The Plague of Alberon

Putting the charm in Simon's right hand, Roland cautioned Simon against opening it. "I've got some bandages and I'm not too bad at patching people up." He carefully cleaned and bandaged Simon's arm as best he could with what he ha brought.
Simon slipped it into a pouch on his belt. He stood there while Roland patched up his arm. "Much obliged." Cobb started to slide his arm into his shirt sleeve. But halfway through the painful ordeal, he got an idea. He pulled his arm back out and pulled out his knife. He proceeded to cut the sleeve off the shirt. Then he slipped it on much easier. He tucked the sleeve in his back pocket, and put some thread and needles in an empty pouch next to the charm on his belt.

Simon started making a sling from a old shirt before deciding it'd be best without. That way he could still use his arm in emergencies. Simon walked to the front of the store and set down the supplies he had gathered. "Look 'ere. 'Ere's the loot I made off with." He had a set of clothes for everyone, not perfect, but they were the best clothes that he could find. He had some gold coins he had found. A nearly empty matchbox. Thread and some more needles. A bit of parchment, ink, and quills. And finally a empty metal flask. "This 'eres all I could find. Now what're we doin? Theres still a few 'ours sunlight left."
(I'm a little confused about where I am. Am I in some shop near the apple tree or am I with the guys in the clothing store? Either way, I'm rolling with it. How much of this nice green leather is there? Is it scaly like alligator leather or is it mammalian?)

Mathilda picked up the green leather and examined it further. It was hard to keep crafting thoughts out of her mind when there were nice materials nearby. She contemplated what she could make with it.

Mathilda searched the door and the shelf in the back. 'What's back here, I wonder?' she thought to herself. 'Extra tools would be nice to find.'
(Sorry it took me so long to reply guys! Nicholas - Johnny is taking a leave of absence for awhile, so his character is going to take off for a bit. He'll be back, so don't worry! @Oriole: The leather is alligator like, and there's quite a bit of it!)

"Hey!" Johnny yelled over at everyone keeping to their busy selves. "I think I'm gonna take off, I need to find some things. I'm sure you all might be afraid for me, but I need to do this. I tend to make progress better on my own anyways." Johnny waved slightly, as he walked out the door. The man stopped just before leaving though "I'm sure we'll meet up again, hopefully you all keep yourselves nice and healthy. Don't die, okay?" Johnny muttered to them as he walked off on his own for a short while.

Mathilda barely touched the shelf, and all of sudden it began to move. As a mechanical sound filled the room, she noticed she had placed her hand upon a button. The shelf now sliding away from the metal door the word "SAFE!" was written upon the door in ink. The metal door suddenly unlatched and opened slightly. Peeking in Mathilda saw a grand dining hall, with a magnificent chandelier, the room looked un-touched, and there were 4 bunk beds lined across the walls, messy as if somebody had stayed there before.

Simon, and Roland took curiosity at Mathilda's find, was it finally a place they could stay safely for the evening. Simon needed rest, and time to treat his wounds. At the very moment they were all examining the room from outside the door, they heard groaning and what sounded like a hundred foot-steps clapping upon the ground. One glance outside and you would notice the approaching flame light, flickering shadows of figures upon the wall. The bell must have been a signal that new-comers had entered the city. The group hurriedly looked around for Johnny as they noticed him climbing one of the shops to it's roof, obviously to hide. Our heroes needed to find a place to be quickly.
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"Son of a" Simon pushed the other two inside before trying to slide the shelf back in front of the door to block it from sight. The stampede grew louder and the shadows grew bigger. Fighting the pain, Simon pushed it as far as he could before moving to slip through the door, only to have his belt get caught on something. He swore, unable to get his belt free. He stood halfway though the shelf and the frame of the door.

He had two options, move outside, sacrificing himself for the other two, or he could leave his weapons and supplies. He knew if he left his belt, that the mob would be able to figure out where they had gone. But he could stay and fight, killing as many as he could before succumbing to certain death himself. It was all happening so fast, that he went with his gut feeling. "Best 'o luck 't the both of ye. M'lady, yer kind and old. Don't die and give that kid a beatin fer runnin off. And Roland, sleep wit one eye open, I may yet survive and eat ya in yer sleep!" Cobb gave them a smile and a wink before pulling the safe room door closed and moving the shelf to cover it completely.

All jokes and lightheartedness now escaped him. He only had 30 seconds, if that. His life flashed before his eyes, which gave him an idea. Remembering back to when he was a thief, he put his disguise skills into use. Simon had his suit coat in hand and ignoring the pain, he pulled it on over his bandages. Thinking of it as his last resort, Simon pulled out his knife and cut his right cheek and forehead. Not deep, but enough to give his face a twisted, sick look. He glanced over at the man that he had killed, not an hour before and noticed a terrifying grin on his face. He mimicked it as best as he could. Blood was getting in his eye, and he wiped it away, smearing it on his face, and hands. He ran to the other corner, where a wooden door sat against the wall. He could see the mob now, they had swords and pistols and torches and the same terrifying grin. Before they caught sight of him, he thought of the necklace he had taken from the man, and slipped it over his neck.

He got a strange sensation, but imediatley started banging and wailing on teh wooden door with his sword, doing his best to look like one of the others.
Simon wasn't entirely sure what had happened, but the moment he slipped the necklace on something odd happened. He noticed that the mob didn't notice him at all. In fact they seemed to be outright ignoring him. He'd assumed that his disguise must have been working, but something was odd. He felt a little tingly all around. As he banged upon the door, he noticed that his hand wasn't visible. What's more no noise was coming from his attempt at making a racket. As the mob searched the area Cobb stood in wonderment. What in the world was going on!?
Simon made his way out of the tailor shop. It took him a few minutes, since was avoiding touching anyone, which was difficult for a man like him. When he finally got outside, it was chaos. There were members of the mob running between the buildings and going inside and out. He made his way behind the tailor shop, the tingling growing stronger and stronger. When he got to the back, a member of the mob looked directly at him. The stranger with the twisted face started running at him. Simon's knife still in hand, he sidestepped. The stranger brushed against Simon's belly, but seemed to not have noticed and continued running to the street.

Confused and feeling sick, Simon continued through the alleys until he was on the other side of the tree. The necklace had his entire body in sharp pain. The soft tingling was long gone, replaced with tiny daggers. He made it to an alley in view of the apple tree before he took off the necklace and fell down against a wall. Panting of the ordeal and pain, he examined the necklace.

(is shodan246 still in? or is he on a break as well?)
(No he's still in. Also I really don't mean to keep berating you for this, but when you shoved the other two into the room, you kind of pushed their characters into a choice, let's just try to only interact that way with other NPC's and your own character. I like the writing behind each of your posts it just seems to be bothering the other players and I can understand why, since they are being forced into situations by another player. If you need to interact leave it at a point that allows the other character (player) to react on their next post. For instance leaving your last post at "He shoved the the other two into the room." Would allow them to resist (if they wanted to). I'm not trying to ruin your fun or anything man but it's all good.)

The mob all shuffled down the alley towards the large freighter in the plaza in the distance. Simon was safe for the most part, but he needed help. Making his way back to the others would be in his best interest. His wounds needed healing, and his mind needed rest. The spell had taken it's toll on him. Exhausting him to the extent at which he could barely stumble. He lay against the wall resting, and contemplating his next move.
(I'm sorry man. Yeah, I understand, and I've been keeping that in mind, I just didn't really think about that part of it. I'm sorry everyone, I've been working on not doing that. What if we say the shelf was far enough from the wall that they could get out still?)

Simon decided to wait. He would rest and recover until the mob was on him, then he would get up and make his way back to the tailors shop. He grew more and more anxious as the minutes grew longer, and the voices louder. He had the necklace at the ready when he noticed the shadowy figure staring at him from the roof above him.
Roland began looking around the room. Wondering if another soul had taken refuge here sometime before, he thought about the man Simon had killed. Maybe he was hiding here but the plague got to him. "I hope they make it back." Roland moved about checking around the beds and the entirety of the hall for signs of anyone, or anything else.
The figure simply stared at Simon, and then vanished without a trace. The hordes had finished their patrol of sorts, and were quite far from the entrance and the tree now. It was just Simon. Alone. He was quite tired. The quiet was nice... rest would be nice. Simon knew he would pass out soon from the pain of his wounds, and had to get back to the others if he was to regain his health. It was then that he noticed... a scar on his hand... he had been infected. It wasn't as if he ever thought he would contract the stupid illness due to the fact that most Badan never do. He knew now that he was doomed. His sanity would slip eventually, but he felt quite right in the head for the moment. He was aware that the strong willed don't succumb easily to the plague and can even live on into old age before it takes them. Hope wasn't lost, but his fate was sealed. If he could find a cure in the ancient city he could subdue this awful curse.

Roland noticed dozens of papers, and even several small footlockers at the end of each bed. In each locker was dried food, and a pistol clasped to the inside of each one. Each paper had the initials of K.G. and they spoke of the palace, and the throne. After closer examination there was mention of a tall Arie named Magnus, but the ink had been smudged to near illegibility. The papers talked of missing the persons family, and worrying his dear grandmother...
Roland tucked the papers away in his bag and checked over the pistols making sure they were clean and ready to be fired. After doing so, he walked back to Mathilda. Handing her an unloaded pistol he asked, "Can you use a pistol?"
Simon was more determined than ever. He wouldn't go down without a fight. He mustered up what strength he could, and stood up. He had to lean against the wall for a minute in order not to throw up. The pain mixed with fatigue and lack of food nauseated him. He dry heaved for a few seconds before standing up straight. Sweat poured down his brow. He hobbled to the street and peered out, using the wall as his support. Pulling out his sword that he normally would use with his left arm, he used it as a makeshift cane. As fast as his body would allow him, he hobbled across the street. Cobb ignored the pain. He finally made it across the street, his sword now blunted and slightly bent, he collapsed. Everythign went black.

When he came to, only a minute or so had passed, though it felt like an eternity. Again, he mustered up the strength to stand and leaned against the alley wall. "Made it. Ye can do it ye landlubber." He mumbled under his breath. The pain was excruciating. He was barely able to keep his eyes open. He rounded a corner in the alley. Simon knew he was next to the tailor's shop, he recognized the ruined cart that was in the middle o the street in front of it. Cobb would be inside in under a minute. He could get help from the others. But that wasn't going to happen. He saw the pavement rushing up to meet him, followed by the comfort of a deep sleep.
Just that moment he could hear speaking... "Now, now... You can't very well die so quickly. What of the bravado you had earlier? Was it all talk?" The voice was that of Magnus the Arie they had all met earlier when they first entered the city. The man seemed to effortlessly pick Cobb up, though it wasn't an Aries hands he felt around his waist. He felt himself hit the ground and with a faint blurry image he saw the door that he had shoved the others through. "Now, get some rest my friend. You're going to need it." He heard Magnus say as he was knocking upon the metal door.

Roland and Mathilda heard the knocking, but what could it have been?
Roland was startled by the sudden knocking at the door. He quickly set the unloaded pistol down and grabbed his loaded one from his shoulder strap. "I'll check it out. Hopefully it's just Simon." He moved quickly to the door and drew it open carefully.
Magnus was still at the door and Simon was unconscious beside it. "Good to see you both. Would you mind helping me get him in here?" Roland moved quickly to drag Simon inside.
Mathilda noticed the initials K.G. inscribed on the pistol Roland had given her. She started shuffling through the footlockers, daring to hope it was her K.G. Some sign of her grandson. "Roland, what were those papers you found? Please, let me see."
"They are in the top of my bag over there." Roland and Magnus carried Simon over to the first bed they could get him to. "Feel free to read them. I'm going to see what I can do for Simon here." As he spoke, he noticed Simon's hand. "I'll do what I can. Maybe you'll be the first one to get cured," he said to Simon. After getting Simon situated and cared for as best he could, Roland realized he had barely eaten. "We should probably all get some food and rest while we can."
(No it's not dead, I've just been a little to busy, and pre-occupied to get on here and make an announcement. I was waiting on Oriole to respond to Roland, but it's kind of paused at the moment.)

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