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Fantasy The Reclaiming

"A prince can only do so much until the king has to step in." Tyr said, once more speaking practically from experience. Only it was the cheif's daughter instead of a prince, and not on this scale. "But if he could convince his father, then that would do. And since you are so insistant on not at least offering marrige, offer them good trade. Little to not taxes on their goods, and an offer of better deals for things here instead of anywhere else."

And finishing off his drink, he says much more jokingly. "A map can't get us anywhere. It's just the friendly stranger that points you in the right direction, but refuses to carry you there." Chuckling at his own joke (centaur humor), he turns to collect his packs and equipment.
Faris shook his head then said “I’m not sure if you are naïve or just confident, I doubt any king or even prince will help you to fight against one of the strongest kingdoms just because you used to be friends. That logic works fine in small everyday favors but usually doesn’t hold up when the favor requires them to risk their life, land and people for you, with little to no gain… Though it doesn’t matter at all if we just stay here argue about it I guess, we should really get going.” Faris grabbed a pack he found in the hut and started to take useful stuff he found in the hunter’s cabins like smoked meat, more mead he even found some medical herbs “Well we paid this guy a diamond might as well get the maximum value of that diamond.” Faris said with a smirk, then put the pack on his back and waited until everyone were ready to move.
Lithe stood up, checking her bag for any missing items. The map was still safe, it was something she could not lose. She stared at the small bits in her bag, glancing over everything. It was when she noticed the candy that Flippy had given her. She knew they did not have the time to stay long. She was going to go out and search for him. Perhaps he would want some of the candy he gave her.

She pulled up her boots, sliding them on and she looked out of the window. She couldn't tell where he was. Grabbing a hold of her bag, she was indecisive of bringing a weapon. Deciding not to, she began walking towards the door.

"I'm going to go look for Flippy."

She could see Flippy faraway from her, just barely though. She walked out of the door.
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Kep was about to reply to the imps words when she saw something out of the corner of her eye, a color. Human eyes tended to be weak and unable to see very far but a demons eyes vastly different. They see much farther with more detail but what's most important is that color is more vibrant in the eyes of a demon, even a half demon could see the brightness of the color teal through a dense forest, which is exactly what happened. Kep saw the teal and immediately jumped into action holding up her bow arrow still attached pointing it at the bright color eyes narrowing the thought of blood making her eyes slowly turn red.

{Sorry about the late post my life has been...something. Anyway let's hope it's not dead yet.}
slimmyjimjim7 said:
Kep was about to reply to the imps words when she saw something out of the corner of her eye, a color. Human eyes tended to be weak and unable to see very far but a demons eyes vastly different. They see much farther with more detail but what's most important is that color is more vibrant in the eyes of a demon, even a half demon could see the brightness of the color teal through a dense forest, which is exactly what happened. Kep saw the teal and immediately jumped into action holding up her bow arrow still attached pointing it at the bright color eyes narrowing the thought of blood making her eyes slowly turn red.
{Sorry about the late post my life has been...something. Anyway let's hope it's not dead yet.}
Lithe kept herself walking, she could hear footsteps, and the sound of leaves being crushed. She started to walk in the direction. She could see figures but the dark was okay. She let her eyes adjust, and with it she kept walking straight forward.

Lithe called out. "Flippy! Come back inside!"
Lemia Delphine

The rained pour, her dirty brown cloak doing nothing to stop the cold water from reaching her fur. She clicked her tongue, the pads on her feet becoming caked with dirt with each step she took. Lemia did not like getting wet, especially not in these parts where the ground laid barren with very little greenery other than the trees that took resident in the soil. The Lapin shivered at the feeling of mud between her toes, the mushiness felt very similar of a snail crawling up and down her feet. It wasn't a very pleasant sensation. Maybe a pair of human accessories they called shoes would do her some good. However, even at the prospect of ridding herself of this problem she would only stand to gain more of them in the process, so she denied the idea. Running deeper into the forest, Lemia released a low sigh thinking about her reasons of being here in the first place.

Her day had begun with a nice breakfast of roasted deer with a side of carrot stew, her favorites. She had no company as many of her clansmen had duties to attend to, the men with hunting, and the women preparing for the birth of their new kits. The village was rather lively with talk of their soon to be children, some of the women hoping for strong boys who could run the family while other lovable girls who would partake in their duties as homemakers. There was also a little rumor spreading around about herself, some saying she had found a mate this mating season, although it would have certainly been nice it sadly came up short. Lemia did not find a mate and no mate found her. To put it simply, Lapin men were prideful creatures and the idea of having a mate who was physically stronger and more capable than themselves was a great turn off for them. Not that Lemia mind. She was interested in finding a mate, but was not something she put her time into doing having more important matters to deal with than whose children she give birth to. After finishing her meal, she did her daily check on the clan making sure that all was well and good under her eye. Plenty of women asked her about the rumors which she had easily put down with no, disappointing a great number of the younger mother of this generation.

"Clan Leader!" one of the new mothers called to her, Lemia coming to her aid. "Uhmm, I was hoping if you could blessed my children with the tooth of a Grand Leopard, so they will become strong and healthy like you." she asked shyly, her eyes constantly shifting away from Lemia's.

"Hmmm, that's going to be tough seeing as Grand Leopards do not live around this area . . . " she paused at the saddened look on the dears face. "Well, I've heard them to be a plenty up north in the northern forest, so I guess I can go up there and get some for you." she said happily, the mother eyes brightening up at her approval.

"Oh thank you Clan Leader!" she thanked, before walking away singing to her children of Lemia's promise to them. Oh, this was going to be a long day. Grand Leopards are solo predators that hunt and kill Lapin as one of it's prey, and a tooth of this nasty beast was seen as sign of power to those lucky enough to overcome the beast and take it's tooth. A many of Lapin have attempted to go against this hunter, but very few survived. Luckily, Lemia was one of the very few to have come into contact with the Leopard and kill the beast. Once she had done her daily check-up she made sure she had no other duties before heading northward in search of the animal. From here to the Northern Forest was half a days journey, but with her excellent legs it took her two-fifths of an hour glass to complete the journey. Just as she expected, the creature was a master of stealth and unlike most of her prey, they could easily see through simple tricks and traps. Fortunately for her, Grand Leopards had one huge flaw, they were born without a sense of danger or fear. Anything they saw was considered prey, may it be strong or weak if it was meat they'd eat it.

Walking through the forest, she had sensed an aura full of killing intent from behind, and as soon as she turned around the beast was already above her. Lemia managed to dodge with her hind legs, but it did manage to cut some of the fur from the tip of her ear. A smile tugged at her lips as she stared down the gigantic thing, it's enlarged muscles flexed with each second, it's pitch black fur standing up ready to pounce again. Her yellow eyes focused on the nape of the neck the only known weak spot of a Grand Leopard. The monster was said to have very strong skin as well as muscles making it hard and nearly impossible to cut. The neck was where it was where it's skin was the softest as well as closest to the neck bone. By hitting it in that area with enough force, one could easily break its neck. Licking her lips, the two encircled one another, and at the sound of a twig breaking a battle ensued.

After a long hour of continuous fighting, she had one the duel with a swift kick to the monsters neck, taking away the creatures life. Once dead, she prayed for it safe journey to the afterlife, even if she had it to thank for the missing fur on her hind legs and a gash on her right arm. After finishing, she began to pull out the dead animal's 3 inch canines and placed them in a satchel made up of leather that she had bought from a human merchant. Now that she had completed this task, she would normally be on her way home, but instead she was caught in an unexpected storm that left her soaking wet.

"First I must find shelter." she told herself, her yellow eyes scanning the area for a cave or large leaf to take cover under. However, she had found none, instead, she had found a little cabin that hid behind a large oak tree. "Why would one build a home out here with all these deadly creatures?" she wondered, but by the time she found it she the rain had already stopped. She could still make it back home without stopping now, but her wet fur and dirt covered feet said otherwise. So pushing her ears down and her cloak over her face, she ran towards the entrance of the cabin and knocked on the door.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" she asked before continuing," I am a traveler in need of shelter for only until I am dry." she stated, rethinking her thoughts about staying there. She knew nothing about the people or creatures that lived here, and for all she could know they could be murderer or some sinner. Well, there wasn't really much of a choice seeing as it was either stay outside with wet fur, or dry inside a nice cabin. It was obvious which one she'd picked.


(I hope this is okay.)
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Kep kept her head low eyes fixed on her target a viper ready to strike, when the teal hair came closer making steady strides her eyes found the rest of Lithes body. Shadowed and silhouetted as it was she could still make out the outline of her moving money bag, Kep was about to fire her arrow when Lithe called out, "Flippy! Come back inside!"

Kep was taken aback, the voice was sweet like honey to her ears and nearly called the beast inside of her the red in her eyes nearly vanishing altogether only to come back in ten fold angered by the fact that anyone could calm her so quickly. Kep fired her arrow hitting Lithe's right arm, the arrow hit sinking deep into her skin, Kep smiled her eyes returning to normal. The bait was set, the mission was successful, Kep was satisfied so she took a few slow steps backward leaning back against the shadow of a tree but instead of touching bark she became consumed in the blackness disappearing into the shadows of the forest.
slimmyjimjim7 said:
Kep kept her head low eyes fixed on her target a viper ready to strike, when the teal hair came closer making steady strides her eyes found the rest of Lithes body. Shadowed and silhouetted as it was she could still make out the outline of her moving money bag, Kep was about to fire her arrow when Lithe called out, "Flippy! Come back inside!"
Kep was taken aback, the voice was sweet like honey to her ears and nearly called the beast inside of her the red in her eyes nearly vanishing altogether only to come back in ten fold angered by the fact that anyone could calm her so quickly. Kep fired her arrow hitting Lithe's right arm, the arrow hit sinking deep into her skin, Kep smiled her eyes returning to normal. The bait was set, the mission was successful, Kep was satisfied so she took a few slow steps backward leaning back against the shadow of a tree but instead of touching bark she became consumed in the blackness disappearing into the shadows of the forest.
Lithe felt pain wring out through her arm, giving a small cry of pain. She stared at the arrow that sunk into her flesh. Her blood sinking from the wound. Lithe grabbed a hold of the arrow, she winced as she touched it. She closed her eyes and tugged it out. She gave another cry. Lithe stared into the darkness, someone else was present. The blood came out of her arm, and she started quietly walking back to the cabin. She needed bandages.
"You hear something?" Tyr said. Then he smelled it, blood, and wet fur. A very odd mix. Heading to the front of the cabin, he sees the beast woman. "Who are you?" he said before realizing one thing. There was no blood on her. "Shit." he said and barged his way past the girl. The girl he just said he would protect was gone, and he could smell blood. "Lithe!" he shouted, drawing his swords. Rain ruins a bowstring.
Beowulf said:
"You hear something?" Tyr said. Then he smelled it, blood, and wet fur. A very odd mix. Heading to the front of the cabin, he sees the beast woman. "Who are you?" he said before realizing one thing. There was no blood on her. "Shit." he said and barged his way past the girl. The girl he just said he would protect was gone, and he could smell blood. "Lithe!" he shouted, drawing his swords. Rain ruins a bowstring.
Lithe faintly heard her name, but she searched for the assailant. She had to find Flippy sometime. She quietly walked back, holding her arm still. It stung, and she held back a cry. She didn't want to attract anything to hurt her more. She was angry that she was wounded so easily.
Kep hid high among the tree engulfed in shadows, she hated this part of the job but it was necessary, the arrow was poison tipped and would take a few days to start festering. Kep would wait out those few days until the victm was desperate for a cure, this is when Kep would come in explaining that an antidote would be in store if Lithe followed her back to the city so she would claim the reward. This plan had worked on many occasions but this time the target had companions which would prove difficult in the long run, but for now Kep would wait and watch patient for her moment to strike. She looked down at the princess with cold emotionless eyes she didn't move didn't even breath just watched.
"Lithe." Tyr shouted again. "You have to talk to me." He continued his search, swords at the ready. He heard a twig snap under a careless foot, and instinctively swung his swords in the direction of the noise. And just in time, he stopped them inches from Lithe's neck. Noticing the bleeding arm, a pained look crosses his faces, then a somewhat happier one. "you must get back to the cabin, I have bandages. I will carry you."
Drunk and unaware of anything around him he kept walking, the arrow flew right pest him, yet he did not even flinch just kept walking and walking passing Lithe and Tyr not paying any attention to them, by then his eyes were already closed he was unconscious, all of that is the cause of a simple glass of ale... but he suddenly came to a stop right infront of the entrance collapsing right at Lemia's feet, but as he was falling still unconscious all you could hear was "caaaaakseasfasf."

(sorry it took so long was dead sick past two weeks)
Lithe stared at the arm wound, along with declining the offer of being carried. She gave a small reaffirmation too. Flippy walked right past her, drunk and sleepy. She watched him pass out at another's feet. She gave a slight wince as he hit the ground full force of sleep. She walked along to the cabin.

"It must have been a hunter. I don't believe that I am that hurt now that I took out the arrow."

(Sorry guys, I've been deathly sick!)
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"Not hurt." Tyr said almost sarcastically. "You are bleeding, and it did not go all the way through. You pulling it out made the bleeding worse, and the bounty hunter was either rather far away, or the arrow hit bone to stop from going all the way through." As he spoke, he rummaged around in his pack for bandages, and also kept an eye on the little rabbit girl. They weren't often harmful, but you never knew. "And there may have been poison on the arrow. I do not know all the poisons in the world, but I know some."
Lemia Delphine

Barbaric. That was the first word that came to mind when she saw the rush of creatures, human or other, moving towards the injured women in the front. At this time she had decided to take a seat next to the unconscious imp ,or what she thought was an imp, next to her, covering her nose from the scent of apparent alcohol that seeped from the the gray imp's mouth. Would it be a great idea to wait? With the rain having gone it would be possible to make the trip back, and from the looks her current company she doubted if she wanted to stay any longer. There was a large centaur who stood near the injured human woman, a drunk imp, and an unearthly being that she had no clue of. Demon perhaps, but deciphering her race would not be very beneficial so she didn't worry too much about it.

"Human are such harmful creatures." she mumbled, the smell of blood mixing and mingling with the smell of alcohol. Disgusting. Squeezing her nose tighter, Lemia listened in on the centaurs comment on how the arrow could be poison. If her senses were correct, which they were rarely ever wrong, the arrowhead was not poisoned and if it were than it would be one with an undetectable odor. If it was the latter than it be no use trying to figure out the antidote seeing that one would be incapable of figuring out which one it was. Releasing her snout, the Lapin opened her mouth only to quickly close it, her mind questioning whether it be a good idea to tell them. Really, if she told them then she would be involved in whatever situations they were currently going through, but if she didn't she would most likely be forced to walk home through the mud which was not a very pleasing idea. The centaurian male proved her second thought of them not letting her take refuge in the hut with an intense glare coming from the side. What a mess. Rethinking her options, maybe it wouldn't be all that bad to give them a little help. It could most definitely boost her chances of being allowed to stay here, and who's to say that she would be dragged into this just by helping. The idea seemed plausible, but it was still that urking feeling that reminded her that humans weren't a very reasonable species.

Opening her mouth once more, she spoke," There is no poison in that arrowhead. Well, none that I can smell anyway." She stood up from her makeshift chair and slowly walked in their direction, making sure to stop at a safe distance. Any closer would provoke a fight between her and what she had now believe to be the woman's guard, and having already fought the Grand Leopard she was in no condition to take on another battle.

"You don't have to trust me. You can go ahead and waste your time in this desolate forest looking for herbs that don't exist for an unknown poison. Your choice." she said harshly, simply stating the facts. In this forest, there was not a great deals of herbs that grow around this region and for those that did grow, she doubted her attacker (if they've done their research) would go about shooting targets with poison with cures in the area. Well, it wouldn't be totally unexpected, humans were quite lazy from the many she's seen. Scanning the people around her, she noticed that most of them, except for the imp, were quite well equipped and from their muscles she could see they were highly skill with whatever weapon they decided to wield. Once she had satisfied her curiosity, she turned back to the being with what only seemed death on his mind. Lemia didn't know to many centaurs, but from the one she did encounter, there were none she wished to meet again. The quadruped half human half horse people were extremely arrogant, seeing other races as lower beings. Somewhat like misshapen elves, except elves were more dignified with it while the centaurs were rougher, but annoying none the less. Smiling sweetly, she attempted to calm the other, assuring she didn't mean him or anyone of his friends harm. The last thing she needed was a fight with a brute right now.

Lithe winced a but at the wound, but she began to pick the bandages, she held her arm out to get them on. She stared at her own blood. Chuckling a bit at the thought that Ophelia would do anything. All they could still do was head to Tai-Ming. It would not take two days if they kept moving.

"So what is your name? I will tell you mine, if you tell me yours." She inquired to Lemia.

She walked towards Lemia, and stared at her. She was curious, and wanted to know the stranger.
Alarus had been running around the forest. He sensed something, something powerful. He thought to himself Another vision...It'll probably be silly again...Something nonsensical. He looked at the large trees that stretched upward, trying to take note of where he was in case he had to backtrack his steps. This was the first vision in weeks of journeying, the past impulses had previously fallen whenever he got near, but this one was strong...It was powerful and it pleased him. The visions felt glorious as they teased him to move closer. He payed no mind to the rain that was dancing upon his body, leaving him rather drenched. There was no time to think about any of this...Only the vision. He kept running as more thoughts came What if it's not. What if my vision is serious this time...Will I see the girl with the crown...What if she's near. He shunned this thought away and disciplined them away. His mother always taught him to restrict himself. She taught him that there was simply no way of being a good oracle if he was expecting always the best results. He knew this to be true from past experiences of chasing visions.

Suddenly while running his body shook violently...It was clear the vision wasn't going to be a good one. He felt emotions...Someone's past was filled with them. This felt like his original one, the bloodied crown. The little girl...He could feel all of it again, he could feel his throat scratching. He fell to his knees in pain as he could feel as if poison had settled into his body. He was feeling it vicariously, a vision...He thought Oh no...It has begun, in a place like this...Whatever is the catalyst to this must be near. His eyes closed as his body fell onto the ground.

He saw something strange, a figure...An older girl alongside the young girl. The young girl was necrotic, she had the bloodied crown in her hand. Alarus examined her body, it was strange. Maggots had swarmed the young girl, her skin was pale and bags were layered under her eyes. In the far distance Alarus could see a last figure, the youngest of the girls. Alone in the corner, away from them. The girl wielding the crown placed it on top of the older girl's head, bloodied and all. The blood dripped onto the older girl's head as the other girl began to decompose. Her body was disappearing, fading into nothingness. Alarus watched as he soon woke from the vision.

He looked around the forest, he had never gotten anything about the original vision. Nothing this strong nor direct, he didn't know what it meant still. But he had ideas as he thought to himself A bloodied crown? A younger girl placing it on an older one...There are so many ways this may go. But none of which are good. He was breathing heavily and was too weak to move hastily. He slowly got up and sluggishly walked around for a bit until he heard people talking. Upon this sound he detoured and hid in the nearby trees, although his hoarse sounds could easily give him away. He couldn't get a good look at anyone in the group, nor could he sense any visions to guide his way. All he knew was more details about the original one, still nothing to move him onto his journey.
Tyr did not trus the smile the beastling gave him. But it did prove a rather good point. "Let us go. There is nothing more to be done." He made as if to leave without them, hoping that the princess would follow him. Two guards were certainly better then one. And he knew who she was and where she was going. Holefully that fact alone would make her keep up with him. "The beastman can follow if she wishes. And someone pick up that imp. We might as well spare the resident of this place a pest."
Lithe quickly grabbed Flippy, hoisting him up. She was going to carry the imp. Along with following Tyr. She motioned for the bunny to follow her. She was not to breath in Flippy's alcoholic breath. It made her almost laugh to think about how Flippy was when he was drunk. They started walking.

"Do you think that there was poison in the arrow?" She asked.

The teal haired girl had to prepare herself if she was going to die. She at least needed to make it to Tai-Ming. Then perhaps she could die.
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Flippy was starting to wake up when he was lifted up on Lithe's back, still somewhat dizzy he felt something, a feeling he haven't felt for a long time it was a warmth, the warmth of care, last time he felt it, it was at his last moments with his teacher his mentor his... adoptive father Cimeies.

He looked around and saw a beastling following the group, he was filled with joy he always loved big company and he has traveled with other "party's" before but misfortune would come upon them one after another, for some would die or try to sell him since an unidentified creature is worth a lot to some, he was also wary to join with Lithe but there was something about her calming he could not explain it, it was drawing him to her, and so he kept looking around seeing the rest of the group and Gillio circling above him.

in a long time he was finally happy, happy with his new company happy with himself, yet all this happiness became worry whe he heard Lithe talk about a poisoned arrow, he looked at Lithe and saw a wound, her arm was bandaged but you could still see the crimson red blood peeking through them, now he was ashamed he jumped off of Lithe yelling "whats going on?! what happened?!, what is this talk about poison?! where did that wound come from?!, did you test it for poison!!, you there you're a beastling a Lapin Clansman your nose is damn better the dogma clan, cant you smell anything!!" he was freaking out ecstatic and the thing that scared him most is the reason for it, why, why did he care so much for this one girl he met not to long ago why did he care.
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Alarus' eyes widened as he saw the teal hair...The hair...It's similar to the other girls, but her features are not exact...No, it may never be exact. The strings of fate have given me this vision near her. My journey starts now. He opened his satchel and took out a canteen of water along with some bandages. He thought to himself Alright...How will I do this. I can't come off as threatening. I'll keep my powers a secret and just pretend to be an adventurer. He got up from the bushes, the leaves rustling and giving his position away. He walked towards the open field which the people were standing. Alarus placed his hands up, revealing in his hands that he had bandages in one hand and a canteen in the other.

He looked into her eyes intensely, studying her features for a few moments. Awkwardly and a bit shocked he was. He couldn't get over it So similar...Yet not exact. He said "Poison or no poison...The best route is to clean the wound. The rain won't help with that." He put his bandages back in his back to prevent them from getting soaked. He took a few steps forward to hand her the canteen saying "There's a tavern nearby...Of that I'm sure, an Adventurer's one. If you need to, you may stop there and let yourself heal."

He then eyed the large group, none of them looked familiar...The different races all together in one area, this was truly a rare sight. He said "My dear, you must trust me. If that wound gets infected, poison isn't the only thing you'll be thinking about." He nodded and then moved a few more steps toward her continuing by saying "Most bar-mistresses know the common first aid when they live out in the forests. They're used to treating adventurers. She may recognize if its poisonous or not, if you do not believe your furry friend."
Lithe was startled by the man that approached her so casually. She took a step back. She dropped Flippy onto his feet, since he was capable of walking. Wary of the help he was offering her, they made eye contact. His intensity was a bit startling, but she stared back.

He studied her, which alarmed her a bit. She could tell he had seen her from somewhere. The real haired girl cautiously grabbed the canteen.

"Who are you?" She asked.

It would have been a lie if she didn't say she was curious. It was what was going to kill her one day. She had too many questions that weren't going to be answered. The last time she put her guard down, she received an arrow in her arm.

"Have we met?"
He allowed her to take as step back, not mimicking her. He continued by saying "You shouldn't let the rain hit the injury...The water isn't clean." He studied her body again, he couldn't believe the similarities. He thought to himself I can't tell her I'm an oracle...Her reaction may not be the best. The greatest course of action will be to wait for a sign were I'll be able to. He said "No we have not met...But we have now." He let out a large smile and said "You don't have to trust me, but at least allow me to help you. I don't want you to die now."

He looked west and pointed saying "There...A tavern lays not too far." He whistled as he said "I abandoned my horse around that distance...It's not far. I had to--" He paused and thought That was close...I almost revealed myself. I must think lucidly if I want to stay alive. "Well...I heard your screams I felt the need to help." He scratched the back of his head and continued by jokingly saying "Don't worry...I don't have the capability to kill..I'm pretty weak, and even with your injury you could probably take me".
She was still injured, but she decided to trust him. Lithe stepped forward to him. She wasn't sure, but she spoke.

"We can fix it when we get to the tavern. For now, let's get out of the rain."
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