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Fantasy The Powers We Have CS


How long has it been now? -Cosmo 2023
Full Name:













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Full Name:Alex Flames

Nickname:Al, Hotshot.




Personality:Alex is hotheaded at times and is very stubborn. He also tends to be rather rude and loud but inside, he's caring and ready to defend a friend he never had.


History: Alex has always fought someone who he disliked and is almost always in trouble. He has always lived with his two brothers in a mansion, Never really knowing his parents. Al has jumped from school to school for multiple reasons. Not paying attention, failing, Picking too many fights, excedra excedra. All he's wanted was to be himself but everyone holds him back except his brothers.

Family:Mason and Marth Flames.

Like:Fighting, Hard rock, Heavy metal, Sparring with his brother, Spicy foods, Dares and challenges

Dislike:People who think their all that, Bullies, Intentional perverts, People who think low of others etc.

Weakness:He can be manipulated into fighting anyone if the person says what he wants to hear.

Powers:Alex is very strong and fast but his true power is like his older brother's. He can turn his skin into dragon scales that are beyond hard to penetrate.

Other: Never piss him off to a breaking point.
Full Name:Peach Crawford



Occupation:Baby sitter


Personality:Peach is quite Shy and yet she's full of personality. She's very caring and understanding as well as responsible. If she warms up to you, she may become hyper or very cheerful. She's also very obedient.

Clothing:Same as picture

History:Peach has had a relevantly easy and nice life. Her father is very caring and she's been very quiet and good natured her whole life, tending to like to be alone at times with her kitten, Mittens.

Family:Her father Jayden Crawford

Like:Kittens, Fluffy things, Cute clothes, Making others happy.

Dislike:Being called short. Meanies, What might be waiting in the dark.

Weakness:She can be very gullible and be used as a scape goat.

Powers:None as of now.

Other:She could possibly be bi.

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Full Name: Donovan Smith

Nickaname: Donnie

Age: 23

Occupation: Clerk at a supermarket.

Appearance: Short, a bit chubby, fairly pale. Not many other notable features.

Personality: Donovan is, honestly, just your average guy. He tries to be generally nice and pleasant to the people around him, to the point of even being somewhat of a pushover.

Clothing: Usually just khakis, a button-down shirt, and his apron from work.

History: Got born, went to school, went college; he's current in grad school. His current job is just a way to earn a little extra cash.

Family: Donovan has a loving pair of parents, and older sister, and a younger brother-- plus a few cousins.

Like: Getting paid, pleasant customers

Dislike: Working the graveyard shift

Weakness: Not very confident in himself; a generally poor athletic build.

Powers: Donovan has the power to fail at things.​



??? ?????????


Full Name

Amora Lindsey Shelmion








Amora has medium lengthed pink hair and pink eyes that compliment her surprisingly pale skin. Seeing how much she walks around outside, it's hard to see her having pale skin but she does. Mora stands at 5'6", and with the shoes she normally wear, she stands at 5'8". For this reason, she never wear shoes above two inches because of how tall they make her.


Amora's clothes consist of jackets, t-shirts, jeans, and boots. On occasion, she'll wear sweaters, shorts, tennis shoes, and when the event calls for it, dresses. She normally wears one specific blue jacket with fur around the hood, plain jeans, and two inched boots.

??? ??????



Amora is a rather laid back, cool headed girl who normally doesn't care about what anybody thinks of her or anything she's doing. Even though she doesn't care about others, it's not like she's going to be unnecessarily rude to anyone. She's quite respectful and kind to others, knowing her boundaries and trying her best not to cross them at any point. She acts a lot like the cool older sister that everyone wants. If you need a favor, she'd do it without question (As long as it isn't illegal). If you're in trouble, she'd try her best to get you out of it.


Amora was raised in a middle class family, so it wasn't like she got everything she wanted, but it wasn't like she had nothing given to her. She had learned quickly that she has to work to get what she wants and everything that she wants, she may not get ever. It wasn't a hard lesson. Since she was young and impressionable, it wasn't like she had grown to an adult before having to learn it. Her family was where she obtained her personality form. Because of their supporting and laid back personalities, she ended up adapting to them and obtaining it too. For the most part, Amore never had problems with people or life in general. Of course, she has had her ups and downs, but it was never drastic.


Victoria Shelmion - Amora's mother whom she loved. She has huge respect for her and loves her so, so much. She couldn't imagine having her life without her.

Evan Shelmion - Amora's father, whom she also loved. She cares deeply for him and often plays video games with him.

Jake Shelmion - Amora's younger brother who she cares for as well. She always goes on walks with him and plays many games with him.











Mean People

Ruined Books




Difficult to Get to Know

Too Altruistic

Overly Idealistic


Amora has a small ability to see the future. It isn't too long, about three seconds into the future. She doesn't see it constantly, just a couple of times a week. It's very random.

Amora can control a small patch of plants. It isn't a specific place, it's just anywhere that's in a small area.

no slide
no slide

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Full Name:

Valkyrie Jay Black






Pet Store Assistant


Valkyrie is overwhelmingly flirty, but she does this because she's lonely. While she loves being flirted with, she hates being touched. When she's in relationships she tends to be protective and careful around her significant other. Besides that, Val is funny and cheerful as well as teasing.




I guess you could say she had a normal life until she was eleven, when she lost her father. Since her mother had no parental rights she was tossed into foster care and fell into a spiral of depression and loneliness, putting on a mask. Though time healed her pain, it never quit hurting. To cope she spent hours a day with boyfriends to pass the time, not caring what trouble she got into.











Being touched






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/AFC.png.8bce0b2add78f47e8fd0d68443007cab.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115957" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/AFC.png.8bce0b2add78f47e8fd0d68443007cab.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Elisabeth Valencia

Nickname: Eli, Lisa

Age: 16

Occupation: Waitress at Starbucks

Appearance: Elisabeth stands at the short height of 5' 4", and would probably kill for a few extra inches. She has flaming red hair, cut short at the front so that it doesn't go past her shoulders, and a couple of inches longer at the back. Her eyes are a stormy lilac in colour, always blazing with a cold fire. She has a petite build, and a small frame. With olive skin and a button nose, a word to sum up Elisabeth's appearance would be 'cute'.

Personality: Elisabeth could probably give the Devil a run for his money with her sarcastic, rude character. Armed with a snarky remark for everything, she's the kind of person who can piss off a bitch by doing nothing more than staring at them. Despite her cold exterior, she can be quite sweet to her loved ones, and is a loyal friend who will stand by you no matter what happens.

Clothing: Elisabeth's outfit is a simple one. It consists of a beige knit sweater, with black tights and dark brown ankle boots. The sweater's sleeves slip down at the shoulders, exposing the black spaghetti she wears underneath it. When she's at work, she wears the uniform they have there at Starbucks.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8e2a1fd6_AnimeOutfit.png.7c2cadcab9bc0b3e48317b01fe106ae4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8e2a1fd6_AnimeOutfit.png.7c2cadcab9bc0b3e48317b01fe106ae4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Elisabeth was born to Amelie and Christian Valencia, two French aristocrats. The family owned Valencia Enterprises, which was a company with branches all over the globe. It specialized in weaponry, clothing, and software engineering. Amelie and Christian being world famous celebrities, they kept the birth of Elisabeth a secret to protect her from people with bad intentions. Elisabeth grew up alone in their huge mansion, occasionally switching countries. She was home schooled, and always surrounded by maids and bodyguards. Her parents, being very busy people, were never around. Even when they were, the interaction between them was always awkward and forced. So, she grew up alone, an only child.

Being a naturally curious person, she had always wanted to explore the world outside. So, once she turned sixteen, she convinced her parents to let her work at Starbucks, and start going out to places. Her parents agreed reluctantly, with the condition of a bodyguard in disguise going with her wherever she went.

On the other hand, discovering her power made her life difficult. She had no clue how to control it, and everything would start going haywire if she felt overwhelmed - mentally, emotionally, or physically. It would be dangerous to both her and the people around her. But she still wanted to explore the world outside her mansion, and decided that she would keep her distance from people and things, and keep her emotions locked away.

Family: Mother - Amelie Valencia, Father - Christian Valencia


  • Reading
  • Music
  • Trying new things
  • Classy things
  • Chocolate


  • Impulsive and illogical people/idiots
  • Loud noise
  • Confined spaces
  • Her powers
  • Arrogant people, know-it-all's

Weakness: Her powers tend to go cra-cra whenever she feels overwhelmed in anyway, like it was mentioned above in her History.

Powers: Her powers mainly center around weaponry. She can know how a weapon works with a single touch, and create it using that knowledge. She can also control/manipulate weapons. Her powers are not quite under her control, and tend to get out of hand - a LOT.

Other: She's a demi-bisexual, and knows how to play the violin and the piano. She has a good voice, and loves singing.



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Ashaficent said:

View attachment 258282

Full Name: Elisabeth Valencia

Nickname: Eli, Lisa

Age: 16

Occupation: Waitress at Starbucks

Appearance: Elisabeth stands at the short height of 5' 4", and would probably kill for a few extra inches. She has flaming red hair, cut short at the front so that it doesn't go past her shoulders, and a couple of inches longer at the back. Her eyes are a stormy lilac in colour, always blazing with a cold fire. She has a petite build, and a small frame. With olive skin and a button nose, a word to sum up Elisabeth's appearance would be 'cute'.

Personality: Elisabeth could probably give the Devil a run for his money with her sarcastic, rude character. Armed with a snarky remark for everything, she's the kind of person who can piss off a bitch by doing nothing more than staring at them. Despite her cold exterior, she can be quite sweet to her loved ones, and is a loyal friend who will stand by you no matter what happens.

Clothing: Elisabeth's outfit is a simple one. It consists of a beige knit sweater, with black tights and dark brown ankle boots. The sweater's sleeves slip down at the shoulders, exposing the black spaghetti she wears underneath it. When she's at work, she wears the uniform they have there at Starbucks.

View attachment 258294

History: Elisabeth was born to Amelie and Christian Valencia, two French aristocrats. The family owned Valencia Enterprises, which was a company with branches all over the globe. It specialized in weaponry, clothing, and software engineering. Amelie and Christian being world famous celebrities, they kept the birth of Elisabeth a secret to protect her from people with bad intentions. Elisabeth grew up alone in their huge mansion, occasionally switching countries. She was home schooled, and always surrounded by maids and bodyguards. Her parents, being very busy people, were never around. Even when they were, the interaction between them was always awkward and forced. So, she grew up alone, an only child.

Being a naturally curious person, she had always wanted to explore the world outside. So, once she turned sixteen, she convinced her parents to let her work at Starbucks, and start going out to places. Her parents agreed reluctantly, with the condition of a bodyguard in disguise going with her wherever she went.

On the other hand, discovering her power made her life difficult. She had no clue how to control it, and everything would start going haywire if she felt overwhelmed - mentally, emotionally, or physically. It would be dangerous to both her and the people around her. But she still wanted to explore the world outside her mansion, and decided that she would keep her distance from people and things, and keep her emotions locked away.

Family: Mother - Amelie Valencia, Father - Christian Valencia


  • Reading
  • Music
  • Trying new things
  • Classy things
  • Chocolate


  • Impulsive and illogical people/idiots
  • Loud noise
  • Confined spaces
  • Her powers
  • Arrogant people, know-it-all's

Weakness: Her powers tend to go cra-cra whenever she feels overwhelmed in anyway, like it was mentioned above in her History.

Powers: Her powers mainly center around weaponry. She can know how a weapon works with a single touch, and create it using that knowledge. She can also control/manipulate weapons. Her powers are not quite under her control, and tend to get out of hand - a LOT.

Other: She's a demi-bisexual, and knows how to play the violin and the piano. She has a good voice, and loves singing.
Full Name: Indigo Royale

Nickname: Indie

Age: 18

Occupation: Artist/Detective/Superhero/Music Writer


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/56e663df1cd97_56e662d6ba9c9_1757145606.jpg.ac1d0f0b84325ae7c710fca3a01fb081.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115963" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/56e663df1cd97_56e662d6ba9c9_1757145606.jpg.ac1d0f0b84325ae7c710fca3a01fb081.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Indie is a stubborn, rebellious, violent gal with a large array of tricks up her sleeves. She is sarcastic and bitter until you get to know her better. Once you break down this exterior bad gal outside Indie is sweet and caring, willing to help those who can't help themselves


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/224be8865da7101918bce0ad9e8c8ecc.jpg.fd198bdb18825200f04323d251bab57a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/224be8865da7101918bce0ad9e8c8ecc.jpg.fd198bdb18825200f04323d251bab57a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8f9c071d_51E5SVE9DL._SX342_.jpg.7b9dca7b09b02efb1346dceb885c11fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116790" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8f9c071d_51E5SVE9DL._SX342_.jpg.7b9dca7b09b02efb1346dceb885c11fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Indie doesn't like to talk about her past, and will immediately change the subject. Most of her background is shrouded in mystery.


Indie has an older brother who lives in Australia, but other than that, no one really knows.


Rock'n'roll/Pop/Hip-hop/Oldies music

Saving people

Small fluffy things (secretly)


Video games









Using her powers for too long tires her out, nearly to the point of collapse.

Absolutely Terrified of Roaches (will go all girly and squeal. That's really the only thing she's afraid of.)


Purple energy manipulation: Indigo can create constructs (weapons, mounts, shields, etc.) With her own purple energy.

Animal Communication: Indigo can talk to many different animals. Each animal is different personality wise and not all are good.



One More~ Superchick

Cross the Line~ Superchick



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Evan Zhujiao



Name: Evan 'Tahoma' Zhujiao

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Reality Bender

Height: 69 Inches

Weight: 129 Pounds

Mugshot: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/386504_1336703710711_300_495.jpg.d00141e3aff7160084c5b1f81daf5801.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115992" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/386504_1336703710711_300_495.jpg.d00141e3aff7160084c5b1f81daf5801.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(Look up)




Evan is a man of stupidity. And tiredness. Like. The one bad thing about Evan is him being tired.. All the time. Even when he isn't tired. He still is. He prefers soft pillows over hard ones that will probably break his neck. While being tired, he can be persuasive and manipulative. He's very charismatic too. But at the same time, he can't lie nor be persuasive. When he tries to make someone see some crazy shit, he often goes over with it. And when he tries to not go over the top with someone, it takes a lot of convincing to do so. Being a Reality Bender, he can make people prone to suggestion, meaning he can say 'I turned your fucking GUN into a BAGEL!'. It gets real exciting after that.


+ Apples

+ Music


Dislikes: (at least three)

— Pears

— Violence

— Vegetables




Fighting Style: Xing Yi Quan

Xing Yi is characterized by aggressive, seemingly linear movements and explosive power that's most often applied from a short range. A practitioner of Xing Yi uses coordinated movements to generate bursts of power intended to overwhelm the opponent, simultaneously attacking and defending. Methods vary from school to school, but always include bare-handed fighting training (mostly in single movements/combinations and sometimes in forms) and the training of weapons usage with similar or identical body mechanics to that used for bare-handed.


-His powers

Occupation: Hospice Nurse

Essentially helps people pass away. Helps them out with everything.

Powers/Extra Needs:

His power makes people prone to suggestion
Can manipulate photos, meaning he can change a photograph's contrast, zoom, brightness, everything that can be applied.

The power affects the mind that makes decisions. Meaning, if he were to turn off that part, he could say 'The fucking desks are trying to kill you!' and they'd see it.
The manipulated picture doesn't affect where the picture was taken. Meaning if he were to push a rock, the rock wouldn't actually move, it'd stay in place
If Evan were to keep someone prone to suggestion, it'd take some serious concentration, that's something Evan doesn't have
His power can retaliate back at him, making him prone to suggestion

Abilities(Non Magic):

Can cook Ramen (Beef Flavored)

Can write a somewhat proper letter

Can throw a good punch
Doesn't listen, but retains half of what is heard


~Makes more Ramen than he can eat

~Judges a book by it's cover

~Uses Ten-Code
a lot


~Mom (Presumed Dead)

~Step-dad (Dead?)

~Sister (Alive)


Evan's story isn't that bad. Born into a family of 3, him, his sister, mom and step-dad, he knew the world was stupid, and wanted to change it. He just couldn't do so. At the age of 10, he grew up with something amazing. Evan came to notice something when he was playing around with pictures, that was taken in Arizona. In the photo, a rock was close to a canyon, Evan touched the photograph and the rock fell down the canyon, he even heard the rock hit against the wall, but it didn't change anything in Arizona. He was amazed at this, he knew he could do something with this. After a month of utilizing this power, he could bring the brightness up or down, change the contrast, zoom into certain things. He could change the quality, but he just couldn't do a lot with it. So, he forgot about it until.

Now, being 15 years old, he found that he could change what people could see. Or in a more specific way, make them prone to suggestion. Being in Highschool and getting into plenty of alley fights, he used this to his advantage and always said: 'I knock you out' and it was like he got punched and fell on the ground, completely unconscious. And soon, Evan was basically someone that shouldn't be messed with at school. But after a week, someone got into a alley fight with him, and you might be thinking, well he could just use his power. Nope, Evan used his power, but instead of his power affecting the fighter, it affected Evan. The fighter said 'I'm gonna beat your [expletive]' and Evan soon saw the fighter punching him, and than Evan would get knocked out. K.O! He than woke up, without his wallet and phone.

20, the age he is at this moment, still having the power to manipulate photos and make people prone to suggestion, he uses it on dying people to give them something worth while, even if he's exposing his power, he wants to give them something to care for. He uses it to bring them to the beach, maybe do something they've never done before. Just to give them that last moment of happiness.


Character Completion



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sitanomoto said:
Full Name: Indigo Royale
Nickname: Indie

Age: 18

Occupation: Artist/Detective/Superhero/Music Writer


View attachment 258289


Indie is a stubborn, rebellious, violent gal with a large array of tricks up her sleeves. She is sarcastic and bitter until you get to know her better. Once you break down this exterior bad gal outside Indie is sweet and caring, willing to help those who can't help themselves


View attachment 258291

History: Indie doesn't like to talk about her past, and will immediately change the subject. Most of her background is shrouded in mystery.


Indie has an older brother who lives in Australia, but other than that, no one really knows.


Rock'n'roll/Pop/Hip-hop/Oldies music

Saving people

Small fluffy things (secretly)


Video games









Absolutely Terrified of Roaches (will go all girly and squeal. That's really the only thing she's afraid of.)


Purple energy manipulation: Indigo can create constructs (weapons, mounts, shields, etc.) With her own purple energy.

Animal Communication: Indigo can talk to many different animals. Each animal is different personality wise and not all are good.



One More~ Superchick

Cross the Line~ Superchick
There must be a weakness to the construct like *too much wears her out* ya know?

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    "Hi! I'm Chiya Lavandear, you wanna dance? I can definitely teach ya!"


    "Oh ya wanna know my age? I'm definitely 17"


    "I'm definitely a student at St. Peter's school and I'm definitely a Dance Trainer for elderly too!"


    "I have a rich green hair which is medium in length. Oh and I definitely got my light green eyes from my mom. My height is definitely perfect for me. My body is definitely fit because that's my job! Wait wh-wa?! My chest size? It's definitely....ok. Yaaas haha."


    "I definitely like to wear jackets with cute animal hoodies. Oh and Most of the shirts that I wear are definitely bright in color. Well for my bottoms, they're definitely cute."

Full Name:

Amelia Vacstitch






Waiter (at a café called Moca Morning)



Amy, tends to jump around with her personality, one minute she could be daydreaming... The next she pissed off and ready to fight. Thought all around she's protective of her friends and tries her best to stay calm and not loose her temper, always willing to help.


Aside from her work clothes, she usually wears jeans, t-shirts and occasional hoodie. But always has some kind of hat on and a necklace with a wolf tooth on it.


Amy's mother was kicked out of her home when her parents found out she was pregnant with Amy at the young age of 17. Once Amy was born her mother vowed to take care of her to the best of her abilities. Amy has only visited her father a few times, he is in jail for multiple murders so she doesn't really like him and hates that she looks just like him. But now that Amy has been working for a while she is able to help support her and her mom much better.


Hannah West (Mother)

Nicholas Manfred (Father)


+The Moon

+Warm Weather



-Spicy Food


-Getting Bullied


She wears a hat to cover her ears and keeps her tail inside her pants, because that is a punishment to her ability... So she is forced to always have an animal attribute in her appearance. And for her powers to work she has to be enraged since she has yet to master her power.


Amy can copy an animal and take on its instincts, appearance, senses, or even its shape. Though for a price, she has to either be touching the animal itself or have a piece of it on hand like a scrap of fur or something.


Amy was given her mothers maiden name instead of her real mixed family name of West
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Wendy Madeline

Wendy Madeline
18 || Female || Dy || Student/Tutor

  • ? Wendy's look totally delivers, her luscious pink hued, wavy hair that reaches down to her shoulders are a serious asset or rather, a reason why she stands out a lot in crowds. Though, she likes to spice her look up by experimenting with how her hair looks, she prefers to have it let down or tied up in various styles. Her purple eyes, though not as outstanding as her hair, makes her look eccentric as well. Her overall height of 5'5" ft is average at best. Her frame is steadily attractive to most men, her curvaceous shape and her perfectly crafted legs are a lethal weapon of mass seduction. A smile on her rather pinkish lips would suit her extensively well but she prefers to keep a more serious look for herself.

    ? Though cutesy and playful apparel would suit her well, she prefers to wear clothing that make her appear mature, long sleeved vests, blouses, skirts and heeled boots are her cup of tea, along with these, she keeps all of her basic needs kept on branded shoulder bags.

Vice Steel




Occupation:Works at a pet store side job works for mafia

Family:Dr .Steel(male),and Eon his Mafia boss

Like:snow, animals , some sweets ,sleeping

Dislike:cake ,hot days,and pushy people

Personality: He is mostly laid back but he will not back down from most people who challenge him .He's also somewhat protective of few he believes is close to him but he will still let them do things on their own he believes people should be able to adaptable. .Also will side with someone who has better odds of winning

Bio:He was raised in a hospital after birth an was raised there by the Doctor that delivered him .So he doesn't question what happened to his parents because he only knew of Mr.Steel .He often sent a lot of time at the hospital so he learned about ,and picked up a few things about medicine and helps others out .He also got a pet bird when he found it and nursed it back to health. If he sees someone hurt a animal he gets into a fight but sometimes he treats his opponents injuries .His reasons for being in the the Mafia are because of a friend is a child high ranking member so he join to protect himself.


Earth Manipulation (but he moves slower while using it and he has to sleep it off afterwards )

Other:will be some what a villain


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Full Name:Ryuu Okosaki

Nickname:(The) Professor, Doc, (The) Doctor


Occupation:Head of CyberSakura


Personality:Ryuu is a crude guy who will torment people if he is angered by them. If he showed kindness, thats because he want's your trust to shatter it.

Clothing:Same as pic


Family: Cousin to the Flames Brothers.

Like:Torment, Squashing people in a fight, Destroying someone's mind, People's faces when they don't want to believe he was only using them.

Dislike:When people don't give up, Children

Weakness:He always lets his cousins go off and has spared their friends at times as well.

Powers:Ryuu has the same powers as his cousins but he's tamed it. His Dark matter manipulation is something he uses more as a tormenting tool then anything as dark thoughts or pain is needed to use them usually

Other:He's a Major villian for ARC 1 and he won't care about the world's problems. Only his. He runs CyberSakura (Cyber Cherry Blossom aka TRIPLE C) To gain money to fund his true plans and to escape emprisionment for his crimes.
Full Name: Xavier Evander Lodbrok

Nickname:Spinal (Due to his spine being abnormal, his spine is visible when standing up, rather than normal.)

Age: 18

Occupation: History major in college.



(His alternate form.)

Personality: He is a bit insecure, and shy for the most part. But he is a sweet, and gentle soul, and ready to help anyone. But when he feels the need, he will stand up for those who cannot do so themselves. But while in his other form, he is savage, and ruthless, though he does what he does, it is all with good intent.

Clothing: in pic.

History: Ragnar Lodbrok was the first of his family, to be cursed by a witch for his mistreatment of his people. Upon his death, the curse was supposed to be lifted, but was inherited by his child, who then experienced his father’s grief. For many Generations, the males of the family became Skeleton warriors, that fought for those who could were weak, and led those who were lost. Though they were considered psychotic monsters in appearance, they were seen as heroes through their actions.

Family: His father, Evander Lodbrok, and his mother, Liliana Lodbrok

Like: anything to do with history, weapons, and conversing with others, if he feels comfortable first.

Dislike: Bullies, anyone with a superiority complex, and anything that tastes horrid.

Weakness: He often trips on his own words, since his mouth will run faster than his mind can run, and he is not good with people, even though he is very intelligent when it comes to history.

Powers: Xavier has a curse. Well….. A family curse. A scandinavian warlord was cursed for his atrocities he had caused upon his people, and later fled his home, into what we know now as Russia, and had a child. At age 18, the child experienced his first transformation from the curse, and ever since then, the males of the family has inherited their ancestor’s power, and curse. What is the Transformation? Into a savage, and relentless skeleton warrior with the ability to control any supernatural beings, and summon anything to his beck and call, and also has excellent swordsmanship, both in skeleton and human form. This warrior is also an excellent leader, leading his allies into battle, and seeing their victory through. He can stay in his skeleton form for a max of 2 days, then he will be reverted back, and exhausted.

Other: When in his alternate form, swedish chanting will occur, as the souls of his fellow warriors call to him, asking him to aid in their fight as they give him power. Then the chanting escalates to singing. The song is called Warlord, and is sung in swedish.

Full Name: Koyuki Sukiyama

Nickname: Yuki

Age: 17

Occupation: Nursing aid at a local hospital with her mother who is a doctor



Personality: She is very kind. She loves to help people and she will always help them no matter what. If someone seem in trouble, she will help them no matter what she would have to do.

Clothing: She wears this when she works at the hospital


History: When she was little Koyuki was taught to always be kind and helpful to others and never to be mean. Her mother is a doctor and was alway kind to other even if they were not kind back. When Koyuki was 3 her father left her and her mother for another girl. No matter how much it hurt, her mother always said that it was not his fault and to not be mad at him. So from then on Koyuki and her mother lived on there own, not hating anyone, but loving everyone and being kind to all.

Family: Mayumi Sukiyama - mother. Kiyuki never really got to know her father so she has no clue who he is.

Like: People, Sweets, Singing, Violin, Fried Rice, Reading, and making people smile

Dislike: People who don’t help others, Spicy Foods, Bitter Foods, and People who are mean to other just to entertain themselves.

Weakness: She herself gets hurt really easily

Powers: To heal wounds and heal illnesses. Can heal herself, but it takes more time than it normally does and takes a lot of energy

Other: Her Eyes will glow a light blue color when she uses her powers
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Full Name: Inu *Last name Unknown*

Nickname: None

Age: Unknown

Occupation: None *will get a job as a High school history teacher later*


Personality: Inu can be Hot headed most of the time but when he's not, he's pretty sweet

Clothing: In picture

History: Unknown

Family: None, that are alive

Like: History, Coffee

Dislike: Fighting, Bullies

Weakness: His long, unusual colored hair, his ears, his claws, and his fangs

Powers: Unknown

Other: Secretly from Medieval Japan

Hope its good, even though he's a really secretive guy
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AlekaXKaden said:
Full Name: Inu *Last name Unknown*
Nickname: None

Age: Unknown

Occupation: None *will get a job as a High school history teacher later*


Personality: Inu can be Hot headed most of the time but when he's not, he's pretty sweet

Clothing: In picture

History: Unknown

Family: None, that are alive

Like: History, Coffee

Dislike: Fighting, Bullies

Weakness: His long, unusual colored hair, his ears, his claws, and his fangs

Powers: Unknown

Other: Secretly from Medieval Japan

Hope its good, even though he's a really secretive guy
I hope you don't Mark this character as your own OC. Besides that, you're good.

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