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Fantasy The quest of questing

The scene is filled with a large building, the starting tavern. It is filled with many strange people, creatures and races. It is a place for people to come together to get a drink, fight or look for a quest. It is a three story building the first floor is were people are usually gathered to get drunk and the second were quest can be found, and lastly the third floor is where all the rooms are. In the first room behind the counter are the owners of the tavern, a young girl with gold hair and a rough completion and center armed with a mighty bow incase something should get out of hand. Of course he wouldn't notice a fight break out in the middle of the tavern between a gang of shark people and fire breathing goblins, but who would. Then there is also the dwarven gang of thieves in the corner waiting for a target, a victim. All the while the young girl, Sydnie and the center, Robert are drinking and passing out beer waiting for a brave adventure to do a favor for them.


Donovan wakes from a being knocked out, alone and confused. "What happened to me" He says aloud looking around, it couldn't have been more then an hour ago he was hit across the head and knocked unconscious. He forest home was burning and bodies marred the scene of his once great home. Donovan struggled to get to his feet, what would he do now, his people were all dead. All he knew was he had to push forward get past this. He begins to walk out of the forest district towards the stone district, maybe he could get a room there and find his way.
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Lura flitted about, taking in the delicious scene of dead and mutilated bodies surrounding her. She licked her lips and moaned at the taste of death on her lips. She spun on her heel and smiled happily at the Dark King.

“Irial, dear… This is a wonderful present. Thank you,” she sighed happily as her strength grew.

Irial smiled back and pulled her into his arm. He pressed his lips against her forehead, and murmured, “Don’t thank me, Lura. Thank the men who did this."

He pulled away, his face somber.

“You must remember, Lura, that man is the reason we thrive. The Dark Court would die if mortals were to stop committing their crimes. You must be kind to man, for they are our saviors.”

Lura licked her lips, contemplating his words.

“If you believe that is true, my king, then I shall listen to you. No man shall ever die at my hands.”

Irial smiled at her solemn vow. He leaned in and kissed her lightly.

Lura swayed slightly at the feeling of his addictive touch. Irial pulled away, leaving the taste of blood and despair on her lips.

He smiled at her and pushed her away. He gestured to the mutilated bodies.

“Go enjoy the feast, my dear shadow girl…” He grabbed her hand gently,” And then you must find your own way in this word.” He smiled sadly at her look of confusion.

“This will be the last time we speak for many, many years, Lura. The Dark Court has decided to send you out into the world so that you may realize that humans are not simply play things. You will feed, and then you will go to the stone district. There is a room saved for you there.”

Lura nodded slowly as his words crashed into her.

“I will be able to come back.. Right?”

Irial smiled at her, “Of course, Lura. But only after you have learned of the way of the world.”

She nodded again, acting as if his word made sense.

“Of course, my king. As you wish.”

Irial kissed her cheek gently before teleporting away, leaving her alone in the destroyed village.

Lura turned around and began walking through the village, a tiny smile on her face as the taste of despair and death crashed through her.

Her senses dulled as she reached the end of the village. She was drunk on the delicious tastes that were left behind on her lips and tongue.

She took a deep breath to steady herself, before continuing on to the stone district.
Erin nudged open the door to the tavern and slipped in, letting it shut with a bang behind her. It had been a long and unproductive day and she was just about worn out. She brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes, it having escaped the tight braid she normally kept it in, muttering to herself as she glanced around the crowded room. Shaking her head, she made her way to the counter and ordered a drink, nothing alcoholic, then made her way to an empty table in the corner. She sat, back toward the wall, hands wrapped around the mug as she sipped her drink, trying to figure out exactly where the day had gone wrong. It'd been such a promising morning, too. Ah well, nothing for it, tomorrow was another day and perhaps she'd make enough to rent a room and have a decent meal at some point in the near future.
Jeffrey had entered the tavern after a day of bounty hunting. He needed a place to rest (since it was night), and the tavern seemed to be the best place. He entered the tavern, and noticed how packed it was. He had received a lot of money from his last request, so he decided to rent a room. "But first," Jeff thought, "something to drink." Jeff went to the counter and rented a room and bought a non-alcoholic beverage. While looking for a place to sit, he noticed that all the tables were full, or nearly full except for one, that had only one woman sitting there. He sat at that table the woman was at, and drank his drink.
Syndie was happy she was able to sell drinks, but she was suprised that they were both nonalochalic. Robert decided he needed to keep an eye on the girl incase she caused trouble. No one noticed one of the fat and ugle dwarf walk up to the two. He quitely reached into the man pockets and took what he could. Of course he didn't want anyone to know he did it so he place the girls weapons by the man.


Donovan couldn't stand the sight of his fallen people, and among layed dead elves. "Who else would do this," he thought ro himself. They would know the pain of their mistake, the dusk were a powerful people. The scenery began to be a mixture of trees and stone, Donovan was nearly to the stone district, he didn't have money so he would have to find a quick quest to complete. That did not matter though.
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Lura cocked her head as a small, brightly-lit tavern came into view. She produced her glamour mid-step, and pulled open the tavern door. She walked in and wrinkled her nose at the smell of unwashed mortals and alcohol.

She stepped up to the counter and cleared her throat, effectively getting the bartender's attention. She smiled sweetly.

"Hello. Can I just have a water please?"

She tuned out the bartender's response, instead turning her attention to the other guests in the tavern. She stifled a laugh as she watched a group of dwarfs commit petty crimes.

'They're all so idiotic..'

She smiled as the bartender sat the water down beside her. Lura dropped a handful of golden coins on the counter- much more than her drink costed- and grinned at the bartender's shocked expression.

"Keep the change," she mumbled, before walking away.

She settled down at a small table which had been unnoticed by the other patrons. She sipped her water and scanned the tavern, Her eyes stopped on a beautiful half-elf.

Lura sighed wistfully.

'She'd be a wonderful toy...'

She licked her lips before closing her eyes and recalling Irial's words.

'"The Dark Court has decided to send you out into the world so that you may realize that humans are not simply play things....."'

Her eyes popped open and she again glanced at the half-elf.

"It wouldn't count because she's technically not human... Right?"

Lura sighed and shook her head. She had promised. She couldn't take another toy for as long as she was apart from the Dark Court.

She moved her eyes to the half-elf's companion and pouted.

'They're both beautiful.. And oh-so tempting...'

She ripped her eyes away from the two and instead focused on her water, which had left a coppery taste on her tongue. She grimaced and pushed it aside.

"Everything in the mortal world is so disgusting," she groaned quietly.
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Erin nodded a brief greeting at the stranger as he sat down, but didn't pay much attention to him beyond sizing him up to see if he'd be a good mark...He probably would be, but she wasn't up to risking trying to stick her fingers in someone's pocket right now. It just wasn't her best skill and last time she'd ended up spending six hours in the stocks before she'd been able to make her escape. She was still dodging guards over that. She leaned back in her chair, fingertips of one hand resting lightly against the handle of the now nearly empty mug, one booted foot pulled up and resting on the rung of the chair under her. She scanned the room again, glance resting briefly on a stranger that had seemed to glance at her. Probably her imagination though, it tended to get overactive when she was tired. She really needed to find somewhere to get a decent nights sleep but she couldn't afford a room...which meant she'd probably end up sleeping hidden in a garden or on a rooftop somewhere. Anywhere was better than the alleys though, too many people preying on those weaker than themselves.
Lura stood up abruptly and walked across the small tavern, her lips pressed into a tight line. She sat down across from the half-elf and the mortal.

Lura greeted them, and huffed in exasperation as they ignored her. She glanced down at herself and groaned as she realized that she had dropped her glamour on the way over.

Lura licked her lips, and produced her glamour, grinning as the two jumped slightly.

“Hallo,” she chirped.

She grinned wider as thousands of emotions flitted through the two, quickly disappearing as she swallowed them down.

‘The elf’s emotion are sweet- almost like sugar... And the mortal’s are rich and smoky... A bit like coffee, really...’

She sighed happily, and the emotion from every patron rolled over her.
Jeffrey suddenly noticed the girl sitting across from him and the half-elf. She greeted them, so he thought he needed to respond back. "Hello!" He said in response to her greeting. He went back to drinking his drink, and observing a bar fight break out in a corner. He noticed the awkward silence that was brewing in this table at the tavern, and needed to think of something to do in order to break it. After getting roughly three- fourths of the way through his drink, he tried starting a conversation. "So... what brings you two here?" Jeff said to the half-elf and the other girl. He figured he may as well break the ice, since it seemed normal.
Proud of himself the fat and ugly dwarf ran back to his corner with the bounty hunters money. "what did he need it for" he thought to himself, he laid the bag of money on the table in front of his gang. Perhaps they would finally accept him. Mean while Sydnie made her way to the table of adventures and asked them "would you folks like some more water, or perhaps this time some alcohol." Robert of course was watching to make sure she didn't get herself hurt. On a table a goblin landed being thrown out of the fight that was in the middle of this room. Sydnie didn't seem to notice, but who did? For some reason the npcs of this tavern didn't notice or care about the fighting.


Donovan made his way through the stone district and into the tavern, seeing a fire breathing goblin fly through the. How strange, he eyed the tavern up and down, making sure he wasn't in danger and he approached the centaur. "I would like some silver drop." which was one of the finest liquors, but then he realized he had no money and said "never mind kind sure I couldn't afford." The centar was used to this kind of thing and told Donovan "you look like you could use something strong, for you it is on the house."
Lura cocked an eyebrow at the man and grinned.

'Mortals are so very awkward...'

"I was shunned by my family," she answered simply. It would have been much easier to lie, for it would cause less confusion, but she couldn’t lie. It was simply against her nature.

She pursed her lips.

“Well, not shunned, so to speak, but sent out to learn about the world.”
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Jeff was happy that someone finally responded . He then thought a little about what the girl said. "so... were you kicked out of your family's place or something?" He asked. In the state of wonder, he noticed that his pockets were empty. "Oh no..." he muttered, "the counterfeit money from my last job is gone... oh well." he simply ignored it and drank a little bit. He didn't have too much room in his outer pockets because of the counterfeit money he confiscated from his last job, so he put his actual money in his inside pocket. "Well," Jeff said, "someone is going to be disappointed..."
Lura licked her lips and gave a slight nod.

"You.. could say that."

She noticed his quiet words, and grinned.

'Is he a thief? He has to be to have counterfeit money.'

She laughed internally.

'So then.. Two thieves and a faerie... How could this possibly go wrong?'

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