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Fantasy The Preternatural's

Amora Aurora

Professional Hippie
*If You're Confused By The Blank White Space Here, Re-Read the Overview <---*

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3. Accepted


Rachel Elizabeth Wilson


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Personality: Rae's greatest characteristic is, inevitably, empathy. She aches, cries and smiles with others, and can seem rather turbulent at times as she's always absorbing, tuning into and ultimately taking on another's inner conflict. Although most Empaths learn how to shield and maintain a level of indifference, Rae is incapable of facades or consistent apathy, so this trait is also her greatest vulnerability, and often requires she recharge in solitude or be acknowledged delicately. She can be a tad candid, is extremely honest and open (to her own detriment, that is), and emanates a genuiness that most crave in another human being.

If Rae was capable of purely logical thinking, her ability would enable her to intuitively read anyone before they've even exchanged hellos. However, she can be most notably described misanthropic, and her own personal bias and lack of faith in humanity clouds her judgement, therefore she's capable of misjudgment. She dislikes a lot of responsibility, but would prefer to (and excellent at) be in charge if the situation arose; even if it hurts her empathy wise, Rae believes truth is more important than sensitivities or compromise, she's too impatient for sugar coating, and dislikes surprises greatly so she'd rather know every detail now. However, she doesn't plan past a day, believing life is unpredictable, and that schedules are down right annoying; she's always winging it, and usually manages to get by. Rae doesn't like to commit herself because she's a melancholic perfectionist, and has an expectancy for disappointment, but when she does, there's golden results.

Backstory: Rae was born unique, though to what degree was beyond her single mother, who was often taken aback when her child finished her sentences accurately, or seemed to read her like a book and inquire what was wrong, despite complete silence. She always figured they were just the closest of her four children (Rae being the third), and was unaware that her child would come to be defined as a Super brain. Even during her toddler years, Rae could be described as both virtually independent, yet easily overwhelmed by just about any social circumstances; this quality was deemed as severe social anxiety, but when the consideration of abilities came in, it was revealed that there was far more to it then that.

She'd never had a title, clique, or social standing, her grades were above average, but the work was the easy part, it was the people that lead Rae to drop out time and time again. She'd fake illnesses, or unidentifiable sickness (empathetic backlash), sometimes she'd just completely break down and beg for the chance to just stay home and not have to deal with others. She often got her way, but when the last year of high school (her twelfth district, most of which had been homeschools) she just stopped trying, and ultimately chose her GED as the quickest route out. Rae gets the escapist qualities from her father, of whom she'd never known but also avoided any and all plaguing responsibilities. Unlike him, however, she'd always been truly suffering, and wasn't able to even identify with a truth other than the ridicule she'd received from superiors, until she'd turned about eighteen and was properly titled a Preternatural.

Upon embracing herabilities and attempting to accommodate herself, the consequences were complete abandonment and disgust from relatives, and a social circle that dissolved to mere animals. The criticism and general disgust towards her from the populace was what really seemed to trigger her clinical depression, something she'd also not entirely come to terms with as a child, though it was quite obvious her mood swings weren't purely hormonal. There'd been a change of pace in their financially inadequate lifestyles, when her mother boldly pursued her own version of a hallmark business and, not surprisingly considering her talent, it became a near overnight success, and enabled her little family a spot in the upper middle class stratification. Unfortunately, the government had become desperate and fallen to absurd measures in order to soothe the public outrage and prevent potential overthrowing; they'd enslaved the gifted ones, and the discrimination towards them was nearly tangible.

To prevent any damage to her mothers business, Rae had only been self employed with their little miracle before she'd decided to leave, both to escape the knowing officials nearby and attempt to seek belonging somewhere amidst her own kind. She hadn't any expectation to survive, but decided if she died trying, that was good enough for her. The next few weeks had been true to her former, vagabondish lifestyle, and she'd lived off of constant survival mode adrenaline and her uncanny talent of adaption, as well as brief jobs to get by, fast-food and motels. It hadn't been great, but the virtual homelessness wasn't foreign either, so at least she knew how to make it work.

Rae wasn't hesitant at all to join the rebellion, as it rang true to her philosophy about dying with honor. She doesn't really believe they'll make it, but doesn't contribute any less because of that pessimistic outlook. Her fear for the government is non existent, it's what she claims are the evil spirits behind it, as well as their oversized guns and irrational mentioning of nuclear weaponry (not towards the specials necessarily, but governments are known for those kinds of threats.)

Passions: Animals for healing, crafts for creative outlet, reading (philosophy/psychology) for insight, listening to others (to ease their pain, so she doesn't have to feel it).


Relationships: Mom- Closest person to her, Rae really is just a thinner, golden haired version of her mother. Hasn't spoken with her in months, and it's taking a toll on her need for cathartic release and a willing listener.

Sister- A cancer with ambition, of whom Rae hasn't spoken to since she left. They're incredibly close, but are both aware any form of communication could give her away.

Cats- Rae befriended every wild cat in their neighborhood, claiming three specifically by the name of Thomas (Gray Tom-cat) and the identical, black brothers Binx and Salem. She misses them constantly, as they're what aids her in recharging.

Darren- They've only just met up again. Rae has gradually become attached to Darren, due to their brief period of bonding, his apathy which soothes her empathy, and his ability to see and read her past all the personalities and hardships she absorbs.

Sidney- TBD.



Nila- Nila is a breath of fresh air for Rae. Though some see her as demented, Rae finds her to be raw, genuine and facade free, which means there's less to absorb, and some traits they share so she doesn't feel so unlike herself in the woman's presence.

Length of Time in Rebellion Group: A few months, I suppose? Long enough to blend a bit and settle herself, have a bit of a first name familiarity going.


Current Living Situation: Homeless

Power: Superbrain, Empath

New York Occupation: Pet Sitting










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1. Accepted


Darren DeLuca

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Personality: For the most part, Darren keeps to himself. He's not a very trusting individual, and even before he could hear people's thoughts he always felt like he just knew. He believes not everyone is inherently good, and that no one has the capability to change how they are. The mind is the window to the soul, and thoughts betray what the mouth says. Through this, he has developed an attitude where he cares very little if people come or go, because he never expects them to stay. When it comes to interacting with other people, his words are minimum, but he is cooperative if need be. He never seeks out a fight, but if the time calls for it he can handle himself. If he is ever asked a question, he is very direct and blunt. Why hide what he thinks? Now with his powers, he knows the true nature of people.

He finds no point in sugar coating or dancing around subjects so as to not hurt someone's feelings, which often brings him to come across as a jerk. This quality he's held all his life. Yet again, being called anything like this does not affect him, for he doesn't care what others think about him. It's rare that he ever gets to a point where someone affects him emotionally.

Backstory: Darren never got to live a life of luxury. He was put through the foster care system at an early age when his parents were killed in what the law enforcement considered a hate crime by a man who suffered severely from a mental illness. Ever since then he took an interest to how the mind works and how thoughts could drive a person's actions, though being the young age that he was, it was a difficult concept to grasp entirely. It wasn't until high school where in a class the teacher briefly discussed psychology in a tangent, and it was then he took a greater interest.

His abilities surfaced when he was twelve going through puberty. A year later he ran away from his foster home finding their thoughts too overwhelming. For a while, soup kitchens and runaway shelters for teens where his home until they threatened to put him back into the system. No one seemed to care about his existence and only wanted him in foster care because of all the legal issues. The school system didn't question much, and allowed him the use of their facilities before school hours for his hygiene.

High school was a trying time for Darren. When he was of legal age to work, Darren quickly found himself a job working for an auto repair shop. His trust in people at this point waned to a thin line, but his boss and coworkers were people he didn't mind so much. Their thoughts were basic, and often within their line of work making his job less overwhelming. Due to his abilities, his grades began to slip due to a lack of focus. And so he turned to drugs in fear of being kicked out of school. He at least wanted to get his high school degree.

The owner of the auto repair shop, Dennis Monroe, eventually found out Darren's living situation and offered him his couch. Mr. Monroe became a sort of father figure his junior and senior year of high school, and saw him through to graduation. Darren was able to keep his addiction hidden for the most part, but Mr. Monroe had his suspicions. Unfortunately, due to his financial situation, Darren was unable to pursue a college career and was not eligible for loans.

Once the government started regulating preterns, Darren went on the run. He didn't want to be in any other system, and his telepathic abilities gave him the edge he needed to keep off the grid and away from the dangers of being caught. His drug addiction is still prevalent, and dulls his telepathic senses. Darren can read people's thoughts, communicate with them, and even go so far as causing his target paralysis through mental link, or cause amnesia targeting short-term memory retention.

Passions: Drugs? Music, in seriousness. He enjoys playing a guitar when he can find one.



-Mr. Monroe of Speedy Lube in Naperville - a second father to Darren, and incredibly missed.

-Elissa and Jared Banks - foster parents. Not very missed.

-Rachel Wilson - Just recently met up with each other again by happenstance. Rachel is one of the few people who he feels comfortable around. Through their more recent encounter, they've spent enough time together to develop a friendship.

-Sidney Gordon - If Darren wants some weed, he knows who to hit up. Sidney's kind soul has offered Darren a night or two on his couch when the weather gets rough, but Darren won't exploit such a compassionate heart. Darren finds Sidney one of the rare people out there that is actually and genuinely nice inside and out.

-Zinnia Jacobs - Since he has joined the Rebellion, he's run across Zinnia on multiple occasion outside for a smoke. Their smoke breaks often coincided. He considers her a smoking buddy and enjoys the silence or idle conversation they have away from the stresses of life.

-Nila Rodriguez - The girl he'd like to shut up. Nila may not be much of a verbal talker, but boy does Darren hear everything she doesn't say. While the girl may be a lovely person, he can't stand to be around her for too long. She literally gives him headaches.

Length of Time in Rebellion Group: One Month


Current Living Situation: Homeless

Power: Telepathy

Power Flaws: erratic or hardly present when high, hears all thoughts at once, can only hear internal monologue, can't focus on target long before headache, inception can backfire easily, 50 to 100 yard radius depending on sobriety, causes irritability without containment in high, has been known to pass out when attempting to get under control without use of substance, sometimes can't control who his own thoughts go to

New York Occupation: Odd Jobs

Photos: X

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Trevor Elias Callewell


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"I am Celebro personified."
he said, smiling.

On the surface, he is a daydreamer who gives looks of pure annoyance to anyone who speaks to him. The looks are from the fact that his is always alert and thinking of everything and everyone. He is a natural born analytic, with a sick gut intuition and a wicked memory. He rarely ever really gets irritated by a person and when he does it's catastrophically ugly. The dayreamer part...well...he's a dork. You could ask him about anything nerdy and he'll light up from the inside out. His imagination is unchained and he's very clever about it. The easiest way to his heart is through comic books.

Backstory: (Every important detail. 3+ Paragraphs)

Passions: (Optional)


Relationships: (Previous Relationships from their hometown required, as well as what they would think of the other characters submitted so far. Update as new characters are added)

Length of Time in Rebellion Group:

5 months. Due to the nature of his gifts, he is able to aid the Rebellion much further than it could on its own.


Current Living Situation: Roommating(pm me if interested)

Power: Superbrain:*Spark*

He is able to influence and stabilize the abilities of others who are also Preternatural. He is also able to find them, if they are within a close enough distance--say 3 street blocks out.

New York Occupation:

Photos: You may use this space to link any additional current photos of your character.

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1. Impact

Sidney Elijah Gordon


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Personality: Sid is quite honestly the opposite of what his appearance might make you think, though he wasn't always this way. Now that he's a new, reformed man, he's sort of made it his mission to better as many lives as he possibly can in his time. Though he likes to consider himself somewhat of a superhero, it's certainly not in the literal sense. He doesn't go around saving lives, nor does he really give good advise or help anyone at all, actually. Sid is indeed the epitome of a people person, though. His kind, calm but burly tone just seems to have a way of putting others at ease. He's rarely stressed, and this affect tends to rub off on people in his company. This is the reason that in his old life, Sid opted to help law enforcement find criminals by using his artistic gift for sketching. Victims who had just gone through traumatizing life events would explain to Sid what the criminal looked like, and Sid would sketch what he heard. To no one's surprise, dealing with victims on a daily basis is not easy, the stages of shock were still fresh in all of them, and it took a guy like Sid to possess the ability to calm them down enough to help him sketch.

Though Sid is a protective soul, he will rarely resort to violence, or especially using his power, to solve disputes. He no longer believes that violence is the best approach to anything. He's quick to wrap a strong, comforting arm around someone who needs him, and will use scare tactics to frighten whoever hurt them, but violence or his power are always last resorts these days.

Sid is an overly friendly and outgoing man. He enjoys getting beers with friends, learning about his tattoo recipients lives as he tats them up, and has a warm, genuine smile. Surface conversations is as far as anyone gets with the man, though. He doesn't believe in deep connections, much to the thanks of his failed marriage, and doesn't particularly talk about himself in situations where it's not required. You wouldn't notice that he's a closed-off soul, because he doesn't want others to think of him as cold. The only individual's who realize this about Sid are the ones that put effort into trying to get to know him, but never learn a thing.

Backstory: Sid was born to a Maid and her married employer. Lindsay Gordon is a kind, hardworking woman that fell for the wrong man at a young and vulnerable age. Elliot Nickles, Sid's biological father, is an esteemed lawyer in Los Angeles. Before Sid's birth, Elliot was a thirty-seven year old man with two kids and a wife. Lindsay was nineteen when she began working for the Nickles family as a full-time maid and part-time nanny. When she came up pregnant a several months later, Elliot paid her a large sum of money to disappear and tell no one that the child was his. He fired her, and she took the money six hours away to Sacramento.

While Sid was a child, Lindsay dated around, he remembers meeting several men, but none of them ever seemed to stick, and he would eventually end up at his mother's side as they vigorously cleaned their house to release her heartbreak after every relationship. This lifestyle instilled a protective instinct in Sid, especially when it came to women.

In his teenage years, Sid found his biological father, who brushed him off and insisted that he never reach out again. Later, he made a call to Lindsay, angry and cussing that he had given her the money to insure he was left alone. With the rejection from his father paired with falling in with the wrong crowd, Sid became the literal definition of a punk. On several occasions, the teen was escorted home in handcuffs, but never sent to juvenile detention due to his mothers short but sweet relationship with the chief of police. He got into more trouble than even the average bad kid did, and it only got worse as he grew older.

Sid met Tiffany Montgomery in his senior year of high school. She was two years older than him and moved to California from Texas to take a stab at getting famous. She couldn't afford a home in any of the fame towns, though, so she found herself in Sid's neighborhood, and he fell head over heels for the first and last time. Tiffany was a good girl, but a complex one. He couldn't understand her like he did other people, and it intrigued Sid in the beginning.

After graduation, Sid got involved in drug trade, made more money than he'd ever even dreamed of, and bought a place, a ring, and fancy vacation to propose to the love of his life. All was well for four years. They married quickly, and fell into the newlywed lifestyle easily.

Four years after their marriage, though, Sid got into some drug-trade trouble. A large trade in another dealer's territory started a war that Sid couldn't finish cleanly. The day Sid was jumped by five men, and almost dead behind a bowling alley was the day he found his powers. Police reported that it was a freak accident. Two men had heart attacks at the same time in the same location? There was no logical explanation. Sid remembers it differently. He remembers white hot rage like he'd never felt before. He remembers lying on the ground, face so beaten and bloodied his own mother probably wouldn't recognize him. He remembers the humiliation of a guy his size being ultimately defeated. And he remembers wishing, with all of his might, that they would just
die. And then they did. Dropped dead. Heart attacks. All five of them must have felt some sort of pain, because they all started screaming, but only two dropped to their knees, and then face down, lifeless.

Sid ran, explained everything to his best friend and confidant. Tiffany was terrified. Couldn't speak to him for days. He just lied in bed: large, husky man curled up in the fetal position without moving for over 24 hours, with no support system. The marriage lasted a year more, but there wasn't much marriage activity any more. Tiffany stayed out of the house as often as she could. They fought over ridiculous things when she was there. And eventually, when Sid was 24 years old, they called it quits.

Haunted by what he assumed was a murder he caused, Sid quit the drug business and took up his old love for art. Six classes in facial recognition and profile sketching later and he was living large as the only sketch artist in Sacramento. He's used his power a couple times since the incident, but only on insects or pesky rodents. He's never killed anything, though he has attempted on quite a few flies, just to remind himself that it was not some sort of sick dream.

Passions: Motorcycles, Tattoos, Beards, Art, Music, Beer, Friends


Relationships: Lindsay Gordon/Mother~ Sid's a huge mama's boy. Nobody makes better iced tea or cheesecake. When he lived in Cali, he visited his mother every day, no matter what. The hardest part of having a new identity is being away from her.

Tiffany Montgomery/Ex-wife~ The only girl Sid's ever been in love with. Sid tried desperately to save his marriage, but Tiffany was terrified of him. Because of the woman, he learned to hold everyone he cares about at arms length, because in the end, Sid is disposable in others' lives.

Viktor Gutierrez/Enemy~ Sid's rival drug dealer in California. The two were actually good friends at one point, Viktor initially introducing Sid to the drug trade world.

Length of Time in Rebellion Group: Five Months


Current Living Situation: Studio Apartment

Power: Pain Infliction

Sid can inflict any level of pain on someone with just a single thought. It's a terrifying, huge responsibility. Not only does Sid have to be actively feeling some sort of strong emotion to inflict the pain, (annoyance, rage, fear) it also seems that he has to inflict a bit on himself to hurt others. It's about half as much as he's inflicting, he guesses. When hurting an insect, he would only feel a little uncomfortable. When aiming to kill an insect, the pain mirrored back onto him is unbearable.

New York Occupation: Free-lance artist and under-the-table tattoo artist

Photos: Uno




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4. Superbrain

z i n n i a . a z a l e a . j a c o b s

“ z i n n ”



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Alicia Jacobs (Mother) - Zinnia loves her mother to death, despite the mistakes the older woman has made in her life. She admires her greatly for always attempting to overcome financial hardships.

Maxwell Lawrence (Father) - Zinnia has never had a relationship with her father. If she were to see him on the streets, the young woman would recognize him from pictures her mother has shown her, though no emotional connection would be present.

Xavier Martin (Uncle / Father Figure) - The brunette considers Xavier more her father than Maxwell Lawrence would ever be. He was the one to teach her many valuable life lessons, and she has always been grateful for him.

Christopher and Thomas Martin (Cousins / “Brothers”) - Though Zinnia shares neither a technical mother or father with these two, she wholeheartedly considers them her brothers. Both older than her, she looks to them for guidance in times of need.

Rachel Wilson -

Darren DeLuca -

Sidney Gordon -

Nila Rodriguez -

Length of Time in Rebellion Group: Three Months


Current Living Situation: Squatting in a friend’s loft apartment

Power: Telekinesis (noun) - The ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other nonphysical means.

Ability Capabilities: Zinnia is gifted with a specific form of Psychokinesis, often referred to as Telekinesis. Though she cannot see into the thoughts of others, her enhanced mind allows her to levitate and move objects at will. A majority of the matter she can manipulate is in a solid state, though she has also has the ability to influence oil. This is the only liquid she can control. The weight of these objects can vary from a 1-pound weight to a car. If she desires to pick up more, she must concentrate hard to harness enough willpower in the central part of her brain. As a telekinetic, she has the psychokinetic ability to bend solid metal. Bending anything as simple as a spoon to a large metal bars and beyond, it is possible for her to manipulate large pieces of naturally occurring metals on the Periodic Table, such as Gold (Au), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Silver (Ag), and Tin (Sn).

Ability Weaknesses: The brunette has always had trouble manipulating Mercury (Hg), a toxic metal often used to dissolve silver and gold. Her difficulty stems from the fact that Mercury is one of the only metals that exists as a liquid at standard temperature and pressure (273.15 K and 1 atm). She cannot manipulate individual atoms. On most occasions, she can control and harness her power to will, however, this becomes difficult when she shows an intense emotion. For example, when Zinnia is angry, she can often levitate large objects dangerously, much of which can be harmful to witnesses in the path of these uncontrollable motions. To avoid this destruction, she tries her best to remain levelheaded.

New York Occupation: Part-Time at Al Hirschfeld Free Health Clinic on 57th



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2. Accepted


Nila Rodriguez


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Personality: Nila is a very detached person. She doesn't like to associate herself with the reality of the world, because she's so used to making up her own real life. She is very smart, and is exceedingly good at math. She is brilliant at coding and hacking, making her a really concentrated person, too. Nila is a very quiet person, though it isn't the type of quiet that you'd associate with shy. She's like the calm before the storm. She's quiet because she has a lot going on in her mind, her thoughts are way more important than the real world.

Nila has quite a dark sense of humour. She finds weird things funny. She has an appetite for the strange. She enjoys pieces of art that any other person would look at and wonder how it could even be considered artistic. She is a little demented, to put it strongly.

Nila isn't one for romance. She likes the idea of a life partner, someone who is full of passion and adventure, but she isn't all for the lovey dovey side of life. She is not and has never been openly looking for a man, but if she finds the right person, who she thinks will follow all of her weird crazes, then she will chase him down.

Nila likes to get into people's heads, like they are codes. She likes to learn people's darkest secrets and figure out their deepest passions. That's the trait that her power attaches to.

Backstory: Nila was born on the kitchen floor of a fifth story apartment in Chicago. To a Mother who was a cleaning lady at several restaurants and to a Father who had left two months before she was born. Nila grew up with just a Mother. A hardworking Mother, who loved her to bits. Nila always knew that she would never need any one else.

At school, Nila was picked on, because she never wore the fancy clothes that everyone else wore. The designer labels were missing, on Nila, and because of that, people called her poor. She just wanted to live out her school life without people taking advantage of her. Sometimes, she found herself silently wishing that these bullies would just die. And, one day, her wishes came true.

When one boy was picking on her, Joseph Hammet, she imagined him, hanging from a rope. A suicide. And, the next day, her wish was granted. A tragedy, they called it, but Nila knew the truth. She was haunted by what she had done, but at the same time fascinated. She became obsessed with the idea that she was different.

From that point on, people picked on her more. Calling her a witch and saying that she had killed Joseph. She then found herself hanging around with the people who were considered goths. Nila liked it. They didn't care what she wore or if she was a witch or not. They accepted her.

Nila looked further into her 'gift' and tested it out subtly. When she was talking to people, she would imagine them wanting to go for an ice cream or a hot dog, and instantly, they wanted to. She realised that she could change the order of memories and make people think things. She was amazing.

When she was 18 she wanted to get a job so that her Mother could stop working. She found an ad under the subway that said they needed someone who was good at coding. Nila had always been tinkering with her friend's computer, and decided to give it a go.

Unsurprisingly, she liked it, and was offered a job with a man who needed less than legal work doing for him. He needed her to take down website security and look into private accounts. She was paid very well as long as she didn't ask questions.

Nila's pay checks were giant and her Mother quit work the same month. Nila was happy to give something back to her precious Mother. It was the least she could do.

But, the dream was up, and within a few years, Nila had to follow another calling. She heard that Preterns were being restricted, and that a Rebellion had begun. She saw, on the news, that the epicentre of the Rebellion was New York, a place that she had always wanted to visit. Nila left her Mother some money and kissed her goodbye. She had to join the Rebellion.

Passions: Math, coding, drinking, reading and cocktail making.




She adores her Mother and would do anything for her.

Rachel: Nila thinks that Rachel is brave and admires her honesty.

Darren: Nila sees a spark of something in Darren. She isn't sure what it is yet.

Length of Time in Rebellion Group: Four Months

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Ivy Blanchard


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Personality: On the surface, the girl is relatively quiet, preferring her own company over others. When she does interact with others, however, she enjoys watching people squirm with her dry comments - which is probably the closest she can get to being playful with anyone. Ivy isn't a very warm person and shows her affection in the most awkward but significant ways. If ever, it will take more than a few chats with her to get her to let her guard down. She is distrustful of most who cross her path.

Although seemingly confident and calm, Ivy is an extremely insecure person, primarily because of her special ability - or rather, the amount of prejudiced words and actions she's received because of it over the years. She often finds herself wishing she were another person, but the closest she's been to accomplishing that is by simply
looking like another person. Although it gives her momentary satisfaction to be able to pretend to be someone else, she resents her ability and at present - wants to get rid of it.

Ivy is an overall very emotional person, her feelings usually reaching an extreme extent. If she's happy, it shows. Sad? It definitely shows. But anger and passion are probably her strongest, most prominent emotions. She's the kind of person who can get a little too manic when they're mad, and her sadness can quickly dissolve into white hot anger if anyone nudges her the wrong way. Ivy isn't a rational person either. She acts upon what she thinks should be done and easily resorts to vengeance for emotional relief. In fact, joining the rebel group might have been part of that. However, she manages to mask whatever strong emotion she's feeling with a calm facade, and until something or someone brings it down, she's not intent on letting people know how she feels.

Ivy could definitely be classified as smart, although she doesn't always use her intelligence for the greater good. As much as she doesn't want to admit it, her craving for revenge can get in the way of what she's really supposed to do - which is to get justice for all Preterns. But since her moral compass is a tad screwed up, Ivy is likely to act selfishly on her behalf. She is a driven and aggressive person when it boils down to reaching her own personal goals.

Backstory: Since the early parts of her childhood, Ivy was accustomed to not having things go her way. Her parents were not made of money, and they had made a point early on to let her know that. She never asked them for anything she didn't need, and that method worked well. For a while. Eventually, things became rough financially. They did not have enough money to scrape up for her to go to high school, and they ultimately had to send her to a public school where she was tossed into a multitude of different personalities.

Ivy did not, as it turned out, have many friends, or any at all. She ate with people she only barely knew at lunch, and walked around everywhere else alone. People poked fun at her for being that weird girl who never talked unless spoken to. It was the same thing everyday - studying, ignoring, being ignored, ignoring. This routine of hers only changed when she bumped into a classmate out of school one fateful day as she was rushing to get home. His name was Noah, and it was to her surprise when she saw him move - no,
teleport - from one block to the alleyway.

Eventually, Ivy decided to confront him about it. Not many people at her school were Preternatural's - that or they were just hiding it, but either way, she couldn't wait to meet someone who was like her. After much decision, she finally cornered him on his way home and talked to him about his ability. At first, he was hell-bent on denying her accusation, but when she showed him her own capabilities, he too admitted that he was capable of things a lot of other people weren't. Noah and Ivy were thick as thieves ever since.

When high school ended, both of them were relieved to leave behind their mean classmates and phony teachers. They both went to the same community college, with Noah studying law and Ivy studying journalism. It wasn't as if that went on for long, however. Schoolwork became a seldom thing in their daily lives once they immersed themselves in what was happening to Preterns all over the world: the new law would change their lives forever, and not necessarily for the better.

They attended a rally once it was implemented. It was fairly peaceful; with handmade banners and people yelling protests into microphones. The police had created a barricade to prevent the protesters from overrunning them, but everyone knew it was a lost cause since the majority of the ralliers were Preterns, and the containment law was not in effect yet. But as the shouting grew louder, the cops threatened to throw tear gas into the crowd. Peaceful quickly turned into hostile when somebody managed to suspend one of the police in the air and dropped him onto the ground with a grotesque
cracking sound. That was when all hell broke loose. Gunfire. Actual fire. If Ivy remembered correctly, there were even a few minor explosions: the result of different Preterns' abilities clashing all at once. And in the midst of all this, she could not spot Noah anywhere.

The next few weeks were a blur. Ivy refused to attend Noah's funeral, insisting that he was still alive, still lost somewhere in the rally. Her parents attempts to make her feel better only did the opposite. According to them, Noah was shot in the chest three times by some unknown assailant. It was even obvious that Noah's parents blamed her for his death, too, probably reasoning that she was the only bad influence in his life anyway. Finally deciding that enough was enough, Ivy ran away to New York City, a place rumored to be the center of the Rebellion. She would do it for herself, and for Noah.

Passions: Reading, research, journalism


Relationships: Noah:He was Ivy's best friend throughout high school and her first years of college. There might have been some unspoken understanding between them that they liked each other in a romantic way, but it was never fully established as Noah passed away before anything else could happen. Ivy still mourns.







Length of Time in Rebellion Group: 5 months

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Kai Geoffrey Ramal


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Personality: There is still a candle sized flame of morality flickering inside the depth of his heart. It's a relic from Kai's childhood; from the only time in his life that he felt safe. But now it only serves to haunt him. In order to grow and thrive in a neglectful and dishonest world he traded his empathy for conviction, honor for power, and mercy for brutality. To date he believes the trades have paid off.

Whenever he lets his guard down and drops his criminal persona he can surprise folks with his sense of humor, his pseudo-intellectual ramblings, and his childlike enthusiasm for garish antiques. There's no one who would consider themselves Kai's friend anymore; he only maintains acquaintances. It helps to keep him focused.

Backstory: Everything good, everything wholesome in his life, was squeezed into his first nine years. That's when his family was still intact. He came from wealthy parents; their house was the envy of their affluent neighborhood. Kai preferred outdoor adventures over the stuffiness of his elegantly decorated home. Most days he played shirtless under the warm Trinidad sun. He climbed high into the grapefruit trees to search for the neon green caterpillars that crawled up their branches.

Back then his parents were busy: his father with work and his mother with her social clubs and luncheons. But they were happy enough. They had their faults as parents but Kai was too young notice. He rarely looks back to those days anymore, they practically vanished overnight.

His father, Rafael Ramal, was arrested and sentenced to seventy five years inside a Trinidad jail. The pyramid scheme that he was running, that he had plundered for decades, had finally collapsed. They took the house, the money, the cars, and the jewelry. The only thing Kai's mother was left with was an unbearable amount of disgrace. Without any other option, she packed up her son and moved to Brooklyn to be near her brother-in-law.

Kai was torn apart. His father and his birth island were ripped out of his life in one tragic swipe. He grew up bitter, confused, and guilt ridden. His shame and fear increased when he started to hear the whispers of flies, when the fluttering moths began to dance to his every thought. He couldn't tell anyone, not even his mother. She was already struggling with depression.

Kai found his calling as a teenager. His uncle Eugene owned a nightclub in Brooklyn named Hot Iguana. He and his cousin, Trevor, use to hangout in the club's office every weekend. They met a lot of interesting people at the club, including some hard-hitting drug dealers—Nick and Salvatore—who had mob connections. Kai was seduced by the underworld, by the power and influence it bought. His romance with crime started before he was nineteen.

In order to get acknowledged by the mob, he informed Nick that a crew of Jamaicans were also peddling drugs inside the Iguana. When Kai was asked how he uncovered the 'unauthorized' dealers, he told them he had: "a fly on the bathroom wall." Nick and Salvatore called in a few of their friends, and they investigated the matter. It turns out Kai was right, and the Jamaicans were asked to not come back.

After a few more favors Kai earned the affections of several made soldiers inside one of the city's mafia crime families. Eventually, he brokered a meeting between the mob and an unknown dark pretern: an unsettling masked individual who went by the name Hive. He was a man with talents that were effective, frightening, and largely untraceable. Hive has now become the mob's favorite weapon.

But Kai has bigger plans for Hive; the mob alliance he solidified is just a stepping stone along his rise to power. The swarm, the micro-army that he commands—won't be stopped, it won't even give ground. An infestation is coming.

Passions: Natural sciences, phobias, antique collecting, wilderness expeditions, judo, tall women, nefarious schemes


Relationships: He keeps tabs on his mother whenever he can. Their relationship rotted soon after his father's arrest, but she's still his biggest concern. They hardly ever speak, instead he watches over her like a benevolent ghost.

Kai's uncle Eugene and his cousins are the closest thing he has to a normal family. They know him better than anybody, but that's not saying much. And he'll grudgingly admit that he enjoys their time together. They're a flawed bunch, but who is he to judge? At least they make him laugh.

Likely reactions to other characters should they meet

Rachel - Uninterested initially, but fearful of after her ability is revealed. Kai is protective of his internal thoughts and emotions, any invasion of his inner-self will be perceived as a threat.

Darren - Same as Rachel, under the radar pretern with very similar powers

Sidney - A possible rival, a pretern willing to help cops catch criminals might need to be dealt with. But his power would be respected, maybe even envied. If only Sidney would give up any and all heroic ideals in order to travel the more barbaric road. If only.

Zinnia - Interested in her powerful ability but ultimately put off by her moral compass. A friendly, protective, and headstrong pretern will more than likely oppose his schemes.

Nila - She would be the first pretern, the first person, to ever terrify him. The ability to manipulate thoughts and emotions is such an invasive and wicked power, it's an actual nightmare. If only Kai could weaponize it for his own ends...

Length of Time in Rebellion Group: He's watched the rebellion since its inception, but mostly stayed uninvolved. Two months ago that changed—he decided to introduced his Hive persona to the underground group. He told them he's willing to help, but he's actually only interested in pursuing his own agenda. Hive hopes to recruit his own criminal faction out of the rebellion's ranks. It's the perfect opportunity to meet powerful, yet disenfranchised people. All he needs is a few bad eggs to hatch.


Current Living Situation: Kai managed to pick up an abandoned auto-repair shop in Brooklyn for a shockingly low price. Apparently the seller had trouble ridding the building of a biblical-scale hornet infestation. Kai didn't seem particularly worried about the issue before he paid cash for the property. It now serves as his home as well as his base of operations.

Power: [impact] Insect/Arthropod Control

New York Occupation: Mob associate

Photos: Hive Mask

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Aster Bay Alder


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Personality: Aster is quiet, often relating better to plants than people. In fact, she prefers to converse with plants rather than humans. They make her to her- she understands how to care for them, how to identify what they need. She does not, however, understand how humans tick and what they need. So she sticks with plants. A psychologist would probably suggest that she's autistic, and the label certainly does fit. She cannot relate to her peers well, she has sensory processing difficulties, and she can almost always be found chewing on something. But that's the way she's always been, and she's never been to a psychologist.

Backstory: Aster was born to a a happy family. Her mother was a principal at the local elementary school, and her father was an Army ranger. She and her mother never got along that well, but their relationship was never volatile, merely awkward. She and her father got along very well, though, and she sorely felt his absence when he left to go on tours. She was a tomboy as a child, preferring to go on hikes and play in the dirt- another reason her mother and her never got along, as her mother was hoping for a daughter who she could dress in frilly dresses and play dolls with. Her father loved gardening, but somehow Aster never developed that common interest, and preferred to stay away from the garden outside.

However, when she was 10, her father was killed when he was overseas on tour. This shattered her world, and made her relationship with her mother even more strained. Always shy, she seemed to withdraw further into herself, and she spent less and less time with other people. The only thing she had left to make her feel connected to her father was his garden, and she started to take care of it in his honor. She began researching the plants he grew, and eventually became obsessed with anything plant related. A psychologist would call that her "special interest-" again, she's never seen a therapist.

It was when she was taking care of her father's plants one day when she discovered her powers. In a rush, her poor motor skills led to her falling into the garden. A voice she had never heard before said something, and she recoiled and jumped back, only to land on a different plant and hear a different voice. This continued until she realized that the voices were those of the plants, and she could only hear them and talk to them when she was in contact with them- physically touching them. The plants in her father's garden eventually revealed to her that her father shared the same "gift."

Once Aster discovered this talent, she withdrew from people entirely. She never liked interacting with people a lot, and found that she liked interacting with plants better. However, she did have one friend at home- a boy named Kyle, who was friends with her since they were tiny. Aster was never able to realize it, but he had a crush on her. However, when she finally told him of her abilities, he accepted her completely and helped her to hone them.

Passions: (Optional)



Stacy Ann Alder- mother

Elon Ash Alder- father (deceased)

Kyle Rubin- best friend

Length of Time in Rebellion Group: 1 month


Current Living Situation: "Drifting"

Power: Can communicate with plants. One wouldn't think this is useful, but one never considers just how much plants are able to see.

New York Occupation: Currently (Discreetly) Attending School

Photos: To Be Updated

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Margaux Anne Thomase


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Personality: Many people view Margaux as a happy, soothing character. She wears a lovely smile on her face day in and out and never hesitates to crack a joke. Her loving nature is what draws people to her and more often than not, a person can catch themselves succumbing to her lame jokes. She's also extremely intelligent, with an IQ higher than 140. She chooses to keep her knowledge to herself, however, because few people would like to know how the the functions or how a surgery must be done.

Although Margaux is a sweet person, that is simply the side she shows other impotent. Her kind qualities are real but she hides the fact that she's a very worrisome person. Margaux's worries often lead to her being fearful, anxious, and bossy. This is only because she cares so much about other people. She also happens to be the type of person to let her guard down when she
believes, most of the time she has it up, however.

Margaux can also take action. Being an ER physician and all, she has the qualities of a natural leader who can lead her people to superiority. While most leaders can be cruel and inconsiderate, she knows how to word things in a way that can get people to do anything. She's almost manipulative.

Backstory: Margaux was raised in an orphanage for until the age of four without knowing her real birth parents, and quite frankly, never caring about who they were. This was because she was adopted into a very wealthy family who went by the name "Thomas." The Thomas family had recently lost their own daughter and they adopted Margaux because of how strikingly similar their appearance was. Young Margaux learned this when she turned 10 years old.

As Margaux continued her life with the Thomas family, she proved to be extremely intelligent for her age. She began studying bizarre topics from the human body, to the mind, to nature, and even to space. Studying also happened to be her way of coping with the way her foster mother was treating her, which was cruelly and distastefully. Margaux didn't pay much attention to the negative treatment, however, because all she could feel was thankfulness for her and her father.

Around age 16, Margaux entered the university world, meeting her future lover Isaac (18) at the time. They officially began dating when Margaux turned 18 and became engaged when she was 22 and found out Issac was a Preternatural, falling more for him at the same time. Her life continued smoothly until she turned 24 and found her dear Issac was murdered by a group of government goons. The news put her in a stage of depression and she was unable to continue school for a few months.

Her father finally convinced her to return to school and Margaux entered in a different life. She decided she would finish her residency much sooner than the norm and accept an opportunity to become an American doctor. Mr. Thomas readily supported the decision but little did she know that she went so she could join the resistance.

Passions: Science, Medicine, Helping People, Cooking



Yves Thomas (Father) He may not be her real father, but she loves him all the same. Before she left Paris, Yves and her would often go on morning walks in a nearby park.

Margaret Thomas (Mother) She's not Margaux's real mother but the girl still cares for the older woman, even if she's constantly talked down to and scorned.

Isaac Bellamy (Deceased Fiance) They were absolutely in love. After learning of Isaac's ability, Margaux only fell in love with him more.

Length of Time in Rebellion Group: 4 months


Current Living Situation: Condo

Power: N/A

New York Occupation: Emergency Room Physician





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