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Fantasy The Protected Ones


Anything I Want To Be

  • Sienna Blufly (Protected)- @SassyAndroidSera
  • Adriana Foster (Protecter) - @NameWithinName
  • Aralyne Fariss (Protected) - @RomanticDaffodil
  • Gregory Bro (Protector) - @Valhite
  • Steven Argent (Hunter) - @Salex
  • Mars Dolte (Protected) - @scarletwolf10

Please include:


Age(human years):




Magic/Technology they use(nothing too OP):


Type of creature:

Hunter, Protector, or Protected:

Which world they live in:







Any medical issues:

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Sienna Blufly

  • 17







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Adriana Foster


Ade, Drew

Age(human years):






Magic/Technology they use(nothing too OP):

Can shift between human and horse form

Control over water


Bow and Arrow

Concealed dagger in her boot

Type of creature:


Hunter, Protector, or Protected:


Which world they live in:

Magic World


Mother - Alice Foster (Faerie)

Father - Reece Foster (Kelpie)

Sister - Lily Foster (Faerie)

Grandparents - Pops and Grammy (Kelpie's, Pops deceased)




Drew is a kind person, and one who has a tendency to put everybody else before herself. She's also one of those people who would do anything to protect someone else. She's happiest when she's helping someone else.

Drew spends a lot of her time in the waters of the underground lakes, favouring those to the outside, most of her friends being dwarves. She enjoys their company, and they teach each other different things. She loves to learn, but her desire to help others tops that.


Helping others






Those in distress


Drew's family fought in the war 200 years previously, her Pops having sustained significant injuries that killed him half a century later. She was raised by her parents and Grammy, with her sister being killed after accidentally walking through the portal to the human world. Drew had been the first to notice and ran in after her younger sister, only to find her dead not long after. Drew sobbed as she dragged her sister's body back through the portal, where she and her family gave her a proper send off. That day, Drew vowed she wouldn't let harm come to any other "monster's" and signed up to be a protector.

Any medical issues:

Mildly asthmatic (gets worse in the spring and summer months)


Drew is trained in Muay Thai

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The Trini (My species)

The Trini, or Ancients by most, are a humanoid race based on the belief that intelligence is dominant. They hold rational and logical outcomes over emotions, and see themselves as one large unit rather than a tribe of families. Trini youth age rapidly from birth, as their brain needs more room to expand. By the end of their twelfth Earth year, they will appear to be teenagers or young adults. From there, their and cell death is extremely slow, allowing them to live much longer than a normal human, hence the term Ancients. Most Trini are very tall and gangly, as their limbs are extremely long.

The brain is a much more complex set of nerves that produce residual energy and can be capable of amazing memory. After the twelfth year, the brain begins to stop growing outward, and form the nerve networking that allows for faster and deeper thinking. The nerves never stop growing, and the brain will eventually grow down the spine, giving the hundred-old Ancients an iconic lump behind the skull and down the back. The residual energy is capable of telekinetic and telepathic properties.


  • Name: Sesler (No surname)

    Age(human years): 27

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: With the youthful look of a man barely over his twenties, Sesler is abnormally tall due to Trini backgrounds, giving him a 6'7" height. He cuts his black hair short, topping a speed face with no excess fat, with hazel eyes underneath. A scar runs from above his left eye, to the jawline, then ending under the bottom lip. He is unnaturally scrawny, giving him the appearance of a scarecrow.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

NOTE: Although full blooded Trini are capable of telekinetic feats, Sesler is subdued substantially by the mortal genetics inside of him.

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Name: Justin Magver

Age(human years): 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: Justin is shorter than average, standing at 5'. He has pale skin. He has bright blue eyes, and messy black hair.

Magic/Technology they use(nothing too OP):

Run at up to 45 MPH! Jump 20 ft high! Now with a super efficient battery! You only have to charge it once every 24 hours with heavy use. ( I couldn't find a picture I liked. They are big, heavy, metal boots. Although you don't really feel the weight once you power them on)


stereotypical pistol that shoots lasers. They can leave an imprint on metal, and by repeatedly shooting a metal surface, you may be able to borrow a hole through it. They don't shoot out in a constant stream, rather they shoot out in a bullet-like fashion . It also has a laser pointer, although this one doesn't do any damage. It helps with aim.


The T.N.A.L.™ (Stands for Totally Not A Lightsaber) is basically a lightsaber. It has the same limitations as the laser pistol. It is as long as a short sword (1 1/2 ft. or 45 cm). It has a battery, that needs replaced every week or so (sooner with more use).


Type of creature: Human

Hunter, Protector, or Protected: Hunter

Which world they live in: Human


Maddy Magver (mother)

John Magver (Father

Vincent Magver (brother)

Relationships: Married to his job

Personality: Justin is dedicated to killing monsters. He fully believes that he is in the right, and everyone else is wrong. He is overconfident, impatient, reckless, and impulsive. He is a bit immature. He doesn't use strategy very often, preferring to rush head on into whatever problem he's facing. He actually is pretty smart, and spends his free time tinkering with his weapons.

Likes: Weaponry, hunting and killing monsters

Dislikes: Losing, breaking his things

Bio: Justin was born into a semi-poor family. His mother would tell him stories of fearsome monsters who used to terrorize the lands, and the brave heroes who killed the beasts. Justin loved these stories, and idolized the heroes in them. He joined the police force, in order to deal out his own justice. When word got out that there may still be some monsters living with humans, he became obsessed with finding one. He became increasingly violent and irrational. His career ended when he mistakenly killed an innocent, thinking she was a monster. He was booted from the police force and arrested. This made him question all his beliefs. But before he could come to any conclusion, the Slayers bailed him out of jail and recruited him into their ranks. They had heard about his ferocity and dedication, and decided to teach him the ways of monster hunting. He became one of their most dedicated soldiers, with several kills. He was never put into a position of power, though. Those above him were uneasy about the thought of giving him power.

(She is human sized, but can change size)

Name: Aralyne Fariss

Age(human years): 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Magic/Technology: Being a full fairy, she tends to grow plants or talk to critters that she has close.

Weapons: Her seeds in her purse, used to grow plants if none are around

Type of creature: Fae/Fairy

Hunter, Protector, or Protected: Protected

Which world they live in: Human

Family: Her mother, Maryilyn Fariss, has to stay in the real world because her ancestors couldn't get into the portal in time.

Relationships: None yet!

Personality: She is very bubbly, and tends to be outgoing. She doesn't like to say bad things about people, to their face or behind their back, She is a hopeless romantic, and can easily be swayed by love. She tends to follow her heart more than her brain, which can tend to get her in trouble.

Likes: Plants, flowers, various animals of all sizes, summertime

Dislikes: Insects, cold weather

Bio: Aralyne has grown up in human world, seeing thier hateful ways all her life. However, she knows that humans are creatures capable of change, and she believes that those like her in the Magical world can help them. She is painfully optimistic.

Any medical issues: Aralyne is autistic

Other: She has a bunny that she can call on named Bambi , and normally used it for transportation. Bambi is faster than any bunnies that have been found.
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Name: Gregory Bro

Age(human years): 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has a typical face of a Russian man in his youthful teenage age. His hair is blonde and quite messy and he prefer to keep it that way. He has a quite tan skin and quite an athletic body because of his hobby for playing basketball. And also he is quite tall, standing roughly almost 5'9"

Sexuality: Straight

Magic/Technology they use(nothing too OP): A bag full of advanced and silly weapons that suit his needs

Weapons: A laser

A missile launcher

A missile guided launcher


Cardbox (cause WHY NOT!?)

A nuclear bomb

Genetic-modification bomb

Future altering bomb

Tracking drone


Stealth camo-suit (usually broken)

A pair of future-styled-dagger

Black sunglasses(for style purpose)

And more to be invented

Type of creature: Hooman

Hunter, Protector, or Protected: Protector

Which world they live in: Future

Family: His weapons

Relationships: Loving his Weapons and very very close to food

Personality: A goofy and sarcastic teenagers from the future. Stoic, and really really stubborn. Combined with the stupidity of his brain creating a dardevil-stulid-hot-headed boy who is rarely seen without a trouble. A very noisy boy who sometimes appear to be calm and wise. Not so serious type

Likes: Food

Dislikes: You

Bio: Gregory Bro is a man from the future. He was fiddling with his time machine and somehow got warped to a parrallel universe to his own universe. And now he is stuck in the middle of nowhere and got caught with an issue in that world. Furthermore, he was once known as the trouble maker of the city in the future. Also if you want to know, he is a russian. So expect to have so many badly english russian accent in hiz mouth. Thiz iz getting real

Any medical issues: Have a close realtionship with food

Name: Steven Argent

Age(human years): 35

Gender: Male

Appearance: (if clone trooper-like armor doesnt exist yet, tell me and ill change the picture) (also his face is never seen before by anybody else)


Sexuality: Straight

Magic/Technology they use(nothing too OP): Dual Plasma (laser i suppose) pistols, his armor

Weapons: DC-17 Blaster Pistols (dual)

Type of creature: Human

Hunter, Protector, or Protected: Hunter

Which world they live in: Human world

Family: Unknown, but he has them

Relationships: None yet

Personality: logical, independent, skillful, loyal

Likes: to be told

Dislikes: also to be told

Bio: he was born in a family of hunters... his parents used to tell him about how his grandparents fought the beasts and triumphed but with a cost each... so he dedicated his life of hunting these creatures. his skills was seen by the government and hired him to be an official hunter which well, hunted these creatures

Any medical issues: none

Other: yeah... he's skilled, like really much so... he is one of the threats known to the creatures


  • Name:

    Mars Dolte






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Name: Arlo (No surname)

Age(human years): 27

Gender: Male

Appearance: Although he is nearly identical to Sesler, he lacks the scar and has dyed his hair a brown for identitory purposes. (See Sesler's for more detail)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Magic/Technology they use: Proficient with the blade, Arlo is nearly up to par with Sesler

Weapons: A Cluthe blade

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbba15801_images(10).jpg.e44ed785276ce6614172bd14a30a7686.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbba15801_images(10).jpg.e44ed785276ce6614172bd14a30a7686.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Type of creature: Trini-mortal

Hunter, Protector, or Protected: Protector

Which world they live in: Magic

Family: Sesler, only by regime.

Relationships: [X]

Personality: Although born from the same ideals as Sesler, Arlo never possessed the self-serving habits that spurred his brother into working for the government in the mortal world. He is more attuned with his mortal side, not subduing it like Sesler. As such, his thinking is more moral than other Trini, giving him a unique thinking pattern. He serves those that he protects and has devotion to his end game much like Sesler. Their ideology are almost exact, ending only with who they side with.


Arlo was one of the twins brought upon by the creation of Sesler's mind, and was believed to be the backup experimentation subject. As such, he was honed in Trini training much like Sesler, being prepared for future testing by the Trini. However, it soon became apparent that Sesler was more qualified as a Slayer and not merely something to study, leaving Arlo to be the guinea pig. Once released to the outside world for the initial evaluation that they wanted Sesler for, Arlo had fled into the magical world, the Trini's observation of detail making his find much easier. He lived in the world for several Earth years, establishing his knowledge and slowly becoming more and more qualified for protector, his end goal to help the others such as he.



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