Story The Prophecies Stars; The Dawn of the Eclipsed | A Warrior Cats FanFic

Rowan Doll

Trans Masc | auDHD | Always looking to RP
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This is a warrior cats fanfiction, with new clans, new territories, and lots of new drama!

Four stars shined brighter than the others, then those four exploded into bright colorful clouds. And as those clouds started to rain, Hollyfire whispered, "A poison will spring from the heart of the mountains, and spread to the Clans. You must purify the poison for that will be your water, but you must beware the snake's bite. None will be as it is or as it ever was." Then just like that the clouds and the rain dissipate.

"StarClan has sent you a message?" Woodstar gasped, Hollyfire nodded pondering over what it must mean. "Poison will be our water...? What could that mean, we have rivers, and the other clans have the lake..." Woodstar's eyes narrow, "What do you mean? Why are you mentioning the other clans?"

"All medicine cats received this message. This new age, whatever it may be, affects all the clans."


Woodstar - red she-cat with huge jet-black paws // 68 moons // Leader // she-cat
Mistytail - big calico tom // 19 moons // Deputy // tom
Hollyfire - smoky black tom with pale yellow eyes // 27 moons // Med cat // tom
Blossomnose - long-haired colorpoint tom with a fluffy tail // 19 moons // Mediator // tom
Beechmist - dark-colored she-cat // 28 moons // Warriors // she-cat // Apprentice: Robinpaw
Duckpelt - golden tabby tom // 28 moons // Warriors // tom // Apprentice: Mousepaw
Blizzardheart - light blue-gray she-cat with ginger-and-white stripes and amber eyes // 64 moons // Warriors //she-cat
Mousepaw - unusually spotted silver tom with amber eyes // 12 moons // Apprentices // tom // Mentor: Duckpelt
Robinpaw - very small dark ginger-and-white tom // 12 moons // Apprentices // tom // Mentor: Beechmist
Hawkice - silver she-cat with amber eyes // 20 moons // Queens // she-cat
Oatwhisker - pale orange she-cat // 68 moons // Queens // she-cat
Rainstripe - long-legged pale tortoiseshell she-cat // 48 moons // Elders // she-cat


Featherstar - gray-and-white she-cat // 80 moons // Leader // she-cat
Mudclaw - dark orange she-cat // 30 moons // Deputy // she-cat
Dawnfur - virtually deaf pale tortoiseshell tom with mottled brown tabby splotches // 65 moons // Med Cat // tom
Frostfeather - long-haired gray-and-white she-cat // 22 moons // Warriors // she-cat
Troutmist - pale orange tom // 30 moons // Warriors // tom // Apprentice: Snailpaw
Perchheart - light cream tabby she-cat with orange eyes // 30 moons // Warriors // she-cat
Lightningnose - swift dark-colored she-cat // 22 moons // Warriors // she-cat
Snailpaw - golden brown tabby she-cat // 10 moons // Apprentices // she-cat // Mentor: Troutmist
Crowflower - slender dark-colored she-cat // 22 moons // Queens // she-cat
Silverscar - light gray tabby she-cat // 74 moons // Queens // she-cat
Finchshine - golden brown she-cat with pale blue eyes // 30 moons // Queens // she-cat
Reedwingred tom with unusual blue eyes // 113 moons // Elders // tom
Squirrelfur - mottled light orange tom with unusually long claws and pale amber eyes // 107 moons // Elder // tom


Minnowstar - dark blue-gray she-cat with jet-black paws and amber eyes // 23 moons // Leader // she-cat
Molewhisper - silver tabby tom with battle-scarred ears // 31 moons // Deputy // tom
Ivybreeze - slender calico tom with a scar on their right forepaw and dark hazel eyes // 47 moons // Med Cat // tom
Bristle - flame-colored she-cat with odd eyes // 15 moons // Daylight Warrior // she-cat
Swanthroat - white she-cat // 101 moons // Warriors // she-cat // Apprentice: Grasspaw
Foxfeather - thin reddish she-cat with green eyes // 38 moons // Warriors // she-cat
Flickerpelt - three-legged tortoiseshell she-cat // 101 moons // Warriors // she-cat
Poppybranch - long-haired flame-colored she-cat // 38 moons // Warriors // she-cat
Grasspaw - pale gray-and-white she-cat with blue eyes // 11 moons // Apprentices // she-cat // Mentor:
Dewmouse - reddish she-cat // 38 moons // Queens // she-cat
Darkheart - three-legged light-colored she-cat with dark amber eyes // 38 moons // Queens // she-cat
Seedwillow - long-haired flame-colored she-cat // 138 moons // Elders // she-cat
Acorntail - long-haired dark-colored tom with dark yellow eyes // 126 moons // Elders // tom


Graystar - slender gray tom // 61 moons // Leader // tom // Apprentice: Mothpaw
Lionfur - mute pale ginger she-cat // 70 moons // Deputy // she-cat // Apprentice: Rosepaw
Cloverleap - big black-and-white tom // 28 moons // Med Cat // tom
Cinderwhisker - silver tabby she-cat // 28 moons // Warriors // she-cat // Apprentice: Brookpaw
Fawnbranch - long-haired mottled dark orange she-cat // 67 moons // Warriors // she-cat // Apprentice: Frecklepaw
Newtfoot - light blue-gray tom with green eyes // 28 moons // Warriors // tom // Apprentice: Yellowpaw
Yellowpaw - mottled pale ginger tom // 11 moons // Apprentices // tom // Mentor: Newtfoot
Brookpaw - long-haired ginger tom // 11 moons // Apprentices // tom // Mentor: Cinderwhisker
Frecklepaw - silver tom // 14 moons // Apprentices // tom // Mentor: Fawnbranch
Mothpaw - long-haired brown tom // 11 moons // Apprentices // tom // Mentor: Graystar
Rosepaw - small ginger she-cat // 11 moons // Apprentices // she-cat // Mentor: Lionfur
Heatherspot - thin silver she-cat // 28 moons // Queens // she-cat
Ottertail - golden tabby she-cat // 61 moons // Queens // she-cat
Nettlefang - reddish brown she-cat with dark gray-and-white tinged around their muzzle // 114 moons // Elders // she-cat
Dovewing - dark blue she-cat with dark blue eyes // 63 moons // Elders // she-cat

Cats Outside Clans

Honey - long-haired smoky she-cat with pale yellow eyes // 27 moons // kittypet // she-cat
Shell - three-legged smoky she-cat // 106 moons // loner // she-cat
Louie - hairless dark-colored she-cat with dark hazel eyes // 11 moons // kittypet // she-cat
Curly - red tom // 15 moons // kittypet // tom
Ace - gray tom // 5 moons // kittypet // tom
Tucker - silver she-cat with a twisted left forepaw // 33 moons // loner // she-cat
Frank - brown she-cat with dark amber eyes // 77 moons // kittypet // she-cat
Hazelpaw - big dark cream tabby tom with white stripes and dark green eyes // 10 moons // loner from MoonClan // tom

Warring: Mention of Death, Sickness, Greif, Blood

Hollyfire ran around the camp, from tunnel to tunnel, he was frantic. Not even a moon ago there was the landslide, now whitecough is spreading rapidly through the camp, what in StarClan is going on!? The tom’s mind was in a fog, he needed to get to the apprentice's den, but he couldn’t seem to remember the way. Was it down this way, or maybe it was to the left? Even though Hollyfire had grown up in these tunnels it was like he was in a completely new cave. Finally, he thought, as he turned the corner into the damp cove where the apprentices sleep. Hollyfire’s eyes desperately searched the sleeping bundles of fur for his own apprentice, Willowpaw. However, he could barely make out each cat, let alone each pelt color. He didn’t have time for this, cats are suffering.

“Willowpaw!” The tom hissed urgently. A few other apprentices stirred, but none really woke up. “Willowpaw!” Hollyfire was more stern this time, and a bit louder. This time the tom could see the light brown she-cat fumble to her paws. She tried her best not to wake any other cats, but she stepped on Mousepaw’s spotted silver ear. The tom hissed and jumped, knocking into his much smaller, littermate, Robinpaw, who could almost be mistaken as a robin with his ginger pelt, but his white underbelly gave him away.

“You woke me up, flea-brain!” Robinpaw hissed harshly, only for Mousepaw to reply, “I don’t give a mousetail! Besides, that pain in the tail stepped on my ear!” Willowpaw looked down, ashamed, she didn’t want to hurt Mousepaw. “Leave her alone Mousepaw! You're always mean to us!” Emberpaw, who was watching from the corner of the cove, shot at Mousepaw, the young she-cat was almost as bold and fiery as her ginger pelt.

“We don’t have time for this! Duskpaw has whitecough!” At that, all the apprentices went silent, even though whitecough is not too bad for any other clan, to EchoClan, it could end most all of the cats. Whitecough spreads fast, and even faster in caves, and with no catnip around, it was almost impossible to stop it from becoming greencough, and in some cases, redcough. “One of you go with Emberpaw to find catnip! Willowpaw help me with Duskpaw!” The medicine cat and his apprentice rushed down the tunnel to Duskpaw.

Mousepaw started to the entrance, but halted when no cat followed. “What is wrong with you Emberpaw!? We need to get catnip!” Mousepaw spat. Emberpaw looked at the tom curiously, “I thought you would be the one to stay back. Why do you want to go with me?” Rolling his eyes, Mousepaw just growled in response, “Just come on!”

Hollyfire’s sleek, smoked, black pelt was almost impossible to see as the two cats went farther into the medicine cat den. Willowpaw gasped seeing her brother lying on his side, rasping for air. “Duskpaw!” The she-cat started to her brother, but Hollyfire blocked her. “He may have greencough! We can’t risk any other cats getting sick!”

Sunup came and passed, and Duskpaw was only getting worse. Emberpaw and Mousepaw came back with a mouthful of catnip, which proved helpful for a bit, until the dark gray apprentice coughed up blood. It was too late for him, he had redcough. Hollyfire let Oatwhisker talk to Duskpaw from a distance, the pale orange she-cat told her son that everything will be fine. But they all knew it was a lie.

Woodstar comforted Oatwhisker, the black and dark ginger she-cat didn’t leave her sister’s side. Emberpaw wanted to cuddle up with her brother one last time. Hollyfire wouldn’t let her, but soon Emberpaw convinced Willowpaw to sneak her in. The two sisters snuggled up against their brother, telling stories of their kithood until the tom took his final breaths at sunhigh. The clan mourned, but they couldn’t rest for long, at least Hollyfire couldn’t.

“Emberpaw! Come on, I can’t lose you too… You need to come here!” Willowpaw begged her sister to come out of the cove, but she wouldn’t. The mourning she-cat couldn’t leave her brother.

Soon after Hollyfire returned to the medicine cat den with more catnip from the other clans. He stared in horror as Emberpaw shared tongues with her brother’s limp, unbreathing body. “Emberpaw! You're going to get sick! You need to get out of there!” But even as Hollyfire begged, Emberpaw wouldn’t leave the cove.

Not a day later Emberpaw had greencough. Willowpaw begged Hollyfire to do something. “It can’t be helped, Willowpaw… Nothing can save her, we don’t have any of the right herbs…” Hollyfire tried his best to reason with her, but the small she-cat wouldn’t give up on her sister.

After three sunrise’s the camp was completely disinfected, and they had three apprentices to have a vigil for. All the cats mourned, they were only 8 moons old…

Woodstar and Hollyfire sat at the camp entrance, looking up at the stars. “It’s almost leaf-bare…” The huge dark ginger she-cat whispered. “Duskpaw would have loved to see the snow… And Emberpaw would have run through the flower fields of new-leaf…” Hollyfire glanced at his leader, then up at the stars.

Four stars shined brighter than the others, then those four exploded into bright colorful clouds. And as those clouds started to rain, Hollyfire whispered, “A poison will spring from the heart of the mountains, and spread to the Clans. You must purify the poison for that will be your water, but you must beware the snake's bite. None will be as it is or as it ever was.” Then just like that the clouds and the rain dissipate.

“StarClan has sent you a message?” Woodstar gasped, Hollyfire nodded pondering over what it must mean. “Poison will be our water…? What could that mean, we have rivers, and the other clans have the lake…” Woodstar’s eyes narrow, “What do you mean? Why are you mentioning the other clans?”

“All medicine cats received this message. This new age, whatever it may be, affects all the clans.”

Warning; Mention of Fighting, Infighting, Manipulation of a bad situation

The sleek silver she-cat padded down the tunnels to the medicine cat's cove. After what happened 3 moonhighs ago, all the cats were worried, especially Hawkice. Her belly was pink and swollen as she was going to have kits soon. She didn't want her kits to have the same fate as Oatwhisker's. Reaching Hollyfire's cove, she called for the medicine cat. "Hollyfire? Are you there?" When no cat answered, the queen slipped into the cove, calling again, "Hollyfire? Willow-..." The queen trailed off, as she realized her words. Willowpaw wouldn't be here, Willowpaw was dead and no cat can change that. "Hollyfire...?" As Hawkice's eyes adjusted, she was shocked to find that the medicine cat was missing.

The queen jumped as a loud yowl echoed through the tunnels. At once Hawkice scrambled out of the cove, trying to find where this sound was coming from. The tunnels always confused Hawkice's hearing, the other cats had grown used to it, but ever since Hawkice's apprenticeship her hearing hasn't been the same.

"You Vixen-Heart! How Dare You!?" A cat in the distance growled. Hawkice gasped, that was Blossomnose's voice! The she-cat increased her pace, she needs to get to Blossomnose before she does something stupid.

Skirting to a halt, Hawkice froze. Blossomnose was hissing and spitting at a pale orange she-cat, Oatwhisker. "Blossomnose! What is going on!?" But the pale tortoiseshell didn't respond, she instead unsheathed her claws.

"What in the name of Starclan is going on!?" Woodstar, along with Mistytail, the deputy, raced down the tunnel to the warriors cove where the fight was breaking out. "Blossomnose!? You are the mediator! You're not supposed to start conflict, your job is to fix it!" The calico deputy hissed. This surprised all the other cats, Mistytail, despite his huge size, was always understanding, he would never jump to conclusions like this.

"I didn't start it! Oatwhisker said she hopes that our kits don't reach apprenticeship!" Blossomnose narrowed her eyes. Hawkice gasped, stepping back away from Oatwhisker. "What!? Why?" Hawkice panicked, Oatwhisker was her friend, right?

"Is this true Oatwisker?" Woodstar's voice was demanding, yet calm. "Well... Yes... But only because Blossomnose said that my kits should have been smarter!" Oatwhisker shot back, her fur bristling.

"Oatwhisker, I understand how you feel, but you should never use other cats as leverage, especially kits!" Woodstar turned to Blossomnose, "And you should know better! Both of you need to be punished. You both will be patrolling together with one other warrior at least, for the next moon!" Blossomnose growled low and moved to lick Hawkice's ear defensively. Oatwhisker just mumbled under her breath and slipped into the warrior's cove.

Woodstar started off with Mistytail, when 2 apprentices rushed up the narrow tunnel. The first being Mousepaw, a gray tom with white dots littered in his fur, and the other being Robinpaw, a ginger tom with a white underbelly.

"Oatwhisker, did she hurt you?" Robinpaw snarled, glaring at Blossomnose. Robinpaw and Mousepaw are Oatwhisker's kin, with Woodstar being their mother, and Oatwhisker being Woodstar's sister. Ever since the break out the pair have been particularly protective over Oatwhisker.

From inside the cove Oatwhisker just huffed, making Mousepaw push through the dangling roots into the warriors cove. "You're not allowed in there!" Blossomnose followed the apprentice, complaining. Hawkice sighed, this was going to be a long day.

It was moon-up now, Hawkice was getting ready for the gathering. "Are you sure you are fit for the journey?" Hollyfire mewed, but Hawkice just purred in amusement, "I'm barely into my second moon, it'll be at least half a moon before I have my kits." Hollyfire nodded, agreeing. "I'm just worried, I won't be at the gathering, and-!" Hollyfire started, but was soon cut off by Woodstar's call, it was time to head to the gathering. "I'll be fine," Hawkice padded out of the cove and through the twisting tunnels, to the cave mouth. Even though it was barely moon-high, Hawkice still squinted seeing the light.

Around her, she could see the other cats getting ready to leave. A sandy tom named Duckpelt was quietly mewing to his darker sister, Beechmist. Woodstar was talking with Mistytail, and Blossomnose was sitting alone by a standing rock. Hawkice cheerfully padded up to her mate, hoping for some company before they leave. The pale tortoiseshell purred when she saw Hawkice, they both gave an affectionate nuzzle.

Woodstar gave the signal and the cats started to descend down the mountain. Sliding down the mountain side, Hawkice readies herself to leap into the river at the bottom. She would much rather not have to get wet, but the river is too wide across to make the jump. So the best thing to do is to just jump as far as possible into the river to limit the time in the water.

Hawkice, unlike most cats, slid to the very edge of the water. She lapped the icy river water, before climbing up to the rock that stuck out of the steep mountain side. Leaping up onto the rough surface shocked Hawkice's paws for a moment. The dramatic change from the soft loose dirt to the hard rock hurt her paws more than she expected.

Now Hawkice was backing as far back into the mountains as possible, before racing off the rock into the river below. The frigid water almost paralyzed the she-cat, but Hawkice kept moving, weaving through the rushing river to get to the other side.

Her claws sunk into the muddy river bank, desperately clawing her way out of the icy water. The water clung to her silver fur. Hawkice raced up the hill to the fir tree, she couldn't wait for Woodstar to share the news about her kits. It was rare for a queen to be able to go to the gathering, but Hawkice had begged and begged, and eventually Woodstar gave in.

Smiling brightly, Hawkice desperately looked for Darkheart, a RubbleClan queen. Hawkice loved to talk to her about kits. Last gathering, Hawkice found out that she was pregnant through a clan mate, since she wasn't at the gathering herself. Despite her efforts, the striped, gray she-cat could find her.

"You won't find her here." A slim silver she-cat mewed to the bristling Hawkice.

"Heatherspot you scared me!" Hawkice gave a chuckle to her FallowClan friend. Heatherspot was born as a kittypet, so not many cat's talked to her, unfortunately she was declawed, so she's a permanent queen.

"Anyways, Ottertail, Dewmouse, and Darkheart aren't here. Ottertail and Darkheart are expecting their kits soon, and Dewmouse wanted to stay at her camp to help Darkheart. I wanted to stay at FallowClan, so I can be there if Ottertail has her kits. But Graystar insisted that I come, for some reason." As Heatherspot started to rant to Hawkice, she sat down, trying to scratch underneath her harness. It was forced on her when she was a kittypet.

Both she-cats stopped their conversation as they heard Featherstar, leader of MoonClan, reach the top of the hill. Mudclaw, the deputy, was arguing in a hushed tone with the leader. However as soon as the tom realized cats were staring, his muzzle was practically sewn shut.

As all the leaders started to climb the fir tree to their respective branches to start the meeting, Hawkice noticed Featherstar struggling to climb the tree.

A loud yowl tore Hawkice from her concerned thoughts about Featherstar. The meeting was starting.

"I would like to start this meeting with some good news." Graystar, the Fallowclan leader, started, seeing the tension between the other leaders. "Two days ago we had our apprentices dig a trench to move some of the river into our territory. As you know we live in a desert strip, so this new change will help our clan. One of our queens also is expecting kits this moon."

As Graystar finished he leaped off the main branch to his clan's respective branch. Minnowstar, leader of RubbleClan, growled low, jumping up to the speaking branch.

"I don't have anything to report. Oh, wait I must have forgotten about the two warriors we lost to Fallowclan!" Minnowstar growled loudly, she was obviously annoyed that Graystar hadn't mentioned anything about it.

Graystar stood his ground and challenged Minnowstar by meeting her cold, amber eyes.

"I'm sorry about your warriors. May Starclan light their paths." Woodstar spoke, trying to diffuse the situation.

Minnowstar nodded in thanks and went back to her branch, but not without giving a final glare at Graystar.

"I have a few things to announce. First, our camp had an outbreak of whitecaugh four days ago. We lost 3 apprentices..." Woodstar, Hawkice's leader, started, but smelling the fear of the other clans she quickly added, "The camp is disinfected of the sickness and so are our warriors." This seemed to calm down most of the other cats. So she continues, "Due to this outbreak, we tried to get some catnip from Moonclan. We got the catnip, but we lost some of our territory."

A few gaps came from the cats below, including some from Moonclan. "Unfortunately, I didn't make this decision. Three apprentices did. As I sent them to get the catnip. Now I am asking Featherstar for the land back, as I believe you took advantage of the situation." As Woodstar finished, she looked at Featherstar for a response.

"Do you still have the catnip?" Featherstar's voice was weak, but firm.

"Well, no, but-" Woodstar began, but Featherstar cut the other leader off. "Then no." Several growls and gasps from the cats below, made Hawkice nervous. This was no time for fighting...

"If you don't give back the territory, then I will declare war!" Woodstar threatened.

"Why do you need it? As you said, your clan lost three apprentices!" Featherstar shot back. This caused several cats to yowl in anger. Including some of the Moonclan cats.

A look of worry was exchanged between Hawkice and Heatherspot. Clouds started to cover the moon as the yowls escalated into fighting.

Hawkice tried to gain control over the other cats in her clan, but it was no use. The noise of verbal battle turned into physical battle, with cats hissing and spitting at one another.

Until... Everything went quiet. Hawkice looked up to see Featherstar hanging on for dear life from her branch. Featherstar's lower body seems to have gone limp. Woodstar tried to reach her, but she was too late. Featherstar fell to the ground, a yowl of anger and desperation was the last thing she said.

Mudclaw raced to his leader listening to the she-cat breath. "She's alive!" Mudclaw tried to get her to move, but she was paralyzed.

Hawkice looked up to the sky, to find the moon was gone. As chaos ruptured all around her, everything went dark.

Hawkice looked around, wailing desperately, but nothing came out. That's when a brilliant ball of light blinded her vision for a second.

"Hello Hawkice." A calm voice said, Hawkice shot up, to see a star-furred cat.

"Where am I!? Am I dead!?" Hawkice looked around, her fur bristling uncontrollably.

"No, you're not dead. You're having your kits." The she-cat chuckled. Hawkice gasped, and just like that was thrown back to the gathering. Cats all around her, trying to manage the kits and Hawkice, who's now awake and yowling from the pain....

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