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Realistic or Modern The Prison of the Privileged



Imagine the delight of every normal kid who got the letter that said they were accepted, that they were one of the extremely rare few who got the don that pristine uniform. Well, that lucky kid wasn't you, were they ? It's true that Victoria Ridge had one of the best educational systems in the damn country and the students were the sons and daughters of the elite, the first class celebrities and millionaires. There was one thing about the students that the public didn't exactly like. These kids were bad.

We had pushed their luck and finally, our A-list parents needed somewhere to drop us while they had their private "lessons" with tennis instructors. Yes, the school is tediously perfect but the inhabitants sure aren't . We all know these baddies won't get whipped into shape that easily so weekends entail wild parties, drugs, sex and gambling. That's all. Welcome to Victoria Ridge Academy

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