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Fantasy The Reapers


Knock Knock! Who's there? Echo! Echo who? Echo who










Abilities: (Humans have 3)


Backstory:(If you want)



Type of Monster:









Abilities: (Monsters have 5)


Backstory: (If you want)


-Guild Spots

Hunter's Cross

- @Newtype

- @Geek with Me

- @LOLMAN101

@Sinister Clown

The Institution Of Reapers

@Guilded Clover

- Vacant

- Vacant

- Vacant

- Vacant
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Type of Monster: Witch

Name: Evan Thorn

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homsexual


(Glows when casting a powerful spell)

Strengths: Immense magical power, even rivals The Grand Witch herself

Weaknesses: Heavily reliant on magic, wears himself out when uses too much magic,


Nature's Growth- Manipulates plants, could use plants to see what's ahead of him

Flame's Fury- Manipulates fire, able to make firewalls or trap enemies in vortexes

Mystic- Teleports to anywhere he remember

Soothing Health- Heals himself or the person he choses to

Pentagram Trap- A huge pentagram traps the enemies within it chains with spikes spring out from the ground wrapping around the enemies and the spikes dig into the enemies and grows bigger and the chains tighten

Personality: Shy, distant, soft spoken, nervous in big crowds

Backstory: (If you want)

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Name: Everleigh Cavalier

Guild: Hunter's Cross

Age: 18

Gender: female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/-elarus-hetalia-35398668-600-600.jpg.697a9235afe1c75fbfb438a6b5188408.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70842" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/-elarus-hetalia-35398668-600-600.jpg.697a9235afe1c75fbfb438a6b5188408.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Demon Sniper Rifle - it's only called as such because it has an amazing zoom ability, different types of scopes and bullets used, Throwing Knives - in case things get a little personal

Strengths: Long ranged kills, multi kills with a sing bullet, 99.9% accurate both her shots and knife throws

Weaknesses: Can't operate well in groups, fails to recognize that there are other sure shots like her, thinks that she's the best


1. Movement Reading

Evie is able to watch how a person/monster moves and she will take note of its personality. Judging from those two aspects, in a fight, she will use her knowledge on them to somehow foresee the next move or action it will take. Her judgements have been proven to be accurate almost 90% of the time.

2. Elemental Bullets

The bullets that her Demon Sniper Rifle consumes are all clear. They begin to change color according to her emotions. When she is in a panicked state, they reflect the color RED these bullets are shown to at top speed as they begin to take the effect of shots coming out of automatic weapons such as assault rifles. When she's dull and gloomy, they reflect the color BLUE these bullets are shown to have a freezing effect on its victims. When she's angry, the bullets reflect the color ORANGE which are associated with a fiery effect. When she's happy, it reflects the color YELLOW which is associated with the lightning element. Lastly, when she reaches the end of her sanity, despair, the bullets reflect the color BLACK which is associated with a void. This bullet places the victim under a deep sleep in which that victim is trapped in an endless illusion.

3. Thermal Vision

As the name suggests, she is able to acquire a natural thermal vision but it can only last for about 5 minutes before she has to switch to her thermal scopes.

Personality: Evie is a lone wolf, who prefers to do a mission alone and tends to ditch her team mates if she was assigned a mission with them. She also sees herself, if not the best, one of the top hunters in her guild since she never, not once, failed in any mission that was assigned to her. Ironically, Evie attracts much attention because she doesn't look too menacing. In fact, people mistake her for a child at times.

Backstory: Evie comes from a long line of hunters but every single one of them died from uncertain deaths. Majority of them are known to other guilds for being well-rounded in their abilities. It was only Evie that preferred to stick to one guild which was fine. At least, her presence in one guild didn't spark too many guild wars.

Other: N/A



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Kyoki Byote


Hunter's Cross










Kentucky Rifle



Bloodlust Driven

Incredible Perception

Surprise Element


Frail Bones

Enjoys torturing(wasting time)

Useless without his gun


Regeneration - Even the most fatal wounds will heal in less than a day

Rapid Fire - The gun can be used as an automatic rifle at the cost of accuracy and a chance of breaking

Last Prayer - His most powerful ability, if Kyoki comes in contact with someone's blood, he links himself with that person. Any kind of injury that Kyoky inflicts upon himself (or injury inflicted by anyone) is reciprocated on his target(pretty much Hidan's jutsu from Naruto)


Antisocial behavior, lack of empathy or remorse







Kaizeal Fluure



Type of monster:

Name: Kaizeal Fluure

Nicknames: Kay or Zeal.

Title: Spirit of the Vines

Age: 113

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: Kaizeal takes on the appearance of a young, somewhat feminine human male. He looks much younger than he truly is, perhaps someone in his early teen years? However, his feminine features can make his age a matter of question, and it often causes confusion when people gaze upon him. He has been mistaken for a woman before, and he doesn't truly mind this. His hair is longer than that most males, and its quite messy and fluffy in appearance. Just like his eyes, his hair is colored a gentle mint green. His skin is pale in complexion, and his teeth a bit sharper than those of a human. However, his most demonic features would need to be the two thin horns sticking out from either side of his head, and his small wings.



Kaizeal's choice of weaponry are weapons which he can construct himself in a near instant. Using his plant based magic, he can construct weapons from plant life, and energy which he can draw from plants. In the process, the plants from which he drew energy will perish, and his weapon will last for about twenty minutes after that.

Strengths: Plant based magic, mid-range combat, swift, intelligent, and strategic.

Weaknesses: Physically frail, fire magic, swimming, his wings, and gets distracted easily.


1. Phytogenesis:
Phytogenesis is the ability to manipulate plant life. With this power, Kaizeal is able to do quite a few useful things. He can use this both as a weapon and a defense. He can strike his opponents with vines, roots, or even thorns. At the same time, he can use this ability to defend himself in various ways without physically harming his target.

2. Shape-Shifting: Kaizeal has access to basic shape shifting. While he is unable to change the color of his hair, eyes, or skin, he can manipulate his form. Doing such can make him look more human than demon, which is an ability with quite a few advantages. It allows him to sneak around with ease, and blend in.

3. Chemicals: This ability is a result of his Phytogenesis, but it does something quite different. Rather than manipulate plants, he can control the toxins and chemicals found inside of plant life. When using this ability in battle, he is able to produce poisons to weaken or in some cases even kill his target. Outside of the battle field, he can use this power to remove the healing agents in plants, and accelerate the healing process.

4. Encasement: Kaizeal is able to surround himself or a separate target in a dome of thick vines. They vines will harden and are quite hard to break through. He uses these vines as a defensive strategy, for when he may need to recover in the middle of a battle.

5. Astral Projection: Astral Projection is the ability to spiritually depart from the body, but Kaizeal's ability is a bit different. Rather than freely roam about, Kaizeal will depart from his body and instead enter the mass of a plant. He can then travel about using roots, going from plant to plant. Using this ability, he can spy on targets and sneak about. However, he is very vulnerable when he uses this power for it forces his body into a state of unconsciousness. It will be completely undefended until he returns to it.

Personality: Kaizeal is more of a rouge than anything else. He doesn't follow a lead well at all, and he hates taking orders. However, he hasn't got himself in enough trouble to become noticed by the Grand Witch. While Kaizeal is too stubborn to accept it, this is actually a good thing. While he is powerful, it's unlikely that he could hold his ground against someone as strong as her. Aside from his defiant behavior, he is known to be quite the playful and teasing monster. While he has the ability to be dangerous, he prefers using his powers to play a few harmless jokes. Even his actions and words will portray his desire for tease. Such things make him appear harmless, and almost childish... But when crossed he can become quite the frightening beast. There is nothing he hates more than someone standing in his way. Kaizeal is ruthless when it comes to dealing with enemies and opponents, going all out with both his power and his words.

Scar: Kaiziel has a scar burned into his back, one he had not yet been able to remove. The scar was clearly intentionally inflicted due to how precise it is in spelling out the word Curse. This word is written out in the space between his wings.

Other: Kaiziels wing's are the weakest point on his body. If you manage to cut off one of them, he won't be able to use any of his magic until it grows back. If you cut both of them off, he could easily die.



Riley Luck


Night's Veil








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/d1eacaf17aff6956450cb622c44ed5c7.jpg.241d1948ec39a4904161f72349b2d1c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70857" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/d1eacaf17aff6956450cb622c44ed5c7.jpg.241d1948ec39a4904161f72349b2d1c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She has a contraption hidden in her sleeves that allows a blade to slip in and out through the flick of her wrist (inspired by the hidden blade of Assassin's Creed), For long ranged attacks - she has an automatic crossbow that reloads quickly and shoots approximately 5 meters far


Silent Assassinations, clean kills, efficient style of killing


Sensitivity to noise, sensitivity to light, appearance of a boy makes people doubt her


1. Eye of True Sight (Inspired by the item in DOTA)

She has heterochromia, meaning the eye colors of her eyes differ. Her right appears amethyst while her left appears green. The green eye holds the ability to see through the invisibility some monsters have, this allows her to perform unseen attacks from above and below.

2. Shadow Mastery

Unlike shadow manipulation, Riley cannot control shadows but instead, she can let them control her. When she is in the dark, the shadows engulf her figure to make her presence less visible to the naked eye. Shadow Mastery also has another aspect: when she is engulfed in these shadows, the shadows that appear like tongues of fire can either heal her flesh wounds or restore her stamina; she cannot choose which would happen to her since she cannot control shadows. The engulfing of these shadows help in her silent assassinations that usually happen at night. That's the only catch, she can only use this ability at night.


Riley prefers to be silent since she's used to assassinating silently, she has gotten the habit of being silent in everyday life as well, she trusts her guildmates very much but can have some trust issues with other guilds especially monsters even if they do claim to be friendly, she is extremely paranoid and will refuse to leave the guild without a weapon on her, she also dislikes dressing up like a girl because the apparel for girls have proven to be a nuisance when it comes to dealing with her missions.


Riley has a twin sister named Rina however she died by the hands of a demon. Rina was her only family left since multiple monsters had already put an end to the rest of her family members. Because of this, she has an extreme hatred for monsters and has vowed to exterminate every one of them even if they do claim to have good intentions.


She and Evie have worked together on several occasions but the two still refuse to call each other partners.



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Name: Shirou Brightblade

Guild: Silver of the Moon


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Weapons: He chooses to summon weapons through the use of his powers. But his main weapon is the sword in the picture above.


His flames go beyond the limitations of normal flames

Most enemies underestimate the flames until it's too late

He is a skilled warrior in general


Certain properties of his flames he can't use in tandom or risk turning himself to ashes

He can't use his flames for normal tasks like cooking

Esoteric Water/Ice Manipulation

Attractive Women


Esoteric Flame Manipulation

Personality: Shirou reflects his powers as he has a fiery spirit and is warm to his friends. He is capable of channeling his burning fury during combat as to not majorly disrupt his normal combat tactics. But he also has a big soft spot for attractive women which some say may be the death of him one day, this doesn't apply to the cold and heartless ones though. But this soft spot for women can also fuel his flames as much as douse them.

Backstory:(If you want) RP Revelation, means ask him in RP more then happy to share and a good subject to start a conversation with.

Other: Monsters beware your fate if you kill an attractive women before Shirou.


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Newtype said:
Name: Shirou Brightblade
Guild: Crescent of the Moon


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Weapons: He chooses to summon weapons through the use of his powers. But his main weapon is the sword in the picture above.


His flames go beyond the limitations of normal flames

Most enemies underestimate the flames until it's too late

He is a skilled warrior in general


Certain properties of his flames he can't use in tandom or risk turning himself to ashes

He can't use his flames for normal tasks like cooking

Esoteric Water/Ice Manipulation

Attractive Women


Esoteric Flame Manipulation

Personality: Shirou reflects his powers as he has a fiery spirit and is warm to his friends. He is capable of channeling his burning fury during combat as to not majorly disrupt his normal combat tactics. But he also has a big soft spot for attractive women which some say may be the death of him one day, this doesn't apply to the cold and heartless ones though. But this soft spot for women can also fuel his flames as much as douse them.

Backstory:(If you want) RP Revelation, means ask him in RP more then happy to share and a good subject to start a conversation with.

Other: Monsters beware your fate if you kill an attractive women before Shirou.

Oh my gosh yes you are in.

(side note: I've seen the anime and i love you now)

(Side note: Its Sliver Of the Moon)
Name: Vivaldi 'Vi' Solestice

Guild: Night's Veil

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.adaac49fb9b74a1b9ce667771ebc9b49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71411" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.adaac49fb9b74a1b9ce667771ebc9b49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapons: Vi prefers to use her hand and a half sword, but she has a gun for emergencies and two twin daggers hidden in her boots.


  • Vi is a fast and silent killer
  • She is very flexible, and has perfect balance
  • She is skilled with all her weapons


  • Sometimes, she gets hard to control and goes on overkill mode
  • It's hard for her adapt to weapons other than her usual ones
  • She's not very good at teamwork
  • She sometimes loses control of her powers

Abilities: Creation and manipulation of ice and water

Personality: Vi is a very cold person, as cold as her ice magic. She doesn't give a damn about what anybody thinks about her, and is not a considerate person. If she thinks that you're worth it, she'll talk to you. Otherwise, you can expect a snarky comeback, and she'll ignore you. She always talks in this monotonous way, and always has a poker face on. She's a lone wolf, and doesn't like to interact with people unless necessary. Very rarely does she show emotion, and if she shows it to you... Consider yourself special.

Backstory: A secret, and it will remain one too.

Other: Don't you dare call her by anything except 'Vi'. She hates her real name.



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Ashaficent said:
Name: Vivaldi 'Vi' Solestice
Guild: Night's Veil

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


View attachment 161007

Weapons: Vi prefers to use her hand and a half sword, but she has a gun for emergencies and two twin daggers hidden in her boots.


  • Vi is a fast and silent killer
  • She is very flexible, and has perfect balance
  • She is skilled with all her weapons


  • Sometimes, she gets hard to control and goes on overkill mode
  • It's hard for her adapt to weapons other than her usual ones
  • She's not very good at teamwork
  • She sometimes loses control of her powers

Abilities: Creation and manipulation of ice and water

Personality: Vi is a very cold person, as cold as her ice magic. She doesn't give a damn about what anybody thinks about her, and is not a considerate person. If she thinks that you're worth it, she'll talk to you. Otherwise, you can expect a snarky comeback, and she'll ignore you. She always talks in this monotonous way, and always has a poker face on. She's a lone wolf, and doesn't like to interact with people unless necessary. Very rarely does she show emotion, and if she shows it to you... Consider yourself special.

Backstory: A secret, and it will remain one too.

Other: Don't you dare call her by anything except 'Vi'. She hates her real name.
You are In :D

Luke Cross

Guild: Order of the Sacred Lotus

Age: 18


Sexuality: Heterosexual


No initial weapons. He can summon them to his will. Mainly steampunk weapons: Guns, and different functioning bots

Strengths: Amazing mechanic, can fix any device, Intuitive

Weaknesses: Weak in Close-Combat, Has a limit to how much he can have summoned at the same time

Abilities: (Humans have 3)

  1. Summoner- He can summon different steampunk equipment, weapons or bots to his will
  2. Analytic- He can diagnose the problems with anyone and any equipment
  3. Synchronize- Luke can see through the eyes of any bot he summons, and can control them, or multiple of them simultaneously

Always willing to help, and doesn't hold grudges, he prefers to stay in the background in battle, and support from a distance. He's very resourceful, and knows a lot about solo survival. He's always calm under pressure

Backstory: He grew up exploring ancient ruins and collecting ancient relics and pieces of ancient technology with his father. He excavated a lot of ancient relics and parts. After his father got injured and had to retire, while Luke was 11, he took to doing things solo, or with an exploration club he put together. A little time passed, 6 months, and he noticed a lot of demons and monsters being too close to home. He enrolled at the Reaper's Institution to protect his family, then joined the Order of the Secret Lotus upon graduating.
Kylesar1 said:
Luke Cross

Guild: Order of the Sacred Lotus

Age: 18


Sexuality: Heterosexual


No initial weapons. He can summon them to his will. Mainly steampunk weapons: Guns, and different functioning bots

Strengths: Amazing mechanic, can fix any device, Intuitive

Weaknesses: Weak in Close-Combat, Has a limit to how much he can have summoned at the same time

Abilities: (Humans have 3)

  1. Summoner- He can summon different steampunk equipment, weapons or bots to his will
  2. Analytic- He can diagnose the problems with anyone and any equipment
  3. Synchronize- Luke can see through the eyes of any bot he summons, and can control them, or multiple of them simultaneously

Always willing to help, and doesn't hold grudges, he prefers to stay in the background in battle, and support from a distance. He's very resourceful, and knows a lot about solo survival. He's always calm under pressure

Backstory: He grew up exploring ancient ruins and collecting ancient relics and pieces of ancient technology with his father. He excavated a lot of ancient relics and parts. After his father got injured and had to retire, while Luke was 11, he took to doing things solo, or with an exploration club he put together. A little time passed, 6 months, and he noticed a lot of demons and monsters being too close to home. He enrolled at the Reaper's Institution to protect his family, then joined the Order of the Secret Lotus upon graduating.
Yo Yo YO! Girl you are accepted

Name: Bard Billets

Guild: Silver of the Moon

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero


Weapons: Bard fights with two Claymore Swords, each one is usually wielded by two hands but in Bard's case he wields them in a dual sword stance. In addition to this Bard wears gauntlets over his hands and forearms to act as shields, and to catch swords, claws, teeth, and fangs that aren't caught on the long pronounced guards of his blades.

Strengths: Strength, senses, close-mid range combat

Weaknesses: Long range Combat, Fitting in with others, often lacks sound strategy.


  • Uncanny Strength- Bard is stronger than any human ought to be, he is capable of ridiculous feats of strength that verge on the unnatural or unsettling. Often times Bard will fight monsters head on, matching them blow for blow as opposed to employing a strategy. As Bard can be destructive to the environment for which he is deployed he is dispatched sparingly.
  • Killer Instinct- Bard's body is reflexive to an ridiculous degree, able to almost anticipate a move before it happens and react. Sometimes Bard won't even his think, his body reacting to a blow or a stimulus independently. This also means Bard has severely limited blind spots, as his body reacts to non visual stimulus like barometric changes in air pressure and the killer intent of others as well.
  • Boiling Blood: Bard's blood is filled with latent magics, causing him to be as biologically unique as he is. This also means that the blood itself is extremely volatile, causing pain to whomever should come into contact with it. Bard's blood seems to have been designed to literally boil on the skin of monsters, burning them fiercely. While the effects aren't quite as pronounced on humans the pain is still immediately apparent. For this reason anyone providing medical attention to Bard is said to do so at their own caution, and take necessary steps to ensure no blood to skin contact. Under no circumstances is anyone to ingest the blood of Bard, for doing so is considered likened to suicide.

Bard is what you might call an interesting fellow, on one hand he's a team player, but on the other he's never really had a group or friends with which to belong to. He's brooding and self absorbed most days, having no one to really relate with or confide with, he makes due by making observations in the world around him. When involved with a team does his best to help but often misconstrues social cues and often has a hard time looking for the right words to say. All that being said Bard does want to be of service, and he often comes off as someone with a hero complex as he can't help but do chores and good deeds for those around him. Most of the time this is a fairly good thing, but unfortunately people's opinions of him change when they see him fight or see the aftermath of one of his encounters. See when Bard enters combat he's usually a little less than careful, his mind focusing in on his enemy and forgetting about the world outside of the battle. In these scenarios Bard is a force to be reckoned with both for his enemies and his allies, and it is for this very reason that Bard is often sidelined and left away from battle. He's strong, he takes orders, and he wants to help, but when the battle starts it gets destructive quick.

Reapers, Reapers are the thing that stands opposite to Monsters, the thing that stands against creatures with other worldly powers and little to no remorse. But what if a Reaper could be both? What if a Reaper could be both a monster and a man? And what would that be worth? One man set out to find the answer to that very question, he'd start by adopting an orphan, and over the years his experiments on his adopted son would produce Bard.

Bard was the Academic's third attempt to create his "Hybrid" a creature somewhere between monster and reaper, and the man's goal was to use his findings to make a profit, to sell the recipe for his monster soldiers to whomever would pay the highest price. Over the years Bard would be subject to dozens of terrible and bizarre experiments, until finally he was deemed a failure. Or at least he was until he began to take to the experiments on the night of the first Red Moon, with gritted teeth Bard felt his senses begin to change, his blood boil in his veins, and his muscles twinge, rip, and grow. The pain of the experience put Bard into a coma for months, and when he awoke he'd find he had been sold to the Reaper Foundation for research purposes. Terrified, Bard escaped his confines and tore through town making quite the ruckus before he was brought in by a former Silver of the Moon member by the name of Ryu.

Ryu was a Ronin, or a Reaper who wandered from town to town in search of new prey. Seeing talent in Bard he'd choose to take him under his wing and teach him the art of swordsmanship, though that would soon prove to be more trouble than he'd initially thought as Bard proved to be quite the handful. Stronger than an Ox even at a young age Bard felt swords were too light to be used effectively, and often insisted on using heavier objects as flails and weapons. Infuriated Ryu decided to teach Bard a lesson by giving him a Claymore, the heaviest sword in the guild armory. Though Ryu was soon shocked to find Bard insisting on wielding two, brandishing the two long heavy swords like light practice blades, Bard would develop a style all his own.

Soon after he did Ryu would smile and soon after that leave the guild, disappearing altogether and leaving Bard in the care of the other Reapers. Bard would grow to find himself alone more often than not, and begin to become rather withdrawn and self absorbed. Soon Bard's old Reaper friends were dead or gone, and Bard was reassigned to a new town, hopefully there he'd meet friends, but then again there was no harm if not, at least he could be of service.


  • Bard hasn't given up on finding Ryu.
  • Bard hates cats
  • Bard loves to hunt, so much so that it can distract him from missions.
  • Because Bard's metabolism is not human, he often gets hungry much more often than a typical man, making him constantly hungry.
  • Bard's heightened senses make it hard for him to function when not in combat, for this reason he can often be seen with ear muffs, ear plugs, and/or sunglasses to compensate.
  • Bard has quite a degree of flexibility, which explains why he chooses such odd postures to sit at.
  • Bard likes the taste of monster blood, much to his embarrassment he can sometimes be caught trying to take a lick from his swords.
  • Bard's favorite thing in the world is new blades, or weapons. It can be quite easy to distract or preoccupy him by showing him one and watching as he goes off to examine, and obsess on every detail of it.
  • Bard is self conscious about his height, and doesn't like to be stared at for being taller than regular folk.
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Name: Rewq Secoras

Guild: Night's Veil

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Rewq.jpg.088399f54852ff7189186aaae55c39e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Rewq.jpg.088399f54852ff7189186aaae55c39e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapons: Claw Gauntlets

Strength: Close quarters combat and anything to do with this.

Weaknesses: Has a habit of charging in recklessly and not waiting for allies or reinforcement because he is always overeager and far too excited to wait. Has no patience basically.


1) Flash Foot - This ability means he has speed far above any normal human being. It seems as if he is teleporting but it's really just his movement speed.

2) Noise Cancellation - The ability to temporarily kill any noise within the range of any battle he is fighting so his speed becomes much more vicious and useful because now his movements cannot be heard.

3) Acrobatic Agility and Finesse - Is capable of great flexibility and acrobatic combat and maneuvers

Personality: Rewq is a cheerful and friendly individual but is not above causing a violent scene if he feels he has been insulted. Which may happen often, depending on his company. Hes laidback and in a way. not the most reliable Reaper at times. He's lazy and only wishes to fight and go on missions if he has to. Has been considered a very talented Reaper...but just has no personal ambition to ever advance or be promoted. He just wants to relax and life a fun life....."But things are always so damn serious" are his words to that.

Backstory:(If you want) Rewq and his brother Tyru grew up amidst the slums and gutter of a large city, at a young age, becoming a pickpocket and thief. Eventually having spent a few months in a jail cell after being captured and caught, he decided to become a Reaper since he needed a new and more legal occupation. He had a falling out with his younger brother Tyru over an event that led to a mutual friend( a girl they both were in love with being killed by a monster whom they have never seen again since then) and now they both refuse to speak one another and have even joined different guilds to avoid one another.

Other: Loves Ham...


Name: Tyru Secoras

Guild: Oath Sworn

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Tyru..jpg.ae79175d520c4c83f9abe604a6630e83.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Tyru..jpg.ae79175d520c4c83f9abe604a6630e83.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapons: Titanium Gauntlets <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/medieval_steel_knights_bolted_gauntlets.jpg.8d96cc8aade4ad9d816cdd7d4367185d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/medieval_steel_knights_bolted_gauntlets.jpg.8d96cc8aade4ad9d816cdd7d4367185d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Strengths: Close quarters combat and anything having to do with that

Weaknesses: He is similar to Rewq, but instead of just because he is too excited and no patience, he has a temper that often gets the better of his judgement, and isn't known to ever ask for help even if in a near-death scenario. Will help others, but does not want to be helped himself.


1) Titanic Strength - Is far stronger physically than any normal human being. Can run through brick/stone/whatever walls without being harmed or fazed. Is the physical equivalent of a tank.

2) Steel Flesh - Can temporarily increase the hardness of his skin to deflect other's blades.

3) Intense Endurance - Has enhanced endurance so he can take and receive more vicious beating before he's is exhausted and collapses.

Personality: Tyru is more silent and reserved then his brother Rewq and speaks less. Sometimes he doesn't speak at all. Is not much of a leader and isn't always the best follower either. He doesn't quite know where he fits in, within the world he now resides inside.

Backstory:(If you want) Same as Rewq except instead of being a pickpocket or thief, he would be a lookout for local crime lords and watch for police and sometimes be a spy which he disliked doing. He was even forced to kill a rival within another gang when he was ambushed in struck back with his physical strength by accident and killed the individual. Was arrested for trespassing into private property when he ran and hid while upset about what he had done. Just like Rewq, after an incident which led to the death of the girl both he and his brother loved, they then hated eachother. Tyru joined Oath Sworn where Rewq joined Night's Veil.

Other: Loves Pizza.



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killerlung said:
Name: Bard Billets

Guild: Silver of the Moon

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero


Weapons: Bard fights with two Claymore Swords, each one is usually wielded by two hands but in Bard's case he wields them in a dual sword stance. In addition to this Bard wears gauntlets over his hands and forearms to act as shields, and to catch swords, claws, teeth, and fangs that aren't caught on the long pronounced guards of his blades.

Strengths: Strength, senses, close-mid range combat

Weaknesses: Long range Combat, Fitting in with others, often lacks sound strategy.


  • Uncanny Strength- Bard is stronger than any human ought to be, he is capable of ridiculous feats of strength that verge on the unnatural or unsettling. Often times Bard will fight monsters head on, matching them blow for blow as opposed to employing a strategy. As Bard can be destructive to the environment for which he is deployed he is dispatched sparingly.
  • Killer Instinct- Bard's body is reflexive to an ridiculous degree, able to almost anticipate a move before it happens and react. Sometimes Bard won't even his think, his body reacting to a blow or a stimulus independently. This also means Bard has severely limited blind spots, as his body reacts to non visual stimulus like barometric changes in air pressure and the killer intent of others as well.
  • Boiling Blood: Bard's blood is filled with latent magics, causing him to be as biologically unique as he is. This also means that the blood itself is extremely volatile, causing pain to whomever should come into contact with it. Bard's blood seems to have been designed to literally boil on the skin of monsters, burning them fiercely. While the effects aren't quite as pronounced on humans the pain is still immediately apparent. For this reason anyone providing medical attention to Bard is said to do so at their own caution, and take necessary steps to ensure no blood to skin contact. Under no circumstances is anyone to ingest the blood of Bard, for doing so is considered likened to suicide.

Bard is what you might call an interesting fellow, on one hand he's a team player, but on the other he's never really had a group or friends with which to belong to. He's brooding and self absorbed most days, having no one to really relate with or confide with, he makes due by making observations in the world around him. When involved with a team does his best to help but often misconstrues social cues and often has a hard time looking for the right words to say. All that being said Bard does want to be of service, and he often comes off as someone with a hero complex as he can't help but do chores and good deeds for those around him. Most of the time this is a fairly good thing, but unfortunately people's opinions of him change when they see him fight or see the aftermath of one of his encounters. See when Bard enters combat he's usually a little less than careful, his mind focusing in on his enemy and forgetting about the world outside of the battle. In these scenarios Bard is a force to be reckoned with both for his enemies and his allies, and it is for this very reason that Bard is often sidelined and left away from battle. He's strong, he takes orders, and he wants to help, but when the battle starts it gets destructive quick.

Reapers, Reapers are the thing that stands opposite to Monsters, the thing that stands against creatures with other worldly powers and little to no remorse. But what if a Reaper could be both? What if a Reaper could be both a monster and a man? And what would that be worth? One man set out to find the answer to that very question, he'd start by adopting an orphan, and over the years his experiments on his adopted son would produce Bard.

Bard was the Academic's third attempt to create his "Hybrid" a creature somewhere between monster and reaper, and the man's goal was to use his findings to make a profit, to sell the recipe for his monster soldiers to whomever would pay the highest price. Over the years Bard would be subject to dozens of terrible and bizarre experiments, until finally he was deemed a failure. Or at least he was until he began to take to the experiments on the night of the first Red Moon, with gritted teeth Bard felt his senses begin to change, his blood boil in his veins, and his muscles twinge, rip, and grow. The pain of the experience put Bard into a coma for months, and when he awoke he'd find he had been sold to the Reaper Foundation for research purposes. Terrified, Bard escaped his confines and tore through town making quite the ruckus before he was brought in by a former Silver of the Moon member by the name of Ryu.

Ryu was a Ronin, or a Reaper who wandered from town to town in search of new prey. Seeing talent in Bard he'd choose to take him under his wing and teach him the art of swordsmanship, though that would soon prove to be more trouble than he'd initially thought as Bard proved to be quite the handful. Stronger than an Ox even at a young age Bard felt swords were too light to be used effectively, and often insisted on using heavier objects as flails and weapons. Infuriated Ryu decided to teach Bard a lesson by giving him a Claymore, the heaviest sword in the guild armory. Though Ryu was soon shocked to find Bard insisting on wielding two, brandishing the two long heavy swords like light practice blades, Bard would develop a style all his own.

Soon after he did Ryu would smile and soon after that leave the guild, disappearing altogether and leaving Bard in the care of the other Reapers. Bard would grow to find himself alone more often than not, and begin to become rather withdrawn and self absorbed. Soon Bard's old Reaper friends were dead or gone, and Bard was reassigned to a new town, hopefully there he'd meet friends, but then again there was no harm if not, at least he could be of service.


  • Bard hasn't given up on finding Ryu.
  • Bard hates cats
  • Bard loves to hunt, so much so that it can distract him from missions.
  • Because Bard's metabolism is not human, he often gets hungry much more often than a typical man, making him constantly hungry.
  • Bard's heightened senses make it hard for him to function when not in combat, for this reason he can often be seen with ear muffs, ear plugs, and/or sunglasses to compensate.
  • Bard has quite a degree of flexibility, which explains why he chooses such odd postures to sit at.
  • Bard likes the taste of monster blood, much to his embarrassment he can sometimes be caught trying to take a lick from his swords.
  • Bard's favorite thing in the world is new blades, or weapons. It can be quite easy to distract or preoccupy him by showing him one and watching as he goes off to examine, and obsess on every detail of it.
EasternGhost said:
Name: Rewq Secoras

Guild: Night's Veil

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: View attachment 161271

Weapons: Claw Gauntlets

Strength: Close quarters combat and anything to do with this.

Weaknesses: Has a habit of charging in recklessly and not waiting for allies or reinforcement because he is always overeager and far too excited to wait. Has no patience basically.


1) Flash Foot - This ability means he has speed far above any normal human being. It seems as if he is teleporting but it's really just his movement speed.

2) Noise Cancellation - The ability to temporarily kill any noise within the range of any battle he is fighting so his speed becomes much more vicious and useful because now his movements cannot be heard.

3) Acrobatic Agility and Finesse - Is capable of great flexibility and acrobatic combat and maneuvers

Personality: Rewq is a cheerful and friendly individual but is not above causing a violent scene if he feels he has been insulted. Which may happen often, depending on his company. Hes laidback and in a way. not the most reliable Reaper at times. He's lazy and only wishes to fight and go on missions if he has to. Has been considered a very talented Reaper...but just has no personal ambition to ever advance or be promoted. He just wants to relax and life a fun life....."But things are always so damn serious" are his words to that.

Backstory:(If you want) Rewq and his brother Tyru grew up amidst the slums and gutter of a large city, at a young age, becoming a pickpocket and thief. Eventually having spent a few months in a jail cell after being captured and caught, he decided to become a Reaper since he needed a new and more legal occupation. He had a falling out with his younger brother Tyru over an event that led to a mutual friend( a girl they both were in love with being killed by a monster whom they have never seen again since then) and now they both refuse to speak one another and have even joined different guilds to avoid one another.

Other: Loves Ham...


Name: Tyru Secoras

Guild: Hunter's Cross

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: View attachment 161281

Weapons: Titanium Gauntlets View attachment 161282

Strengths: Close quarters combat and anything having to do with that

Weaknesses: He is similar to Rewq, but instead of just because he is too excited and no patience, he has a temper that often gets the better of his judgement, and isn't known to ever ask for help even if in a near-death scenario. Will help others, but does not want to be helped himself.


1) Titanic Strength - Is far stronger physically than any normal human being. Can run through brick/stone/whatever walls without being harmed or fazed. Is the physical equivalent of a tank.

2) Steel Flesh - Can temporarily increase the hardness of his skin to deflect other's blades.

3) Intense Endurance - Has enhanced endurance so he can more vicious beating before he's is exhausted and collapses.

Personality: Tyru is more silent and reserved then his brother Rewq and speaks less. Sometimes he doesn't speak at all. Is not much of a leader and isn't always the best follower either. He doesn't quite know where he fits in, within the world he now resides inside.

Backstory:(If you want) Same as Rewq except instead of being a pickpocket or thief, he would be a lookout for local crime lords and watch for police and sometimes be a spy which he disliked doing. He was even forced to kill a rival within another gang when he was ambushed in struck back with his physical strength by accident and killed the individual. Was arrested for trespassing into private property when he ran and hid while upset about what he had done. Just like Rewq, after an incident which led to the death of the girl both he and his brother loved, they then hated eachother. Tyru joined Hunter's Cross where Rewq joined Night's Veil.

Other: Loves Pizza.
Yay more people to join the crew WOOT WOOT!!!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/steampunk_girl_by_haruhi003-d63ld13.jpg.8ab567e9fd53a5a7f0dc1147cb1b6d55.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/steampunk_girl_by_haruhi003-d63ld13.jpg.8ab567e9fd53a5a7f0dc1147cb1b6d55.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Katrina Ebony Rose Matthews

Order of the Scared Lotus

18 and half



She can summon weapon by her red ruby that is in her right hand

Logical, athletic and is quick to learn things


Her hand with the ruby burns whenever she uses it

She can act like a child at times


Ruby stone ~ The ruby stone which is embedded in her right hand can summon any weapons she wants

Her boots ~ Her boots are fitted with jet pack that can last for hours

Her goggles ~ Her goggles can change her into any human form she wants as long as she wears the goggles on her eyes what would happen is; once she places the goggles on she changes into that form but her googles are not on the face


Katrina approaches all situations with logic; she forms her conclusions based on what makes rational sense. Katrina’s ability to outsmart her adversaries gives her the upper hand. She lives her life according to logical principles (get the job done, get out also have numerous back up plans). Katrina is a natural athlete and never phased by using high-tech gadgets. She can jump out a second story window without fear, and blast her way through a blocked road without pause. She’s quick to take advantage of situations, which enables her to escape perilous scenarios with minimal damage to herself. Katrina acts like a player only because she has feelings for someone but doesn't want it to show.



Has a crush on her friend, Luke

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c441c9c97_MyStyle(1).jpg.8781638f809daad6921293a9e8ac79be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c441c9c97_MyStyle(1).jpg.8781638f809daad6921293a9e8ac79be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Geek with Me]

View attachment 161309

Katrina Ebony Rose Matthews

Order of the Scared Lotus

17 and half



She can summon weapon by her red ruby that is in her right hand

Logical, athletic and is quick to learn things


Her hand with the ruby burns whenever she uses it

She can act like a child at times


Ruby stone ~ The ruby stone which is embedded in her right hand can summon any weapons she wants

Her boots ~ Her boots are fitted with jet pack that can last for hours

Her goggles ~ Her goggles can change her into any human form she wants as long as she wears the goggles on her eyes what would happen is; once she places the goggles on she changes into that form but her googles are not on the face


Katrina approaches all situations with logic; she forms her conclusions based on what makes rational sense. Katrina’s ability to outsmart her adversaries gives her the upper hand. She lives her life according to logical principles (get the job done, get out also have numerous back up plans). Katrina is a natural athlete and never phased by using high-tech gadgets. She can jump out a second story window without fear, and blast her way through a blocked road without pause. She’s quick to take advantage of situations, which enables her to escape perilous scenarios with minimal damage to herself. Katrina acts like a player only because she has feelings for someone but doesn't want it to show.



Crush on...

Oooo Steam Punk themed, its accepted, but remember guilds only allow 18 or older, so if she is 17 she has to be in The Institution of Reapers, I shall let you decide on that
Geek with Me] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19489-gardinofeden/ said:
@GardinOfEden[/URL] I changed it to 18 :)
K thanks now you shall rp with us

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