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Fantasy The Promised King


Just Me
The world is a place full of war, famine and plague. One where only the rich and powerful prosper, while the rest are nothing more than a means to an end. The gods have promised a king to the world, a man who will give a voice to the voiceless, a man who will unite all the warring kingdoms under his and the gods power. A man that will make everything right.

"He will be born lower than the lowest, but one day he will rise to power.
On his left hand he will have a priest with the voice of the gods
On his right he will have a warrior gifted with immortality
To his back will be the power forgotten by men
And on his chest will be the brand of a thief"

This is the prophecy carved into stone, the promise to those who must suffer. It has come time for the promised king to rise and find his champions, but it isn't as easy as it sounds. He will have enemies at every turn, and most of all doubt in himself.

{ Main Character Positions}

The Promised King- Taken by Insect Insect

The Priest with the voice of the gods-Taken by @M64

The Immortal Warrior-Taken by Arael Arael

The One with the Powers forgotten by men-Taken by me

(There is possibility for minor roles, inbox me and we can talk about it!)

The original thread
The character sheets
Lilith Kara Zelophehead

The fire glistens in front of the girl, the flame lighting the determination set in the girls face. In her hand she grasps two dual daggers, her lithe body slowly moving through the movements that have been grilled into her for the past year. She wasn't going to be a useless whore anymore, no she would be much more. Even though their brand still marked her as theirs, she would be no one's slave. Lunging and dodging a fake attacker, sweat glistens on her skin. Her hair has fallen out of the braid she normally pulls it into, the dark length flying behind her every move forward she makes. She had to stay diligent, ever watchful, ever ready. She has gone back on two owners now, and one of them would be after her more so than the first one. She would never go back to either though, not since she had found Ryder.

At the thought of him, her gaze casts around the camp searching for her friend. They had been separated for years now, only running into each other by pure chance just weeks ago. Him running from the law, and her doing a job. Now she was determined that she would never leave his side again, even if she had run with him for the rest of their days. Ryder was all she had for a past, and the reason she had lived through years of torture. She owed him her life even if he didn't realize it. He was the first person to ever put a real smile on her face, his mother the one who taught her the beginnings of how to succeed in their trade. They were her family.

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