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Fantasy The Reckoning

Mason laughed at her choice of words "When you say it like that I sound like an asshole." Mason did kind of find his description of it synonymous with Kira's adaption of his condition. He did kind of feel like he was in the body of someone else, yet looking as someone piloted him. He wasn't about to get into pretentious metaphysical psychology about his situation. The most he could say was he felt uncomfortable in his own skin, thought perhaps that was just cause he was on fire about seven hours ago.

A cold hand landed on her shoulder causing him to shiver. Looking back he saw that it was Kira slowly moving the damp cloth down his wound. It felt strange, he hadn't had someone attend to him like he needed to be looked after in a while, even his parents recognized him as an adult and found not reason to coddle him. It was nice to return to something basic for a moment, it was made all the better now that he knew Kira couldn't possibly be mad at him anymore if she was helping him out. "If you're really sorry how about we start getting out of here." He turned his head around enough to flash her a smile. "And this time lets try to stay there, please Kira, if you want to be the leader you can't run out on us, not like I'll let you but you know."
Kira looked up at him, smiling. "Excuse you, but would you rather me throw a lamp at your head or go for a walk? I was coming back. I didn't really mean to shift. Besides, we need to get home. I'm tired and it's getting dark," she threw the bloody towels away, not finding it in herself to carry them for so long. She wanted to take Mason's hand but realized he might still be a bit tender about her yelling at him. "You need to get those looked at. You don't heal like me and they're too close to your spine for comfort," she bit her lip.

It was a long way there but walking would be nice. Some fresh air and time to talk to Mason would be useful. It'd been so long since they had a one on one talk. Even before the apocolapse. Maybe he was still shy about his past feelings towards her or maybe because she was either working or hanging with the whole gang, she didn't know.
"Eh, they actually don't hurt that bad...why are they bad?" Mason in truth was not in the amount of crippling pain he should be in, he seemed oblivious to how bad they actually were. "I'll suit up with some bandages when we get back it shouldn't be too bad if I can't even feel them." He didn't feel too worried about his wounds as at the least he can feel their general condition, if he would need stitches it was a god thing the manor had it's own hospital. He really had to thank Mr.Pierce someday about literally thinking of everything.

Mason would be more than willing to entertain Kira with conversation as if the outbreak hadn't just happened all around them. It was relaxing despite the knowledge that they just killed a monster still fresh in his memory. It took his mind off his troubles which was the most he could ask for. They came up to the manor just before night had started to cascade around the far end of the sky.
Kira rambled on and on. She tried to make it up to him by being nice and...well, the old Kira. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine Mason's goofy hair and stupid shirts. At one point, tears formed at the loose of her friend. Yet, he was still here. Just a bit different. "Mace, you should've let me tackle the thing. I could've been all healed up by now. I hate that you're still bleeding," she sighed, stuffing her hands in her pockets. "I'm...tired," she grumbled, rubbing her eyes. "I've never wanted to sleep so early so much," she blinked.
"It took both of us to beat it and I wasn't about to leave you behind with a monster, what kind of friend would I be?" He said nudging her shoulder with a light push of his elbow. "Besides, I think I kicked some ass, better me than you." Mason understood that he might not have the sort of accelerated healing Kira now possessed yet his mind still told him to defend her as if she didn't. He didn't see a different Kira in front of him, just Kira with a different paint job. Underneath that she was still the sweet and incredibly stubborn girl.

(Sorry for the short post, don't have much to work with. About to head to bed.)
StoneWolf18 said:
Dysis, after collecting herself, swam over to the side where her brother sat. "Um, Dust. We have a small problem" it had to be extremely 'slapping you in the face' obvious to what that problem was. Yesterday she wouldn't have even thought of being confined to a body of water, let alone a pool in someone's backyard. Hell, Dysis would have laughed and told you that you should go get your mental state checked. She focused her sight downward, as to avoid Aron's gaze.
Dust scooted over to Dysis near the pool. He saw exactly what the problem was. It didn't apply to him apparently but Dysis was now confined to water... almost as if she were confined to a wheelchair. Dust's gaze fell for a moment. He looked up. "Maybe... if you drink a lot of water? Or... if it was raining?" Dust said, trying to think of possible solutions. He didn't want to watch his sister live in a pool all her life. His thoughts drifted to SpongeBob, one of his favorite, and possibly hers too, childhood cartoons. How SpongeBob had to wear a bowl of water over his head whenever he visited Sandy. Dust shoved those thoughts aside. He put a hand on her shoulder and kissed her forehead. "Every problem has a solution... and I'll find it no matter what, kay sis? I'll figure it out," he told her, assuringly. Dust turned and looked inside the house, wondering if it was safe to go in without getting jumped on. @StoneWolf18
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Kira shrugged and looked at him, knowing she'd push him a little too far if she shoved him back. "Aww, hush. I did most of the work!" she laughed then looked back to him, an incredulous look in her eyes. "Why the hell did you fall with it? You could've dropped it on its ass and I would've been able to kill it. Why did you slam yourself on the ground with it?" she cocked her head, still confused about it. Of course, it being Mason, he'll most likely shrug and laugh with an 'I don't know'. That was her Mason.

She blushed just a bit, realizing what she said. Mason was...he was able to have anyone now. Especially with his new powers. She could feel it when she thought about it, the hazy dreamy state when she thought of him. But she was able to shake it off. Any girl would fall head over heels for him. Mason wasn't a little puppy dog who had a crush on her. No, he's...grown past her. It kind of hurt, in it's own way.
Mimi sighed appreciatively, her muscles relaxing under Aero’s ministrations. Though Mimi’s power was to heal almost instantly, it seemed that Aero was able to do her own form of healing, just through touch and being close. Slowly Mimi turned over her left arm, pointing to two puncture wounds that were barely visible. “I apparently heal myself, if I am not currently healing anyone else. They’re almost gone now.”

Though most of Mimi’s attention was still fixed on the woman in front of her, she began to pick up bits and pieces of another conversation. It seemed one of the young men Mimi hadn’t met before was awake. She began to look at him closely through quick, inconspicuous glances, trying to figure out if this was the Leo Aero had been talking about or not. While doing this, Mimi noticed the woman rummaging for snacks and lying them out on the counter. “Aero, my beautiful woman!” She stood up, immediately grasping the darker skinned woman’s hand with her fair one. Mimi looked down at their clasped hands, seeming to just notice her subconscious gesture, glancing up to look in to the other woman’s eyes for a moment. “It seems sugar is being both offered and encouraged!”

Max was about to respond when the batch of gummy bears decided to make a reappearance. He spun around, just barely making it to the trash bin. After emptying the contents of his stomach, Max slumped on the ground, shaking his head slightly. "I probably should have seen that coming." He sighed, shaking his head slightly. His brain needed a moment to process everything Ellie had just told him. Unfortunately, the process had been interrupted by his body rejecting the candy. Which of all the things that had happened tonight, that had to be the most depressing. Frowning slightly, Max shakily pushing himself to his feet. That was nothing short of embarrassing. He let out a slight sigh, before turning back to Ellie.

"L, I'm sorry you had to go through that." Max struggled with what to say. He hoped she understood what he was trying to say, even if he couldn't come up with the words. He had never been very good at this sort of thing. You know, it was funny. He had always felt that he had gotten the short end of the stick in life. But things can always be worse. He shook his head slightly. It pissed him to be totally honest, that someone could do that. He wouldn't have blamed Ellie if she was afraid of him.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Max reached back, rubbing the back of his neck. "No, I don't. Believe it or not it's never come up before." He said laughing slightly. At least the had found some amusement in his lame joke. The 'go crazy' part was bothering him the most. Even though he didn't have all the details, it didn't sound like something he wanted to do. Ever.

"Oh my God are you alright?" Ellie asked wanting to do something to help. So he was definitely a vampire then if he could no longer stomach regular food. It will be okay though she mentally told herself it's Max he's not going to hurt anyone.

"It's okay, I'm alright now," she said putting her hoodie back on. L knew it was hard for anyone to understand what had happened especially when they were all just trying to figure themselves out. "I can't leave this place now, it's not safe out there... but I feel safe in here," she told him so he would know that she trusted him. She looked into his eyes so he would know she truly meant it.

There was still the matter of blood though, how were they going to get it? What kind did he need? Ellie knew that most vampires could go a little bit in between feedings but with Max just becoming one he would need some blood fairly soon or else things were going to get bad. She didn't want to tell him and scare him but he would need to know eventually. Maybe she would wait until after he feed though and there was no danger of him going into a frenzy. "So I'm not sure where we can get blood around here. If you need animal blood then I guess you could always go into the forest to hunt... If you need human things might be a little more complicated. Oh wait your sense of smell should be much better now. Umm.. does anything smell good to you right now? I don't think anyone is currently an animal so if anyone smells good maybe you need human blood and if you don't think anyone smells... appealing then you need animal blood?" She wasn't sure it would work but it might be worth a try.
"What?" Mason sported faux offense as Kira claimed she'd contributed the most to their victory. "You needed me there don't even front, you ain't got wings, and you ain't got thumbs." His thumbs wiggled in her face as he spoke of her inability to grasp onto things properly in her fiercer form. "So you can claw the shit out of a mothafucka, but what happens when you got to pick something up, exactly, you need me baby." He slung his arm over her shoulder casually as if they were just talking about a game Mason insisted they both played evenly. His cheek pressed against the top of head, he was warm to the touch, his blood loss had contributed nothing to his loss of joking vigor. He was still running on 100% Don't give a fuck.

"I don't know." Mason shrugged at her asking of why he chose to cause the beast's plummeting to the earth in the way he did. "I did it cause I thought it'd be cool to do an RKO from fifteen in the air, and it totally was." Mason wouldn't hide his dorky nature even in his leaner, more seductive and tempting form, he was perfectly able to speak as if he weren't a huge nerd but with Kira he didn't care.

Opening the door Mason would smile at the presence of a new arrival. "Mimi, when did you get here?" He said waving to her from outside of the Manor door. "Uh I don't want to track blood inside, mind getting those bandages before we go in?"

@Guardia @Anjehlessa
Kira couldn't help but smile, his side pressing hotly against hers. She could feel his heat even through her shirt. "Gosh, do you ever cool down?" she teased. "You're such a nerd," she smiled up at him, eyes bright. That was one of her favorite traits about him. He wasn't afraid to talk about his likes and dislikes. She loved that. She went to wrap her arm around his back but realized it would probably hurt him and dropped her arm. She blinked, a bit confused as she got to the door. "Mimi? Huh, okay? Are you alright? I know you must've seen something coming here." she blinked with worry, stepping to the little girl.

"Here, hold it," she waved her finger, running downstairs to get Mason some bandages. She also grabbed a towel and some hydrogen peroxide. She came back up, the hospital always freaking her out, and set the stuff on the patio, ready to fix Mason up.
"You're such a nerd"

"You know it." Mason was pleased that Mimi was here but a little concerned that she would have had to see what had happened from the outside. If this were the case from what he was guessing town was like she must have had it worse than them. He unlimbered his arm from around Kira's shoulder as she rushed off to get medical supplies and yet another towel. "Your house is gonna run out of these at some point." He turned around so that his wound may point Kira's way. It was a simple task as his wound was not hard to miss and he had no shirt to get in the way. A curious thing Kira would notice as she inspected the several gashes were that they all seemed to have begun closing. This was evidenced by the fact they not only appeared smaller in comparison to the fresh gashes he'd received when first injured but that they had curious lines along the ends that had begun to close. It appeared as if the wounds were almost being welded shut.

"How's it look Doctor Pierce?" He turned his head as much as he could toward her.
"Its...closing. Not as fast as mine would but you're definitely healing," she nodded. Pressing her hand against the hot skin on his back, she blushed. Mason was shirtless. And he looked hot. This wasn't the mind manipulation coming off of him either. This was Kira thoughts. Clearing her throat, embarrassed at herself she tried to regain her focus. "This might sting," she pressed the towel with hydrogen peroxide on it to his wounds, hoping his wings wouldn't flap out and hit her. That would be no fun.
Mason felt the hydrogen peroxide hit his back and braced from the sting his back flexing in preparation only to culminate in an anti-climax as the sting never came. "This is really weird, it's like my body won't let me feel pain." He fidgeted a bit as he knew that the chemical was meant to burn but to him it merely felt like water being splashed on his back. The idea of being immune to pain sounded great, yet in practice everything that he's been conditioned to know would a elicit a surge of pain for the last nineteen years of his life did nothing more than just feel like it was there.
Blinking, Kira dug her nails into his flexing back muscles, surprised by the reaction. "Hmm...That's new. Feel that?" she smiled, liking the feeling. She knew it was something cats did to release stress but this was a bit different. Was she actually clawing Mason's back? Maybe she actually was under his spell. She had no idea why she was acting like this. "Mace, control your sex drive," she grumbled, pulling away the towel and beginning to wrap his back, moving to his front to wrap around his chest. "I can't focus if I'm staring at your back," she looked up at him.
Max stared at her blankly for a moment, cocking his head slightly to the side. Did anything smell good to him right now? Well, it definitely had earlier. "Yes?" It came out as more of a question than a definite answer. This had to be one of, if not, the most confusing moment in his entire life. "I'm sorry. I really don't know what to say. This is all really weird." After a moment, he nodded. "Yes. or at the very least it definitely did earlier." As reluctant as he was to admit it, human blood had definitely seemed good to him earlier. Max took a deep breath, doing his best to calm himself down. He hated this feeling. The feeling of not being in control of the situation. It was disorienting. He had no idea what he was doing anymore. For someone who has spent there entire life watching over his family. He couldn't help but feel pretty useless in this situation.

This all seemed like a train wreck waiting to happen. The last thing Max wanted to do was hurt one of his friends. If he was dangerous, he didn't want to be anywhere near them.
Ellie took a deep breath, "Okay human blood. It's alright Max we'll figure this out together. You're not alone," she reassured him. Even though she was still human she wouldn't give up on any of her friends, especially the ones who needed her the most. She also couldn't help but feel like there had to be a reason her friends were so in control. Except earlier with Mason there hadn't really been any incidents and that was partly her fault for not checking to make sure there was a towel in the bathroom.

L had no idea if there happened to be blood here at the mansion, there was a hospital room but it was unlikely that they kept blood stocked and if they did she doubted it was enough for very long. Maybe her friends would be willing to donate some, with the medical equipment it wouldn't have to be too personal, Max wouldn't even have to know who's blood it was. However Ellie had no idea how to bring this up to anyone.

"How do you feel right now?" she asked Max, "Do you think you need blood right away?" This was a tough situation and Ellie didn't know what was the best thing to do. "I think we might need to talk this over with the others, see what our best plan of action is. We can tell them together if it makes it easier?" she smiled at Max as everyone seemed to be heading towards them.
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"Hey!" Mason jumped a bit as he felt her nails against his skin, the reaction wasn't one of pain but he simply just registered that she was clawing him. "I can't feel it but don't make me a scratching post." Mason's back twitched at the sensation of something grazing upon his back but without the necessary context of pain it felt like feather being drawn across his back more than anything else. He at the least could subconsciously tell when something was supposed to hurt but not really perceive the sensation itself. "I'm perfectly in control." He pouted. He was actually making a deliberate effort to control the pheromone's he exhumed, he didn't quite know how he was doing it. It felt as if he were trying to hold his breath. "So now you come around to stare at my chest?"
Aero was slightly startled as Mimi began speaking but she went right along, recalling the pale girl's enthusiasm for sweets. Getting up from the floor, Aero would give Mimi's hand a small squeeze while she laughed loudly about how excited she seemed about the candy." Well then, sugar you shall have, my dear". Interlocking their fingers and sending a hand to snag around Mimi's waist, no just won't the intent of giving her some support, they would make their way to the kitchen.

@Kosmos @Lithia @Anjehlessa
(Stone isn't feeling well so she gave me control of Dysis for a post)

Dust and Dysis talked a little while before Dysis let out a yawn. "You should get some sleep," Dust told her. She gave a slight nod and made her way to the shallow area of the pool. Dust gave her one more kiss goodnight and watched her as she drifted to sleep. With that Dust stood up, a towel over his bare upper body and what little equipment he had left was attached to his side. He then walked to the door and knocked on it. He watched the others though the glass door, his pants still soaked, a bit too cold for Dust's taste, and with a dull expression on his face as he waited silently for someone to open it.
As they walked toward the kitchen, Mimi slung her arm over Aero’s shoulder, enjoying her closeness more than her support. Though Mimi was still tired from the blood loss and mad dash from town, the apple and water had done her a lot of good. As they got closer, Mimi bouncing with barely contained excitement, she noticed that the young woman and young man were deep in conversation. She flicked her eyes between the two, saw the half empty bag of gummy bears on the counter between them, and was just trying to figure out the most strategic move to grab them without interrupting the flow of the conversation too much, when she heard the front door open. When Mimi was excited about something, or when she particularly craved something, she had a one-track mind until she got it. That part of her mind changed, however, as soon as Mason and Kira walked in. As they both greeted her, the instinct inside of her was to immediately tend to Mason’s wound, as superficial as it might be.

She knew she shouldn’t. Mason was tough, and Kira had just gone up to get bandages, after all, and it seemed she had it well in hand, but Mimi’s natural inclination was to heal and help in any way she could. Peaking around the corner at Mason’s injury as Kira continued to tend to it, Mimi called out, “What happened? And, I’m glad to see both of you. I was wondering if the host of the party was going to show up.”

"Excuse you, I have to wrap your chest for your back to get better. Don't flatter yourself," she spoke defensively but blushed. She was staring but no way was she to admit that. Mason was...no, there was something he was sending out. Taking a deep breath, she tied the last bit of gauze on his side and stood back, examining her work. She heard Mimi ask about Mason and she smiled, turning to her.

"Some creep in the woods tried to kick our butts but we, uh...took care of it. Of course, Mason decided to get too close and now I'm tending to his clawed up back," she smirked, sending a glance back at her patient. "You should've dropped him, Mace. But noooo Mason had to be the hero," she teased, gently pushing his arm.
Mimi shook her head. “Hero mentality. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it could be the cause for self injuries.” She checked out Mason’s back once more, noting the careful tending Kira had done to ensure proper healing. Mimi knew she could have healed a wound like that almost instantly, but it seemed like the two of them had experienced a moment that both of them needed. “Just to let you know, I am a healer. I’m still trying to figure out all that the transformation has done, but I know that is one of my main powers. You did wonderfully, but it’s almost as though I have to do my job when I see some one injured, or it drives me crazy. Anyway, what did this creep look like? I’ve seen vampires and demons on my way out of town. Did he have any kind of control, or did he just, attack you?”
"Just came out of nowhere and attacked Mason. He looked Human except, he was walking on all fours and he had these weird antlers and bloodied claws. There was nothing humane about the way he acted towards us. He was completely gone to this. We might've just saved him," she ran a hand through her hair, yawning. "We all need to get to sleep. There are three guest rooms upstairs, my room, my dad's and five guest rooms downstairs. You guys can divide them evenly. I'll sleep in my dad's bed and one of the girl's can take mine. If there aren't enough begs, there are hospital beds as well," she grumbled, trying to fight of exhaustion.

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