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Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas

"I wouldn't return to that household even if all the world's treasures were given to me." Riley said disdainfully as she looked at her current conversation partner. "I sought her because...because I wanted to see if I could find someone who won't treat me...well...like this basically..." She said. "Probably very stupid of me to come in a barrel..." She added with a sigh before leaning to the mast, one of the very few actions available to her in her current situation.

"I'm rambling again...sorry." She said as she closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep. But she couldn't and she opened her eyes once more and stared at the sky.
Samuel took a quick look around and saw a few people, including Simon, who seemed to have the same thought as him. He walked behind her and untied the rope, letting it fall to the floor. "Don't make me regret this, I have enough to deal with as it is." He said, looking at Simon and smirking. The way she acted, it reminded him of his sister, but he wouldn't tell her this, so he didn't show his softer side. "It seems to me you need to have a proper conversation with your sister. That's the only way I can help you. If you say anything about this, you'll regret it."


(@SkyGinge -mentioned-)
Noémi had been preparing to leave the dock and despite the excitement and noise of all the other crew on the ship, she couldn't stay awake. She tried as long as possible to stay attentive but her body started to shut itself down from the lack of sleep.

She had been working near a pile of nets in the corner, trying to get them untangled and seperated to use for whatever reason they needed them... Also for the reason that she's been bothered by them for awhile and wanted them to be sorted out. Though right as she got three or four sorted out, she felt a rush of drowsiness fall over her and she closed her eyes, not being able to pry them open. Noémi didn't realize it at first, but once she felt the rough material of rope scratch against her skin, she knew that she had fell.

'Get up. Don't go to sleep and get up! What would happen if tey found you like this? They'd probably smack you for being lazy. They already left the dock get up!' She yelled at herself.

Her body disobeyed and she continued to lay on that cold deck and rough rope, falling quickly into a deep sleep.

(I had to do something and she hasn't slept in probably three or so days..)
Carter found that he didn't have anything that he really had to do at the moment and he took a moment to simply breath in the fresh air. No air was as good as the air on the open sea. He leaned against the rail of the ship and glanced out at the water. He closed his eyes and focused on the sounds of the sea. There was the overlaying sound of footsteps of his fellow crew members but he ignored that sound. There was the sound of birds in the distance, maybe about two ship lengths off the starboard. There was a splash in the distance also. He squinted trying to focus in on the sound. Based on how big it was it had to be a whale and it was also most likely about two ship lengths although this time on port side.

He opened his eyes and looked in the general direction of the splash and saw that it was indeed a whale. The time for messing around was gone, the time for work was here. He pushed himself back from the rail and made his way to the supply room, which would also be his sleeping quarters. He sat down and leaned against one of the shelves, crossing his arms behind his head.
Mio Del Abascal Marco Vega

While he was standing there waiting for Isabelle's response, Hope came up onto the higher deck and joined them. He threw a lax glance at her when she started talking, and smirked when she finished. "Well, you know how this ship used to be under a man called Dmitri before Louise took over? Well..." He trailed off, then looked back at Isabelle. "A child could handle it, but it tastes alright." He mumbled, then walked over to her while raising the bottle to his own mouth. When he arrived he pulled the bottle from his mouth and quickly leaned forward and pressed his lips onto hers. He stole a long kiss from her then took a step back and wiped his mouth. "Heh, that's one way to share, I suppose." He reached the bottle out and planted it on top of the wood that the wheel was attached to. "You can keep it. I'm done."

He stepped back and leaned against the railing again. "Come to think of it, you're new here Isabelle. You probably haven't heard the story neither." He leaned his head and looked back at hope. "Alright, alright. It's story time." He sat up on the railing and looked between the two girls as he started his story.

"So, basically, before Louise controlled this vessel there was this really cool guy called Dmitri. If I remember correctly he picked up piracy about 21 years ago, almost immediately striking serious success. He was a master swordsman, and actually taught Louise how to fight. Somehow, he managed to avoid the navy no matter where he went, and stories and legends of his great riches were plenty. Just a few years into his piracy The Poison was already one of the most notorious ship names around the seven seas. People knew of him all the way from the far east to the colonies. If he arrived in town, people scattered. If you met his ship on open water, you begged for mercy. Nothing could escape him. As fearsome as he might have been, he had a softer side though." Mio paused, and lowered his eyes to the floor. "He had a soft spot for kids."

"Like Louise, Vahlen, and even myself, he often picked up abandoned kids and let them work on the ship. He was strict, but he was certainly fair. I liked him, anyway. He just liked children, and Louise especially. She originally was picked up as a hostage, but Dmitri just didn't want to give her up for the money offered. I think he saw her as the daughter he never had. Of course, the problem with this was that the money that Dmitri gave up on to keep Louise was money that he'd promised some of his close crew members who wanted to give up piracy. They didn't like that at all. They just wanted to be set for life and escape with all they could. So they devised a nasty plan. They sold out Dmitri to the officials, and planned everything carefully so that they could take his entire treasure with them."

Mio looked up again, but his eyes were a little colder than they usually were. He still held his light-hearted untroubled expression up, but anyone who knew him closely could tell something was off. "I was there myself when it happened, sleeping in the crow's nest. I was a lookout back then, just like you." He said, and nodded to Hope. "I'm glad I was though, after we'd stayed on the island for about half a day a group of pirates came back. Not everyone, no no, just a few of the higher ranking ones. It was only me and old Johnny left on the ship, we were helpless to try and stop them. They took off with all the treasure. Everyone else was either dead or dangerously wounded down on the beach, and I myself had to carry most of them back to the ship. One of those who had fallen was Dmitri, and the only thing we had to go off of was his final wish that Louise be made the captain."

His regular smirk returned to him, and he chuckled before he kept going. "So, to answer your question Hope. We are currently going to Jérémie to find one of those traitors, and..." He trailed off, and instead raised two fingers to his neck and pretended to slit it. In a seamless motion he then raised it and pretended to shot himself and finally put it behind his head and raised it as if he was tightening a noose. "... kill him." He finished. "It's for revenge, and it'll feel really good. Besides, he's storing part of Dmitri's old riches, so it'll definitely be worth it." He leaned back and looked up at the stars with a smirk. "Yeah, it'll be nice. Especially for myself, Johnny, Louise and Vahlen..." He suddenly stopped, and his smirk disappeared. He looked down onto the deck.

"Where the fuck is Vahlen?"

He rushed down from the upper deck and quickly looked around to spot Louise. She stood on deck with a dreamy gaze towards Mallory, who'd tuned up her violin and started playing. He was about to rush straight across the deck for her, when he noticed something strange. The guard had somehow taken it upon himself to release the prisoner. Mio's eyes opened wide and he diverted his course straight towards the mast instead. In a seamless motion he kicked the spear away from the captive's side and drew his sword, aiming it straight at her. "You don't move a muscle." He said as he stared directly into her eyes. He sighed, then raised his voice to Samuel, the guard. "And you. I'll let the captain take care of you."



@Haruhi Suzumiya


@Rang Dipkin (mentioned briefly)

@Queen Rai (mentioned)

(Whoops, fixed it.)


"Where are we going next captain. I want to know where we're going so I'll know what I'm gonna hunt. I would like to be ready."

Louise's eyes fluttered open as Donovan again addressed her. The captain took one more glance in Mallory's direction, letting out a small breath that just barely classified as a sigh. The woman looked over at the man, stretching her arms high above her head before saying,
"Jérémie, Haiti. We've received word that Johnathon Ferdonson, the ship's previous Boatswain, is running some sort of smuggling operation there...but I don't know for sure."

Louise abruptly dropped her hands to her sides, and then continued in a lower voice,
"Of course, going off of a rumor is never wise, but it's our only lead. Besides, if we do find Ferdonson, perhaps he can lead us to others of his kind...the rest of those...those low-lifes."

"Where the fuck is Vahlen?"

Louise craned her neck as she looked past Donovan, squinting her eyes as she watched Mio meander down from the upper deck. He resembled a confused seagull, the way his head bobbed back in forth as he searched for the captain. Louise closed her eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh before stepping away from Donovan and raising an arm to get the Sailing Master's attention...but she paused.

was Vahlen?

Louise slowly lowered her arm, and then took a quick glance around...Vahlen usually hung around the twenty foot mark in case the captain needed anything, but he was nowhere to be seen. In fact, Louise hadn't seen the man since breakfast. The corner's of Louise's mouth pulled into a small grimace, and she could feel the last of her good mood being swept away with the current of stress. The captain liked giving her crewmates their privacy when they needed it, so the woman didn't really think much of Vahlen's absence that day. But if Mio hadn't seen him either, there was a problem. A
big problem.

The next thing Louise new, Mio was drawing his sword and making a beeline for the mast. After a few clanging noises, Louise found her eyes resting on the metal tool that Riley used as a weapon. Raising an eyebrow, she looked up. Riley was free with Mio's sword aimed at her throat, and Samuel was standing by looking pretty damn guilty. Louise's expression didn't change, but her ears turned an abnormal shade of red...followed by her cheeks...and then the rest of her face. The woman calmly excused herself to Donovan, and then slowly made her way over to the three. The woman was perfectly composed (other than a slight twitch in her left eye). Honestly, Louise was a WHOLE lot scarier like this.

"What...is going on?" she asked, tilting her head as she came to a halt beside Mio. The woman gently placed a hand on the man's sword, silently telling him to put it down. Louise took a moment to look over Samuel...and then Riley...and then back at Samuel. There was a long, scary silence before she finally folded her arms and said, "Please. Spare no detail. Because to me, it looks like you're cutting her loose. I mean, the ropes are around her ankles..."

Louise gestured to the ropes on the planks beneath them.

"But I know that's not what you were doing, Samuel. I know a guard would never release a prisoner...so...why don't you explain to me what really happened? And like I said, spare no detail." Louise said with a small smile. Again, she turned her attention to Riley. The captain examined the girl for a moment, and a sudden pit formed in her stomach. There was a strange familiarity in the girl's eyes...Louise knew that she'd never met her new captive, yet there was something in her eyes. A familiar twinkle that she hadn't seen in years.

Louise quickly shook her head, turning her attention away from the girl. She looked at Samuel expectantly.



Robin Marx

The Gunner's Lackey

Nickname: Slinger

Location: Gun deck - Main deck

Mood: Whimsical yet cautious

As the Poison left the port and made it's way out into the open sea, Robin was busy checking and cleaning all the cannons in the gun deck. He was always taught that a rusty barrel is gonna get someone killed and it was never the intended target. Robin also had to try and wash away the smell of rum around the cannons. Why did one of the master gunners like to drink 'around' the flammable objects? No matter, it was a small issue and it didn't really bother Robin. In fact so long as he was busy and out in the open sea, he could care less. Just moving kept him from getting restless. As he finished the last cannon on the deck he heard screaming coming from above. That was never a good thing on a calm night.

Robin's curiosity got the better of him. He raced up to the top deck and saw Mio, Samuel, the captain and some girl caught in some sort of discussion. He noticed that the captain and Mio did not seem all too pleased, nor did he want to be on the receiving end of an earful or worst yet, the blade. Instead he climbed the ropes tied to the main sail and made himself a nice overhead seat to watch from. Not only could hear everything, but he could see everything too savvy? Of course it as a little disappointing, he wanted to get a good look of all the girl, but only a few were around. Any marksman worth his salt knows though that patience is always gonna reap a reward. Robin jut had to be a little more patient and with a bit of favor from the goddess of fortune, luck would be on his side tonight.

It didn't take long for lady luck to give him a sign. His curiosity boiled over and he began to scan the deck of the ship for any potential. It was a like a sign from the god of tricks. One of the cabin girls, Noémi, had fallen asleep in a bundle of nets. It was quite precious really. Robin couldn't possibly miss this chance. He dove a hand into his back pocket and pulled out a slingshot. It had a wing design etched into each of the prongs that held the band used for shooting the pellets. He took his free hand and grabbed a single pellet from his belt pouch. Placing the pellet into the ling and pulling the sling back, Robin took careful aim at the girl. He didn't want to hurt her too bad, so decided that in the forehead was a no go. Instead he would aim for a much bigger target, the chest. Like he thought, it was a sign from god. He took careful aim making sure not to miss his target. With a deep breath he loosed the pellet into the air and towards Noémi. He watched with bated breath to see the cabin girl's reaction. He was hoping for her to leap up and scream or maybe act confused. He always liked the confused reaction.

(Intro post is a bit crappy, but I don't quite know what's going on at the moment. Edited)
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Riley blinked in surprise as she felt her constraints become loose and fall off her. She looked down to see that the ropes were removed and looked at her liberator. She then smiled thankfully and moved to pick up her spear only to find Black Wit being kicked away from her and found a sword being pointed at her. Her hair bristled furiously and her eyes were filled with an empty raging anger that sought to lash out at anyone near her.

By the time the Louise had come and put her hand on the sword it was too late. Ferocity was rampant in her eyes and her eyes were trained on the man currently holding the sword. She was growling and leaning forward, ready to pounce on the man.
Noémi felt a small sting on her chest that thankfully woke her up. She wiped her eyes and sat up, yawning sligtly and looking at the boy. The brunette looked down where the pellet hit her and her face turned to a crimson within a heart beat. She covered her breasts and looked over at the boy, her lips in a thin, confused line. "You could've done that in a less painful and humiliating way you know!" Noémi said, continueing to feel more embaressed seeing that she had fallen asleep in a pile of nets. From where she was seated, she was looking up slightly at the seventeen year old. The girl sighd silently as she got up, glancing at the taller boy and quickly apologizing. "Sorry for being rude. You had just surprised me. Tank you for waking me up." She said, biting the inside of her cheek nervously. She wasn't used to talked to anyone under twenty, so this new experience was making her a bit nervous. She would normally be very outgoing in situations like these but her lack of sleep and the note her mother had written her had taken a toll and so she's acting a bit strange.

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Donovan over heard the conversation going on a few feet away. He chuckled softly. "The cabin boy name John thinks that you won't like him. It's not that hard at all. I mean, look at me." He said while looking at his captain.

@Queen Rai

Robin Marx

The Gunner's Lackey

Nickname: Slinger

Location: Gun deck - Main deck

Mood: Whimsical yet cautious

Speaking with: @Ktyria

Robin simply gave the girl a wide smile before deciding to descend from the ropes. It was good that she was flustered. It meant that it was worth it and that he should look to Fortuna more often. He hopped down from the remaining ropes once he was about half way down. He landed with a slight thud as his boots hit the deck. He tucked the slingshot he used to strike the sign of heaven into one of his inner coat pockets. With a spin of his heels he turned to face the cabin girl, Noémi. Robin patted his coat where he place the slingshot confirming that it was in fact in there. "Enjoy that nap did you? Cause I know I did." He chuckled as he walked closer to meet her. When he heard her apologize to him for being rude he was a taken back a little. Normally girls would run up to him and smack him or give him an earful and smack him or even go so far as to yell at him, giving him one doozy of a beating, and then smack him. Or was that just the captain? Why did they all end in him getting smacked? Robin shook his head of the matter and began to scratch the back of his head.

"Ya don't need to be apologizin' to me. I was just having a bit of fun. That and it was a sign from lady fortune herself. I think she's looking out fer you." His eyes glanced down at her chest. He had wanted to see where exactly he hit her. Looked like she had gone and covered up though. Modest type he thought, real diamond in the rough they are. His eyes shot up quickly before he was caught staring. "A-and besides, I gots me a reward of my own savvy?" He tried to laugh what little guilt he had for staring. IF she had caught him, he'd have a mark so red it could match mio's eyes right across his face. "Anyways, you're welcome. You look like you haven't had a wink of sleep in ya fer quite some time. You know we have beds for that?"
Mallory watched Samuel release Riley from the mast. A thousand ideas came into her head. She considered lurching from the shadows and stepping between Riley and Louise. She considered screaming as a distraction. She considered yelling that Samuel had done it, but when the Captain fell silent she considered jumping overboard and swimming back to Port Royal. In her stomach, she felt a bit of regret as she watched Jamaica recede into the distance. She had grown up on the seas, hadn't stepped onto land until she was a young Adult and had now, for some reason, found herself addicted to wandering the seas. Maybe it was something in the salt. Maybe she was afraid of moving on.

Mallory took a final, short look at the Captain and the rest assembled around the mast. The scene was something Mallory would usually revel in, how it radiated drama and the beginning of a story and the ending of so many others. Preferring to avoid whatever was coming next, Mallory resumed wandering the deck. She carried her instrument in her off-hand, and eventually ran into Zubari.

She stood beside him, for a moment. They were as far as humans go essentially the opposite of eachother, but Mallory couldn't help but feel an urge to connect with him. He so far from his home, and she not really having a home to begin with- Mallory had a pit in her stomach as the thoughts began to overwhelm her. She looked up to him, hoping for something akin to a word of wisdom. Grasping for something to say, she allowed something to simply slip out. "Zubari..." She sighed. "Do you ever think about your future?"

@Metaphysics (mentioned)

@Queen Rai (mentioned)
Noémi watch him scale down the ropes and land in front of her. (more or less) "Yeah I guess.. I would've rather had been doing work." She said, then noticing his surprised face and furrowed her eyebrows. "Lady fortune?" She asks, a bit confused on what he meant. Noémi didn't question it any farther as he heard he had a reward of his own. One again, confused, she asks, "What reward have you acquired out of this?" Noémi didn't notice him staring at her breasts, even though that's perverted and if I could I would make Noémi slap him but she isnt strong or like that so she didn't. (Broke the 4th wall) She shrugged and dropped her arms and folded them behind her back, completely avoiding eye contact. "I know but I wasn't tired," She lied, "and plus there's work to be done." She said, awkwardly shifting from her left foot ther her right. Noémi didn't know why but she was extremely uncomfortable.

Robin Marx

The Gunner's Lackey

Nickname: Slinger

Location: Main deck

Mood: Whimsical yet cautious

Speaking with: @Ktyria

@BlackJack (Mentioned)

Robin looked up at the sky trying to avoid Noémi's question about his reward as best he could. Lady fortune shined on him that one time, but it doesn't do a man any good going and pushing what he doesn't have full control off. "Well it's uh... a reward ye know? Like uh a personal achievement or somethin'. Aye let's go with that." As Robin did his best avoid the question he saw the stars shine brightly above him. They were brilliant this night, much like any other. He couldn't understand why the night sky fascinated him so much hen he was out at sea. Maybe it was because he was out at sea. The night sky wasn't very pleasing in towns. Only on clear nights like these can someone truly appreciate the majesty of the heavens above. Robin looked back down to face Noémi. After all he didn't want to go and seem rude, well ruder anyways. Not quite sure how I could get more rude than popping her bosom with a pellet, but... Robin thought to himself.

He gave her a grin and leaned in closer to her face. Robin was just a wee bit taller than her which he took full advantage of.
"You weren't tired eh? Well then at least I know that you're working hard to the point of exhaustion." Robin took one of his hand and place his index finger on her forehead. "That and you're a really bad liar love." Robin knew a liar when he saw one. All that gambling on his trick shots in taverns and on the streets helped him learn that much. He chuckled at his own accomplishment. Even if it was minor, it was nice little victory in the young Slinger's mind. "Look just because you 'can' work yourself to the bone doesn't mean you should. I'm sure the captain appreciates the hard work, but you're no good to her if you're more slogged than ol' Gunner Murphy." Robin quickly whipped his head to look and see if Murphy was present to hear that. If there was one thing he hated was getting caught by his superiors, especially Murphy. The drunk could not only shoot better than Robin, but he can shoot better than him even while he's completely smashed. Not to mention Robin has to take orders from him when the cannons are needed. So trying to piss off the Master Drunkard wasn't really on Robin's to-do list.


Zubari was watching the stars when he noticed all the commotion yet again reoccurring as usual but by now he learned to love all the kinks the crew had, oddly enough, he really did not have any kinks, he was just quiet and that was it. Zubari looked at his wound for a moment. It had healed very well it just really hurt, and it was going to leave a really nasty scar as usual, not like he had enough anyway, he had a ton of them all over his body so he was a scared up mess, no wonder the girls of the ship did not talk to him, well neither did the men but it was probably because he was quite scary and everyone knew he did not open up to much people, not even the captain could get his story ((@Queen Rai Mentioned )), he was always a secluded guy and that would never change, but having your whole family slaughtered and taken would make you the same way as well.

Zubari then heard the voice of the musician which he did not know that well and really this was the first time she had really tried to talk to him. Zubari looked to her as she stared awkwardly before asking him a question, a deep one as well. Zubari looked back up to the sky and answered while looking at the constellations. "
It's being here now that's important.... There's no past and there's no future.... Time is a very misleading thing.... All there is ever, is the now.... We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don't know if there is one....." Zubari says his accent just making the statement ever so wise. Zubari looked at her when he ended and spoke again. Looking to his arm again "Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real, however..." Zubari says looking back out at the ocean and setting his arms on the railing the wind blowing ever so slightly.

@Rang Dipkin Sorry it took so long, was playing with Rai and KT the homie ))
"Look, Captain. I can see what this looks like, hell, when I owned my own boat I saw something like this, and that's why I'm cutting her loose. Consider this, your parents practically hated her and she thought she could trust you. Don't make her hate you, she could be a valuable asset to this crew, and not because she'd replace you."

Samuel said this as calmly as he could in that situation. It was true, the poison always needed new members, and this probably wasn't the warm welcome Riley expected. Then again, she shouldn't have tried to sneak in by sitting in a barrel, that was pretty stupid.

"You can kill me, kick me off the ship or anything else, just have a proper conversation with her without tying her up again."


(@Queen Rai)
Noémi looked up at the stars as he did. The sequined-silver stars were scattered like embers of a dying fire, illuinating the ship and the onyx sky. (I wanted to be detailed there. I love explaining the sky <3) The girl noticed him starting to talk and quickly looked back down at him, starting to nod slowly. He avoided the question so she figured this 'Lady Fortune' didn't want her to know. The girl just let the question go and hear the rest of what he was saying. Noémi looked back up to watch the certain star she liked the most. She didn't always see it but tonight she noticed it. The smallest and least shiny of them all were her favourite. It may be because she rooted for the underdog in every situation but for some reason, se felt a sort of connection to the star. It reminded her of someting or someone but she didn't know specifically who or what.

Noémi looked back down to see his face closer and grinning, which made her jump slightly as she looked at him in slight concern. She was about to ask him if he was okay but he started talking about her working herself to hard and how she's a bad liar. Noémi, once again, was going to say something but he started talking again, so she decided to wait until he was finished with his sentences. Robin did have a point. The burnette really shouldn't be ending up like Murphy. It'd be very bad.

But her stubborn self sighed lightly, not knowing why no one understands why she does it and why it doesn't bother her, "It doesn't hurt me. I need to finish everything I was assigned, even if I wasn't assigned anything-I need to help the others on the ship. Give them a break because some of them work even harder than I do." Noémi mentioned quietly. She wasn't used to argueing so she wasn't really sure the boy heard her. But then again, he was right infront of her. "I should get to sleep." She said, walking away but not really taking in what he said. Noémi did know she should take an hour break or maybe thirty minutes or so to regenerate her strength. Probably grab a bite to eat as well. She hasn't been taking any breaks to eat but she also didn't want to take a long break. The girl sighed lightly and went down the stairs to te lower deck, her legs dragging her feet to a corner that rarely anyone looks at or goes to an sitting down, laying her head on the cold wood and holding her legs to try to keep herself warm... Although temperature wasn't the thing bothering her. It was more that she wasn't getting anything done that bothered her. Though even through all that she remained stationary and fell asleep.

''Yeah, I was. Thank you for snapping me out of them. I would have fallen asleep with my eyes open. And yes, that is possible." she answered, smiling gently. "So what brings you over here to talk to me? I rarely ever get to talk to you, seeing as I always have to dance with Mio and then go around the ship checking things and reporting to the captain."

Nesim returned the smile, the best he could do to respond to the first part of her reply: The casual thought of someone falling asleep while standing was an amusing one. And common too; in the Poison, often swabbies, cabin boys or young lackeys would take a prolonged nap in the heat of events, and the ottoman wondered how on earth had this vessel kept sailing with its crew constantly cursed by sudden urges to sleep, whether or not in a comfortable place to. He shouldn't really point fingers, seeing as he had taken a rest himself, but at least he had the decency to do it in secret.

''Speaking of Mio, he's rather entertained kissing young lasses and drinking wine.'' he noted, before adding to the answer to Crystal's question ''Oh, well, can't a man be allowed to talk to a sorrowful lady once in a while? Actually, I am only doing this so the Captain won't scold me for slacking, but still... It is nice to have company.’'

Afterwards, he enjoyed the silence between them, half-listening to
the sailmaster's tale of revenge and why they were heading to Jéremie, if that be its name. Soon the calm before the storm ended, and both the Captain and the navigator rushed around the captive, who appeared to have been set loose. With an eye on the turmoil surrounding them, and with open ears to his red-headed companion, Nesim watched silently, a bit more relieved to see he wasn't the only one suspecting their little tenant. His gut had the sensation there was no requirement to meddle into business being sorted out, so he remained at the woman's side.

I was worried, seeing you weren't yelling with excitement as you usually do. At least I had the guts to do what I wanted this time around. Acele işe şeytan karışır.''

Interacted with @Britt\-21

Mentioned @Metaphysics
Mio Del Abascal Marco Vega

The girl in front of him leaned towards his blade and let out sounds like a feral animal would when he aimed the sword at her. Little discipline in this one... He thought and kept calm eye contact with her. Had she lounged at him now she would've only impaled herself on the sword he held, and he didn't want to take her life from her yet. After all, he didn't know what the deal with her was at all.

Louise came up and placed a hand on his sword. Mio looked between her and the captive for a moment, then lowered the sword to his side. He didn't sheathe it, because she looked like she was about attack anyone who looked at her wrong, which was exactly what Mio was doing. He looked to Samuel and gave him a death glare as he started defending himself. Mio let out a long sigh, obviously bothered and angered. Mio usually didn't get annoyed, but this man was the perfect mix to get under his skin.

"You can kill me, kick me off the ship or anything else, just have a proper conversation with her without tying her up again."

Mio thought about his words for a moment, and suddenly everything became slightly clearer to him when he looked back at the captive. She did look similar to Louise, so she was posing as her sister? It was an awful lot of talk about family. "Heh, sounds fair. Let's kill him and kick him off the ship." Mio laughed, then his stern look returned. "I don't like this guard. He's only been around for a short while, and only today he's defied orders at least once, taken extreme liberties and worked off of his own feeling. Not to mention he expected me to do something as lowly as stand guard for something low prioritized. As much as I may deserve that, it's no way to talk to a superior you've just met."

Mio looked back at the captive. "If I've understand this right, she's posing as a family member, right?" He looked back at the guard, and continued "Did it not hit you for a single moment that the reason she's saying whatever she's said and looks like Louise might be because she was specifically picked to infiltrate the boat? Besides, if I remember your stories right Louise, you look very little like your parents. How comes she looks like you and not them?" He let out a final sigh and calmed down considerably. "I ain't the most disciplined crew member, but I will not stand for this. You may not put the entire crew in possibly lethal danger, and you will not disrespect the captain." He muttered something about him being the lousiest guard he'd ever come across, then added "You deserve to be thrown into the ocean."



(Geez. People gotta stop working off of the meta that she's actually Louise's sister. Pirates were criminals, and therefore most likely incredibly paranoid.)


Just having Nesim mention Mio kissing some girls and drinking wine. This made Crystal roll her eyes and remember the time he had taken her first kiss. Back then, she longed for his kisses since teenagers were just kids who had hormones going all crazy. But now,she fought that urge and now made Mio work for her lips. But then again she'd give him some kisses on some occasions. Snapping out of her thoughts once more, she looked at Nesim as he continued to talk 'Oh, well, can't a man be allowed to talk to a sorrowful lady once in a while? Actually, I am only doing this so the Captain won't scold me for slacking, but still... It is nice to have company.'

Crystal smiled softly and shook her head "You are allowed to talk to a 'sorrowful lady' once in a while." she said "Scold you for slacking? Alrighty then." today was a day that was filled with scolding by Louise, starting with her and Mio. And from there on, it seemed she was hearing her yell quite a lot today. 'I was worried, seeing you weren't yelling with excitement as you usually do. At least I had the guts to do what I wanted this time around. Acele işe şeytan karışır.' Well then, he was worried about her? Thats a surprise. Not everyone worried about one another unless they were dying or something.

"Alright, for one: I just felt like relacing a little instead of going all crazy and jolly like I normally am. Besides, i'm only running on steam at this point. I only slip little naps in to keep me awake during the time. Second: What the hell did you just say? Cause that was definately not my language." she laughed softly, waiting for his reply. She really needed to start learning the other languages on board if she was ever going to interact with others.​
Samuel sighed, and looked at Riley, then Louise, then Riley again. "Okay then, kill me, kick me off the ship, do anything you want but I know a liar when I see one, and all she wanted was to find her sister. I know she could be a thief or a member of the navy but she's unarmed with an entire crew ready to die for the Captain. Mio, we need to let them talk. If anything happens, you can kill me , God knows there's a lot of people who wouldn't care to see me go." He said in a more defensive tone. He wasn't exactly ready to die, he still had one thing left to do and he couldn't do it if this girl was just a liar. He threw his mace onto the ground beside Mio and sat down, his back to the water. "Just kill me now actually, kick my body off into the water and laugh at me for being a foolish man. I couldn't care less now." Samuel took another glance at Simon, and frowned. Well, his fifteen years of murder could end now, by the hands of someone he trusted.


(@SkyGinge -mentioned-)

(Hey, I'm surprised I lasted this long anyways. I usually kill myself off in RPs by about page 16 of posts.)
‘’Ah, sorry. It’s a turkish proverb, one I cannot find an english comparison for. It basically means that nothing works unless you rather be doing it...Which applies to what I've said before.'' he explained, feeling if not a bit apologetic. ''And perhaps worried is not the right word, let's see... Genuinely interested would be better. Then again, it's hard enough as it is for me to elaborate.''

The ottoman still thought and processed everything in his mother language, even though he did a mental effort to get accustomed to other languages. Crystal's British accent was as refreshing to listen to, a bit reminiscent of other comrades of his in the previous crew he had belonged to... A memory he did not hold onto for long, at least not for the current moment; it was a little uncalled for.

Anyways, what a day!'' he changed the subject, turning his back to the railing and resting his elbows upon it, with a sleazy posture. ''You get into a fight with that devil of a sailmaster, we find ourselves with a prisoner on our hands, who apparently is loose from her bindings now...The poor Captain must have her head up until here with enough nonsense. I wouldn't like to trade places with her. '' he chuckled. If there was one thing he and the boatswain shared, was that same, wild desire of fun, mostly in other fellas' misfortune or silly deeds. ''An eventful day, if you ask me.''

Interacted with @Britt\-21

Mentioned @Metaphysics
Simon's 'philosophical musings' were interrupted by the sound of some sort of scuffle on the deck. For a split second, his guilty conscience pondered if he'd been spotted, if he was the cause of the chaos. Silly old fool; you're yet to do anything! Satisfied that, in fact, he was blameless, Simon placed the would-be-instrument of wrongdoing by the railing and, returning to his usual stony visage, rose and walked out into plain sight by the mast.

Having been hidden and thus oblivious to Samuel's conspiratative glance, Simon was a little surprised to find somebody had already beaten him to the chase. It was almost as if fate, or destiny, or some other primitive mumbo-jumbo had exchanged his role as the mutinous shipmate for this other fellow (whose name escaped the elusive Dutchman.) Still, he jolly well messed himself up, didn't he? Undoing her in broad daylight, without even a hint of stealth. Fie; perhaps this outcome has taken the worst turn after all. And Simon felt no sympathy for the man, whose foolish folly was only his to blame. No. He sympathised only with the girl who bared the Captain's likeness, regardless of her reasons for infiltrating their home.

Dig, dig, dig. That was what this fiend was doing. He had clasped hold of the metaphorical spade, and had by now probably dug himself a hole that lead all the way down to hell's core through his tactless defiance of authority. Such tactlessness almost made Simon smile; at least he wasn't so foolish. But death for his crimes? Simon wouldn't wish that upon the man. Even if the Ducthman had been infinately stealthy, there was a chance he could have been caught too. And he daren't let another man die in the place that he still felt rightly belonged to him (after all, he was the one who'd initially planned to free her.)

But his tongue was cast like clay on the bridge of his mouth, and he daren't speak. Once a coward, always a coward. But there's no shame in sensibility. Let us see how this transpasses and perchance the Captain will be merciful to this man. Crossing his arms, Simon waited in the crowd for the definitive moment.




Louise was slightly taken aback by Riley's growling, and her eyebrows almost raised themselves. What was she, a rabid dog? What kind of person growled? Well, that was a stupid question for a pirate to ask...a lot of pirates growled. But this girl was acting like some sort of animal...perhaps she wasn't mentally stable. Maybe that's why she thought she could get away with sneaking about one of the most notorious pirate ships on the seven seas. It would certainly explain a lot.

"Look, Captain. I can see what this looks like, hell, when I owned my own boat I saw something like this, and that's why I'm cutting her loose. Consider this, your parents practically hated her and she thought she could trust you. Don't make her hate you, she could be a valuable asset to this crew, and not because she'd replace you. You can kill me, kick me off the ship or anything else, just have a proper conversation with her without tying her up again."

Louise narrowed her eyebrows when the man began to talk about her parents. The woman forced herself to bite down on her tongue to prevent herself from interrupting the man...in fact, if she bit any harder she'd be without half of her tongue. Yet she stood, rigid and still, waiting for him to finish. Once he did, Mio jumped in before she even had a chance to say anything. The woman was only half listening to the navigators words as she turned her gaze back to Riley. Louise hated that fact that the girl looked even slightly familiar, and forced herself to look away. The redness in Louise's face and ears faded ever so slightly as Mio finished.

She opened her mouth to speak...

"Okay then, kill me, kick me off the ship, do anything you want but I know a liar when I see one, and all she wanted was to find her sister. I know she could be a thief or a member of the navy but she's unarmed with an entire crew ready to die for the Captain. Mio, we need to let them talk. If anything happens, you can kill me , God knows there's a lot of people who wouldn't care to see me go. Just kill me now actually, kick my body off into the water and laugh at me for being a foolish man. I couldn't care less now."

Louise closed her mouth. The redness in her face immediately returned, but since nobody seemed to be interrupting her further, she hissed,
"You don't know my parents. Do you think they even treated ME well? They locked me up, like I was some...some ANIMAL. Now, even she, who is standing here growling like one, is allowed to be free?"

Louise paused, inhaling deeply through her nose before continuing. Her tone was calmer, but her expression was still fearsome...only now with subtle notes of hurt.

"She's not my sister." Louise said for the millionth time that day. "As Mio said, I don't resemble my father...nor my mother...in the slightest. This? Do you see this?"

Louise grabbed a fistful of her own hair, pulling on it rather violently as she snapped,
"Neither of them had this. NOBODY has this. So, for one other person to have...THIS...of course it means we're related. How could you feel if I told you that...that you were related to people resembling you? Only slightly? That would mean that you'd be related to those...sniveling pieces of scum that once worked under the control of my predecessor. The ones we're after. The whole POINT of this voyage."

Louise took a moment to breathe, but she was immediately back at it again.

"THEY betrayed him. And YOU just betrayed me." Louise practically yelled, advancing toward the man and violently shoving him back. "Now, if I actually believed that, we wouldn't be having this conversation. You would be bleeding out at my feet right at this very moment...but I don't believe that."

Louise exhaled softly, taking a step away from Samuel and sneaking a glance back at Mio. She folded her arms, lowering her head for only a moment before looking back at Riley. The woman gazed at the girl for a moment, and then looked back at Samuel. She let out another sigh, and then said in a dark voice,
"I see where your loyalty lies, though...and I am a respectable woman, so I won't tie her up again if you don't wish it."

Louise looked back at Mio again, and then continued,
"But you shall take her place. Not only on the mast, but as a prisoner. You will be treated like a prisoner, you will work like a prisoner...BUT...if she does prove to me that she is telling the truth...I will let you both go. You'll be free to go wherever you wish, and I will not stop you."

Louise held up her index finger, as if to say,
"WAIT, there's more..." and continued, "But...if I find out she is not my sister...well...let's just say the sharks will be eating well. Tie him up, Mio."

((GAH Louise is such a bitch D: I love you @Metaphysics...I love you @TheMentalEagle...I SWEAR I'm just trying to stay true to my character DX))

@Prizzy Kriyze
Samuel nodded at the demands of the captain, wishing for this day to be over. In the time he had lived on the seas, he was a prisoner, then a captain, then a guard, and a prisoner again. He had done his work, and convinced his captain to at least begin to trust the girl who might get him killed. He sat by the mast and looked up at the sky, ready to fall asleep. He rest his hat by his side and thought both happy and sad thoughts. 'I hope this girl is who I think she is. I've never been wrong about this thing before, have I Nathan? I wish you were still around, but if this all goes wrong, I guess I'll be able to see you again anyways.' He took one last glance at Riley, Mio and the Captain before closing his eyes, and waiting to be tied up.


(@Prizzy Kriyze)

(Ooh, subtle backstory in his mind. Shame I'll be stuck to the mast, instead of the door, but you know, I asked for it, I suppose.)

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