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Fantasy The Raven Knights Character Applications

Name: Reilara Sangu



[Artwork by Swd3ez]

Age: 20

Race: Human

Banner: Her banner is the Ram of Hearthstead. 

Magic: Blood magic
Heart Sensor: She can sense heartbeats when she concentrates
Blade of Blood: She can manipulate her own blood to create bladed weapons. Weapons made from her blood remain hardend and become fragile if they do not maintain skin contact with her. This blood cannot return to her.
Halt the Flow: She can harden blood to stop bleeding and blood flow. (her own and others) This is simple scabbing, just much faster.
Fire in her Veins: She can heat her own blood to burn organic material, possibly causing a fire. This blood cannot return to her. She can do this at range, though the further it is the longer it takes to heat up.
Blood Manipulation: She can manipulate her own blood similar to water bending. She cannot use it as its own weapon has it is fairly weak, it is mearly to enable her other abilities. This blood can return to her.

Her blood doesn’t oxidize naturally, so she needs to harden it herself. She creates more blood than normal humans, blood she doesn't need, involuntarily. If she doesn’t use her powers, she’ll start getting nose bleeds. Continuing to not use her power will result in her lungs filling with blood and bood vessels popping. She’ll start coughing it up and may eventually die if she neglects herself. Additionally, using her powers too much will result in lightheadedness, anemia, and eventually death. Pretty standard blood mage problems. Too much blood and her skin gains a red tint, this is usually a sign she need to let loose a little.

Weapon of Choice: Her blood is her weapon. If she cannot use it, chances are she no longer has the strength to fight anyway.


Aldrius Sangu was a noble from Hearthstead who had arranged a marriage between him and a wealthy woman of Loenshire named Mayris Hunts. Mayris, wasn't keen on the idea, but agreed to appease her father. Aldrius had her moved from her home to his manor in Hearthstead.  At the time of the marriage, Aldrius was twenty five and Mayris was nineteen.

A whole five years later, Reilara Sangu was born. She was the third of four, but the only one possessing the mark signifying her blood’s magic. Choosing to keep her close, Mayris did not allow her to go to to Raven’s Grove. Aldrius agreed to keep her until she was an adult. For the next seven years everything went as you would expect it. She learn how to act, speak, read and other things a lady should. She didn't experience much other than Hearthstead. That was at least until her seventh year.

Mayris, with Aldrius’s approval, took Reilara and her younger brother to Loenshire to meet her family. The actual reason was Mayris’s mother had fallen deathly ill. So the three of them ventured off, with several servants and a security detail. The journey to Loenshire had been uneventful. Reilara enjoyed the new sights and being away from Hearthstead, but she got bored and homesick when they reached Loenshire. They stayed at Mayris’s parents mansion for two weeks. Mayris was always watching over her mother or visiting old friends and family. That left Reilara and her little brother to themselves; there were no other children at the mansion. Whenever she went to see one of her mother’s friends, she received a lot of unwanted attention. Her mother kept advertising her as some kind of rare jewel(due to her magical blood).

Eventually, they left Loenshire. Their route home took them near Raven’s Grove. Out pure coincidence, one of their horses broke an ankle. In that same instance, one of the wheels of their wagon broke. From the tree came two people, a man and a woman. The woman healed the horse's ankle almost by magic while the man helped fix the wheel. Afterward, they spoke directly to Reilara. They told her there was something special about her, something she didn't understand. They told her if she went with them she could learn her true potential. Being only seven years old, Reilara didn't understand. Mayris, angry that the Raven Knights were trying to take her daughter away from her, began to yell at them. Reilara followed along. If her mom didn't like someone, why should she? They returned home without any other strange and “random” occurrences.

A few more uneventful years later, Aldrius felt Reilara was ready to learn who she really was. One day he took her into his office instead of her usual homeschooling lessons. After a few minutes of searching, he found a small written journal with only the words “Sangu Bloodline” stitched into the leather cover. He told her to begin studying it until she memorize everything written inside that journal. Many of the pages were bloodstained and the last fifteen pages were written in blood. There were many blank pages afterward. A year passed by as she studied the journal, having not be told the reason why. She was thirteen, but could quote that journal word for word. Of course she continued her normal lessons, but on Sunday every week, her father would bring her back into his office to recite the journal while he read.

This continued for another few years. Before Reilara had started studying the journal the time she spent with her father had been extremely small. Since then, however, she had grown so much more attached. At first, she thought it was because she had gotten older, but the truth was finally unveiled on her sixteenth birthday. It was what her father considered her becoming an adult. Everyone was congratulating her on her achievements, despite not having any. Of course this was normal being a noble, but she felt out of place with all eyes on her. It wasn’t until the next day that her father’s body was discovered.

It was his personal butler who found him. He was in his private quarters <redacted>. Forcing herself through the family’s servants and the local police(with her words) she was able to look upon the terrible scene. To anyone else, it was too gruesome to behold. Reilara, on the other hand, was paralyzed in fear at the realization. What was in the room described the Passing of Power ritual in the Sangu Bloodline journal. Inside the room, at the heart of the gory mess lay that very journal, with a newly written page. It was written in blood like the last fifteen, but the only words on it read, “There is nothing more I can give you, Reilara. Nothing more but the very power of our nobility. This is my last gift to you, farewell.”

It was the only traumatic experience Reilara had ever faced, and it changed everything. Within a few days, Reilara had become a blood mage. She knew everything there was to know about her powers, but she hadn’t a clue how to control them. Filled with grief, panic, and anger she ran away from home. She fled to the only place that had ever offer her sanctuary. She fled to Raven’s Grove. Her family hadn’t her from her for two years afterward, and not with a lack of trying. She came across her mother and her little brother as they were moving to Loenheart. Her older brother now was in charge of the family, and Mayris didn’t want to live in the same house her husband had killed himself in. Since then, she kept in contact with her family, but choose to remain in Raven’s Grove to become a full fledged Raven Knight.

 I am fully aware you are not accepting applications, but I am posting this so you may review it so that I can rework her background in order to fit into the story. I feel much better about this rework
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