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Fantasy The Raven Knights Character Applications

Name: Nicholas Kaylock

Appearance:  (Credit: Couldn't find artist... Ignore the steampunk arm xD) 


Age: Unknown (Appearance-wise: Forties/Early Fifties, though still very athletically capable)

Race: Human 

Banner: Raven

Magic: Kaylock is capable of "creating" objects from his mind, though they always eventually fade away. This ability seems to additionally lend itself to the creation of "real" objects, such as things similar to the machinations of the dwarves, and some things unrecognizable and unusable to any but himself. The finest crafstmen and craftsdwarves have attempted to copy his methods, which he actively encourages. In some cases, they can replicate what he creates, but for some of the most outlandish inventions, they seem to work simply by some sort of strange magic all his own. 

Along with these powers, Kaylock does not age. While he can be injured, and is seemingly capable of being killed, he does not seem to "catch" any illnesses, nor does he seem to be affected by any poisons. He also has the enhanced agility, strength, etc. of a typical Raven Knight. However, due to the extreme stress upon his mind, given that the human mind is not meant to handle several centuries of information, his memory (and mind) is fractured. For the most part, he keeps himself together, though he is occasionally prone to confusing memories, mixing up centuries-old events with current ones. For the most part, he can only accurately recall within 100 years, without assistance or some sort of reminder.

Weapon of Choice: A strange hand cannon which holds six bullets simultaneously (a revolver, though they wouldn't have a word for it), as well as a long sword. In addition, he has multiple other strange "gadgets." 


Kaylock has no recollection of when he was born. Assumedly, he would have to be born after the first known presence of magical people within the world. However, many suspect that he has lived longer, given that, according to the records of the Raven Council, he has been associated with the Raven Council since it's beginning, and even then, he was apparently long-lived. He has no memories of the founding days, given the state of his mind. By his own recollection, the last formal gathering of the Raven Knights he can recall was the gathering in 1648. Since then, he has wandered across the world, offering his services as a teacher to all those he views as promising. He has immense general knowledge of history and several languages, as well as immense mechanical and black-smithing ability, and passes on as much of this knowledge as he can to his various students, be they dwarves, elves, or humans. 

He often drops by Raven's Grove, to see where his services are needed. Oftentimes, he is tasked with training new knights, or is sent to assist in areas where the local knight needs help. In addition, whenever his mind is... more dangerously inclined, he takes immediate measures to get to Raven's Grove as soon as possible. In the past, this was relatively rare, and his occasional episodes were handled by his young apprentice, Auriane, an elven woman. Last year though, Auriane died when a poison meant for Nicholas reached her lips instead. This rocked his already damaged mind, and his mind has steadily declined. In the past year, he has been to Raven's Grove three times, each because of his slipping mind. As of late, he seems to be recovering, though it is rumored by some that it won't be long before he completely loses control of reality....

(note: I know this is a bit late, but I would really like to join! Thanks! ) 


@ThisUsernameIsALie, while I appreciate the manner that you've portrayed your character, there are a few points I would like you to revise. The first one being the magic that your character is using. The idea of Kaylock's ability to "construct" matter only used by your character is wonderful in the sense that your character is seasoned enough to use his magic in such away. I do hope it has its own limitations to it and not godly in any way. Also, the immunity to poison and illness negates the ability of one or more knights with such powers to contend on an equal level with your character. Then, there is the issues of age, for the very simple fact that as time progresses in our story magic evolves and adapts to new lengths and abilities to its users, but there are still limitations to it. While I admire the detail you've placed in your character, I would like the consistency of the eldest member of the Knights to be Valacath, he's almost four hundred years old. If you could adjust Kaylock's age to maybe two centuries younger I think Oni and I would approve your application if the proper revisions were made. 
@Tanfam Unfortunately, the only hair to the king has been murder-lized like a Justin Beiber fan at an Ozzfest event. You can be a noble's daughter to any of the lands as long as it doe not interfere with another character's story, unless you've properly collaborated with them. I do however want to stress that you stick to the Lore and ways of properly becoming a knight in your application. Far too many have been denied over this minor issue, and it is greatly becoming a frequently problem. I do want to express my gratitude to you in asking first before you applied. I look forward to see what you have in mind. 
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@ThisUsernameIsALie I'm glad to convey any issues that Oni and I have, we want to make your application process as convenient as possible. I would hate to deny somebody on simple mistakes. I also appreciate the positive response towards my notes. I am greatly looking forward to your character's approval as much as you might be.  
Name: Maddox Yggrin Longhawk


Maddox outfit.jpg

*sorry I can't find the photographer, but it's a photo so is this okay?

Age: 104, but retains the appearance of being around 45

Race: Human

Banner: Wolf of Loenshire

Magic: Maddox has the ability to transform into animals. So far he is able to transform into a ginger and brown fox, a grizzled gray wolf, and a Golden Eagle. He is currently working on a stag transformation.

Weapon of Choice: Sword

Bio: Born in the hunter and gatherer society of Loenshire, Maddox grew up as a tanner's boy along with his six siblings. On his 14th birthday, he discovered a crescent-shaped mark near his collarbone after an incident which changed his world. He had accepted a dare to wander further into the wilds and prove his courage but chanced upon a mother bear and her cubs. The adult bear perceived him as a threat when he suddenly came too close without seeing the creatures. In her anger, she charged at him and he instinctively changed form into a fox out of fear which enabled him to get away quickly. After a few minutes he changed back, completely confused by what happened. 

When he returned home late in the evening, he heard the grave news that the Clan Elder, a great wielder of healing magic, had passed away. To him it seemed like a dream, but not a pleasant one. He was suddenly forced to go to a new place away from the family and community he had grown up in. He wasn't pleased to hear that he was obligated to serve the king in return for the simple right to live. This coupled with the fact that the king never intervened positively in his world before gave a cynical tint to his worldview. Although he eventually got through the training, he never quite felt at home with the trainees and other magical beings, but always longed to return to Loenshire. During his training he was able to master the wolf form.

When he finally returned to his home, his serene happiness at finally being back was broken by the fact that some of his community began treating him differently. Some even say that it was his fault the former Elder passed away, and did not quite accept him. While the Elder had been born as a magical being, respected as such, and cultivated into the role of Village Chief, Maddox came into his magic in an unforeseen way, leading many to believe strange rumors of something darker going on. As time passed, all but the most stubborn and hard-hearted began to turn from that train of thought especially when he fought hard to win back their trust. Through the entire journey, his mother and father had been the most supportive.

As the years passed he gradually got used to his magic, which he had seen as an unwanted interruption in his life, and even began to enjoy it and his new position within his clan. By and by he gained new forms particularly that of the eagle. This freed him to soar above the land and travel more, which in turn changed how he viewed the world. It gave him perspective, both literally and figuratively, which caused him to grow into a more resilient and understanding man. 
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The Wild-Fire Renegade


Yaro Azar



(Credit: Hunter x Hunter (Kurapika Kurata). Gumi Chan Fan Art)




Well, I am not short, and I don't have pointed ears, so I must be a Human.


The Star-Chasing Raven


Fire Manipulation- All forms of fire can be harnessed by him, and used for various means. However, due to his lack of complete training, he has only a mastery of three fire types (Regular Fire, Blue Fire, and Dark Fire), and his only capable usage is in combat. Another detrimental effect is that he lacks proper control over his fire, and could potentially cause more harm than good

Weapon of Choice:


Recurve Bow
Studded Gauntlets


A kind, but adventurous and rebellious soul, Yaro Azar has always been told he's been destined for greatness. Abandoned as a child into the care of the Raven Knights Since a young age, he's always been fascinated about stories of the humans coming to this land across the sea, of the monsters that disappeared, and the ancient mystery's surrounded magic. Though more than willing to aid and comfort his fellow living beings, Yaro has never liked the idea of someone else dictating how he should live his life, or being forced (albeit for a good cause) to do what others tell him. Therefor, before he was fully inducted, he opted to use his talents to escape the Raven Knights, and begin his own journey of self discovery.

Though officially a renegade in the eyes of his former comrades, Yaro has never abandoned the ideals of helping those that couldn't help themselves. Thanks to his magical abilities, he has managed to protect those that he desired against banditry, helped crops grow, and provided safe escort to those that needed it. His current occupation is that of a Freelancer, willing to aid anyone in exchange for coin. His goal is to one day found his own guild of adventurers and explorers, and discover the secrets that these lands hold. This burning passion in his heart has never left throughout his years, and only seems to grow with each passing day.

With the death of the heir apparent, and the Raven Knights being called together in what seems to be the first time in forever, Yaro is debating if he should reveal to his former fellows that he is still among the living. A natural thrill-seeker and adventurer at heart, Yaro seeks to view the wonders of the world with his own eyes, fighting darkness and evil on his own terms. Quick to anger, but unshakingly loyal to his comrades, Yaro has been called reckless, rash, and careless more times than he can count, but he is more than willing to back up those that need it when the call is put out. His fighting style relies heavily on striking fast and overwhelming with sheer force, thus putting him at a disadvantage in a prolonged fight, as his defensive maneuvers rely on trickery and entrapment.

He may not be a knight, but he is more than willing to help his fellow living beings, and if the situation should call for it, throw his life away for them. In respect for his past and those that helped him master his own abilities, Yaro has created his own banner, the Star-Chasing Raven. Those that wander are not always lost, and this Raven that flew? He was chasing after the stars themselves. His own banner is modeled after his care givers. Despite having left, Yaro has a deep respect for the Raven Knights, and wouldn't hesitate to lend aid if asked.
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Name: Reynald Michael

Appearance: battle_at_the_gates_by_jasontn-d835osu.jpg

                                                                              by JasonTN


                                                by Inaba

Age:  26

Race: Human

Banner: Shepard among the Wolves

Magic: Darkrift: harnessing darkness, Reynald uses it to maximize his abilities on the battlefield by creating projectiles from the after effects from his strikes using his weapon as a catalyst and can create small blasts from his hand to knockdown heavily armored enemies and with greatshields ( it is not a projectile from his hand only a blast )

Weapon of Choice: A light colored ebony spear, Reynald's favorite weapon he excels with it in battle almost being compared to a dancer he is very graceful and deadly using each movement to follow up with his strikes.

A rapier he carries on his hilt , he carries this as his back up and is just as deadly with it as his spear light and thin he can only parry and follow when playing defense with this weapon as it can break really easy with a strong blow

Bio: Born to Gundyr Michael and Tristanna Michael, they were very happy of their child's birth when they saw the marking on the child's chest they knew his fate and we're preparing to give him to the order of Raven's. At a young age he was shown with talent for being agile and movement dancing around opponents with ease and making others lose balance he was trained hard everyday and read holy scriptures and books his parents left with him before being given to the order , his faith was as equal as his training he was completely devoted, spending day and night training and praying he helped those find peace and was humble to all.

 At the end of his training he left for home to visit his family. On his journey he carried his, spear, rapier and book of faith. He spread his message and the message of Minerva , her path that was to heal and care for all those who couldn't protect or help themselves he followed passages and spread them to people who would hear and those who wouldn't he respected for his father wrote, that all are entitled to what the believe in. When he returned home he was greeted by his father only. His father told him that his mother died protecting the village from a raid her armor left to Reynald as it was his mothers dying wish. Reynald took the armor and spent several months fixing it and making adjustments until it was right for him, he donned the armor and set out on his journey at the age of 20 to spread the word of Minerva to those who would listen. 

To each village he went to he dealt with local problems and helped in anyway he could he became know as the Shepard among the Wolfs due to his mission. He traveled all over and finally returned home to visit his father but was greeted by him and a message. A Call to Arms was enacted and he was to return back to Raven's Grove as it was his duty now. His visit home was brief and he made his way to the grove as it was his mission now to take up this Call to Arms.
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Appearance: (Please credit artists)

(By Me, Tanfam!)

Name: Elya 

Age: 21

Race:  Elf

Banner: The Tree

Magic:        Elya specializes in wind magic, specifically razor sharp blasts of wind that can cut through objects. She mainly uses her wind powers to extend her blade and shoot wind blasts. 

Weapon of Choice:        Elya is proficient with the elven bow, but uses a sword because it works better with her powers. 

Bio:      Elya Trellis, the 3rd daughter to King Ilyan of the Elves was born in 1673. She was intended to be a princess of Illyndryl but when a petal like mark was found on her, they quickly realized that she was blessed with magic. She was sent to the Raven Council, and there she trained with Alluin Week, the elven instructor. She quickly grew up to be a tough and hardy fighter, and she conquered men with both her strength and her looks. Just because she was of royal blood didnt mean Alluin treated her differently than the other trainees. When she turned 18, she left to explore the world instead of going back home. She didn't want to. There wasn't a place for here there, she being the third princess. She had never grown up to be a leader, but fighter. She fought feral beasts and other abnormal creatures in the fringes of Eradona for a time. That was when she obtained her signature Green cloak. She was spotted in Hearthstead a few years ago, but vanished back in the wilderness. Only when the Raven council was called did Elya emerge from the frontier and back into civilization. 

Elya is a kind soul who doesnt hesitate to do what is right. She is a very curious and inquisitive elf, and loves to interact with Dwarves and Humans. She doesn't have any lovers yet because she prefers being alone. She was, however almost married off when she came back to Illyndryl. A noble was courting her. However, Elya knew she couldnt do her duties as a Raven Knight if she married him, so she challenged the suitor to a spar. If he wins then she would marry him, but if she won then she would refuse his hand and stay a virgin forever. Well, obviously she won because she went on to slay the Tarkonian wyvern and bring peace to the towns and villages that were terrorized by the menace.

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@Nyctophiliac - Denied and banned from any future applications per myself and @Skaia. This is a final decision.

@Andraus - Your character is close to being approved, but please PM me so I can give you the tidbits that need to be edited for approval. Thank you.

@RunicFollower - Everything is fine here except for a small detail or two that I'd like to touch base with you on prior to approving the application. These details are going to add additional lore to the story that Skaia and I are okay with, but we need to clarify a few points and such. Please PM me and we'll go over it. Thank you.

@Tanfam - I understand that Skaia is working with you personally to not only get your bio up to snuff, but to incorporate new details into the lore as well. That said, I leave the final decisions to him. Thank you.
Also, @Darth Gangsta - We have decided that if you are still interested in the roleplay, we are going to give you one more opportunity at creating a character that fits the guidelines laid out. If you cannot do this, we'll be forced to permanently ban any future applications. You've been working with us in PM's and we appreciate that, hence why we're giving you this last chance. Please continue to PM us to get the details right if you wish to press forward.

As a side note, we apologize that we have to lay down the metaphorical hammer on some of you. We know it seems harsh, but it's critical to maintain the integrity of the story for not only ourselves, but those who are invested in seeing it through that have followed the guidelines laid out. We appreciate the interest and will still continue to accept applications on the grounds that we've stated many, many times previously. As always, feel free to PM Skaia or myself if you need assistance.

In addition, I'll be posting a list in the Extra Information forum detailing which characters have been approved for roleplay to avoid any confusion from here on out. This list will be continuously updated as applications get approved. Stay tuned.
I understand. I will use this chance wisely, just tell me to make the necessary changes. I'll have the changes up sometime today for sure (if there's barely any changes at all, I'll probably fix them soon). 
Name: Elva

Appearance: (No clue who the artist is)


Age: 19

Race: Elf 

Banner:  Illyndryll 

Magic: Elva Has nature powers, that can make vines and grass bend to her will. Although it can be weak at times, when the sun is shining the most, her powers are strongest, as that makes plants grow. She also can make food easily, by making apple trees grow, which can be a good reasource. 

Weapon of Choice: Her trusty bow, Elva loves taking a little hunt, but never hurting the animals, just shooting at trees. She is not good at close combat and will fail with a sword or dagger. She also enjoys archery contests with other elves. 

Bio: An elf of the forest, Elva knew she had magic in her from a day she started. A bit headstrong, Elva loves a good stroll, but when she's done, she's done. She hates people who boss her around and is arrogant, but can be kind and friendly when she wants to be. Elva will never follow orders unless she feels you worthy and speaks her mind.

      She has anger issues and can send people flying with trees when she's really angry, but can also be calmed easily. As arrogant and headstrong as she is, she is a good fighter and brave. 

       She travels all over, sometimes she doesn't even know where she is, but right now she is in The Raven's Grove exploring, as she has never been there before. At the moment, she is acting like herself, complaining about not being about to watch a Raven Meeting. 

       She also has a pet wolf in the forest, who is always traveling with her. She enjoys keeping her bow on her all the time. 

        Her wolf, Hikari, is with her, barking at them to try to scare them. 

Theme Song: 
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@Kitty_Lover - Everything about your character is okay, but the bio is fairly short. We're gonna ask that you expand on it, making a two paragraph minimum, and detail her experience with The Raven Knights and where she is now, etc.
@Kitty_Lover - Everything about your character is okay, but the bio is fairly short. We're gonna ask that you expand on it, making a two paragraph minimum, and detail her experience with The Raven Knights and where she is now, etc.

Edited it a bit - Sorry, I'm feeling lazy and it's late here ^o^ 
@Kitty_Lover - Unfortunately, that's not quite what we're looking for. Feel free to look at some of the applications that have been approved to get a better idea of what we're going for and get back to us if you decide to pursue things further.
@Haus Of Alaska - Hello! Unfortunately, your character is a little off track of the guidelines, so I'm going to have to ask if you can revise it. The only people who would've heard about the Meeting of The Ravens is members, associates, or those excommunicated from the order. But also to have magic, or be born with the mark of magic, it would mean from birth to the age of eighteen she would train beside the Raven Knights. As for the healing power, Ylva has one the same - which I'm not sure if you'd like to change yours slightly? Well, if you need any help, make sure to contact the admins or myself ^^



Name: Nymeria Velaryon

Age: 27

Race: Human


Her Banner is a Red Scorpion on an Orange background


Nymeria's magic stems from the control over the earth. Her magic was discovered to be a form of Terrakinesis. As long as she is around solid earth, she can call and control it. When she first began her training she could barely control it, however her stubborn streak made her work and focus on developing the scope of her magic and her control over it. Her latest feat is being able to form rings of rocks to act like a shield.

However the setback for Nymeria is that her feet must touch solid earth at all times. If she does not her bodily strength begins to fail her, making her more tired and even to the point of death if she remains off the ground for too long. Because of this she cannot travel by ship or even go upstairs for too long.

A way to delay this reaction is to sprinkle some dirt in her boots, but this is by no means a permanent fix.

Weapon of Choice:

Nymeria was trained from the age of 18 to wield a sword. She had been gifted a saber styled sword as a welcome home gift once she returned from Ravensgrove and with the same enthusiasm that she put into learning her magic she also took up learning to wield the weapon.

Bio: (2 paragraph minimum)


Nymeria was born to a Noble house in Jivala. Born as one half of a set of twins, Nymeria had the mark of magic while her brother did not. 

Shortly after the announcement of the twins birth, Nymeria was sent to the Raven Council along with the explanation of her mark. She would not step foot on her home soil for 18 years. Her time in Ravensgrove was spent on the focus and control of her magic. Her Terra magic soon showed itself as a mainly offensive magic. Her main offensive skills with her magic being easier than defensive abilities.

During her 18 years with the Raven Knights was a time she enjoyed, unlike some of her fellow students who at first missed home or the idea of home. When she returned home she was given a reception befitting a Lady of her stature. While her family focused on ruling their merchant interests, Nymeria focused on her learning, continuing her study of her magic. She also took up sword play to learn how to wield a blade to cover all bases. Her life remained much the same for the next few years of her life, until she received the call from the council. Knowing that they would not call for any small reason, she left immediately giving her family a bare excuse saying that she needed to help some of her brothers from the council.

She spent the next few weeks making her way back to Ravensgrove to find out the reason behind the summons.
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@Haus Of Alaska - Glad to see you made those revisions that Humans asked ya to do. Your new character is fantastic. :) Thanks for reppin' Jivala too! I was hoping someone would.

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