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Fantasy The quest of questing

Character Sheets





Description of Race:







I am going to try something different, I want to try and have everyone developed there character's personality while Rping.
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Name: Eriana 'Erin' Rayne Tanae D'Atreu

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Race: Half-Elven/Half-Human

Description of Race: If you don't know what a half elf looks like, then I'm sad for you cuz they're pretty.

Appearance: Short and slim at only 5'0" tall and 100 lbs, dark red shoulder length hair, bright green eyes and a ready grin.

Bio: Very long story short, she was rescued from an almost certain death from slow starvation and/or hypothermia by a troupe of Gypsies, circus performers, where she was trained in the arts of thievery and showmanship.

Weapons: Twin daggers and multiple throwing knives.

Powers: Can pick a lock or shimmy up almost any surface to break into a second or third story window. No actual powers though.

Misc: Erin is a contortionist/acrobat. Good at knife throwing and can walk a tight-rope. Great at picking locks, not so great at picking pockets.
Riley said:
Name: Eriana 'Erin' Rayne Tanae D'Atreu
Gender: Female

Age: 22

Race: Half-Elven/Half-Human

Description of Race: If you don't know what a half elf looks like, then I'm sad for you cuz they're pretty.

Appearance: Short and slim at only 5'0" tall and 100 lbs, dark red shoulder length hair, bright green eyes and a ready grin.

Bio: Very long story short, she was rescued from an almost certain death from slow starvation and/or hypothermia by a troupe of Gypsies, circus performers, where she was trained in the arts of thievery and showmanship.

Weapons: Twin daggers and multiple throwing knives.

Powers: Can pick a lock or shimmy up almost any surface to break into a second or third story window. No actual powers though.

Misc: Erin is a contortionist/acrobat. Good at knife throwing and can walk a tight-rope. Great at picking locks, not so great at picking pockets.
I like it so far, however for the description of the race, would you tell me what they can do or what makes them special. Also I Forgot a field sorry about would fill that out to.

Description of Race: Half-Elven/Half-human. Due to the half-elven side, her eyesight, hearing and dexterity are just a bit better than a humans could be. Can see a little better in the dark, hear from a little further away, move a little faster and is just pretty darn graceful. Certainly helps with thievery...though still not great at the pick-pocket thing.

(She has no real powers, is basically just in really good physical shape.)
Name: Lura Bonnalurie

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Race: Fey/Faerie (She is a Dark Fey, the most destructive of all.)

Description of Race: Faeries are cruel and conniving. They enjoy playing tricks on all other races and are invisible to everyone, unless they want to be seen. When they do show themselves, they use a glamour, which is a disguise which hides them as a human being. Most glamours portray an attractive human, and they will often cause mortals to swoon over their glamours. After doing this they will steal them away to their own worlds to feed off of their emotions.


Faerie form:


Her preferred glamour:


Bio: Lura, at first, was half-fey/half-human, but slowly began to change into a full fey, as the Dark Court dragged her deeper into their midst. She now only feeds on human emotions, and loses more and more of her human memories as she continues to feed.

Weapons:She has sharp talons, and she often uses her teeth, which are sharp and needle-like while she is not using her glamour.


  • She use magic
  • She can create deals much like crossroads demons
  • She can become invisible unless they want to be seen or that the person has been to their home world and came back.
  • She can appear as humans, but their true forms can be seen if that person has traveled to their home world.
  • Telekinesis
  • Teleportation
  • Can tell if a person has a soul or not.
  • Immortal
  • Superhuman strength
  • Flight
  • Manipulate reality


  • She is a highly skilled thief
  • She is very smart, and can trick even the most well prepared mortal.
  • She is a master of the dark arts.



  • Cream - It makes them drunk.
  • Iron - Can harm them.
  • Silver - Burns "dark" fairies.
  • Salt & sugar - By pouring salt or sugar on the floor in front of a fairy, no matter how strong they are, must get down and count each grain until done.
  • Poppy seed extract - it stuns them
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Name: Donovan Dust

Gender: Male

Age: 202

Race: Dust

Description of Race: An elven like race that live for thousands of years, and are talented in dark magic. Have elven and human features and are quick on their feet. The dust love nature and their rare tears grow or heal trees.



Bio: Born in a forest district of the mysterious town, Donovan was raised in a loving community by loving parents. He was taught how to use his magic powers by the high priestess of his kind. He was happy in his home until it was attacked and destroyed by evil elves and as far as Donovan knows, he is the last of his people.

Weapons: Two small daggers and a bow.

Powers: Donovan is a master of dark magic and can pray to his gods who help him in mysterious ways.

Skills: Is a master of dark magic and sword play. He is good a making and killing things.

Misc: Donovan, craves revenge for his people and will stop at nothing

I accept my self and alice
Name: Jeffrey Brishen

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: Human


Bio: Being the son to a family of mages, he was able to get quite good at using magic. However, a serial killer went to his hometown when he was 12, and killed everyone. Jeff managed to escape, but he was the only survivor in his hometown. He is still a happy guy, but now he strives to become the strongest mage on the planet and avenge the deaths of his friends and family.

Weapons: A lightning bolt shaped dagger that can be used as both a dagger and a wand.

Powers: Jeff is skilled with lightning magic, and can absorb electricity to become more powerful.

Skills:-Very skilled with lightning magic

-has amazing reflexes, and is generally fast

Misc: I don't really have anything to put here...
Master Ezekiel Sandoval

  • Name: Ezekiel Sandoval.

    Titles: Lord,Master,Lordling.

    Sex: Male.

    Age: 27.

    Species: Human.


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