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Fantasy The Preternatural's

Amora Aurora

Professional Hippie


On modern day Earth, advanced humans live among the 'impotent' humans in what is mostly harmony aside from the occasional hate crime or prejudices. The gifted, referred to as 'Pretern's, short for preternatural's, are just beginning to outnumber the impotents, but that doesn't stop the pureblooded impotent's from viewing Pretern's as dangerous freaks.

Many Pretern's still live their everyday lives, going to average careers among impotents easily. Some pretern's don't even out themselves, keeping their strange powers to themselves to prevent judgement. Those of the Pretern's that don't make a big deal of themselves are mostly accepted.

Then there are the gifted individuals that use their powers on a daily basis. The group of them that infamously protect New York City from crime, flying around in masks and fighting crime like a story right out of a comic book. No one has any knowledge of the group and they are actually mostly disliked, still being seen as unnatural and dangerous.

It's the dark ones that give the rest a bad reputation. The bullied kids and psychopaths that developed powers and use them to harm others. These are the Pretern's causing riots and boycotts to any company that hires or associates with them. The dark pretern's are the ones making the news and terrifying impotents.

One single threat from a group of Dark Pretern's, and the government has decided they need to be watched closely, putting trackers in their arms and using them as soldiers and body guards. They live unharmed, but they live as slaves, the world's governments too weary of them to grant them complete freedom anymore.

Our story revolves around the group of Preternatural's that refused to have microchips put into their arms like animals, and went into hiding. The Government has trained hunters searching for the runaways, but have yet to track down the community they've formed.

Our story takes place in New York City, New York, where the runaways have taken refuge in the U.S. City with the highest population, and the easiest to go unnoticed in. They work under the table jobs and blend in with society. Hunters are getting more clever with every passing day, though, and although the pretern's are working together, the Hunters are beginning to catch on that they are all most likely in the same region. The only hope the gifted individual's have is their 'hiding in plain sight' strategy and hoping that no one shares their secret with an impotent.

Blend In or Be Hunted.

Elemental Preternatural's are defined by their ability to control a certain element. There are vast possibilities in element manipulation, and more often than not, Elemental's only possess the power to control one aspect of the element, i.e: An individual can control h20 particles, meaning the freezing of water without cold temperatures, whereas another individual might have the ability to simply move the particles, able to cause waves, or manipulate water's position, and a third individual might control the creation of h20 particles all together, the liquid spurting from their fingertips with ease.

Superhuman Preternatural's are defined by their extraordinary heightened human abilities. This includes but is not limited to things like Super Strength, Speed, Hearing, Healing, etcetera. Also categorized in the Superhuman group are individual's with gifts that mainly affect themselves. A preternatural Superhuman with super healing would only have the ability to heal themselves, in example, and not others. Other miscellaneous powers that would be included in the category are any gifts involving personal gain: shape-shifting, Invisibility, Flying, Self-teleportation, and so on.

Impact Preternatural's are defined by their ability to use their powers on others. Impacts have some of the worst crime rates due to their abilities to affect their peers. Though they're not as hated as Superbrains, they're certainly disliked. Grouped in this category would be gifts along the lines of cloning, ability to teleport others, ability to heal others, and the coveted ability to simply make other preternatural's abilities useless for a period of time. Impacts include any preternatural that can affect others physically.

Superbrains are by far the most feared, and simultaneously most hated of the preternatural's. Their gifts are even more difficult to understand than the other groups, and so they are often outcasted or even hunted down. Superbrain abilities include but are not limited to: Dream Manipulation, Empathy, Protective Forcefields, Lie Detection, Memory Manipulation, Persuasion, Precognition, and Time-Manipulation. An individual in the Superbrain category has abilities well beyond normal brain function, and uses much more of their brain capacity than others.


Something to remember

I've split up the usual popular powers into smaller versions of themselves for a reason. There are thousands of Pretern's all over the world, yours is not the most powerful. Stick to one power for now. This limit will be broadened as the story goes on, though the second powers will be assigned to you via PM

Up to four characters per Preternatural category will be accepted. If you see four Superbrain character sheets, don't sign up for one.


As the GM, I've got a very good idea of where this story is going, and how it's going to end. I don't want this to be like the several 'people with powers' roleplays you see scrolling through the forum that die quickly. This will be a detailed, very involved but slow paced roleplay that I will guide along, but ultimately leave interactions and relationships among characters up to you. I would like to do it in an episodic format. I will set a scene, things will play out for a few pages, I'll set up scenario's and obstacles for the characters to face, and the episode will end once goals are met or cliffhangers are in place.


Something to remember

Pretern's in hiding are from all over the globe, and can be from various walks of life or ages. Straying away from all playing the same type of character would be appreciated.

The CS form will not be posted here. If you'd like to submit a character sheet, PM me a detailed writing sample (can be from other roleplay, story, college paper, etcetera) and if it passes, I will give you the CS form to fill out. This is to prevent people putting hard work into characters I don't accept, and Sign-up clutter.

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