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Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas


Crystal nodded slowly as she pretended to understand what Nesim was even talking about. All she knew that it was turkish, and that its hard to have a english comparison to. Luckily, he changed the subject 'You get into a fight with that devil of a sailmaster, we find ourselves with a prisoner on our hands, who apparently is loose from her bindings now...The poor Captain must have her head up until here with enough nonsense. I wouldn't like to trade places with her.' Rolling her eyes, she grinned "Hey, I like getting things all rowled up for the fun, but the captain spoiled it. I can understand why."

Looking at everyone on deck, she continued to speak "I do feel bad for her though, having to deal with all the stuff that goes on. Its a never ending circle. I just wish that sometimes I can help her." her eyes darted back to Nesim "Keep in mind that she does more for us then we know." she informed him "Thats why we support her and try to help her out and also why I try to lighten the mood with excitement and craziness." her feather on her had swayed slightly as the wind blew gently "I just hope she'd come to her best friend when things get too tough for her." she muttered softly under her breath

@Queen Rai -Mentioned
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@Prizzy Kriyze

Hope's only audible response to Mio was: "Ah, I see."

However, in her thoughts, she was already knew that this plan was probably far oversimplified from what it needed to be, so there was probably something Mio hadn't told her (although not out of malice-he probably just hadn't thought to, as her question hadn't addressed that in depth). After all, just death wasn't enough. Everyone died. Her papa had once related a story to her about how he hated the overseer of the plantation and wished that he would die. A little while later, an outbreak of cholera swept the plantation. The overseer got sick and died, but so did her papa's brother, who took sick at the same time.

Her papa told her that the lesson he'd taken away from this was that death wasn't a punishment or a reward. People rejoiced when bad folk were dead because then the bad folk couldn't hurt anyone anymore, and they couldn't enjoy what they shouldn't enjoy any more, but on the other side of that coin, the good folk who died couldn't help anyone, and they couldn't enjoy what they should.

What came afterwards was a whole other story, but suffice to say that it was going to happen whether by nature or by the malice of another, and what would happen would be the same if the death was deliberate or accidental.

Thus, if Louise was going for revenge, she would have to be a little more creative. To kill him would be just too quick and easy.

Hope's thoughts on the matter were interrupted by a guard cutting Riley free. Louise pretty nearly lost her head about this (figuratively), and so did the guard (literally). Hope didn't see why Louise was being so bitchy about the whole thing- Riley was one person without weapons, and Louise had a crew behind her. There was no way Riley could escape the ship while it was underway- it was too far from Port Royal by now. Hope mentally shrugged her shoulders. At least Riley wasn't tied to the mast anymore. Of course, now the guard was, but Hope couldn't help him with that (and he had disobeyed a direct order from the captain).

Iris, of course, was just happy that Riley was free. She had grown to like the girl.
Robin Marx

The Gunner's Lackey

Nickname: Slinger

Location: Main Deck

Mood: Contemplative, Curious, and Whimsical

Speaking with: @Ktyria (mentioned) @Queen Rai

Robin let Noémi go when she said she was headed for bed. He looked over his shoulder and at the edge of his vision saw her descend into the lower decks. With a low sigh he continued to look up at the night sky. His mind drifted at the words she had said. "It doesn't hurt me. I need to finish everything I was assigned, even if I wasn't assigned anything-I need to help the others on the ship. Give them a break because some of them work even harder than I do." Something about those words felt familiar to him. He had said those words once before, back when he just joined the crew of the Poison. Even now he does what he can to prove his worth to the captain and the rest of the crew. It was so weird to have someone remind him of himself. It didn't feel right at all. For some reason it felt like he had lost a bet. He couldn't put is his finger on it and it bugged him to no end. "Nhrga, Women sure have a way of making me think funny." He scratched his head frantically trying to get these thoughts out of his mind. He looked like a monkey or mad man just scratching hi head like that in the open.

After some time Robin collected himself. His mind, though still mulling over his conversation overheard what was going on with the captain and whatnot near the mast. Sister? prisoner? What in all of the seven seas is going on over there? Robin turned around just to catch the tail end of the discussion. It donned on him at that moment. By the stars, I completely missed my chance to hear on everything. Lady Luck sure has a funny way of balancing her favors. Robin smacked himself on the forehead just thinking about what exactly he missed. He didn't want to push the issue, judging from ho red the captain's face was he probably shouldn't go over and see how she was. Then again, what's the worst that could possibly happen right? Maybe she won't yell and smack him at the same time this time.

"Um Captain, may I have a moment of your time?" Robin didn't have the foggiest idea of what he was going to ask. Could he tell her that he wanted to know what was going on over there? Maybe he should try to ease the tension and say a joke or something? Hi mind was racing again. Girls gave him so much trouble when he wanted to help them out. They sure have a funny way of making me think. Ugh I can't help it. Curse my stars.
Like so many of her crewmates, it was Louise's sudden outburst that drew Mallory to the mast. She took a moment to contemplate Zubari and his stoic demeanor before turning away from him. She had the urge to invite him with her so that he might diffuse the situation, but she knew that he would almost certainly not accept. Unlike Mallory, Zubari seemed to very much enjoy his quiet.

As she walked, Mallory encountered a musket foolishly left near a stack of boxes. She wrapped her hand around the grip, and imagined herself setting off a shot. The chaos that would ensue, perhaps diffusing the situation and refocusing the witch-hunt towards the fool who had risked her crewmates well-being because she was careless. In truth, Mallory felt a small amount of guilt for the drama the Poison was currently dealing with. Louise had confided herself in Mallory earlier that day, and she had, for some reason thought it would be a good idea to console the Captain with a clever metaphor and a poorly-made omelette. Mallory pointed the gun over the ocean, aiming towards Jamaica. Her finger wrapped around the trigger and her shoulders tightened with anticipation.

And then she dropped it. She reprimanded herself as she walked, and arrived in time to see Samuel sentenced to the mast. Another pang of guilt jabbed her stomach. Samuel, who was probably more loyal to the Poison for making the decision that most would only fantasize about, was now taking what Mallory had convinced herself was her rightful place as the instigator of this rampage. Mallory began to walk towards the Captain and managed to get withing a few feet of her, but to her relief was cut off by Robin who seemed slightly more eager. Taking it to be a sign, Mallory stood to the side of all the ruckus and sat on the railing, waiting for the perfect moment to make her apology.

@TheMentalEagle (close proximity)

@Queen Rai (close proximity)

@Psylion (In line behind)

Mayohaboa (Yo)

The boy sat in confusion stargazing as he was before while wondering exactly what the captain's reply had meant. Yes, he was in fact sixteen, but what of it? He pondered this question for several moments as it all came together in a quite embarrassing way. She thought him to have been flirting with her! This had not been the case, despite the fact that she was a beautiful woman, not even in the slightest. Yo's compliment was one that came from loving the woman the way one loves an idol or a role model not anything of romantic origin. Despite this, it seemed that this was the way she had taken it. Determined to properly explain himself, the boy stood up quickly and searched the ship for the captain. When he spotted her, she was marching with an aura of danger and immediately the teenager knew there was trouble. Without question or second thought, mundane thoughts of his embarrassment were swiped away as the boy drew his hatchet and walked behind the captain to the girl that was tied, no, previously tied to the mast.

The most simple-minded of men could clearly see what had happened here. The guard had released the captive, a move that did not fit him, and the girl was free only moments before the ship's lover boy had caught them on the act. The girl growled like a beast at Mio and instantly Yo raised his hatchet defensively as he stood slightly in front of the captain. The guard finally explained himself to Louise and a punishment some would consider harsh was given out. The boy did not see this punishment as harsh but fair in fact. Although he could understand the guard's intention, he had committed an act of betrayal against the crew which among them was the most sinful of crimes. To be treated as a prisoner was a kind verdict to give the guard in the boy's opinion, but then again he wasn't as collected as the captain who thought things out before acting unlike himself.

Mio Del Abascal Marco Vega

The tight grip around the hilt of his sword slowly grew less tense as Mio felt where Louise was going with what she was saying. He remained stone faced, but inside he wanted to laugh loudly. The temporary punishment she gave to the guard was perfect. Louise's creativity when it came to non-pain related punishment was lovely. He raised and sheathed his blade, then walked past Louise towards an uncut coil of rope. In passing, he raised his hand and gently tapped the top of the axe that Yo, one of the powder monkeys, were holding. "It's alright. We won't need sharp weapons here." Before heading for the rope he picked up the large iron spear belonging to the captive to make sure she wouldn't get her hands on it and do something stupid.

When his back was turned from everyone, a large diabolical grin broke out on Mio's face. He'd lie if he claimed not to be happy about the way things turned out. Of course, someone would have to keep an eye on the captive and he didn't feel up for the job. Probably wouldn't end up being his problem anyway. He picked up the coil of rope and returned to the mast, this time with a familiar sardonic smirk grazing his lips. He threw the rope around Samuel, then tightened just a little harder than he would have to.

Now that he finally wasn't distracted by the captive and the guard, he noticed that a lot of people had surrounded them. People were attracted to Louise and trouble like flies to manure aboard this ship, it seemed. It was to be expected though, they were all pirates.



(This feels half-finished, but I just can't seem to get into the Mio mindset right now. Everything feels a little messy.)
Samuel felt the ropes tighten around him, squirming just a bit to stop his throat from being crushed under the strong rope. He didn't hesitate to fall asleep, nightmares or not.

"Morning sleepyhead! I guess you've tried to stay asleep so you didn't have to learn today. You can't sleep through all the troubles in the world."

Samuel sighed, walking past his dead Mother to the outside. He walked past the dead body of his Father and his traumatised sister. He'd been here so many times that he couldn't forget a single detail. The wine by the door, the flaming trees, his half buried brother, sticking out of the ground. He'd always wake up when he approached his brother, so he had to pass the time somehow. Go swimming? Nah, he was already at sea outside of his dream, and he'd probably be devoured by sharks. He lay on the ground, staring up at the sun and singing quietly, waiting for morning.


(More backstory.)
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Samuel didn't seem to be struggling, which easily improved the captain's mood. Not by much, but she was almost expecting the guard to put up a fight. Why, she didn't know. Samuel was probably the last person on the ship...in the
world...that one would call headstrong. The woman folded her arms, letting out a small sigh. As she exhaled, tones of something somber could be seen in her face, but only for a moment. Louise would be lying if she said that seeing Samuel being tied to the mast didn't make her feel at least a twinge of guilt. But she couldn't let the crew know that they could get away with acts of treason...even the smallest.

That was one thing she simply wouldn't stand for.

"Um Captain, may I have a moment of your time?"

Louise turned slightly towards the source of the voice, raising an eyebrow as Robin, the ship's only slinger. He was only seventeen, and had joined the Poison a little more than a year after Dmitri's capture. The captain got along fairly well with the boy, in fact, she found him quite amusing. His little antics always made her smile (well, internally)...and he got along pretty well with everyone, from what she understood. The woman rolled her head slightly, her neck popping a few times as she did. The woman held a hand up to the boy, and said,
"In a moment--"

This was when Louise noticed Yo standing in front of her. How long has he been there? Geez, what was he? A ghost (punpunpun)? He'd just snuck right into the situation without anybody really noticing. Louise was about to tell him he needn't hold his hatchet at the ready, but Mio beat her to it. The woman glanced back at Riley, and then at Robin...and then finally at Mallory.

When did
SHE get there?




Riley De'Leone-The White Lion

Current Status: Calming Down​

Anger. That was all she felt as she stared down at Mio and Louise. She wanted to bring out her hidden knives and stab at them, claw at them, kick at them. She wanted to show them that she wasn't as helpless as they treat her to be. Despite being considered a threat by them, which she knew was right, she at least wanted Louise to consider her as not an enemy.

Riley slowly blinked as she calmed down, her hair stopped bristling and she stopped growling. She felt ashamed, she had actually considered killing her own sister. She had almost lost herself to her raging rampage, one that has claimed many lives, both ally and foe. She watched her spear get taken away with a heavy heart. Black Wit had been one of her only companions throughout her life.

She took a deep breath and stared at her liberator who was being tied up. "I'm sorry it wound up this way. You shouldn't have freed me, I should have kept silent." She said. "Hopefully...hopefully things will get better." She said hesitantly, Louise's constant denial was starting to make her doubt her efforts. She noticed that he had fallen asleep. "Sleep well my liberator, I'll find a way to get us both, or at least you, out of this trouble. You don't deserve being dragged down with me, if that happens." She said softly as her gaze lingered a few moments before looking away.

Her gaze turned towards Louise and gave off a feeling of unbreakable iron will. This was no moment for her determination to waver. She then knelt in front of her. "Command me and I shall follow." She said as she looked at the floor. "If he is to take my place, I shall take his place. I will do anything you ask of me."

Isabelle DeRosa

"A child could handle it, but it tastes alright."
Isabelle caught that, though she pretended she didn't. Mostly because something else had snagged the girl's attention - Something wasn't exactly what she expected. Mio met lips with her, which at first her eyes widened at, but she joined in moments after. Upon noticing Mio had shared wine in the process of the kiss, Isabelle shuddered mentally, worried about the man's hygiene - But then again, they were pirates. How good could anyone's hygiene be? If anyone was a neat freak on the ship, though, it was Isabelle, despite her being focused solely on her own cleanliness and looks. "You can keep it. I'm done." Regardless of nit-picks, the moment was nice while it lasted, and it resulted in free booze, and Mio had hardly even had any of the bottle. So what wasn't to like?

"Come to think of it, you're new here Isabelle. You probably haven't heard the story neither." Isabelle mentally sighed and her expression turned noticeably from I'm content to where-the-hell-is-this-going. Her first instinct was to shout Dammit, I knew there was a catch for you giving me something, but before she could even consider saying that, she realized this was Mio, and a story couldn't be that bad, could it? Probably not. But then again, he could always find a way, couldn't he?

Isabelle tried to focus, but eventually her mind drifted to the possibility of making a drinking game out of the story - But, unfortunately, no words were frequently popping up, aside from ones that seemed silly to pick on. She caught something about children, Louise being trained by some Dmitri guy, dead people on a beach and Louise being made captain. Then there was revenge and money at the end, which caught Isabelle's attention again. She tilted her head slightly to the side with a puzzled expression, curious as to where that was supposed to have headed - However, Isabelle failed to catch wind of that point, as she often did when it came to a lot of words in a short amount of time. "The explanation's appreciated," Isabelle replied, and was about to finish but found she was talking to a Mio who was walking away. "But--"

"Erm..." Her puzzled expression only became more puzzled somehow. "Right, then," she stammered. She was willing to excuse one little social faux-pas because of one little thing - That bottle which she would enjoy finishing at some point soon. Though it would have been thoughtful to keep the cork for the thing if he was just going to leave it there.


(stuff and things and things and stuff and i don't know what to put here aaaaaaaaaaaa)​
Mio Del Abascal Marco Vega

Mio spun the black spear around his neck before placing it's end on the ground and leaning on it. The captive seemed to have a strange sense of loyalty, but he wasn't about to complain. Nor was he about to give the spear back. There was no telling how good she'd be at using it, and it was definitely a possibility that she could off a couple of people before they got her under control. As he stood there and waited for anything to happen, he remembered his reason for coming over to Louise in the first place.

He flinched and looked at Louise "Louise, where the hell is Vahlen? I haven't seen him since last town." He hoped that he'd just missed him somehow. If Vahlen had gone up and deserted, that wasn't good. Vahlen was Mio's best and first real friend, and he was a respected quartermaster. He was probably half the reason Mio was still sane after his constant grief procrastination, too. Not to mention that they were the most dangerous combo in the ship duels they had. After several years of working together and training their cooperation, they worked like a well-oiled killing machine in battle. Neither thing was something Mio was ready to give up.

@Queen Rai

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Samuel tried to move, but he couldn't, and couldn't remember why. It was the look down that made him feel like an idiot. He sighed, pushing himself up a bit, the rope were holding him down by his chest now, instead of his throat.

He stared at the floor, hearing Riley talk to him. 'Thank god she woke me up, I thought I was going to have to whistle for eight hours.' He thought as Riley knelt down beside him. 'Liberator? Who's does she think I am?' As he wondered how she woke him up so easily he began to hum a cheerful tune quietly, looking up at the stars.
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"Command me and I shall follow. If he is to take my place, I shall take his place. I will do anything you ask of me."

Louise let out a sudden guffaw, and then quickly shook her head. Take his place? Louise didn't know if Riley meant as a guard or just a crewmember, but Louise couldn't help but laugh at the idea of Riley guarding her quarters. A convict. A girl who was tied up to the mast not even fifteen minutes earlier. Was she insane?

"Get up." Louise scoffed as she folded her arms. "What is this, the dark ages? Riley, wake up and smell the rum. It's the 17th century. I don't need you to pledge your allegiance...not like that anyway."

The woman looked away for a brief moment, as if to ponder about something. After a moment, she looked back, and then said,
"This is what you're going to do. It's the most disgusting, terrible, horrifyingly awful job I've got."

There was a dramatic pause.

"You're going to be Cluck's assistant." she smiled. "Now, he's our cook. He's been with this ship longer than any of us. He's old, he's a drunk, and he's one hell of a guy to work with...and I don't mean that in a good way. You will do everything and anything he says. Peel potatoes, serve dishes, clean up...anything. And if you give him a hard time about it...I hope you know how to swim."

Louise paused again, and then glanced over at Robin. The woman nodded to the boy, and then asked,
"Would you mind showing Miss Riley down to the kitchen to meet out chef?"

"Louise, where the hell is Vahlen? I haven't seen him since last town."

Louise turned back towards Mio, and then let out a long sigh. Right. There was the issue of Vahlen's disappearance. The captain gently swayed back and forth, alternating from putting all of her weight on her left leg and her right. She sucked in her cheeks, trying to recall the last time she'd seen Vahlen. She remembered distinctly seeing him that morning at mealtime, but he was acting...distance. He seemed to not want to look Louise in the eye...and when he got up from the table, that was the last time she'd seen him.

"Don't ask me." Louise shrugged. "I'm sure he's around here somewhere."

I hope. I hope he's around here somewhere.

Anika Shukriya

Anika was sitting straight on the wooden floor, blinking and contemplating her life momentarily before her lips parted, giving out the slight sound of a yawn, stretching and removing a strip of her ashy hair that was previously plastered onto her face, blocking her view. The twelve-year-old child had just woken up from her nap, fixing her shirt's sleeve that was revealing her shoulder. She looked around and stood, exiting her cabin with her clarinet in hand to see the fuss on deck.

Once on deck, she saw that it was busy as she always had seen it. Anika has been on this ship for a couple of weeks now, after they looted her father's ship, take her in and they arrived at the Jamaican port they had just left. Despite her time on the ship, she was still unused to the procedure. Unsure where to stand, where to play, what to play and what to do after. The clarinet was clutched loosely around the fragile fingers the girl owned and she gave a frown like she always do when she sees anything worth frowning at. Right now, she's seeing two of her captain, a guy tied to the mast and that man, what was his name? Mio? Mio. Yes, Mio who was asking the captain where is a man, well, she assumed its a man, named Vahlen. Vahlen? Anika racked her brain on who it might be....when she remembered. He was one of the men who found her on her dad's ship. The quartermaster was it?

And about the man tied to the mast, she wasn't sure what to think of it. Something happened that was big enough for her captain to tie one of her crew members to the mast. An event that Anika wondered if missing it was a good thing. Looking at the guy, she felt tempted. Sure, a temptation to release him but she knew better, she usually does.

The girl who look like her Captain Louise, was sent to the kitchen to Cluck and Anika couldn't help but wonder what happens next. She stifled a smiled and looked around trying to find the face of the only other musician on board, Mallory. A girl that she have never really talk to before but one thing's for sure, Anika loved the passion Mallory poured into her music, playing the fiddle so beautifully, so enchantingly. She found Mallory's face not far from the captain, looking at Louise expectantly, or at least, she thought it was expectantly. So she didn't bother to disturb her and now Anika is wondering what kind of tune would be suitable to play with her clarinet.
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Mallory felt her fears begin to fade as the drama around the mast began to pick up again. She found herself beginning to like Riley in spite of herself. The way she kneeled on the ground after hissing for what seemed an eternity made her seem like a character from some obscure play, and her affinity for melodrama was refreshing. Despite intending to talk to the Captain, Mallory didn't pay much attention to what she was saying. She caught the gist, but Samuel's tune captured her attention in a much deeper way.

It was simple, but had an upbeat charm to it that Mallory thought would fit perfectly on nearly any instrument in her repertoire, especially on her fellow Musician's clarinet. She mentally transcribed the tune, and made note to see if she couldn't use it write a little song with Anika. Maybe they could play a due- Where was she, anyway?

"Shit." Mallory stood from the rail and panned the deck for Anika. When she found her, she waved and smiled before plugging her ears and shaking her head. Mallory hadn't spoken to Anika much, mostly because she wouldn't know what to say to her. They both met the Poison as it's crew plundered their previous ships. Mallory remembered the sheer anger she felt at Louise. She recalled how she would plot for vengeance, how she dreamed of piercing Louise's heart with her knife and breaking Mio's fingers as his bloodied face drained into the ocean. Loyalty replaced most of the anger in Mallory's mind, followed by a certain platonic love. But it seemed that Anika was different. Too young, perhaps too ignorant to be angry. At least, not yet.

Since Louise seemed to be calm enough, Mallory stepped in front of her. She had changed into a somewhat casual dress due to her mealtime musical duties, and used it to her advantage, making a small curtsey. She spoke in as cheerful a tone as was appropriate. "I dunno if kneelin' is sometin' we do now, but I'd rather not risk this dress get wet." Mallory took a deep breath. "I'd jus' like te say I regret wot I said earlier. It wasn' my place to tell ye' who was yer kin and who wasn'." Mallory blushed slightly and avoided eye contact with Louise. Even more than she hated Monkey, she hated apologizing.

@GiannaCoco (Gestured at/Pondered)

@TheMentalEagle (Stole music from)

@Metaphysics (Don't take it the wrong way!)
Robin Marx

The Gunner's Lackey

Nickname: Slinger

Location: Main Deck - Kitchen

Mood: Useful if nothing else

Speaking with: @Metaphysics

Robin was about to ask the captain what this commotion was all about, but he instead was given a task. Not one for pushing aside a task set before him, he accepted. Not like he had much of a choice in the matter. He placed his right hand over his right and bowed to the captain. "Aye Captain, if that is what you'll have me do I shall have it done swiftly." He laughed at what he was doing and stood straight up again. "English or no, I don't think I can ever do that with a straight face. Don't you worry Captain, I'll make sure the little lady gets to ol' Cluck." He turned to look at the former prisoner. He never actually did get to see her. The appearance was strikingly similar to the captain. Though probably not as cute when she was mad. He rubbed the back of neck and waved at the girl. He certainly didn't envy the beauty for the task before her.

Robin had helped Cluck in the past when he was just starting out on the ship. Cluck was... well he wasn't a delicate flower that's for sure. He was more like a bear, a drunken, angry bear. But by the stars can that bear cook. There wasn't a meal that Robin didn't like that came out of that kitchen. Well accept for that one time when they had to ration the food supplies to the point of eating the potato peels. A shiver went down his spine as he remembered that. The taste still haunted his tongue. He looked to Riley motioned her to follow.
"Alright then miss. Looks like you're te come with and help out Cluck. I'll speak plainly, you're not gonna like it down there. Still I'll be rootin' fer you." Robin made his way down the stairs to the lower decks where the kitchen was located.

He looked around before stopping at the entrance to the kitchen. He could hear Cluck humming another one of his sea shanties, drunkenly, but still somehow the tune was clear and precise. What was it with this crew and drunkards doing amazing things? Robin thought about hitting the bottle himself once or twice. If only to see if his aim would improve like Murphy's. He leaned up against the frame of the entrance and whistled along with the shanty. It was one that Robin actually knew thanks to Cluck. Hopefully the whistling was good enough to get the old potato peeler' attention.
Iris was unhappy with Riley being sent down to the kitchens. Iris liked Riley, but Louise had banned her from the kitchens a while ago, due to one simple reason:

Iris and Monkey the chicken really couldn't stand each other. Any time they came within ten feet of each other resulted in a vicious birdfight in which both combatants lost feathers and which usually ended with them getting broken up and then going into opposite corners to sulk. Iris, for her part, thought that Monkey was a lazy good-for-nothing, and pretty much a huge annoyance who should have been made into chicken soup long before. She didn't know what Monkey thought, but Cluck had once grumbled (in an odd, slurred way) about how Iris was a flashy stuck-up interloper.
"I can take it, being a someone's helper surely isn't the worst thing I've ever done." Riley said as she started to follow the man. She recalled the times that she had done much worse things for money and survival. "I'm sure of it." She added as she reached the lower decks. Riley raised her eyebrow when she heard humming and the man started whistling along with the tune. "Besides, I'm that this...Cluck isn't that bad." She hesitantly added.
Nesim couldn't really find a way to reply more properly than to just hum a 'yes, you're right' sort of sound. He hadn't exchanged much words with Captain Louise to have a basic foundation to what his opinion of her was, but by far, she had been the Captain who had been the most reasonable to her and to the other crew members. Thanks to her, he had settled in quite easily, without having to mask who he was; and his superiors like Crystal, Valhen -which appeared to have gone missing- And even Mio, who was certainly more... Touchy and intimate with everyone or everything he laid eyes upon, had also been comprehensible to some extent. Of course, they would often be confused by his choice of living, but never once judged or discriminated him. Surely, some members must think of me with ill intent, but they are not a danger, he added to himself. In conclusion, the Poison was definitely the best vessel for him to work on.

Red... You're a good girl." He smiled with an honesty many would have found rare to come across, patting the boatswain on her back, the long feathers of her hat tickling his burnt skin."I'm sure the Captain is fond of you; she simply doesn't like to show weakness and I can respect that. From what I've seen, anyway. I can't really say much for myself."

@Britt-21 (i'm sorry this post is lazy)

@Queen Rai and @Prizzy Kriyze


"I dunno if kneelin' is sometin' we do now, but I'd rather not risk this dress get wet. I'd jus' like te say I regret wot I said earlier. It wasn' my place to tell ye' who was yer kin and who wasn'."

Louise raised her eyebrows at the musician as she curtsied, and then raised them higher as an apology escaped the woman's lips. Louise received apologies daily...hourly, even...but not from Mallory. Mallory never did anything worth apologizing for...not in Louise's book, at least. The captain let out a small sigh, and then gave the woman a short nod before saying,
"It's alright, I shouldn't have been so...ferocious."

That was about as close to an apology as Louise was gonna get.

"Aye Captain, if that is what you'll have me do I shall have it done swiftly. English or no, I don't think I can ever do that with a straight face. Don't you worry Captain, I'll make sure the little lady gets to ol' Cluck."

Louise nodded at Robin, giving one last look to Riley and letting out a small, almost evil snicker as she said,
"I can take it, being a someone's helper surely isn't the worst thing I've ever done."

"I wouldn't go in with such low expectations, if I were you." the woman grinned, turning on her heel and starting back toward her quarters. The woman gave Mallory a friendly pat on she shoulder as she passed her, saying, "Send one of the cabin children to my quarters when it's time to eat, alright?"

Without another word, Louise was off to try to solve the mystery of Vahlen's disappearance.

Louise slipped into her quarters, making sure to lock her door before stepping into the room. She hadn't a guard now, which made the captain slightly uneasy. Even when she was a cabin-girl, Dmitri always made sure she was well guarded. And now, that security had been torn right out of her hands. The woman rolled her neck a few times as she slowly moved deeper into the room...now, where could Vahlen be? The woman flopped down onto her bed, spreading her arms out on the bedsheets before letting out a small, whiny groan. The woman turned on her side, squeezing her eyes shut as she waited for any sort of memory to come back to her. She must've seen Vahlen at least once after breakfast...right? He was working with the others...right? Preparing the ship.


Louise gently rubbed her hands together, warming them as she continued to think. After a moment of this, she forced herself to sit up. Louise placed her index and middle fingers up at her temples and began to massage them. Where was Vahlen?


Mio Del Abascal Marco Vega

"Don't ask me. I'm sure he's around here somewhere." Sliding metal was heard as Mio pulled the large spear back onto his shoulders. He was going to hold on to it for a while, it's not like the new girl would have a reason for carrying it anyway. His facial expression was nothing out of the ordinary, just the sardonic smile, except for perhaps a little glimpse of worry in his eyes. Louise disappeared from the mast area, and so did everyone else. Mio turned on his heel and walked with the spear across his shoulders towards another part of the ship, more specifically Vahlen's personal cabin. If he wasn't there, they must've left him at the port.

Out of the little respect Mio could muster, he knocked on the door. Not gently, no no. That'd be much too respectful. Mio slammed the non-pointy end of the large spear into the door so it shook in it's hinges, and when nothing happened he called out "Vahlen, are you in there?" He paused for a minute. No answer. "What the hell..." He quietly said, then grabbed the door handle and gave the door a hearty push. Didn't budge. "Motherfu..." Mio whispered, took a step back, then rammed the large spear into the crack between the door and the wall, producing a loud metallic noise. Splinters of wood flew around and the lock on the door broke as it slid inwards to reveal an empty room.

Even though it was obviously empty, Mio shouted a complimentary "Vahlen?" as he stepped into the room. His weapons weren't there, and neither did his clothes seem to be. Instead, in the darkness provided by a burnt-out candle there was a note lying on the table. Mio walked the distance then bent over to read it. Despite popular belief, Mio was very literate. He was taught the basics in the old bandit gang, and perfected it when he joined the ship as a young teenager. He would've been a pretty horrible navigator without it. It was also the main reason he spoke without an accent - most of the time.

A flash of steel felt like it lit up the room as Mio cut the legs off a chair in frustration. Vahlen was gone. Legitimately gone. Gone not to come back, it seemed. The chair smashed into the wall and broke into more pieces, but Mio didn't care. He sat down on his bed with the spear gripped between his two hands upright against the floor. He leaned his head in his own arms, but didn't cry. It wasn't something he did. Instead he just sat there and brooded. If Vahlen was gone, what the hell happened next?



@quartermasterisgone ;-;


Crystal was surprised when Nesim patted her back, Saying that she was a good girl. Looking at him, she blinked 'I'm sure the Captain is fond of you; she simply doesn't like to show weakness and I can respect that. From what I've seen, anyway. I can't really say much for myself.' huh..Well then. Parting her lips, she spoke "She's a strong woman." said Crystal, smiling softly "But I know the real her when she's not trying to be big and strong" Her eyes widen at what she just said...

Crystal stopped talking and she grabbed Nesim's shoulders "Dont tell her I said that! She'd kill me if she finds out I said that!" she shook her head "Forget I even said that! Just act as if I didnt." in reality, she didnt want to get in trouble. But remembering something, she crossed her arms "I am not a good girl, Nesim." she was kinda crazy "I start fights, I go crazy sometimes, I'm even more of a nut when I drink. Hell, I could almost swoon over some of the men on this ship!" she shook her head "The only time i'm a good girl is when the Captain cracks her whip and tells me to stop doing what im doing wrong."


Mentioned @Queen Rai
Robin Marx

The Gunner's Lackey

Nickname: Slinger

Location: Kitchen - Top Deck

Mood: Jolly

Speaking with: @Metaphysics

Robin ceased his whistling and gave Cluck a much smile. The smell of rum was as strong as ever. "How's ye been you ol potato peeler? Still hitting that bottle hard as ever I see." Robin waltzed into the kitchen and leaned into one of the barrels to try and nab a small snack before dinner. "Anyways Cluck, I'm here on business. Gots you a new kitchen hand to go and work with. Captain's orders and all." He finally found what he as looking for. I nice juicy orange, just the thing to tie him over before dinner. He tossed it up in the air a couple of times. "Ah this one looks good. Careful with her Cluck. That one's a little... Well she's different that's fer sure. Not like our pearl of a captain, but I wager the looks aren't all they have in common, savvy?" Robin chuckled and then a small shiver went down his spine. Somehow he feels like the Captain heard him say that. Her angry face was both menacing and cute. Then his smile returned to his face and he made his way out of the kitchen.

He stopped next to Riley to speak with her. Something was bugging him. Maybe he could get a few answers out of her?
"Oi, Riley was it? Mind telling me what all the squawking was up on the top deck? I never seen the Captain n' Mio so flustered in a long while. Makes a man wonder what a young lady like yerself could have possibly done or said to make even the Red-Eyed Demon red in the face." He thought about everything up to this point. It really wasn't his place to ask, but something big was going on and he was more than curious to find out. Instead of staying however, he decided to keep moving. "Maybe we'll talk again. I don't really like missing a meal especially after we've just gone and left port. Just watch yerself in there will ya? Cluck is a little... untamed, but he's a good guy so long as you keep him full of rum and you do yer job right." Robin parted ways with Riley and Cluck and made his way back to the top deck.

Once up there he looked around once more. The crew was a bit more scattered after the whole melodrama that ensued earlier.
Just another day aboard the Poison Robin thought to himself. The funniest part about it, he wouldn't trade this for the world. Everyday was an adventure and an adventure is exactly what Robin wanted most of all.
Noémi finally woke up, her even more messy brown hair in crazy formations and her green eyes glazed over. The girl sat up, supporting herself with one arm and rubbing her neck with the other.

Once she was sat up, she wiped her eyes and yawned, sloppily starting to stand up and straighten her shirt and fixing the cloth around her waist.

The girl sniffled and stratched before walking down the corridor and up the stairs. She didn't like sleeping as much as she remembered and everything seemed hazy. Noémi gazed upon the dark ship and looked for that captain. She wanted to see if she wanted her to do anything or if she needed anything.

When Noémi didn't see her, she spotted a familiar face, Zubari. The brunette hurried over to him and spoke softly, quieter and a bit sloppily. "Excusez-moi, Zu... Zubahree?" She said, not realizing she was speaking in her first language and looking up at him to see if she pronounced his name correctly. "Avez-vous vu le capitaine? Je dois lui poser une questione." Noémi said fluently, now messing with the locket and key that was tucked underneath her shirt. (Her hand is NOT in her shirt.)

@Queen Rai (Mentioned)

@BlackJack (Communicated)

I am on my phone, sorry for any misspelled words.


Captain Louise De'Leone-Fitzgerald

Location: The Captain's Quarters - On Deck

Louise eventually forced herself to stand up and start hunting for clues. Vahlen couldn't have vanished into thin air, could he? He had to be around somewhere...right? Louise looked around her room, was was surprisingly neat for a woman with so much on her mind. The captain also found time to tidy up her room. She simply couldn't focus in a messy environment. The woman continued looking around...nothing seemed out of place. Besides, why would Vahlen go into her room for anything? Louise even considered searching for some kind of note, but quickly brushed the idea aside. He wouldn't have left a note...not unless he was planning to leave or something. Vahlen would never do that.

Nontheless, Louise was starting to worry.

The woman ruffled her hair, glancing over at the old clock on her bedside table.

9:37 p.m...God, it feels so much later than that.

Louise shook her head, crossing to the door and unlocking it. She stood with her hand on the knob for a moment before walking out. The nights of the days that the Poison set sail always seemed the longest. Why, Louise didn't know...but she did know that dinner was abnormally late. Usually, the crew had eaten by six or seven o' clock at the latest. Of course, Johnny had woken up only an hour before, but still. Louise grimaced as her stomach gurgled (how attractive). She inhaled deeply through her nose, appreciating the warm night air as she meandered out on deck. This was probably her favorite time of day. Most of the pirates weren't as rowdy in the evening, and Louise could get some peace and quiet (well, as much peace and quiet as you can get on a pirate ship). The woman wandered back over to the railing, leaning her torso over it as she closed her eyes.

Was there anything lovelier than the sea?



Johnny Cluck

Location: The Kitchen

"How's ye been you ol potato peeler? Still hitting that bottle hard as ever I see."

Johnny attention was drawn away from Riley as Robin strolled into the kitchen. The man crossed his arms, giving the boy his best smile (which was kind of gross, to be honest) and nodded,
"Dun'know what I'do wit'out my refresh'ents."

"Anyways Cluck, I'm here on business. Gots you a new kitchen hand to go and work with. Captain's orders and all."

Johnny's grin widened as he turned back toward the girl. He'd been needing a kitchen hand for quite some time. The last one ended up jumping overboard after about a week of working with the man...a part of Johnny hoped the teenager made it to shore, but he seriously doubted that. Johnny still didn't know what scared the kid off...his breath, his looks, or his jokes.

"Ah this one looks good. Careful with her Cluck. That one's a little... Well she's different that's fer sure. Not like our pearl of a captain, but I wager the looks aren't all they have in common, savvy?"

"Oi, stay aw'y from my oranges, ye scurvy swab!" Johnny said, waving his hands toward Robin as if to shoo him away. The man walked back over to the bowl of rum and potatoes, continued washing for a moment, and then began to drop each one (whole) into the boiling pot of God-knows-what. Chicken and Monkey were still stilling down the new girl, as if they were trying to send her some sort of telepathic message. Of course, they were probably just wondering if she had any food on her, but still. Johnny continued humming his shanty, and then said, "Ye can tell the cap'n tha' I'll put'er to good use, 'ere."

Cluck looked over his shoulder and at the girl again as he dropped the last potato into the pot. He gestured to the bag of carrots, and then said,
"Ye can start by washin' the carrots and choppin' 'em up. Nice n' thin, tha's how the cap'n likes'em."


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