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Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas


Zubari looked down and Mallory was gone, she just walked off, Zubari wondered if maybe she did not like his advice, but he shrugged it off and sat down on a barrel checking his gruesome wound again applying some more herbs before a small girl approached him yet again. He knew her smaller stature and looks from a ways away but he did not look at her because he was fixing his leaf bandage, yes it was a leaf bandage and it was not working very well because leafs dry out and get gross and stuff. Zubari wondered what she wanted, she looked pretty tired and he remembered earlier some boy shooting her in the boob with a slingshot. She spoke some language he had never heard of, well he had heard it just never learned it and he definitely was not learning it now.

Zubari finnaly looked towards her, she seemed groggy "
I do not speak french my child......or whatever the language may be...." Zubari says tightening the leaves with some string off his clothes. He was quite handy when it came to things like these. He really was not handy when it came to conversations, I mean he was good at getting out of them but he never really initiated any and I guess that was really not that bad seeing how he was not much of a talker and speaking was not all that fun for him. Thrill of the hunt kind of guy, he just loved becoming one with the animals he hunted however when it came to being one with people he just could not do it, it was just to difficult for him, hence why he was so unrelatable, he was more of an animal now then a person.

(( @Ktyria ))


Bags under his eyes, a dark black shrouding them as he stood a lifeless stare at the ocean in front of him. His eyes set on the rising mountain above the waves. He just stood there, there was no rum in his hand he just stood there not moving or really blinking, dazed off in some sort of world, maybe a world where he was still a man, a world where he was still living and not just getting by, that was what he hoped for at least. But sometimes Murphy did just daze off looking at the ocean, it reminded him of his pirate life before he met his old wife who was long since gone now. He leaned on the railing arms crossed eyes looking blankly out at sea, he was not headed for the kitchen to get more rum, he just kinda stood there.

"You see, rum is something all pirates drink, it's just the pirate way of life." "Yeah...I know but I never seem to get drunk off it, takes a lot and really I hate being drunk" "Yeah and I like you better when you're not drunk, you're a hell of a shot boy" Voices played in his mind of his old days on the old ship, with his crew. His crew that soon betrayed him, or was it another crew...ehhh...Murphy could not remember. But he kept staring out at the rising moon and the tides as they rocked the boat ever so slightly, nights were so calm, and they were so nice. Damn that was really weird to say, he really needed to start drinking again before he gets all emotional.


He is pretty much just dazed off

"Yer not t'e cap'n...but Davy Jones, ye'r the spittin' image!"

Riley gave off a few awkward blinks. "Uhhmmm...thank you?' She said, conflicted on whether being flattered that she looked like her or offended that she was mistaken for her, after all, she did dress differently. She nodded to the man who brought her to the kitchen and took his warning and sayings to heart and watched as the man left. She noticed the animals watching her strangely. 'Maybe they want something?' She thought before reaching to her pocket and pulling two small pieces of bread out before tossing the two to the animals. 'I wonder how many of these critters are aboard.'

"Ye can start by washin' the carrots and choppin' 'em up. Nice n' thin, tha's how the cap'n likes'em."

Riley nodded before doing what was told of her and started to wash carrots. After which she peeled and started to chop them into thin slices of orange vegetable with a nearby knife. She worked worked quickly and neatly as a result of years of knife utilization.
Robin Marx

The Gunner's Lackey

Nickname: Slinger

Location: Main Deck

Mood: Content and enjoying the night air

Singing: "Good Morning Ladies All" If anyone wanted to look it up.

Speaking with: @Queen Rai

Robin tossed the orange up into the air a couple more times as he strolled along the deck. The night air was crisp and filled with the salty scent of the ocean with just a hint of booze drifting lazily about. He pulled out his knife from it's holster hidden under his coat and began to peel the orange slowly and carefully. Robin was hoping the scent of a freshly peeled orange would help balance the scent of booze in the air. He made his way over to a nearby railing and leaned up against it while singing another sea shanty he had learned from Cluck when he was a kitchen hand.

"We are outward bound for Kingston town

With a heave-o, haul!

An' we'll heave the ol' wheel round an' round

Good mornin' ladies all.

An' when we get to Kingston town

With a heave-o, haul!

Oh, 'tis there we'll drink and sorrow drown

Good mornin' ladies all."

The shanty was something Cluck and him would sing just before making port. It really stuck with him, also it was just fun to sing. He didn't realize until a moment later but he was singing next to the captain. Robin chuckled and gave her his usual smile as he continued to peel the orange and cut up a small slice. He stabbed it and then waved it in front of her face. "Quite the beauty, ey Captain?" He just stood there staring at her. Of course he didn't mean the orange when he use the word beauty. Actually he wasn't quite sure himself what he was directing that comment at. He love the night sky, the moon and stars reflected in the ocean waves, and of course any young lady would be quite the beauty underneath the night moonlight. He sighed quietly and then he continued his shanty in a hum. Oi what am I thinking. Coming on to a pearl such as the captain? Oh aye it's all well n' fun til you go n' get yerself nice and skewered. Then the adventure is over. We can't have that now can we?

Robin chortled once more at his thoughts. He was really quite the worry wart when it came to his future. He always loved to live in the moment. Taking things as they came, always on his toes. He left the thinking about the big picture to the higher ups. They seemed to like that sort of thing. That's why they were up there and he was just a lackey who fired a cannon when he was told to. It was fine with him, but one of these days he'll beat one of the gunners and take their place. Then eventually he'd like to be called Master Gunner. That was a lofty goal for him, but a goal nonetheless.
Anika Shukriya

Anika glanced at her particularly tiny, elegant, rose-colored tin locket, bringing back memories of her mother before looking up, seeing Mallory smiling and waving at her followed by a gesture that Anika is not familiar with. She tried to think what Mallory meant as she gave a warm smile of her own but Mallory had turn her attention to the captain. She looked at the vast open sea, enjoying the slight salty breeze. Was the sea her rightful place? Anika couldn't begin to guess. The night sky twinkled softly, full of dim stars that littered the darkness.

Her lips hummed a nice soothing melody, quiet but anyone would still be able to hear her as she slowly stride on deck, her ashy hair blending in with the dark clouds that have started to attack the stars. Dinner was approaching soon and Anika hoped rum doesn't have anything to do with it. But, there's no escaping rum, not when you're a pirate. She stopped striding and once again, looked at the sea, leaning herself on the railing, like any other pirate who liked the peace it provided.

She found herself suddenly staring at Louise and...who is that? Robin? Maybe. Anika, on purpose, slid a step away. Nervous at the idea of talking to someone. Of course, she would talk if she'd like to but this crew, despite their unusual friendliness, always somehow intimidate her, probably because she is very aware how short and young she is.

A thought suddenly came to her. If the captain is here... Mallory would be free to talk to. She silently passed the two and walked up to where she last saw Mallory, happy that she was still there. Anika approached her before noticeably stopping abruptly, thinking why she didn't consider what to say. Afraid that Mallory would consider this sudden halt as an insult or offense, she continued walking like the matter was just a fly she had to swat. "Evening Miss Mallory" she greeted the woman formally, a slight happy melodious tone to her voice. She repeated the gesture Mallory did before asking, "Did you wish to see me?"

@Rang Dipkin


@Queen Rai

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Simon the silent sheep, courtsman of the crowd, played the standard onlooker as oft he did, viewing the proceedings behind his standard stony visage of monotonous expression and crossed arms. Inside, however, was another story. Thank the heavens this man has been spared, Simon confided his utmost blessings unto the Captain's grace. He didn't know why this felt so decisive; the Captain was usually right (a more lovesick gentleman might have said 'always right', but Simon wasn't fool enough to decieve himself that much.)

Life gradually faded back to normal; with the guard now bound to the mast and the Captain's hapless doppel-ganger consigned to the company of Johnny Cluck (a foul fate indeed, Simon shuddered), the mates cyphoned back into their average duty. And all was calm and peaceful (or as relatively peaceful as one can get on a pirate ship). Naught a sound but the faint swooshing of the waves, the frequent bursts of quietened chatter, and the occasional collective rumble of empty stomachs.

Simon remained on deck.
Not again. What demon turned you into such a cowardly conspiritor? Is there room for fresh guilt on your conscience already tarnished? Guilt, it seemed, was to become Simon's partner. The guard, whose fate might still be death, he was not the evil one. Simon deserved that punishment. But could he cut this man free after failing to do so earlier?

Get a grip, you nincompoop. There is little to be gained from freeing a fool for matters so trivial. Come, move, tired limbs! Take us away from this pitiful scene. Raising his nose to the world, Simon span on his heels and began to make for his quarters. But, lo! crippling indecision! 'tis no good. I need some air.

Simon wound up by the wheel, leaning over the railings. He raised his hand to the skies, and Pietor swooped down to join him. A man and a bird surfing the seas of serenity. But inside, a Dutchman drowning in doubt.

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"I do not speak French my child... or whatever language that may be..."

Noémi stared at the man who was fixing his wound and finally understood what he said. 'French.. Was I..?' Her face turned a light pink and she covered her face with her hads, embaressed. "I'm so sorry." She said, laughing lightly at her mess up. Noémi seemed to ve more awake than she was before she walked up. Possibly it was because of the slight embarrassment she just went through or maybe it was the gears were churning in her head now. "I meant to say- Excuse me, Z..." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Zubrahray?" She asked. Once again, wondering if she pronounced his name correctly. "Do you know where the captain is? I must ask her a question."

Noémi's face turned it's original color once she explained what she meant to say and slightly the situation in hand. The girl really wanted to get back to work since she had taken a long break. (A long break to her) She swayed lightly from side to side, rocking with the soft motions of the ship. For some odd reason, Noémi always felt safer when on the water even though there are many things that may go wrong. Life threatening injuries, lack of food or water, storms, bandits, many more things. Though still, the waters comforted her and made her feel safe. The people on it made her feel protected even though she doesn't know most of them.

Noémi looked around the ship, spotting Mallory and a smaller girl that she hasn't seen before. Or if she has, hasn't remembered the meeting.'I'll need to say hello to her later.' She thinks, looking around more and seeing Louise next to the railings. 'Ah! There she is!' She thought, smiling slightly.

"Sorry for the quick notice but I have found her. Thank you for helpig me." She said, quickly runnig off just as quickly as she came.

The girl hurried over to the captain, smiling even wider when she appeared in front of her. "Pardon me inturrupting," She said, quickly curtsying, "do you need anything to be done?" She asks, straightening herself up and looking up to the woman. Noémi noticed that the captain seemed to be worried. But then again, when hasn't she? Being a captain is stressful but it's not like Noémi would understand. The girl decided not to say anything about it because there probably wouldn't be any reason the caotain woukd talk to her in the first place, it's her buisness.

@BlackJack (Communicated but left)

@Queen Rai (Communicated)

Once again, on my phone so I appologize for any misspelled words.

Mayohaboa (Yo)

The boy with the hatchet stood in what was now a seemingly empty deck. The guard had been given his fate, as well as the girl, and like Mio had asked him to he had put away his hatchet to use another day. It was a wicked thing, the weapon, for it hung on the boy's belt with a maliciousness that did not watch the closed nature that his shipmates believed him to have. Blood had permanently stained the bone of which his wicked native companion was made out of. In a sense, it was his heritage that hung on his side at all times. A once beautifully crafted piece of art tainted by the wretched men that crossed its path. The weapon was, to him, his bloodline and often he felt he did not deserve it as he also often thought he did not deserve the freedom that the rest of his people did not have the pleasure to experience. Yes, this said freedom came to Yo in an event that turned his home and family into people, but it was freedom nonetheless and more then what most of his people experienced. As he stood on the deck, the teenager realized that from that point onwards he owed it to his people and to himself to free anyone being oppressed whether that meant due to race, beliefs, sexuality, or gender. It was a bit of an unrealistic goal, but even so he had made an oath and would try to keep it until the day he died.

Before he could become of any use to truly anyone, there was knowledge needed to be learned. With new found urge and motivation to increase his comprehension of the world around them. With spark to his step, Yo set off to find what one would now call his teacher. Simon. It was not long before he found the man near the wheel of the ship as he stared into the stars. Looking at the man from the distance like this gave the boy a sorts of perspective of him that he had never seen. Now he saw the Artist or the Lover, not the Dutchman. Shaking his thoughts away, Yo walked up next to him and leaned on the railing by his side.
"Hello there, sir. I don't mean to bother you, but I believe I know where I want to start with my learning" he told the man beside him through a thick accent.

Samuel looked at Simon and sighed. Please say he didn't feel bad? God, that was the last thing he needed. He continued whistling, occasionally repositioning himself so as to not block his airways with rope. He would sing, but in his current position, it might be a little more difficult. His whistle changed to a more melancholy tune as he looked around the ship, making sure he didn't glance at the Captain's door, he didn't need to think about that now, he had to think about a way to get himself untied, or at least someone to sit with him. The talk around him was enough to make him feel sad, being like this for days could make him go insane, or worse. Why'd he have to help Riley? He knew the results, he knew he'd end up here or dead, it's not like he helped her, she has to work with Cluck! The more Samuel thought about that, he was happier to be tied up.


Captain Louise De'Leone-Fitzgerald

Location: The Captain's Quarters - On Deck

"Quite the beauty, ey Captain?"

Louise blinked at the orange slice as it was waved in front of her face. So, there was something lovelier than the sea. Vitamin C (geddit). She reached forward, carefully sliding the fruit off of the blade before popping it into her mouth. Perfectly balanced bursts of tartness and sweetness danced across her tastebuds as she began to chew the slice. The captain couldn't help but nod, tucking the half-chewed orange in her cheek before saying,
"I trust you got the girl to Cluck without any problems?"

"Pardon me interrupting, do you need anything to be done?"

Louise glanced over to Noémi, immediately feeling a pang of guilt in her chest. The last time the woman had spoken to the cabin girl was hours before, and not really under the best circumstances. The woman leaned back on the railing, looking around as if to spot some sort of task for the girl to complete. Her eyes eventually fell on the mast, and for a split second, the captain pondered asking the girl to guard Samuel. Louise quickly brushed the thought away. Noémi was a child, and she was so easily influenced. Louise didn't want Samuel to try manipulating the poor child.

The captain finally said, swallowing her orange,
"I don't think so. You've been on your feet all day, girl...why don't you sit and rest or...something. Maybe find Anika and see if you two have anything in common. Just...I don't know. Do something."

Louise couldn't help but give the girl a small smile before turning and leaning forward over the railing again.

@TheMentalEagle (mentioned)


Ah, hark! The ideal escape. In truth, Simon had been all but waiting for his budding student to locate him. He didn't quite know what was going on inside of him, and that unknowing made him uneasy. But here was a chance for something far humbler and far more familiar. Yes; Simon Corneliuszen, the teacher! Perhaps, in educating the boy, he'd do enough good deeds to outway his guilty streak.

"Jolly good," the Dutchman turned to face the boy. His arm remained steady on the railing, the pigeon still resting curiously on his hand. "I imagine we are soon to be beckoned to dinner, and the day is quickly fading, so perhaps it might be best to postpone our lessons until sunrise. However, if you instruct me as to your chosen interest, I can prepare sufficiently in advance. Oh, and-" he jerked his hand slightly, pushing the bird to fly back to its perch on the mast (where perhaps it might mingle with the ship's parrot) "-you must tell me your name; I imagine it'll soon get patronising being called boy with such fervence."



Mayohaboa (Yo)

Upon seeing Simon's reaction when he approached him, the boy cracked a smile. It was strange, he had always seen the Dutchman as a grim fellow but now he saw anything but. Perhaps it was too soon to say, but an unexpected sorts of friendship seemed to be forming between student and teacher. To be more precise, student and to teacher to-be. After all, that was why he had come to his side at all. So as to give the man an idea of what he wanted to learn. Already, the boy wished for the morning to come. "Well, sir, as you can tell my English is not the best so I'd like to work on learning to speak it better. I'd also like to learn how to read," he told the man with a bit of nervousness still in him. Even if he had already assured him that he would teach him, it felt strange to ask the man for his knowledge. Not only that, but to tell a man of such intelligence that he lacked the ability to read was an intimidating thing to do.

Then came the question for his name of which was fairly simple. However, the answer was certainly not exactly a simple one. Due to the fact that no records of his birth were kept, under law he had no name at all. There was also the name given to him by his tribe of which he carried and went by as a child, but then came the name given to him by the people after hearing his mighty battle cry when his village was turned to ash. Throughout the stages of his life, the boy's name had changed in accordance to the new chapter that had begun for him. Now, he felt a new chapter beginning as he began to grow into a new sort of a man. The sort of man who's name would echo in the hearts of men. Whether that echo was one of fear or hope was for the man to decide by either choosing a life of justice or malice.
"I've had more then one name in my life, but currently everyone call me 'Yo'. To be honest, I do not like it. From what I know, most men have three names that come together to create one. I only have two names, both are in my native tongue so most men can't pronounce it. This is where the annoying shortening of my name 'Yo' comes from. Now that I'm going to be learning from you, I'd like to have another name to complete my full name. I'd like this adopted name to be one of European origin so that men know what to call me. I would like it if you could choose this new name for me," the teenager replied to Simon after several seconds of thought. He spoke carefully and slowly so as to allow the man the chance to be able to properly understand his request.


"Send one of the cabin children to my quarters when it's time to eat, alright?"

Mallory was still feeling a little sheepish, and unconsciously flinched away from Louise's pat. She simply gave an "Mmmkay!" rather than any sort of formality due to a sudden and acute desire to apologize again that seemed to clog her throat. At this point, Mallory wasn't certain what it was she was apologizing for. She began to search, mentally walking through the last few days. Despite all of her shenanigans at Port, Mallory had done the Captain no wrong. "Maybe," she wondered "It's something I've yet to do." Mallory laughed to herself, though she wasn't sure why.

Looking out onto the deck, she saw that Anika hadn't moved since she had last seen her. She watched her young crewmate for a moment, but she spotted something near her that forced the lump in her throat into her stomach- The gun's barrel illuminated by moonlight, a reminder of how close she came to treason.

Comforted by knowing what was bothering her, she greeted Anika with yet another of her warm smiles. "Good evenin', Ms. Anika." As she gestured, Mallory tried and failed to conceal a laugh. "I wa' just tryin' to tell ye not to play yer clarinet, turns out I had naught te worry about." Mallory allowed herself another giggle. "Since yer here , I was jus' wonderin' what you'd like to play tonight at meal time. We haven' played together since ye... came aboard." Mallory stood and dramatically bowed. "Would you do me the honor, Anika, of allowing me to accompany you tonight? You choose the piece."

@GiannaCoco (Interacted)

@Queen Rai (Mentioned)

(Sorry for the shitpost)
Robin Marx

The Gunner's Lackey

Nickname: Slinger

Location: Main Deck

Mood: More contemplative than usual, musical

Singing: "Good Morning Ladies All"

Speaking with: @Queen Rai

Robin pulled the blade back once Louise took the orange slice. He then cut a slice for him to eat and downed it swiftly. The sweetness as refreshing, but the tartness was something he could never get over. Thank the gods the tart taste was minor in comparison. The scent of the freshly peeled orange was sweet, mellowed out by the lingering scent of booze and the salty taste of the air. Looks like his plan to cleanse the air a bit worked, with minor success. At least it worked right?

"I trust you got the girl to Cluck without any problems?"

Robin nodded as he continued humming his sea shanty. "Aye Captain, she was very docile if you can believe it. Got a fire in her eye that one. Reminds me a lot of..." Robin stopped himself thinking about it a tad more. He had said so himself, their looks aren't all that they have in common. What an eerie happenstance that was. He cut out another orange slice and passed it on to Louise. "She reminds me a lot like you. When I first met you that is. Fire in her eyes that one. Must got somethin' on her mind." Robin grew quiet for a time. These quiet moments are best enjoyed with a bit of food in your belly, good company, and a nice ole sea shanty to liven up the mood. "Ay Captain, what was that all about anyways? Forgive me for stepping where I don't belong, but it seemed big enough to make it public to the whole crew. Just want to be in the know is all. Making sure I don't step where I can't tread and all that."
Anika Shukriya

Anika watched the woman giggled as Mallory gave an elegant bow with practiced grace, her Irish accent completing a slight happiness with every word. Mallory, unlike many other older members of this crew, appeared to Anika as very, very approachable. Maybe it was her wild coloured, noticeable orange hair? Her jokes and contagious laughs? Her accent and warm smiles? Anika would assume it all had to do with her personality. The bright, funny personality that Anika envied and always wished to have.

Anika loved having friends, but on this ship, her options for future buddies is fairly limited as to only a few, correction: only one member was actually her age. Noémi, the only other 12-year-old (well, Anika thought she was the only other 12-year-old), was the only perfect candidate for a friend. Problem is, Anika couldn't find the right time to actually approach her, like Mallory here. Maybe Noémi wanted a friend as well and might approach her sooner or later but Anika doubted Noémi needed more friends.

When Mallory inquired to accompany Anika, she couldn't help but try for a grin, which turned out fine, actually complimenting her dark brown eyes. She considered before replying, "Yes" she said, slowly nodding. "About the piece..." Anika said, her voice suddenly morphed to a whisper. "We could do one of yours or......" Anika paused, hesitating before continuing, "Maybe we can do.... Pachelbel? But.... I'm not sure if you recognize his music" she suggested.

@Rang Dipkin (Interacted with)

@Princess Ktyria (Mentioned)
Language, hmm? The boy's interest was, although understandable, a little disappointing. Even before his years of being lined up for merchantry, the Dutchman had obtained a near-perfect grasp of the English language thanks to his stellar tutorage, and hence he did not keep with him any book suitable for teaching the language. His pronouncation too was near-perfect, with only the slightest twinges of his native Dutch accent creeping through on rare occasions. Indeed; this teaching business was going to be harder than he'd imagined, for now he could not simply lecture on certain areas of knowledge. This would require a more hands-on approach, something the Dutchman was entirely unfamiliar with.

Although it does open up numerous future possibilities. For, if the boy were taught to read, Simon would only have to lend him some of his library and the boy would be free to learn whenever he so chose. The more I think about, the more intelligent a decision he's made; this is certainly some genuine intrigue of his.

And then came that request, that lengthy request, which was even surprising enough to cause the Dutchman to raise an eyebrow. A name, me? Confound it; I cannot! I cannot name a man and rob him of his origin! Simon was silent for a long time; he turned away from the boy and looked out to sea once more, as if a solution to his predicament may have been found riding the surf. Responsibility was something that Simon had gladly forfeited when he fled his civil life those five years ago. Now suddenly it was catching up with him.

Galileo," the Dutchman suddenly said, turning back to face his student. "If you choose to take it, that will be the name I bestow upon you. You may or may not have heard of its origin, but Galileo was a notable Italian scientist of the last century. His experimentations and dedication to knowledge and education lead to many impressive scientific achievements. As many associate him with this learning and knowledge, so will I with you, my student, hence the name. Galileo."

Carter formed fists with his hands and rubbed his eyes. Slowly he dropped his arms back down to his sides and he glanced around the small room. Quickly he leaped up glanced around, he hadn't meant to fall asleep. He slowly opened the tiny cabin door and peaked around, hoping to not see anyone who had a higher position, so everyone. Not seeing anyone in the general area he slipped back inside and slid the door shut. What's a chore I could do.

He glanced around at the many different articles of torture that were lying about. With a grunt he grabbed a bucket and mop and left. He huffed his way over to the side and attached the bucket to the rope that he had there and tossed the bucket over the side. In seconds it was full and he was hauling it back up the side. When the bucket was at the top he glanced around angrily at the different crew milling about. Maybe if he worked hard enough he could get himself a better position.

For a moment he even had a fleeting though of mutiny. If we could get that fool woman off the ship then I would get a better job... But nobody would follow the mutiny of a swabbie. With thoughts of overthrowing the system he grabbed his bucket and mop and went to clean something like the slave he was.

"Forget I even said that! Just act as if I didn't. I am not a good girl. I start fights, I go crazy sometimes, I'm even more of a nut when I drink. Hell, I could almost swoon over some of the men on this ship! The only time I'm a good girl is when the Captain cracks her whip and tells me to stop doing what I'm doing wrong."

Nesim was suprised, to say the least, at the woman's outburst, the suspected boisterous reaction to his opinion. Then, a second after assessing what she had said, his smile turned into grin and eventually that turned into laughter, coming deep from his throat and chest. He did not want to sound like he was mocking her, however, so he immediately formed a quick statement to reply to Crystal's self-conscious -if not a bit amusing- speech.

Well, if not a good girl, you're certainly a funny one. Don't get me wrong, I see you mean well and you are serious about you've told me just now. But such honesty is rare in most pirates. Perhaps honest would be a more suitable title for a woman like you." He smiled widely with his hands on his waist. This wasn't a trick of his to merely gain trust amongst the more distinguished members, Nesim knew. Being open is what would get the better of him and everyone else on the Poison. In any other ship, it would have been foolish of him to try chattering before he was close enough to the crew. A pleasant conversation was much more preferable than a fist to the face or a kick in the gut for being cheeky when one shouldn't.

@Britt\-21 (Interacted)

@Anyone that wants to join us really

Galileo Mayohaboa Yuquibo (Leo)

"Galileo Mayohaboa Yuquibo," the indigenous boy said to himself slowly as he let the name sink to his chest. Yes, that would certainly do. A name that held true to his roots as a proud Taíno and embraced his new life as a boy, or a man soon enough, living in a European sort of lifestyle. In no way did this mean that he would be letting go of who he truly was as a boy from a tribe. On the contrary, Leo's, the shortened version of his new name that he had picked for himself, was now more then ever proud of his heritage. He was a Taíno boy in an European trade and he would fight with the weapons of his tribe to rise through the ranks of the society that held his people captive so as to free them. Yes, this is what he would do and not a soul in the Seven Seas could say anything to stop him in his path. Before he went in this odyssey to reach his goal he knew that his education came first. A man cannot bring down an oppressor with the same methods of brutality that he uses. Leo would need assets of intelligence and so for the time being his studies would only come second to his work on the Poison. "Thank you, Simon, for everything," the boy said as he stared out into the sea along side his new teacher. He could barely wait to start his lessons in the morning, but patience was something he had earned over the years and so he waited. Leo waited by the Dutchman's side for the end of the day to come.

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Crystal had be surprised by his laughter, he was actually laughing at her outburst. It was kinda funny. His laugh had made her smile and he seemed to have finish his little laugh. "Well, if not a good girl, you're certainly a funny one. Don't get me wrong, I see you mean well and you are serious about you've told me just now. But such honesty is rare in most pirates. Perhaps honest would be a more suitable title for a woman like you." She rolled her eyes a bit and looked down at her feet, was she really honest? Maybe to him she was. But was she honest to anyone else other than the Captain?

"Am I really that honest?" she asked him "I really never seen myself as the honest type since I like to keep things to myself, you know?" Crystal lifted her blue-like eyes and looked at Nesim. He was just so simple to get along with. Nice civilized talk, not being yelled at, or being flirted with. Just nice and calm chat "You're very nice to talk to. I actually feel normal and not feel like im being flirted with. Which is a nice change." she teased, smiling at Nesim to see what he'd say.

"I don't think so. You've been on your feet all day, girl...why don't you sit and rest or...something." Maybe find Anika and see if you two have anything in common. Just...I don't know. Do something."

Noémi listened to her words carefully. Why did everyone think she needed sleep? The girl's completely capable of doing what needs to be done. Though she had already gotten sleep before so she would mark that out of her mind of 'Things to Do.'

"Maybe find Anika and see if you two have anything in common. Just...I don't know. Do something."

Noémi furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. 'Anika... Possibly the new girl?' She thought, glancing over at the girl talking to Mallory. 'Yeah..' SHe thought, turning her attention back to the captain. "Alright, thank you very much." She said, curtsying and walking over to the two carefully.

They were both musicians so Noémi would probably have no clue what they were talking about, but they were human too (hopefully) and could possibly talk to her about things other than music. She carefully walked up to them, biting the inside of her cheek. Sure, she was a complete social butterfly but she still gets nervous around people her age.

"Sorry for interrupting," She said to both Mallory and Anika, "but I don't think we've met yet." Noémi spoke in her normal, soft voice after Anika finished speaking... Or atleast moving her lips. "I'm Noémi," The delighted girl said. She offered her an amiable smile as she conitnued to speak. "what's your name?" She asked the girl, wanting to know her name before she asked if she actually was Anika. For all she knew, there could be a different person that she hasn't seen yet that's name is Anika but she decided to try her possibilities first.

@GiannaCoco (Interacted)

@Queen Rai (Interacted but left)

@Rang Dipkin (Interacted)
Sasha Gurlukovich

Sasha woke up, semi-drunk from last night's ordeal. He stretched, giving off a moan. As he looked around he tried to remember what happened last night, however it's all a blur for not-so-sober-Sasha. A sudden thought struck Sasha's mind like an arrow. THE SHIP! He quickly splashed ice cold water on his face, tightened his bandanna, carefully unrolled the bandages off his hands and ran up to the upper deck. Inspection time. Sasha cautiously walked around the entire deck, making sure the wood was refined and smooth. Everything was looking good. A few splinters here and there but nothing Sasha couldn't handle. However, when he came up to the Vahlen's quarters, he noticed something


Vahlen's door was smashed open, with it's lock now laying on the floor. This god-awful sight was like a spear to the heart. Sasha almost broke into tears as he gently knelt to the floor, picking up the lock.
I'll fix you again. You needed a good polishing anyway. Sasha looked up, only now he noticed Mio was in the room, sitting on Vahlen's bed. "Mio, I won't even ask if this was you" Tekis grumbled in his Russian accent. "Next time don't just go around kicking doors, it takes days of hard work to craft a single door." Sasha paused to hear an answer from Mio, but all that could be heard was the swaying of the waves, seagulls and background chatter of the crew. Sasha spotted that Mio wasn't like himself. He took out his bottle of Russian vodka and offered it to Mio. "What seems to be the problem?" he asked, as he carefully placed the lock from the door into his pouch.

(Any mistakes? Tell me. I'm still half asleep)

Forgot to tag:
@Prizzy Kriyze
Anika Shukriya

A girl shortly arrived as soon as Anika had suggested and she glanced at speaker, her dark brown eyes staring intently at the girl's who looked like Noémi when she decided it was Noémi. No one else (well, she thought no one else) could have those intense emerald eyes. Anika had always thought she was the shortest on this ship but this was proved wrong as Noémi was only a solid inch shorter. The two girls looked very different, so different except maybe their extremely white skin that appeared to have the same shade of pureness.

"Sorry for interrupting," She said to both Mallory and Anika,"but I don't think we've met yet."

The very minor French accent Noémi owned was really noticeable, Anika gave a smile at Mallory before giving a nod to Noémi, a slight curl at the edge of her lips, agreeing they haven't met and a shrug which she hoped Noémi would take it as: 'it's fine'. The girl revealed herself as the expected Noémi before inquiring Anika's name. Anika knew that there were many people in this crew and everyone might not be able to remember others names, she can't help but feel disappointed at being unnoticed. "Hi Noémi." Anika said, pronouncing her name carefully to not be a ridiculous fool. "My name is..." Anika began, still whispering. *Anika! Stop whispering* her inner self hissed. "Anika" she finished with her normal melodious tone back in operation. *Shut up, would ya?* Anika hissed back. "Nice meeting you" she said with much hesitation.

@Rang Dipkin

@Princess Ktyria
Samuel looked at the sea, the light of the moon glimmering against the cold waves. The smell of the sea was vivid in his nose, and all he could concentrate on was the night sky. It would be much nicer if someone had sat with him, but most of the crew wouldn't trust him now, and Riley was busy in the kitchen. Just thinking that he had helped Riley made him smile, and for a moment he had forgotten about the ropes leaving him trapped in his spot. Although he wasn't angry that he was caught, he would have felt better if he hadn't done it in front of everyone. He told her not to tell anyone, too. It's not like she'd have to tell anyone, everyone had seen him do it! It's a shame this had made the crew lose trust in him, but it was inevitable, and they didn't really know him much anyway, so this just topped off the situation.


(Loooonnneeeellllyyy, I am soo loooonnneeeellllyyy.)
"Maybe we can do.... Pachelbel? But.... I'm not sure if you recognize his music"

Mallory nodded and attempted to remember where she had left one of Pachelbel's collection works, which she had conveniently picked up at dock before the
Poison had set for Jamaica. "Pachelbel? Very modren, I'd be 'appy to give it a shot. I've got a favorite off Ergotzung I'd love to play. Simple, I'll lead for the first few bars and we'll see how we're doing." Mallory gave the cabin girl a small wave and casually greeted with an "Alright, Noémi?" She patted down a few wrinkles that had gathered on her dress over the course of the evening. Mallory shot a final half-smile to Anika as she turned to walk away. "I'm off t' prepare," Mallory spoke over her shoulder "If you fine yerself in need of anything, I'll be down in our quarters. Do me a favor, Noémi and let our dear Cap'tin know when it's time for dinner."

With that, Mallory left the girls to their own devices. As she walked, she briefly stopped and considered picking up the flintlock pistol. Yet again, she had no idea why she was tempted- The combined defensive skills of the
Poison made it easy enough for the Musician to all but ignore combat, and the offensive skills- Well, Mallory preferred not to think of her friends in that way. More than a few enemy pirates had died with the sounds of her horn or drum in their ears, and so she returned to her quarters for a bit of solitude. She laid on her firm cot and, finally alone with her own thoughts, awaited the late dinner.

@GiannaCoco (Interacted and left)

@Princess Ktyria (Interacted and left)


Johnny Cluck

Location: The Kitchen

Cluck coughed, burying his mouth in the crook of his elbow as he coughed. The man pounded a fist on his chest as he cleared his throat, glancing over at Riley one more time before stirring the potatoes around in the pot. Originally, the dish was supposed to be a stew...but since Cluck had forgotten to chop up the potatoes before dropping them in, the crew was now having "Boiled Spuds n' Vegetables", a roll, and a few scraps of salted meat. A fairly simply dish, and definitely a favorite of the crew. Meals usually consisted of some sort of potato concoction, a hunk really dry bread, and and overly salted meat product. Fresh vegetables were always a special treat.

Monkey and Chicken were, once again, falling asleep on Johny's shoulders as he scooped up the freshly chopped carrots in his hands. He took a moment to bring them up to his nose, inhaling the almost sweet scent before dumping them in with the potatoes and celery. The man continued stirring up the pot, and then said,
"Ye'see, if ye cut'up the carrots nice n' thin like that, they cook'reeeeal quick. Should be re'dy in...ehh...ten minu'es?"

Johnny peered into the pot, giving an approving nod. He again addressed Riley, nodding toward a cupboard before saying,
"There'er plates n' forks n' spoons an' whatnot in'there. Get 'em out an' put 'em out in th'dinin' area. Ya don't need t'set the table er anything, just make sure there's a plate, fork, n' knife fer everyone. I'll bring out th'food in a minute and make sure ev'ryone gets some. Aft'r yer done with the plates n' whatnot, go tell folks t' come an' geddit. Try not to git trampled, I know they must be h'ngry."

@Metaphysics (So late! Sorry!!!)


Captain Louise De'Leone-Fitzgerald

Location: The Captain's Quarters - On Deck

"Aye Captain, she was very docile if you can believe it. Got a fire in her eye that one. Reminds me a lot of..."

Don't say it...

"She reminds me a lot like you."

Louise groaned as she pressed her stomach up against the railing, drooping over it in defeat as the words escaped from Robin's lips. The woman let her arms hang as she stared back down at the ocean, ready to completely disregard anything Robin said from the point on. Lots of people had "fire" in their eyes. Louise apparently one of them, as was this Riley chick. The captain closed her eyes, letting out a small sigh as she thought back on Riley. So the girl has white hair and firey eyes. So what? Was there anything else the two had in common? Not likely. To Louise, Riley was nothing but a giant pain in the neck.

"When I first met you that is. Fire in her eyes that one. Must got somethin' on her mind."

"Like how she's going to escape?" Louise grumbled bitterly under her breath. "Or ransack my quarters whenever she gets the chance?"

"Ay Captain, what was that all about anyways? Forgive me for stepping where I don't belong, but it seemed big enough to make it public to the whole crew. Just want to be in the know is all. Making sure I don't step where I can't tread and all that."

Louise opened an eye, but didn't bother to look Robin's way. The woman straightened up, firmly placing both hands on the railing as she stared back out into the horizon. You could still very vaguely see Port Royal, but now, it was only a very dim spec of light. The woman sighed, regretting not tossing Riley out into the harbor while she still had the chance. Louise bowed her head, mentally slapping herself for being dumb enough to actually think keeping the girl around WOULDN'T suck.

"Robin, no matter what I say, you're never going to fully understand." Louise muttered, gently tapping her fingertips along the railing. She briefly glanced over at the boy, letting out a small sigh before turning her attention back to the ocean. She folded her hands beneath her chin, briefly smiling as she said,
"It's almost ironic, I guess. When I was a kid, I always wanted a little sister. You know, somebody who'd know exactly what kind of hell I went through. But that changed real quick once Dmitri swooped in and took me away. I guess I didn't really want a sister, I just didn't want to be alone."

Louise paused, glancing at Robin again before saying,
"So, if she's my sister, where the hell was she when I needed her?"

Louise straightened up, quickly dusting off her coat and folding her arms. She faced Robin fully, looking over him for a moment before brushing past him and grunting,
"That girl isn't my sister. She's just a thorn in my side."

@Psylion (SO late! SORRY!)


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