The Red String - Out Of Character

I'm sorry to hear that =/ Hopefully you'll be able to come back and enjoy the RP ^-^

I'll probably post something in the Casino thread soon .-. I wasn't sure what sort of character to use XD
Hey guys, I have another update on member listings. Bowa Bowa , Jennete Jennete , and BoundByWords BoundByWords have not responded to me in some time and as far as I am aware have not been on RpN. As such, their characters have been removed. As always, should they return they are more than welcome to rejoin.

@TheCandyEmo Understood, thanks for letting me know. I will have Arabella placed on standby until such a time then.

PaddieCake PaddieCake I know how you feel, I wasn't sure whether to use one of my current characters or just throw up a new one.
I'm seriously torn between using someone visiting the casino, or someone working at it x3. I hope to just stick to one character though x3

Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf or Xero Xero

Do either of you want me to send Dante your way when I post next? (Or alternatively you can send your characters his way).
I might role play as someone working in it, but I don't know much about the games in a casino. Uno is enough for me

PaddieCake PaddieCake I'd be fine with that, but I maaaay have put Erin in an undesirable position lmao. She'd still be able to hold conversations with you, though she still needs to reach the 8 working hours a week quota (2-3 hours left as of now, since she spends 4 hours in the shop during Sundays and Saturdays).
AbsentRaven AbsentRaven Welcome back! The roleplay is indeed still open for new characters should you like to join us. :D

Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf I don't know much myself either, but I'm happy to share what I do know. There are machines where people put in money and pull a lever. It's a lot like an arcade with lots of neat graphics and flashing lights and people everywhere, but without the actual 'game' aspect of an arcade. People just sit there and pull a lever... over and over and over again.

Then there's roulette, which is a giant black and red wheel with 36 numbers all around it. A ball gets tossed into the wheel as it spins. People bet on where they think the ball will land, such as if the number will be black or red, even or odd, lower (1-18) or higher (19-36), 1st dozen (1-12), 2nd dozen (13-24), 3rd dozen (25-36), or a more specific bet such as 35 Black. Most winning bets will earn back double what was placed, but dozen bets earn back triple, and specific bets earn back x17, I think?

There's poker, which I don't know much about except that everyone gets two cards. The deal lays out a row of card (5, was it?), starting with three first, and then added another card. The goal is for your two cards to match any of the row of cards the dealer flips. During each round, everyone gets the chance to bet more money or drop out of the round before the final card is revealed.

There's Blackjack, which is actually pretty easy. You play against the dealer, and each of you has two cards. Your cards are left face up on the table, while the dealer has only one card face up. The goal is for the sum of the numbers on your cards to be higher than the dealers sum, but if your sum exceed 21 then it's an automatic loss. 21 is actually perfect and an automatic win (unless the dealer also has 21? Then it's a tie and you keep your money). Though you start with 2 cards, you can request for more (also called 'hit me'). Aces are worth 1 or 11 (you get to choose), and face cards are worth 10, while number cards are worth exactly what they say. It's a game of half math and half luck.

I'm pretty sure there are more games, but that's pretty much all I remember... Still, workers can easily be bartenders, security, or waiters, they all don't necessarily need to be dealers for the casino games.
AbsentRaven AbsentRaven OHMYGOSH HI!!! *glomps*

There's also Craps, which is a dice game but I know nothing else about it *is the worst*

My experience with cards is Uno, some Gin Rummy, some Old Maid, Go Fish, and Solitaire (which I am a boss at despite the odds of winning being almost completely random based on how you shuffle x3),
:D padddddieeee *huggles* and awesome! I'll write something when I get home. I'll look at ratio of genders then too
Same, I was in a car accident not too long ago after I posted here, my right arm is very stiff and it makes it hard to type but I'm doing somewhat better now. So I'll post something up today!
Arg .___. sorry I'm back for reals this time ^^; Things are settled mostly (Though I have tests and projects and stuff ;A; XD)
I have returned as well! Sorry for my disappearance, had some issues turn up that took up longer than I anticipated. I think things have calmed down a bit for me though, I hope.

Also AbsentRaven AbsentRaven I'm so glad to hear that you're okay. Car accidents can be super scary, so I'm so happy to hear that you were mostly unscathed *hugs*
*dies in a puddle of Paddie goop* Oh gosh I feel so relieved even though I still have finals and what not but ugh, this past month or so has been ridiculously busy ;A; Glad things are calming down for you Kore Kore </3
*tentatively pokes Paddie puddle* 0.0 Glad to hear that things are calming down a bit for you as well PaddieCake PaddieCake Hopefully you'll be able to get some well deserved relaxation time. ^_^
Considering once I finish up on Monday I'll never have to go to school again? (Ok, technically Saturday for Graduation, but still) Yes :q I just need to pass this one test and do a really dumb presentation x3.
Go! Go! Paddie! You can do this, break free of the wretched grasp of the demon known as school! Woo!
I've finished~! Graduation is the 20th, I feel like I did well on my final and final project, so I feel awesome and free, I just want graduation to be done with so then I really don't have to worry... BUt yey~!! *falls over in an exhausted heap*
Congratulations!!! That's great, I'm so happy for you! Here's a celebratory s'more if you would like it. ^_^
*noms the s'more* Officially graduated and everything, freeeeeedoooooom. Now I get to take a break before like...finding a job or something... (I have a job, but no one but me seems to consider it a real job so eh x3... But I can wait like...forever to do that? XD)
I know precisely how you feel, I'm going through the exact same "real" job issue myself over here. XD Hopefully it will all turn out good for the both of us.

Also to all members of the roleplay, if I may ask, are there those among us who would still like to continue being in The Red String?
Shadow Shadow It's great to see you again! I hear you loud and clear. Hopefully life will give you a break every now and then.
Great! Then with Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf that brings our member count to 4 and our character count to 9. But seeing as almost half of which are Paddie's, we'll probably need to add some new members to the group. In which case, would you all prefer a full restart to attract new members, or to continue onward as the rp already is? Or would you instead prefer some sort of half-restart, where maybe the rp is fast forwarded to the next day?

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