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Realistic or Modern The Red Sea: The First Coming. (An Original Role-play)


Senior Member
Long ago a gang member begun to devulge in criminal acts which lead to enormous amounts of drugs being brought within the area of where the man was taking them. This was 12 year ago though but, this wasn't the last we would see the rest of these men in the ship yard though.

An operation called The Red Sea began and it would appear most of the Mafia were involved in it too and it appears you were contracted to do your job and make sure it gets done at the right time and at the right place. The Mafia Queen wants nothing to go wrong granted, if she does find out that one of her man didn't give her what she asked for she would give them what she would call "Consequences" which would than result in a Termination of a Mafia member which would than be called in Mafia terms creamed out of nothing but, themselves.
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