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Realistic or Modern Wild and Free


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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

School has just got out for summer. Kids from all groups come together to hang out over break. They begin creating new friendships and Relationships including enemies. These teenagers are placed into a specialization where they stay in a house on a beach for the whole summer away from home. They all live with each other for the next three months. Parties are a huge thing or even just hanging out on a beach. There is a lot of kids in this home but kids from ages 14 - 18 are welcome. This includes Romance, Friendships, Enemies. Etc.

Please Join!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.aa1a1845ef8264e2c8a41d5d62b88e91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47026" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.aa1a1845ef8264e2c8a41d5d62b88e91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*Rules are in the overview*

Yes you can have as many characters as you like.



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The sky was a bit gray, even if daylight was just peeking around the corner. Not a very nice to day to arriv to a place where summer is supposed to be abundant. Ace wasn't very happy of coming here, if he had the choice, he might aswell had not come, but, some voices in his head forced him to, those being of his parents getting sick of him staying all day in their house and having the house full of the smell of nicotine. It was a good place to spend time anyways, maybe he'll love these months in the future, and lets hope that was what was going to happen.

He was the first to arrive, in a black camaro. The engine was still rumbling, like a cats purr, slowly deciding if he should just stay in another place and not come back in three months or to stay here. Moments later, he turned of the car, putting on his black coat and walking outside of it. He flicked the lighter, getting the flame out and lighting up a cig, beggining to smoke. He had to pass time until the rest arrived, and what better way to pass the time, Ace was quite the heavy smoker anyways, and most of the people here were drug addicts too, or atleast with light ones.

''Here we go.''

@The Divergent @Amanda Cromwell @Stoked911 @Noyeh @ChronosDesine
Kuroma was sitting in the back of a red sedan, the engine was running a bit too loud, his mother driving him to the where he was supposed to be years ago. Arriving there, he opened the door and walked out, closing the door behind him as he said his goodbyes to his Mother. He looked over at the house, another person smoking. Kuroma didn't even want to know, he quickly walked near a wall, climbing up, he saw the first floor that he could climb, the second was there but harder. So, he climbed up on the first floor.

Although the gutters cut up his palms quite a bit, it didn't matter, he broke his leg before, his arm, he's lucky to still be alive. A cut on his hands were nothing, he examined the second floor up, not possible to climb up, he then looked at the balcony. A glass boundary, perfect, he ran over, climbing on top of it and jumping for the second floor roof, gutters making a deeper cuts in his flesh. He faced the pool, backing up. Announcing, "This is the roof dive, Kuroma Zhujiao!" He ran at full throttle, jumping until he got on the edge, he positioned himself into a cannonball. He made it, his black hoodie and jeans pretty much soaking with his hair being the same thing, he swam up, getting a hold of the ground and jumped up. "Okay. I seriously wasn't sure if that was possible." He was getting a hold of his breathe, talking to himself in the process.
Lucky pulled up in her corvette next to Ace as she turned off the car and letting her suicide doors open, she slowly stepped out with her coffee cup from back home in hand and a smirk across her face. As she saw he friend Jacob pull up behind her in his lambo, as he opened the door he let a bud fall he stepped on it as he got out, "Hey" they said in unison as they side hugged each other. "Jacob" the boy introduced himself to ace smoking as he help Lucky with her bags, and also carrying his own. He stopped waiting for his reply.

Lucky walked straight to the door wanton to be the firs two walk in which she was she smiled putting whatever bags she had down, and racing up stairs seeing each door had a specific name she saw her name and as we opened the door she knew it was hers, almost like love at first sight.
Max and Mels car pulled up to the house, Max driving "man don't be such a downer, I was craving" Max said as she got out of the car and her sister, Mel, climbed out of the car and squealed with a stomp of her foot "you know how I feel when you smoke in my car!" She narrowed her eyes at her sister and grabbed her own bags from the back seat. "Well you're the one who woke me up st 5 am without letting me have a smoke." Max said smugly before taking a long drag ofnthe cigarette and blowing the smoke toward her sister. Mel growled and stormed inside the house to pick out her room.

When Mel had her room picked out she unpacked her clothes and changed into sweatpants and a crop top to show her stomach. She had planned to stay inside due to the weather. The house was beautiful, she was in awe. Mel and Max had never experienced so much luxury. She sighed happily and went to the kitchen, sitting on one if the chairs with a book in her hand.

Max stayed outside to finish off her smoke. She leaned against a gate and noticed a guy standing not too far from her, she smiled and walked over "hey man" she shrugged and took another drag. "So uhm.... my sister never gave me the full details... how long do I have to stay here?" She raised an eyebrow at him. Max was friendly, like, really friendly. Guys tend to think she's hitting on them, but they don't understand that unless they have no d*ck, she's not interested in that way. She smiled a bit and threw the butt on the ground, stomping it out with her shoe.

Their outfits

Jersey pulled up in her black sleek impala. Yes the one that Dean Winchester drives in Supernatural. It wasn't the official one but it was still like his. She parked her car and got out grabbing her duffle bags from the trunk. She smiled looking at the house before walking to the front door and entering seeing how big and amazing it looks. "Woah...this is fucking amazing..." She said to herself before looking around hoping to find someone. "Hello? Is anyone here?" She yelled out wondering and hoping someone heard her and they could come out and greet her.


Damian Dante Apollyon

Damian sighed as he pulled up too the jail where he had to be forced to spend for the summer break. His car revved slightly as he switched the engine off, taking a look around the area outside. Yes, Damian had to admit that it was a very beautiful area and that its self might make him survive this 'experience'. Let's just hope maybe people will actually understand him, even though he usually doesn't say a word.

He opened the car door, lifting one leg out of it. Damian sighed, looking around at the people who had already arrived. He stifled a laugh, wondering how these people feel about being stuck here. Damian stretched out his legs and walked over to his car boot, picking up his moderately-sized suitcase. He then pulled it so that it was by the entrance of the breath-taking house, passing the people that were gathered around there.

Damian then walked over to the view of the beach and decided to run away for a little bit, putting his feet down onto the sand He then walked closer , more into the beach. He then sat down, deep in thought about this whole place.

'Maybe this won't be so bad...'
Blair Simmons

Pulling up her her 1999 corvette with tinted windows and black rims, Blair already felt out of place. She was a little bittersweet about spending her summer here at a house with most likely a bunch of bitchy and dramatic girls. She was glad to be out of the house and away from her parents, who barely even cared where she went anymore. On the other hand, she wasnt exactly thrilled about being shoved into a house with some hormonal teens.

She sighed audiably and stepped out from her car, wearing a strapless top and a oversized flannel. With one ear bud in and the other hanging out, she yanked the duffle bag out of the passenger sheet. Blair squinted in the son, making out the figures of some other teens. Alright well, here's to a memorable summer. Or at least, not a shitty one.

Blair locked the door behind her and took notice of the figures standing outside. She noticed one of them had a cig with her. Shit, I forgot to grab a few more packs on the way up here. Well, time to make some friends I guess.

The summer breeze scared her red hair like flames of a fire as she made her way up to the two figures. One was a spunky looking girl who just threw down her cig, and the other was a decent looking guy.

She motioned to the cig the girl stomped on as she began to talk. "Hopefully you got a lot more where that came from, it looks like we're gonna need them here." She looked around at the oversized house casually. Her headphones were still blaring an older Fall Out Boy song as she turned her attention back to the two (Ace & Max).
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''Don't worry, mother. I promise I won't do anything stupid.'' Said Natasha while leaving her house. ''Just to be clear I'm not alright with this.'' Before she could react her mother spoke again. ''I know I'm the one who signed you up. But.. Now I really thought about it...'' A small smile appeared on Natasha's face. ''Don't worry. I know the rules. No boys.'' ''And girls.'' Interrupted her mother with a stern voice. ''That's what I wanted to say. No drugs,no alcohol and I promise to call everyday.'' Her mothers face lightened up again. ''I just want you to have a nice summer. And since everyone you know is going away, I thought it would be nice for you to meet new people.'' Natasha kissed her mother on her cheek. ''I have to leave know. The taxi is waiting.'' Natasha pointed to the black car in front of their house. Her mother hugged her before kissing her on her cheek. ''I hope you have a great summer.'' Natasha smiled and nodded. ''Thanks.''

The drive to the house would be boring if it wasn't for the fact that she brought her phone with her. She watched random bits of her favorite movies and read some books. It felt like she just stepped into the car when the taxi driver told her that this was her stop. Natasha looked out of the window to see that she wasn't the first on there. She paid the taxi driver when he opened the door for her. When he gave her her suitcase she thanked him and walked towards the house.

Samantha & Jenson Hallow

The pair of red heads slid out of their seats in the car, stepping out onto the pavement and looking around. The female of the two had long fiery hair that was defined by bleached strips behind her ears and down the nape of her neck. Even at first glance the dullest of intellects could gather that she was tipsy before they day had truly began. The slender girls brother didn't appear much better. But at least he didn't stagger as he walked. Tipping his head to the side, the strawberry blonde male with freckles covering his entire face spoke with increasing apprehension. "This place looks like there are a million ways to get arrested."

Samantha, the long haired beauty with the alcohol infused attitude, just rolled her eyes as she unloaded her things. "Whatever you say Jenson. As long as you don't get arrested the first week." She said before dragging her luggage to the front door and opened it instead of the other girl in front of her.

Lucky went back downstairs and grabbing her bags setting them in her room, she than went out to the front calling Jacob up and into the car, since he had the rest of her bags. Jacob went up to the house and putting her bags away, than going to his room putting setting up. When they both finish they went downstairs when they opened the fridge,smirking at each other, Lucky reached in and grabbed two beers opening them handing one to Jacob. They stood at the island talking waiting for people to come start drinking and introduce themselves.
Patrick O'Donnel

Even though he had signed up on it by himself, he still felt quite out of place. Honestly, he'd prefer to stay at home where he'd have access to all the books he could possibly have. Call him anti-social if you'd like, but he wasn't like the partyfreaks that were said to come here. He wasn't a 'Geordie Shore'-kid. If he were to party, he'd often end up with a few beers or so, never sweeping half a bottle of pure vodka. And honestly, he disliked those who did. Those consumed by alcohol would often end up as either clingy or violent, not to mention those who's lay passed out in some bush in the backyard. And well, Patrick was never too drunk to drive, so he'd often ended up with the responsibility of these drunken mates. Anyways, liquor wasn't his thing, neither was parties. As I said, he'd much rather stay at home.

But there he was, driving the austin-healy his father gave him when he first got his license. He was headed for the place where he'd spend some time around all those party-freaks. But it was his own choice. No one forced him. The weather was surprisingly chilly, considering that summer had begun. But then again, it might also have been because he drove without roof. The wind brushed through his dark hair as the radio blasted some good ol' Queen. After a few minutes, by the time the music stopped, the young man reached his destination. Patrick drove up on the parking lots where he shut off the engine. He got out of the car and gazed up at the mansion in front of him. After a while of just staring, he snapped back to reality and got his bags out of the trunk before heading towards the house in hopes of social company.

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