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Futuristic The Re-Taking of Earth


The voice rings over the intercom of the Ulysses, requesting the crew get ready for the most monumental invasion in history. Xavier was already in the drop-ship, he's been there for a couple of minutes, warming his baby up. The four other crew members were also in the ship with Xavier; Wiershe and Harek were in their gunner positions; Zim, the co-pilot, was sitting behind Xavier, helmet already on and testing weapon caps; and the extra crewman, Gemini, waiting for deployment in the personnel hold at the bottom of the ship where the operatives and supplies will be held.

Hey, Wiershe, Harek, yall's guns doing alright? I don't want to get down there and then end up with no protection." Xavier's eyes drift over the control panel and over the covers, missile arming switches can be found underneath them. "Yeah, I have 30 boxes down here." Answers Wiershe, Harek responds right after. "Copy that. Besides, it's not like fifteen millimeters will do anything to some extra-terrestrial ship. You know what, scratch that, it'll tickle them." Xavier looks back out the front window which gives him a view across the hangar.

Xavier suddenly remembers to turn on his rotatable camera, there were two located just under the nose, one for Zim and one for Xavier. Xavier takes a couple of seconds to get it booted up and . The voice rings over the intercom again. "ALL PERSONNEL REPORT TO HANGAR AND BOARD DROP-SHIP IN T-MINUS 5 MINUTES." Xavier chuckles. "Come on little birds, gotta get into the next before we fly." Zim tests the camera and leans to the side to take a look at Xavier's control panel. "Sir, don't forget to check your camera." Xavier's hand moves the joystick left, right, up, and down before activating the "Center" option which automatically moves the camera back to its default forward-facing position.

Well, boys, it's just about time to shine. I know I don't ask much, but this mission I want your best, and I mean your absolute best! I want those bullets to hit whatever they're being fired upon, and I want these missiles to take out whatever they're meant to take out. I want no screw-ups today, I want the best out of all of you, I hope that our team will be as good as you guys." Xavier finishes his speech with a smirk and further testing of the engines, they reply with a smooth rumble and a whine.

Syreni was sitting down when the first alarm ringed through her ears. She rubbed the back of her head to feel the shorter hairs of her undercut. She also checked her hair color and see how blue it still was. To her surprise it was holding on pretty well. Riptide was staring down at her twin guns before realizing she had to get a move on.

She wrapped her double holster around her hips and placed her old fashion military hat on her head. Checking how much ammo she was carrying on her before heading out to the hanger. She waited there for a few moments to see if she saw any of her new crew but the second alarm went off and she decided that she had to act professional and this isn't like it used to be.
Sumia slammed her hand into the metal wall, not even noticing the pain through her fury. "You bastard! How could you lie to me like this?" She was screaming at Agent Mayfield, the man who 'recruited' her two years earlier. The alarm ordering final prep arrival was blaring, but she didn't care. He promised her the chance to see James again, but like damn near everything else that came out of his mouth, it was a lie.

"I didn't say you could see him, you know. I said you might get the chance. And you did, you just took the wrong transport." The smug aura constantly surrounding him could still be felt from billions of miles away. It was sickening, but Sumia had to make sure he wasn't completely lying, she wasn't committing herself to a suicide mission for nothing.

"No more doublespeak, or half truths. Tell me, after I finish this job am I free from any threat of imprisonment and the employ of the government altogether? As well as that, will there be any attempts on my life after my retirement?" Sumia's question didn't cover everything, but she didn't have any time: the five minute warning was just made.

"Yes, our president himself will be signing off on your pardon." He smirked while he spoke, and it made Sumia more and more uncomfortable. "Oh, I heard that warning, don't miss your flight!" He immediately disconnected, leaving Sumia without any real assurance. His answer wasn't what she wanted to hear, but it wasn't like she could turn back. That meant arrest, imprisonment. Going forward was all she could do.

With her mask in one hand, her pistol holstered, and her rifle dismantled and ready for reconstruction, Sumia was as ready as she would ever be as she took a step onto the transport and to her only chance at freedom,
Spark, was as usual late. The girl honestly didn't know if she had it in her to be early. It wasn't that she was late, late but she was most certainly always military time late. She nearly always arrived just in the nick of time for anything and today was no different. She could hear the alarm blazing in her ears as she pulled on her boots "yes, yes five minutes i get it i'm comin" she muttered to herself and when she finally had her shoes on she grabbed her weapons and holstered them to her hips. Her bag was hastily threw over her shoulder and she snatched up her toolbox and jacket. "MOVE. SORRY!." she declared as she went flying out of her room and nearly knocked some poor unsuspecting shoulder on their behind.

With a mad dash around the facility and finally making it to the flight deck Spark made it into the hanger just as the last call was going off, the woman smirked to herself and dropped her belongings at her feet. "made it" she announced and it was mostly to herself, she made a quick scan around the aircraft before she grabbed her seat and buckled herself up. She couldn't wait to learn more about this baby, heck of anything it would make her life to take the whole thing apart and put it back together again but eh no time for that when you were flying into impending doom right?. Spark looked around her fellow team mates with an excited grin on her face "so you guys ready to rick and roll?"
Austin heard the alarm and stood up from his poker game. "Thats our call boys" He smirked and swiped up his winnings and casually walked to his bunk to get dressed. He strapped on his flight suit and casually walk towards his bird, once there he looked over the mission assignment one final time. He took a deep breath and hopped into his plane. He did the pre-flight checks and radioed the transport he was to escort "This is Archer to Firefly, I'll be flying escort to your drop-ship... But I guess you can just call me babysitter" Austin said sarcastically. He flicked the ignition switch on his ship and the engine sparked to life. "This is Archer, affirmed ready for takeoff" He reported to mission control.
Caitlyn was talking to her father when the alarm went off. "That's my call dad, I need to go." She said, and hint of excitement in her voice. "Alright. Be careful out there." He said to her, and hung up. Caitlyn sighed, grabbed all of her gear, and headed towards the hangar. When she arrived, she noticed the rest of her squad. "Caitlyn Springfield reporting for duty."

Xavier waits until the ground team is on board, he then turns his attention towards Austin. "Roger that, Archer, make sure to run a quick warm-up and check your missile caps, it would be a damned shame to get down there and figure out a missile is locked in the middle of battle." Xavier says as he looks towards the fighters that were located across the hangar. He switches from crew radio to the ship's intercom. "Ok, I'll make this short since we're about to be launched down to Earth; I'm your drop-ship captain, Xavier, feel free to use my code-name, Firefly. Throughout this mission, me, our friendly fighter-pilot Austin, and our other pilot Caitlyn will provide you with as much support as we can offer, if you need anything like an air-lift out of an area or ground-support, just call on me." The engines started to flare before something caught Xavier's attention.

Uh, Ian, who the hell is that girl in the hangar?" Xavier asks Ian, the hangar over-watch. "That's Caitlyn, your fighter pilot." Xavier's eyes widen. "What the fuck is she doing out of her ship?! Ian, mind giving her a wake-up call?" Ian turns on the hangar intercom, causing his voice to boom over the large hangar. "Mrs.Springfield, report to your fighter. Tee-minus two minutes to launch." And with that, he turns off the intercom. "Thank you, Ian, hope that gets her movin'. Archer, I'm going to need you to bring up the back when we're going down there, only rear defense this baby's got is flares, and that's just for heat-seeking projectiles." Xavier looks back at Wiershe who gives him an OK signal to let him know that anything he controls is working fine.

A claw-like machine slowly clambers its way over to the drop-ship and picks it up, it then makes its way over to a large hatch before lowering the ship just over it, waiting for the countdown to be complete.

Caitlyn heard the intercom, and hurried over to her fighter. She climb into the cockpit and began to check that the planes systems were working. She smiled, anxious to go onto humanity's old home. When she finished making sure her fighter was in good condition, she sat back and waited for the countdown to end.
Anders made a last minute check of his Popper, field-stripping it and reassembling it repeatedly to work the stress out of his system. He would field strip it to check that it was cleaned and ready, then reassemble it. A moment later, he'd check it again, then repeat. He was in a corner of the pod, away from everyone else. He didn't want to talk to them, and he didn't need to. He glanced over at the woman next to him, who was packing a Stinger Rifle and the standard Popper. Interesting, a sniper. (That's you, @Homage. In case you didn't realise)

He flicked his head back over to his left hand, in which his own Popper was residing, missing its slide and magazine. He flicked his right hand over and slid the slide back on, having inspected it for the seventh time in the last few minutes. He replaced the slide catch, then slipped the magazine back into the slot. All good, just like it was a minute ago. He replaced that in its holster, then inspected his knife again. Sharp, like it was a minute ago. He needed some action, and without it, but knowing that it is coming soon, he was bored.

Anders could feel the drop ship move as it dangled over the deployment hole. The tension in the air was so thick it was almost solid. He felt like trying to move would be impossible if it got any thicker. It was always like this before a deployment, but he'd never seen it quite like this. I mean, it was their home Earth, but this was almost ridiculous. He smiled at the direction his thought train was taking. It was leading away from worrying about the mission, which was good. It meant stress wasn't consuming and clouding his mind.
Archer did a quick running check of his missle caps "Rodger that Firefly" He increased throttle and armed his weapons "Missles are go" he primed the cannons "Cannons are go, lets kick some alien ass shall we?" He felt his plane being moved into the launch tube. "Ready for take-off on your command Firefly"
Lana sat in her seat the woman's eyes tracing over the people around her. Sure she had seen them afew days ago but there had been so much going on she hadn't really gotten the chance to take them in. she liked to watch people or study them at least..find out little details and in fact sometimes she gave them her own nicknames in her head. She chuckled quietly to herself at that but whens he heard the intercom her head perked up a bit as she listened. Lana looked down and checked then rechecked that she was strapped in right and that her gear was securely strapped down beside her.

She had pulled one of the smaller gadgets she always carried with her out and fiddled with it in her hands, it was a work in process. A drone of sorts it could fly and detect heat signatures which would be useful when they were scouting out area's after they landed but it also projected a high frequency noise that she wasn't quite sure she wanted to achieve yet. She would probably try and get it to set to such a frequency she could knock out some com's.

When the ship started to move Lana looked up from the gadget in her hands once more and a smirk came to her face. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous about this mission but honestly she was more excited than scared. It wasn't everyday you got the chance they did, She was practically bouncing in her seat she couldn't wait to get there and get started.
Syreni made sure she was strapped securely down before letting out a sigh. She noticed Lana chuckling to herself but didn't look at her. More like she couldn't bring herself to do it.

She was slightly offended that she was laughing at such a dangerous mission. She wasn't entirely ready for this new crew either, regardless of having days in advance to prepare herself. Syreni felt nostalgic at hearing Firely on the com, hoping either, her old Captain, Hexx or Nama's voices would speak through. Regardless she pushed these taughts aside and focused on not being sick all over the floor.

She sometimes wished she wouldn't come out of this alive but other times she hoped that she could find new friends in this crew like she did in her old one.

Only time could tell. She passed her hand through her royal blue hair once more and waited to hear if anyone would say her name or any announcements/commands would come up.
Caitlyn kept checking the planes systems. She made sure the middle caps opened, the machine guns were perfect, and that she had a fuel tank of fuel. Finally, she finished checking her weapons and systems on the fighter. "Springfield is ready for take-off." She said, and tapped her foot. She was very anxious to leave the station.
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