They had tried to kill them and their forest. It wasn't fair. Humans we'rent welcome in the forest, didn't they understand at least that?"

"N-Nutwig? Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm fine," they sat up and looked around. They were in Kala's nest. It was a small collection of down from the abandoned feathers of birds and dried leaves and twigs. Nutwig was always grateful when Kala allowed them to sleep there. It was located in the middle of a small grove of apple trees so during the fall they and Kala could snack on the apples that had fallen to the ground and were not covered in wasps. "How long was I asleep?"

"Many, many days," the Spiders replied and Nutwig felt a jolt of surprise. "You were burned... You would not wake up, even when you got a message from the Outside."

"The Outside? What happened?" Nutwig asked frantically. They felt a scratching sensation in their chest as the Spiders tried to soothe them.

"Nothing. Kala and I intercepted the message so you could read it later. Here."

Calling the Heros of the North, Your fellow Letonians are in dire need of heroic, daring, and willing individuals of any civilization to come to the aid of those that we have lost. The shadows grow stronger and the south is to pay for it all! It is in your best interest as a Northern Region Dweller to assist us before we are completely consumed by our own fears and weaknesses caused by that of our corrupted neighbors! Do not fret for if you are to succeed there are many treasures and glories that await you,If you are a Letonian with the heart and spirit willing to answer this call, come to the trading city of Simul on the night of the three moons, There we shall provide you with the supplies and information on how to with stand the shadows,


All of The Northern Leto

We are counting on you

"They want you to leave the forest," the Spiders sighed. "But after all that we've been through, it might not be wise-"

"I'll do it," Nutwig growled.

"What?" Kala yelped and pounded the ground with his hooves. "It's too dangerous! You've only been up for a couple of moments and now you want to take a three day journey over to Simul? You must be going insane!"

"You said it yourself, Kala," Nutwig mumbled and rose shakily to their feet. "Those humans won't stop coming into the forest until the Shadows are destroyed. This is the only way I can save it."

"Nutwig! Listen to yourself! You said you would never leave this place! This is your home,
our home! You're the guardian of our forest! If you left, there would be no one to protect it!"

"I'm no guardian," they croaked. "Those humans came and overpowered me. I... I'm weak. I can't protect anything. Maybe if I leave, I can become stronger... Strong enough to protect my home."

"Hey, hey... It's alright, Nut, no need to get worked up. If this is what you want, then I'm with you all the way. I'm guessing the Spiders are as well. But you're not in the best condition to walk all the way to Simul. Just this once I'll let you ride upon me."

"Really? Oh, Kala, you're the best!" They stumbled over to the golden stag and fell face first into a mouthful of fur.

"Don't get too carried away, kid. If you mess around I'll make you walk all the way there on your hands! Or... uh, hand. Sorry."

"We'll leave once the sun sets. Until then, Nutwig, you should rest," the Spiders said and Nutwig nodded. They stumbled back to Kala's nest and quickly fell asleep.
Connor had just finished the protective barrier around his little campsite. He had made it to small once and had nearly rolled out of it. He wouldn't make the same mistake a second time, he told himself, and thus made the circle far larger then what it really had to be. He remembered that he tried to catch a glimpse of the shades one night. But they never came when he was awake. And when he awoke the next morning there were words and figures seemingly grown into various trees that, though he didn't understand the words, gave off a very offensive aura to them.

He was making his way to Simul. He, like all the others in the North, had heard the telepathic message sent out. And like a few others, he had decided to go. It was more on a whim than anything else, but perhaps he would find things to add to his book along the travel. Yes, he needed more things. The coven he grew up in mostly identified as White, a couple were Grey but not many. Therefore, he knew many White magics, and few Grey magics. Black magic was as elusive as ever, and had yet to make an appearance in his grimoire. Perhaps along his travels he will find a couple spells to add, if not a whole book to copy.
Naumon sighed, "You know what men are like."He stopped for a moment as she mentioned her wolf, "Well it's not a day I like to remember," he paused for a moment, "Werewolves killed my lover. It happened about two years ago." His voice was as at the verge of breaking, but the vampire held it back as best as he could.


Calling the Heroes of the North, Your fellow Letonians are in dire need of heroic, daring, and willing individuals of any civilization to come to the aid of those that we have lost. The shadows grow stronger and the south is to pay for it all! It is in your best interest as a Northern Region Dweller to assist us before we are completely consumed by our own fears and weaknesses caused by that of our corrupted neighbors! Do not fret for if you are to succeed there are many treasures and glories that await you,If you are a Letonian with the heart and spirit willing to answer this call, come to the trading city of Simul on the night of the three moons, There we shall provide you with the supplies and information on how to with stand the shadows,


All of The Northern Leto

We are counting on you

Kerra glanced over the letter in her hands, and then back up to her father. "..You're sending me away to do.. What?" Her face held an expression halfway between annoyance and bewilderment. Her father, Trelond, had been troubled as of late.. Which was off for him. Even though he was a noble in his forties, with political enemies on every side that coveted his lands and threatened him with death, the last thing he ever was, was worried. The tall, athletic man had been something akin to a prodigy since his youth, (or so he told her,) and knew very well that many people had the desire to remove him from power - And from that same early age, he started to think ahead, plan for the worst, and outsmart them at every turn. This philosophy had served him well, and got him out of many a scrape time and time again..

If he did not know how to solve a problem, it meant nothing but trouble for their house.


Kerra was surrounded by the rich walls of her house, made of stone brick and glass panes.. Inside, the almost castle-like structure was decorated with details of crimson - That being the curtains, rugs, and other miscellaneous furniture that happened to be around. In her current room, this theme was ever present, and there were many of these decorations. The room was somewhat large, with many a guard standing within. ..Naturally, they had all been ordered out, but if not for that there would be no less than eight. A traditional gold and red carpet lead way from the prominent arched double doors that were used to enter the room, all the way to the 'throne.' Which is what she always called it anyways.. In truth, it was a small collection of couches and a coffee table arrayed in such a way that her father might always be in the center, and it was used for important meetings and secret gatherings - Often both at once. It resembled a living room, with hardwood floors, and even a nice Chandler above them, windows on almost all sides so that one might gaze down onto the courtyard two stories below.. ..But the reason she called it the throne room was not because of any of these things. For within this room was where all the planning, guiding, and execution of ideas was formed. It was where she was presented with, and handed in all her missions. Her honor as an assassin of the Knights of Shadow had been based in this room, even if she had trained in a place across the city.

Kerra herself was a quite appealing figure, at least to look at. Her long brown hair was tied up behind her, always with the same traditional red ribbon that she had kept since childhood. It was once her mother's, who had tragically passed away while she was young. She kept it with her with the mentality that her mother might always be with her, even if she could no longer be around.. With it, the girl wore a lavender and indigo eastern style battle dress that was somewhat difficult to describe. Along with the boots, tights, and shoulder-blades, it was the complete female Knights of Shadow uniform.. Which she wore because she was receiving this mission as both daughter and assassin, like many before then.


"I already told you. This mission is not optional. If we wish to safeguard our alliance with the northern tribes, we must send somebody.. And no ordinary soldier will do." The girl looks down, closing her eyes slowly and nodding with a hint of annoyance on her face. "Of course, father." Trelond frowns, looking at her seriously. ..If she was going to do this mission she might be gone for months, and she knew it. The message wasn't even sent to her family and.. Agh! She didn't care about any shadows.. "Kerra, I know this is not the kind of task I usually ask of you, but trust me.. It is important. One way or another, these shadows to the south will threaten us all.. I can feel it." "But why not send Edgar?" She protested, still not entirely convinced. "He is my heir.. And less replaceable. There are others in your order that can do assassinations just as good as you, but none of them will mean as well as sending my own blood to aid in their quest. Go, Kerra. And return once you have completed this task.. I will not rest easy until then." A solemn acceptance fell over the girl. If this was how it was to be, then so be it. She never had control over her fate.

Not three hours after, Kerra was on the beaten path to the large super-city. It took her another six days to reach it, but when she did she was very impressed. Compared to Streywood, it was immense.. She estimated at least.. Well, she settled for assuming there was a hell of a lot more here than there. Comparing the two would be no contest. The streets were so busy, and the people were so lively.. Gods, she didn't even know where to start..
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She was surprise to here the tone his voice had and what mentioned about werewolves. She wasn't really sure what to think. She had been tricked before. Though she knew what it was like to lose someone close to you. She starting messing with her necklace and spoke up. "Well I know what it's like to lose someone close. Vampires attack my village and killed my older sister. So you see why I don't take kindly to your kind. If what you say about your lover is true then I'm sorry.....you don't seem like you don't pose a threat but I'm not letting my guard down I've been tricked before......oh and I do know what men are like....at least I think I do but from the way your talking maybe I don't. Anyway shouldn't we be on our way?"

@Darth Gangsta

Da'Os watched as people came and went, looking for anyone of prominence who might know where to start off for the quest, and more importantly, who had the reward. Within a few minutes though, he saw a human female in unusual attire compared to the dirt cheap clothes mostly everybody else had. He stood up and approached her, covering his face while doing so.

"It approaches... And it looks noble. Is it royal though? Maybe it knows who to seek for the telepathic message?"

As he spoke, he growled and grunted like a beast, trying to regain control of his breathing before stabilizing.

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Kota just faintly laughed at the part 'of meadows and plains', it sounded too plain and held no curiosity. 'I am Kota, the man in the armor is my friend. Draconus. I take it you do not speak common? If you find it easier, you could speak through me telepathically.' He suggested, hoping that she might take him up on the offer. Before Draconus could say something he already was looking to the lady in red and lavender robes, almost ignoring the nymph and wolf. His dazing while staring at her wasn't the most welcoming sight and likely someone would be frightened or worried but he didn't care at the moment. 'Is it another who's come to join?' Asked the wolf, which broke Draconus out of his daydreaming, causing him to stumble for a moment and tense up on his sword's hilt. His hands sweated, if that was even possible for undead creatures, and he suddenly became a bit embarrassed for staring. Thank the gods' he was wearing his helmet.
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Inmento had just finished another hunt and was just starting to feed before he heard a message in his head. "Simul? I've never been that far out before," Inmento spoke to himself before shrugging his shoulders. "Guess I better feed before I go," Inmento spoke before finishing his prey by sucking its blood. It took Inmento only minutes before he decided to start heading for Simul. "I wonder what the problem really is...and shadows from the south? Maybe...just maybe I'll find Vicky there," He spoke to himself before he started to quicken his pace.

It had taken him a long while to get close to Simul but from where Inmento was standing, he could see nothing wrong so far. "Maybe this is all a farce?.....Not that it matters...anything to help me get revenge I will accept," he mumbled before sitting down and waiting to see if anything would happen. He was close enough to the city to be able to see all that would happen, but not close enough to be hidden from dangers that could arise. He was a bit weary of why he was here though. A telepathic message? Shadows from the south...it seemed too easy, but right now that last part didn't matter.
"..So it does." Kerra replied to the stranger, her gaze turning to the figure as he neared. Even among the confusion that was everyday life, she had spotted him before he approached. She tilts her head slightly upon seeing that he covered his face, her nerves tensing. People tended not to hide themselves unless there was something to hide, of course. His blue robes had caught her eye, even if they were somewhat worn out. ..Now that he was up close, she realized just how much more worn out they were than what she had thought when she saw them across the street. A beggar of sorts, perhaps? No.. Beggars usually had something to collect money with.. Straightening her back, the girl nods to him. "And 'it', is a she. ..You have guessed correctly, for I am nobility of house Lare.. As much as I wish I was royalty, I believe the amount of guards that accompany me can attest to my lack of status." The girl gestured to the space around her, which was painfully empty. On the way there her horse had gotten killed off, making the last two days of her trek painfully slow. ..Damn bandits, if she stuck around then they might never threaten anyone again.. But, the mission came first - And as such she was here. No people surrounded her; much less any guards. "I believe I lack context for this message of yours.. Would you care to inform me about this telepathic message, stranger? Speak quickly, for I come with a mission and will allow myself to be diverted only a moment."

"Hm... So IT says."

Da'Os lets out a dark chuckle as he approaches a bit closer

"I only know of the message as much as it knows. I choose to act on it however. Some others agreed to accompany me into the south, though I am concerned with finding the one who offers the reward."

The creature leans back a little, trying to get a good view of Kerra. As he does, he exposes his eye that has an overgrown horn covering most of it

"Is it here for the reward aswell? Or ordered on somethings behalf?"

"And there's Sumil." Connor said to himself as he saw the first tower peek over the horizon. It hadn't taken him long to get there, faster then he expected. The most exciting thing to have happened to him on his travel here was seeing a massive deer calmly walk across the road like it owned the place. Which it most likely did, out that far from anything and the wilderness tends to take over again. "Well, only way in is through the gates unless you're sneaking about. And since I have no reason to sneak, through the gates I go." he continued as he ambled his way down the hill and towards the gates.
@Beowulf @GreenEyedStranger

"Ah.. So you speak of the voyage south. ..I do know of this mission. I have the same one." Kerra tilted her head slightly upon noticing the spike in his eye. ..That looked like it hurt. Was this man alright? He seemed somewhat suspicious.. Did he really get the message? Skeptical thoughts flooded her mind, who was he? ..The.. 'Creature's' chuckle almost disturbed her, but she stayed composed. She always did. ..He seemed to know all the right questions to ask.. "..I am here for another." She says, though she hesitates for a moment. "Not because I have to be - mind you.. They didn't even send letters to the east. I seek to complete this mission and be done with it. ..Though it makes me suspicious that you asked me.. Do you ask everyone who enters the city, or do you know something?" Kerra suddenly became quite defensive of her position. Had someone already found out who she was? Damn.. She should have spent time preparing a disguise; enemies could be everywhere. The girl turns her head to look back at the entrance, noticing another traveler who had entered. Without waiting for him to explain, she calls out to them. "Hey..! You there, do you also happen to have received a telepathic message beckoning for you to arrive in this city.. Go south and.. Do something with shadows?" She gave him a desperate look, hoping that they might decline her question. ..The cloaked figure seemed to know who she was. This could mean only one thing - They expected her.

Kerra's overreaction is mostly to involve Beowulf, try not to take to heart too much.
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Inmento was still in his spot, watching a few people enter the city and when a female started shouting, he thought she was speaking to himself. So he stood up and began to walk from where he was directly to the city. He wasn't trying to be quiet, but he was trying to not be spotted. As he was approaching the city entrance he passed through a small pile of leaves, which gave his position away. He walked right up to the gate before stopping to reconsider his current situation. "A telepathic message, a town I've never been too, some rewards, and other strange creatures? I could always just turn back and go home..." A quick three second pause ensued before he continued talking to himself. "But if I stay and continue this odd quest, I could find /her/ and possibly figure out what happened to my friend. I guess I'll continue on," He spoke that last part softly. His head turned behind him, unsure if anyone was actually where he previously resided outside the city. "I must be going insane." He shook his head a few times before turning back to face the gate and attempted to pass through it into the city.
Addua outstretched her arms to touch the fur of the enormous wolf. Midnight strands were coarse beneath her fingertips. She relished the feel of it. At the moment, she was desperate for something familiar to keep her grounded in this sea of the unknown. "Kota. . . Draconus. . ." She tested aloud softly. Feeling the names tumble from her lips.

Pouting at Kota's words, she was slightly abashed. It was true though. Her knowledge and skill in the common language was a lot shakier than she thought it would be. Addua was so confident before. She had seemed to soak up the words of common when Titos and the rare adventurer passing through spoke to her. She frowned, she wanted to speak. Wanted to talk like everybody else. She glanced at all of the rambling passers-by and turned her eyes downcast.

But she has a mission, and if speaking was going to hold them back and be detrimental, Addua would refrain from it. There would be plenty more convenient opportunities to. She hoped.
'I would greatly appreciate that.' She acquiesced.

She peered up at Draconus hearing Kota's question. She hoped it was another who wished to join them. Addua craned her neck to see what he was looking at so intently, but failed to pinpoint it before he turned back in a rush.
'Is it?' She pressed.

@Veyd Sahvoz

animegirl20 said:
She was surprise to here the tone his voice had and what mentioned about werewolves. She wasn't really sure what to think. She had been tricked before. Though she knew what it was like to lose someone close to you. She starting messing with her necklace and spoke up. "Well I know what it's like to lose someone close. Vampires attack my village and killed my older sister. So you see why I don't take kindly to your kind. If what you say about your lover is true then I'm sorry.....you don't seem like you don't pose a threat but I'm not letting my guard down I've been tricked before......oh and I do know what men are like....at least I think I do but from the way your talking maybe I don't. Anyway shouldn't we be on our way?"
@Darth Gangsta
Sorry for the late reply, my laptop broke and it's pretty hard to reply on a phone xD .

Naumon sighed again, "I'm sorry too . . ." he said solemnly, "I believe we're nearing the trading city."

(Let me know if this is too controlling)

Naumon and Starfire entered the trading city, "Well then . . . Bigger than I remembered, we should probably cautious. This place looks pretty shady." he said trying to conceal the hand on his steel sword. "You don't look like you're from around here . . ." Naumon didn't mean to ask such a personal question, it just sort of slipped out.

@Pandacorn @GreenEyedStranger @Beowulf (@Inmento Riku ?)

It was indeed new travelers he had noticed and they too appeared to be discussing the anonymous telepathic message of the South side. Draconus wasn't very good with speaking to large groups of people, especially when he was Hollowed and kept himself in armor 24/7. "You all have heard of the South side, yes? So there are more who come?" Said Draconus putting extra emphasis on the are to prove his statement even though it was completely redundant. 'Oh so now are we in need of more introductions? And I thought we were the only ones...' Asked Kota nonchalantly. His smugness and sarcasm sometimes made it apparent that he was looking to tick someone off for his own amusment but no one found it funny. Sadly, no one reacted to it so he just stood beside Addua. "Any of you know where we are to go then?"
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Inmento heard the voices and he sighed in a sort of shy tone. "Um.....hello? Message?.....Oh you heard that too?" Inmento asked curiously. "I thought it was weird. I've never seen your kind before...what are you?" Inmento asked the strange hollowed person. "Also...I heard others as I was heading here....are we not the only ones? If not, do we know what exactly happened here? What these shadows are? And have any of you seen a female vampire with death and destruction in her eyes?" Inmento asked curiously, trying to see if anyone had seen Vicky or if he should just leave and hunt her on his own.
Connor looked at the woman that had asked him that question and thought about lying to her and saying no. But that would be rude. "Of course. As far as I can tell everyone in the whole North got that message. That being said, I'm going to assume you are not here for trade and instead here about the meeting. Unless you are here for trade, in that case I suggest you purchase or at least rent a wagon to hold more supplies. Pockets are only so big and so many." And with that, he calmly brushed past the two and headed through the gates. "Might as well not waste our time dawdling here. We have a meeting to get to."

He grunted at the question and paused.

"No. One such as IT stands out from common clutter... But that leads me to another question. Did it truly come here on its own will? Or is it a slave?"

Da'Os then looked off to the side at the others

"It still doesn't know where to go?"

Draconus walked up to Imento with an unnoticable smugness, sheathing his sword and sighing quietly but it was soon followed with a chuckle. "Love is it? We all seem to want to go to the South to find someone...Be it someone close, power, knowledge, love. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for someday." Draconus explained to the man but soon heard the demanding words of Da'O. It almost gave him a headache just trying to even fathom having to deal with such a high maintenance man such as him. Well that was in case they went. Kota rolled his eyes at Drac before nudging at Addua's side to try and get her attention. 'You'll see that he is not in his right mind soon enough.' Was all he said to her. Despite him having said no namd he still implied it was Draconus he referred to. 'Enough about that though. Pick any direction and let's be on our way.'

@Pandacorn @Inmento Riku
"You know where the meeting is?" She says in surprise, glancing between the boy and the cloaked figure. "..We're kind of lost, sir.. Would you care to tell us where we must go..?" Kerra strategically ignored the question of the drake, pretending that she had never heard it in the first place. ..Weather she didn't want to admit the answer to herself or the stranger was unclear.

..Everyone in the north..? She mentally sighed. Of course everyone in the north got it. Being from the east, she hadn't known that.. And it suddenly made sense why the Drake was asking the first person who entered the city where to go. She watched him pass them by, hoping he might stop to explain.. Aside from the letter, she really didn't know much of the mission. It seemed that he might. Facing Da'Os once again, she says.. "Well, perhaps I do not.. But if this goes well I will soon."
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@Veyd Sahvoz @Zayuz Inmento looked oddly at the man when he made a comment about love. "No...love was taken from me by the vampire I am looking fo-" Inmento stopped as he faced the girl. "Interesting," Was all he could say. "Well...we're all in the city, where exactly do we go now? Are we supposed to just wait here and hope for another telepathic message? Also...what if the message went to one of the shadows? Or what if it went to someone or something that isn't exactly helpful or nice, should we prepare for that?" Inmento was normally a lot more.....cautious, but he was already here with strangers and was already a little afraid, which meant his curiosity was overwhelming his caution. "Also...miss?" Inmento asked the woman close to him. "What are you exactly?" Inmento had seen very few species/races so...everyone here was new to him.

(Also, I'll assume the meeting is in the castle. @DemonKitten correct me if we're wrong)

Da'Os was annoyed at her ignoring of the question, but a smile came upon his face, he had found a weak point. At hearing everyone talking about the "meeting" being in the castle, Da'Os decided not to waste any more time. He pushed past everyone and started walking into the open gates.

"I tire of sitting idle while they bicker about theories... I shall act instead of lie down."

"I don't have a clue. I have a guess on where it might be. I plan on getting a room as close as possible. Hells, I might even buy a few things while I'm here. Merchant cities tend to have an accumalation of many useful and needless things." Now, hopefully there was an inn close to either the town hall, it's closest equivalent, or the church. The night of the three moons was often a religious, or at least a magical affair.

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