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Fantasy The Quest to our Dream


Where did Joe come from? Where'd he go?

(Please remove everything in {everything in between these})








{Backstory + Personality}


{Check your role restrictions in the overview}


{same as skills/abilities, check the overview}



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The Water Mage: Kawailani


Name: Kawailani Lenn

Nickname: Lani

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Elven born (Elf)


Kawailani was born to two shop owners in a large village not too far from a larger 'city.' She grew up helping around the store, making deliveries, and picking up orders. As a child, she'd always stop at the town square to listen to the tales of far off places from travelers, and the stories of great adventures from the jesters and elders who rested there. She absolutely loved the stories, and would return to tell them to her parents, who'd smile and send her back to her chores. Her favorite was a story that the old, mysterious man told her. She believed it had to be real, and her father would amuse her with telling her the story over and over again just as she said the old story teller said it.

As she grew, it seemed to lose its magic touch. It was just a story after all. Something she now told the other children in the village. None of them seemed to get as entranced with it as she. Maybe they didn't find it interesting, or she perhaps told it wrong. Kawailani moved on, forgot about the tale, and continued working in her parents' shop.

When she became 17, she met this strange old man again, and was absolutely entranced when he delved into the same story from so long ago. It rekindled that old spark, and Kawailani fell in love with this mystical land. So, she let the old man burn the cloud marking into her wrist before he suddenly vanished. Again.

Years passed, and nothing new happened. It was her same old routine working in the shop. So, she reluctantly gave up on the foolish dream and focused on her work in the shop. Her marking is still there to remind her of her childhood fantasies.


Kawailani is very calm and collected. She is level-headed, and thinks things through before doing them. She is a rather quiet woman, but she isn't shy. As a shop owner's daughter, she was raised making bargains, and therefore is very good at communication and even bribery. She can be very slick with her words. Gentle and caring, Kawailani is not fond of fighting unless it is in self-defense and must be done.


- Long range attacks

- Strategic

- Water/Ice bending (her strongest ability)

- Long distance battles

- Speed, agility, climbing


{same as skills/abilities, check the overview}

1. A staff she can use to channel her power (- link -)

2. A dagger (- link -)


- When panicked, powers are likely to become uncontrollable.

- Hot temperatures can dehydrate her and weaken her abilities

- Not built for strength or hand-to-hand combat


- Cloud symbol is burnt onto the underside of her left wrist.
W.I.P: Aleida the Medic



Minus the dragon in the right hand image, and of course the appearance (facial features, hair etc.), and then put on an older body.


Aleida Faintree (A-lie-da Fay-n-tree)


20 1/2




Half-Wood Elf, Half Human


Personality: Aleida is very timid and shy, and also usually quite submissive, if the other person is very confident. She is quiet and almost never speaks with people who are unknown to her. Eventually, she might warm up to you, and when she does, she shows her true colours. She becomes as sweet as can be, strong-willed, determined, resourceful and knowledgeable. Aleida is most knowledgeable when it comes to botany and medicine. She also doesn't want to burden other people, and so she tends to overwork herself into the state sickness, when she takes issues into her own hands.


(This will be revealed through rp, but it's here so you know what I mean.)
Aleida grew up in a small town, mainly on her own. She was raised briefly by her grandparents, until their death. That is when she had to face the world herself, which made her hide her true self to most.

Her grandparents' home was sold soon after their death, and she was left with only some small money rations, and so she had to live in the forest just outside her town. This is where she began to study all the nature around her - the plants and the animals. She became very knowledgeable in survival and of the world around her.

But to escape her reality of no sense of hope, she listened to stories. So many she couldn't keep count. She loved every story to bits, as it let her escape the real world. Then she heard that strange entertainer's story. She had never heard it before, which was strange considering she had heard oh so many. But this one felt... real. She felt that her soul was telling her that was where she belonged.

Eventually, she put the memory of that land behind her - because it was only a story - she would tell herself. She then did all she could to make money, until she could afford her own small shop. She made this shop into a medicine and herb store, and she helped everyone she could when they were in need, even if it meant damaging her own health.

One day, when she had finally pushed that memory out of her mind and became an 'adult' the entertainer appeared outside her store when she was coming back with some herbs. As soon as they began the tale again, it sparked in her mind. She knew it had to be somewhere, she knew this mythical land was her home. The heart marking was burnt onto the front of her left shoulder, and then the entertainer disappeared, as if they were never there.


- Advanced survival knowledge

- Talented in medicine and potion making

- Can cast light healing rays, but these drain her energy quite a bit.


- A rapier, attached and sheathed at the back of her belt. Used for close up self-defense, or daily tasks.

- Potions and brews that are throw-able and drinkable.

- Herbs with different abilities that she used in potions, or on their own.


- Only knows how to defend herself when under physical attack

- Can only really attack with potions, gases, herbs etc.

- Not built for close-up combat - weak in a sense.


- Heart symbol is burnt on the front of her left shoulder. It can be seen when she is wearing her original adventuring/medic outfit.
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