The Real Ghostbusters

Phantom Thief of Hearts

We live in the Metal Gear timeline
Name: Peter Venkman, Ph.D.
Universe from: The Real Ghostbusters
Gender: Male
Age: Mid 20's

Peter is the de facto leader of the Ghostbusters, but in actuality his role is more along the lines of spokesman for the group. Although, he usually is the one who chooses whether the team will take a case or not. He has the same personality as his movie counterpart, almost identical. A good-natured, low-key slacker with a hint of con artist and womanizer thrown in.
Peter is a lot smarter than he lets on, and has almost as keen a grasp on paranormal science as Egon and Ray. He admits he generally adopts the guise of an easygoing slacker because it makes it harder for opponents to second guess him. He has on occasion come up with some particularly shrewd plans.

Peter does revel in the money and glory the job sometimes brings him. In fighting the Sandman it is revealed that Peter dreams of being rich and famous, with fancy cars and winning awards and accolades. It would appear that Peter needs such accolades as a means for self-validation, as it doesn't seem like he got much validation out of his family growing up. But the well-being of his teammates and the safety of innocents still comes first.

Peter is shown to be a con artist, like his father and a bit of a womanizer. He's usually the one who tries to hit on any attractive women in their adventures. Peter honed his gift for gab working his way through college as a carnival barker on Coney Island. Unlike his father, Peter does adhere to a notably higher level of personal ethics. While Peter will always try to get the best angle for himself and his team, he never uses his gift for gab to swindle or cheat others.



After the fall of Gozer, Peter and the other Ghostbusters fixed up the Firehouse after it was severely damaged by the escaping ghosts. Upon the completion of the Firehouse, the Ghostbusters adopted the green ghost who had slimed Peter (now known as Slimer) as a pet mascot. Though Peter at first wouldn't forgive the little ghost for their encounter at the hotel, he soon grew to love him like the rest of the Ghostbusters.
Powers/weapons: Peter is but a normal man but is equiped with his dry wit, Proton Pack and Ghost Trap
Goals: To bust ghosts and make a profit while doing so.
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Name: Professor Egon Spengler, Ph.D.
Universe from: The Real Ghostbusters
Gender: Male
Age: Mid 20's
Egon is the brains of the Ghostbusters. He is of the four Ghostbusters, the most withdrawn of them and focuses on his experiments. On occasion has created a bit of trouble. In most matters, he only engages in the science of it.


As he is in the movies, animated Egon is the brains of the Ghostbusters. He many times will save the day by coming up with ways to defeat the ghost with a different setting on the equipment. He often assumes tactical command of the Ghostbusters while in the field, usually having the best idea of what they're facing. He keeps to himself mostly. A traumatic experience with the Boogieman as a child served as the impetus for him getting involved in researching the paranormal and finding ways to combat it. Blushing, he confessed once that his mother, nicknamed him "Spookums."
Egon has on occasion displayed a dry sense of humor. He also has little patience for non-scientific ways of approaching matters and frivolity in general. One of the few times he ever showed genuine terror was shortly after a near-death experience by getting knocked off the World Trade Center, saved only by Winston's masterful control of Ecto-2. When believing that his death was imminent in a ploy to stop Ragnarok from occurring, he uttered Janine's name with a slight tone of sorrow and regret.
Egon was often the victim of scientific accidents. While trying to bust a Clock Ghost, he was also hit by the Proton Streams. The atomic structure of every molecule in Egon's body was reversed as a result. He began to age in reverse and was in danger of vanishing from existence if the accident hadn't been reenacted in time by midnight. 
Egon is human and thus scientifically has no superpowers but is a super genius and is equip with his Ghostbusting equipment and a PKE Meter that can detect Ghosts.
Goals: To Study the Paranormal
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Name: Raymond Stantz, Ph.D.
Universe from: The Real Ghostbusters
Gender: Male
Age: Mid 20's
Ray is the heart of the Ghostbusters. He sometimes will act a bit like a kid (he watches cartoons, reads comic books, plays with action figures, and in the episode "Mr. Sandman, Dream Me a Dream" it is shown that he believes that the Easter Bunny exists).


Ray Stantz was born in the Brox. In his teenage years, Ray lived in Morrisville. Ray and the other children were scared of the haunted Pallo Mansion. He had a crush on a girl named Elaine Phermon. When Ray moved away from Morrisville, nobody thought he would amount to anything. He attended Columbia University and studied parapsychology. He met Peter and Egon at the university.
He, most of the time, will help Winston or Egon with duties around the Firehouse. Dr. Stantz is an accomplished mechanic; overseeing most of the upkeep & maintenance for Ecto-1, as well as (doubling as 2nd string pilot) for their helicopter and (wearing them the most: on and off-duty) the Ecto Goggles.
Ray was selected to be the Grand Marshal in the Winged Puma Parade, held every 10 years, in Morrisville. An old "friend" Alan Favish attempted to sabotage Ray out of jealousy. He used a Magic Spells book to empower local ghosts with negative energy. However, the energy riled up the actual Winged Puma. The Ghostbusters captured the ghost and Ray was reinstated as the Grand Marshal. Ray would correspond annually with his uncle Andrew McMillan every Christmas but the two never met in person. After McMillan passed away, Ray found out he was the first person named in the will to take a chance at getting rid of the Keystone Ghost. Whoever did would inherit Castle Dunkeld and the title of Duke. Ray and the other Ghostbusters succeeded but trapping the ghost released the Battle of Dunkeld Ghosts. Ray quickly rode a bicycle to the nearby Village of Dunkeld and bought thousands of dollars worth of electronics and convinced villagers to allow him to convert their entire fleet of garbage trucks into Ghost Traps by offering them $100 each. Ray turned over the castle to the village and declared McMillan's freeloader relatives could live in the castle as long as they paid rent to the village. After the Ghostbusters returned home, the village sent them Scottish attire and a bagpipe. Ray quickly started playing it. For one of the Ghostbusters' vacations, on Ray's suggestion, they went to his cousin Samantha Stantz' Stantz Dairy Farm and helped her deal with the ghosts of The Petersons.
Ray had an uncle named Gaylord but hadn't seen him since he was a child. Ray inherited Gaylord's Joke Shop from his late Uncle Gaylord on the belief he was the nephew with the worst sense of humor. Ray tried to prove he was funny but accidentally released a destructive pair of Imps. Once they were recaptured, Ray decided to sell the shop.
Ray doesn't have superpowers as much as he wished he had but he does have his Ghostbusting gear and Ecto Goggles that act as a visual version of the PKE Meter.
Goals: Study the paranormal
Name: Winston Zeddemore
Universe from: The Real Ghostbusters
Gender: Male
Age: Mid 20's
Winston is still the straight man that continued from the movies but is more comical than his movie counterpart. He can explain Ray, Peter, and Egon's scientific explanations into common man's terms, also he can often come up with the common man's plan that is too simple for the others to realize, because of their scientific background. He is also a very good shot with the proton pack, so good he is the only Ghostbuster who used a scope in episode "Take Two" on a case.


When he was a child, Winston learned how to pick locks from his father Edward Zeddemore. Winston's father owned an old truck that he always used to get locked out of. He fixed the problem by making his own door opener. Winston worked in construction at one point, which could have been with his dad; which would later explain his knowledge of his dad's friends and such.
While investigating a disturbance at a construction site, Winston learned his father was the Foreman at that time. Winston came to help his father, and to reason with him, but Ed didn't believe in ghosts and looked at his Ghostbusting as some sort of video game. His father immediately told him he doesn't believe in the supernatural and doesn't approve of Winston being a Ghostbuster. While looking around the construction site, they are pulled into the Land of Lost Objects, and Winston gets him out (with the help of the other Ghostbusters, too). After this incident, he has earned his father's approval of being a Ghostbuster. He applied to take part in the International Space Project and fulfill a life long dream of going up into outer space. His official title was a "civilian expert in supernatural phenomena" and he would spend 10 days on the station conducting ectoplasm experiments in zero gravity. However, the station was soon boarded by a Vampiric Alien Ghost. The other Ghostbusters and Slimer joined Winston on the station, after a live feed was lost on the news. Peter, Winston, and Slimer trapped the ghost and restored its victims to normal.

Winston displays abilities to use any new piece of equipment instantly and the fact that more often than not he's the usual pilot for Ecto-2. He also seemed to love working on the Ecto-1 and then entering it into car shows. A young Roland Jackson was impressed by the car and some equipment Winston brought along. Winston is fond of basketball, crime and mystery novels, game shows, and police dramas. He can figure out the game show's answers and identify the guilty parties before his colleagues.

Winston doesn't have any powers but is still equipted with his Ghostbusting gear. Wintson, much like Ray, is great at Gameshows
Goals: To Bust Ghosts

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