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Fantasy The Reclaiming

Tyr kept running. Archers could easily be watching from the walls, and they were well withing shot for most bows. So on he ran, following the road. He could move much faster on a road, didn't risk breaking a leg and his neck from a hidden hole and a tumble.

The beggars were left far behind, and his load was beginning to grow heavy. Slowing down, he says "Can you walk?"

(Sorry it's so short. Couldn't think of anything but wanted to get a post up.)
Flippy brushed Lithe's hand aside and peeked at the crowd of beggars "whoops my bad" in a moment the centaur picked up the wounded rugged soldier and Lithe and making a mad dash towards the gates, "ill be coming for that candy you promised" he shouted before running into the crowd smiling and laughing, almost like he's mad straight out of his mind, Flippy jumped up and down and all the way around while releasing small ball like objects,

an explosion over there a flash in the other direction smoke fire a green cloud falling from the sky a straight chaos, Flippy turned around and he saw the bunch running out the gates leaving him behind as he was about to teleport out but the gates closed shut, since it was not a grated gate he could not teleport through but it was so quick he could not stop, he crushed at the gate bringing him to a stop, dizzy he had to act fast as the armed peasants and some soldiers were closing up on him, he looked up and just barely saw the top, he teleported half blinded hoping he can grab hold to something, he caught to the edge of the wall, arrows flying his way he suddenly feels a sting in his left butt cheek quickly climbing over and jumping towards the way the group was last seen going.
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The door to the local pub was swung open as the bartender threw out a yet another pile of garbage this one in the form of a small gangly looking creature that fumbled backward into the dirt limps flying every which way. Kep barely caught her balance as she struggled to a standing position making a lazy swipe and the burly man not listening to what the burly man was yelling at her, instead trying to get her eyes to focus as she stared at the ground blinking a few times before her eyes adjusted to the light. The bartender gave up on the woman returning to his bar as slamming the door behind her, Kep took another swig from the bottle of alcohol, the one she had stolen to get her in this position, and downed the rest of its' contents letting the numbness wash over her, when she had finished she threw the bottle at the ground watching the shards of glass fly everywhere.

Something caught her eye and she looked up to see a poster trying to make out the face and words, after a minute she recognized one of the princesses faces swaying backwards as she read the words, "woah....treason and *hic* and murder." but when she saw that 500,000 gold coin reward it was all the motivation she needed and she took out a small vile from one of her pockets filled with some sort of liquid, a potion that was supposed to create the feeling of being sober and generate alertness. Kep uncorked the bottle downing the potion but immediately spat it out gagging and weezing trying to get the taste out of her mouth, "VINEGAR!?" She smashed the vile where the first bottles remains still lay furious at her foolishness. "That's the last time I buy anything from a dwarf." She cursed and muttered under her breath as she tore down the poster from its position rolling it up to save for later, still spitting and the ground and running her tongue on the back of her hand trying in vain to get the taste of vinegar out of her mouth.

Just as Kep was finishing rolling up the poster in a half bent over position spitting once again at the ground she looked up to see a large figure rushing by to make its way towards the gate she stared at it for a long time eyes half closed not paying attention as a mob of citizens rushed by. She made a quick sniff, a slow blink and another spit before jerking awake, "Teal hair!" It was undeniable the centaur had been carrying a girl with teal hair, she stuffed the poster into her quiver of arrows before jogging after them paying off the guard to let her through the gate and she was on her sloppy, slow, drunken way.
Lithe felt herself recovering. She weakly opened her eyes, feeling a bit exhausted still. Her head throbbed, almost achingly. She found herself laying on some type of wood. She tried to sit up, the first time it was difficult. She had to worry if she was captured to turned in. She heard a voice, it was almost as if they were speaking on her condition. Perhaps she wasn't captured, maybe just recuperating.

She felt her body get up, and stared around. It was almost a house-like building. She weakly stood up, and felt herself search around the building. Grabbing a hold of items that were on a dresser, there were small items. A handheld mirror, brushes, and paint-like makeup. Lithe grasped the mirror, staring at it. She stared at herself, the sleep had done her some good. There were no exhaustion lines on her face.

"Hello?" She asked.

"I see that you're awake." A voice spoke.

It startled all the a bit, and she dropped the mirror back into its place. She felt herself fight back a blush. She might have been tired for she didn't recognize them yet.
"I see that you're awake." Flippy said in a deep voice... well as deep as he could, he then could not hold it in anymore bursting into laughter, "hahah, oh man that sure got you, come on its me, you still owe me that candy remember without me you guys would have never got out of there alive, although i was the one who brought them to you, ahhh whatever lets not stick to the little details" Flippy started wandering around the room

"anyway i found you guys wandering in the woods, i told that centaur guy to follow me" he then whispered "he is NOT nice! i asked if i could ride him and he just yelled at me" he then proceed to jump on the bed up and down up and down... "you know, you owe me i paid this hunter one of my diamonds from my gloves to give us the hut for couple of days, but then i gave him another one since they weren't symmetrical" all this time he was grinning and eating something from a bag, "oh hey i know you owe me a candy but ill let it slide, you want some" he extends his hand offering her something "these are sugar sweets the hunter was really nice and gave them to me."
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Lithe watched as Flippy happily came into the room. She was a bit surprised that he was here. She was also curious to how he was here. He explained that he gave a hunter a Diamond. This the hunter left. She watched him bounce on the bed, he was quite cheery. Child-like almost.

He offered her some candy, telling her that she wouldn't be owing him candy for now.

She took one and looked at it, she placed it in her pocket and gave Flippy a good smile.

"How did you find us so easily?" She asked.

(I am so sorry I haven't been on. I had exams and I'm mentally exhausted. @Adoks )

"A centaur is not easy to follow, but incredibly easy to find. Well, one is easy to follow if you can appear in it's back." That little thing called Flippy had been on his back when he asked for ride. Didn't it know that no one rode a centaur.

"But, he lead us to here. Guess we owe it thanks for that. The lizardmen were uncalled for, however. So, he will not be getting from me." After saying this, he stuck his front half into the room, leaving some room for someone to enter if they tried. "And there is the matter of you having a large bounty on you, set by your own sister."
(before Tyr barged in)

confused, i was wondering why'd she didn't ate the candy they were really good for simple sugar (caramel :) , when she asked how i found them, all i said was "oh man that was not easy, after i pulled out that arrow... from my shoulder" he said scratching his butt "well i jumped down and they were just opening the gates" he grumbled "freaking gates.." and focused right back "I saw the hoof marks from the meanie, boy he was running wild those marks almost sunk into bedrock, i just followed them i caught up quite fast, oh i even stopped to cover his tracks..." he then whispered "i blame him it was all his fault, but don't tell him i said that, i.. i still want to ride him" he giggled with a smug face.

but as soon as the centaur came i freaked out and hid behind Lithe only peeking at him with weird looks.
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Faris was leaning on the wall outside of the room listing to the conversation. Then after the centaur raised the bounty issue Faris squeezed in the room through the gap the centaur left and said “I guess the question now is what each of us going to do, the way I see it there three options right now. One we decide to stay with Lithe and help her…. In whatever she is trying to do. Two we leave telling no one about Lithe and just carry in our own life’s like nothing happened. And three we try to capture Lithe and get the bounty.” Faris looked around the room “I personally chose the first option I own Lithe my life and until that debt is paid I will go with her, which also means if any of you” Faris moved further in side then turned around and gazed at the centaur while holding his sword with his right hand ready to unsheathe it if needed “Decided to choose the third options we will have to fight” Faris doubted the little childlike creature will try to capture Lithe, he gave Faris a diamond because it wasn’t shinny enough. The creature clearly didn’t care about money so Faris didn’t even bother looking at him.
"And I have two options." Tyr said, resting his hand on his own sword. "It's either kill you, and take her to her sister and get paid that way. Or, I can go with her, and she can pay me." Here, he let go of his sword, and lowered his hand to his side.

"Honestly, I prefer to not even try and kill you, bad luck to kill a mercenary before getting paid. After getting paid, you threw your lot in with that group and deserve what you get. And I have already been paid by her. We are on the same side this time."
Faris let go of his sword “I never heard of that superstition” Faris said while laughing. “Well to be honest I usually have a pretty clear idea whether I will win a fight or not, but honestly I have no idea who will win if I fight against you. My wound already pretty much healed so I won’t be in a big disadvantage but I just can’t tell which of us is stronger. Kind of makes me want to fight you, just to see who is stronger, but not here nor now and preferably not a real fight to the death, but one day I do want to fight you.” Faris was getting excited just thinking about fighting the centaur, Faris could tell the centaur was a good fighter but he couldn’t tell just how much of a good figther. Faris eased up and sat on a chair in the room then leaned so the chair was resting on two legs instead of four "so now we all decided we are on the same team” Then Fairs remembered Flippy “Well now that most of us decided we are on the same team, what are we going to do now.”
Flippy came upfront giggling "HA!, first of all you guy don't have any options, well not logical ones all of you were seen by so many people, i bet all of us are already on a wanted poster with her, and second you guys don't stand a chance against me" he said while crossing his hands and moving his head back, like he was looking down on them "neither of you will be able to catch me and i have YEARS, of experience, back from when any of you were even born." he said without thinking, and then it hit him... that he probably should have not antagonized them, he liked them he didn't want to kill any of them, so he quickly changed the subject "ha..haha well any way i'm joining you for fun, and i have a score to settle with her sister".
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Somewhere a long ways from the cabin, laying face down in the dirt, was the very bounty hunter that had set out to find them the night before. She had been laying there a few feet from a grand oak tree she had her bow held by the string in one hand and an arrow in the other as if she had been preparing to shoot. The seemingly lifeless body stirred then bolted upright taking in a huge gasp of air, Kep looked around mouth forming into a tight frown, her hood had fallen down in the middle of the night so she pulled it back up over her head noticing that there was a puddle of vomit a few feet back and the city walls were still in sight. Great. Kep figured that she had passed out just after leaving the city but her prey couldn't be too far ahead so she but the arrow back its quiver and grabbed the bow by its handle taking off in the direction away from where she had come from, into the forest.
Lithe tried to calm them all with trying to butt in. Faris was eager to fight, and she was almost scared that he would. She was challenged by the fact that the Tyr and Faris were getting a bit antagonized. Flippy put in an input, she was hoping that they all would be okay. She stared at them all arguing. She finally spoke.

"I believe I owe you all an explanation."

Lithe was at a loss of how to explain it. She wasn't used to explaining why her sister was trying to have her pushing up daisies. She waited for theme to get ready to listen.

"I'm being framed by my own sister, she wants the throne."
Faris waited a few seconds and once he realized Lithe weren’t about to continue he said “Really that’s your big explanation? I figured that out the second I realized you are a princess. Hell this is such a cliché situation a six years old would have figured it out after reading two bed time stories” Faris laughed again then calming himself down he continued “No the explanation you owe us is, how you managed to escape and far more importantly what are you going to do now or to be more accurate what are WE going to do now since what Flippy said is right, even if one of us wants to walk away it probably too late for that now” Faris stood up and stretched. Whatever Lithe's plan was they shouldn’t stay in the hunter’s hut for long, the hunter might be on his way to call the guards from the city after all a lizard childlike creature paying you a diamond to stay in your hut is suspicions as hell.
Kep sauntered her way through the forest stumbling over her own feet as she went, still suffering from a massive hangover due to last nights events. Kep had a throbbing headache and the light was burning her eyes and she nearly fell over every couple of feet, she almost gave up a couple of times but then she thought of the reward and it kept her going. She could use the money and she wasn't about to have her own bad habits get in the way, Kep leaned down scratching the ground with her hand licking her fingertips, the taste was faint but lingering. Her pace quickened and she crouched lower moving through the trees like a shadow making her way towards a familiar scent.
Lithe felt guilty. She was at a loss to explain it. She took in a deep breath.

"Ophelia was not in line for the throne. She grew angry and attempted to kill all that threatened her. My sister Minevra, she was blind sighted and fell to her manipulation."

Lithe felt it a bit hard to tell the story, but she took in another deep breath.

"Minevra fell into a deep comatose state, and she will not wake up to anything. Unless I can convince or defeat my sister, she will be released. I am planning to head to the Kingdom of Sinari and Tai-Ming. I am traveling there, and if you accompany me. Be fair warned. There will be danger, and consequences. I will plan to train to defeat Ophelia."

Lithe waited for their responses, she wasn't used to eyes staring at her. They were making conclusions of her situation.
Faris could tell it was hard for Lithe to tell the story, so while Lithe was telling it Faris searched the cabins for some drinks. He found a bottle of mead not his favorite but it will do. He grabbed three cups then looked at the group and grabbed another one he poured the mead to the cups and gave one to Lithe, one to Tyr and one to Flippy as he gave the cup to Flippy he said “I have no idea if you drink alcohol, so if you don’t just put it on the table or something” Then grabbed his own cup and drank the mead in it.

After Lithe finished telling her story and plan Faris said “I would recommend to try and get an army as well, even if you prefer to end it with a small group that infiltrates into the castle. An army would help to quiet down any rebellious acts by your sisters followers if we do end up killing her.” Pouring more mead to his cup he continued “Also are you sure Sinari and Tai-Ming will help you? Your sister might have already convinced them to join her as the righteous ruler.” Then finishing his drink he leaned on the cabins and waited for the group’s respond.
"An army of farmers." Tyr interjected. "With the two kings she could hint at marrying them if they helped. Polotics decree that they must jump on the opportunity. I am sure many queens have done the same thing in the past."

He didn't say this to be mean. Lithe's sister had a well trained army, ready to do her bidding and money to buy mercenary bands. Them, against barely trained and poorly equiped farmers would prove to be a slaughter. With the two kings, she could play them iff each other for large armies to over throw her sister. And she could continue to do so once she secured her throne, all the while building up her own armies. Perhaps they would fight each other, men became foolish when it came to women. 'I should know.' he thought, taking a long drink from his mug.
Lithe cringed at the word marriage. That would be her last resort. She didn't think about the whole idea of it all. She shook the thought out of her head. All she thought about was Ophelia and Minevra. She knew that Ophelia could easily dispose of her if she charged head in. Ophelia was cunning, but if Lithe wanted to defeat her sister. She would have to be ruthless in claiming the throne.

"Ophelia has only one thing she likes to do. She'll do something by herself. She's sadistic, I've known this since we were younger."

Lithe felt herself shudder at the thought of what Ophelia had done. She felt the memories of the palace rushing to her. She hid her thoughts and would discuss them later.

"How I escaped the Palace wasn't simple. The palace was destroyed by blood demons, horrifying things that slaughtered many heirs to the throne. I noticed that they were not attacking Ophelia. I saw her escape somewhere, and I followed my sister. I thought she was leading me to safety. It was when I had found that she had entered Minevra's room. Minevra took a drink of something that Ophelia had. Minevra then collapsed onto the floor. Ophelia turned to see that I had watched her poison her," Lithe took a deep breath inside, "with that, I ran. She said something in a language I had never heard before. The creatures had decided to chase after me. Many of the servants helped me escape, but many had their lives taken away protecting me. My ladies-in-waiting were killed, my best friends were murdered by someone who had thought little of their lives. Many of the servants that were left, they gave me new clothes, and smuggled me out of the palace. Hence when Ophelia found I was alive, she took advantage of me not being known and framed me as a delinquent running from the law. That's why I need to head to Tai-Ming and Sinari. Sinari will be easy, I am great friends with their Prince, we have known each other since we were children."

Lithe waltzed over to her bag, she pulled her map out. Tracing the lines of each and every trail.

"Tai-Ming is in the mountains, as to where Sinari is in the desert. I figured that Tai-Ming is closer, and we may train there. They have a more skilled army, smaller but better skilled. Sinari is also a very rich community."
Flippy actually liked alcohol it made him feel funny, he chugged the cup in one sip and jumped on the bottle only to see that Faris already drank it all, he had no real tolerance, one glass was enough to get him drunk, all he could yap out was "why not... *HICK* why not pay them off, oh and the Tai-Ming fellas don't like me that much" he them mumbled something and jumped out of the window.

from outside the window he shouted "ill take a walk, be back soon." after a while of walking and swinging from side to side off trail he stumbled upon a girl, also seems to be not in her best condition, he stared at her for a while and spurt out "gotanybooze... orcandy, *HICK*".
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Faris sympathized with Lithe’s story you could tell she was through a lot and nodded as she explained where they were going. Then watched as Flippy made a scene and laughed as the creature jumped out of the widow drunk after only drinking one cup of mead.

“I grew up just outside of the borders of Sinari what you might call the tribes land, Sinari is mostly a trade state. My tribe used to trade with Sinari merchants all the time, if you indeed can get Sinari on your side you can not only use their army but also use their money to pay for more mercenaries and spies, both would be very helpful. But I doubt they are going to help you just because you are friends with the prince. You will have to offer something in return” Faris rubbed his chin thinking then said “Just like Tyr said marriage is probably your easiest and fastest way to gain their help, but if you can give them something else they equal in value they would still help you out they are merchants after all.”

Faris didn’t like the idea that Lithe will offer herself for marriage to gain an army, he didn’t really know why maybe a small part of him hoped he had a chance with her. But when he thought about it he just laughed, there is no way a princess will even think of a mercenary from a distance tribe in the desert as a suitable mate. Faris continued “As for Tai-Ming… well I never been there so I guess you know better than me.”
Kep had been moving at her quickened pace for over a few minutes when she started to slow down, carefully reaching over her shoulder to pull one of the arrows from the quiver loving the sound of wood running along leather. the forest was quiet but she could smell figures near by but was quite sure how far away they were and was about to in hail when suddenly a voice speak, "gotanybooze... orcandy, *HICK*"

Her body jolted setting the arrow on the bow aiming it at the voice in one inhumanly quick movement, eyes burning with hatred but her stance softened when she saw how small the foe was. Though she cursed herself for letting anything creep up on her, she couldn't help but feel relieved that it wasn't one of the voices. Her shoulders sagged and she dropped her arrow point at the ground letting out sigh, "no, I don't have either of those things but I sure could go for some breakfast."

She could feel her hangover slowly slipping away and her body was going back into its old habits and growing to her natural strength. And though she had her arrow pointed at the ground Keps grip on the sting was taught ready to strike if need be.
"no, I don't have either of those things but I sure could go for some breakfast."

"beakfast... i don have any beakfast, all i have is Gillio"
he said as his small bird companion came down barring a, ring of sorts "whatchu got there Gillio, he..hehe shiny, but you can't eat him!, he's mine... friend" he then stopped almost falling asleep "i think we have beakfast in the cabin..." still half asleep he turned around almost completely ignoring her as he starts wobbling back towards the cabin, mumbling "beakfast" the whole way.
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Lithe watched as Flippy grew drunk, giving a small smile at him. He could not handle his mead well. She watched as he slurred that he was going for a walk. She looked on and watched him.

"Don't worry, Axel wouldn't ask for anything unreasonable. I know he wouldn't. He's a good person." Lithe stated.

Lithe traced the lines, she noted towns that would help them along for food and resources. There were only two in the forest. She felt a small sense of security with the map she had. It was enchanted, you would speak the destination, and it would route it.

"This map will take us there, we have a few towns to make it to. We can restock there. Tai-Ming is going to listen, they owe it to me."

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