The Plague of Alberon

"Right." Roland stayed on guard. As they approached the bakery he put his hand on his pistol, listening at the door before carefully entering.

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The door slowly creaked open. And as soon as a small crack was open, a pungent smell permeated from the room. It was a smell he knew far too well, the smell of decaying corpses."I think we should just stop here. One Above, the smell! Looks like some people came here before us, and died." From the small crack, he could see the corpse of a large Badan, an unfortunate one.
As Roland, and Johnny examined the area they noticed that the corpse was quite old and decayed. The Badan had been wounded by some sort of conical dagger. As Roland peers into the darkness he notices 6 glints as some light hits the back wall, not enough to highlight what he was seeing, but enough. The shimmer was obviously that of eyes, and below that quite a large set of teeth. Each pair of eyes seemed to be a different being, but they all appeared to be of the same race.

As Roland stared one down to see if it was alive, a terror filled him. The creature looked to be drooling, and Roland was quite aware that it was breathing. The creature had very long skinny arms but they weren't like an Arie's they more bone like, and at the end where 4 very long pointed fingers... or maybe... claws? It was man shaped, but it's image was distorted enough that Roland was filled with dread. He couldn't make it out clearly enough to discern if it was friendly or the opposite.

As one of the creatures raised it's long arm, it motioned at Roland to come inside, almost as if was expressing want for him to enter. It grimaced and let out a small growl. There in of front him lie a basket of baked bread it seemed. It wasn't the freshest looking bread, and it was likely quite hard, but it might make be able to be reconstituted. If Roland was to obtain the bread he would need to enter the building quite some distance into the darkness. Johnny was simply a little confused at Roland's expressions as he analyzed the situation.
"Stopping here would be good... I'm pretty sure the things in there want to kill and eat us." Roland whispered to Johnny. He slowly backed up and leaving the door situated as it was. Carefully and quickly stepping away as fast as he could without making noise, he motioned for Johnny to follow.

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(i'm picturing a large window display, with some clothing on display, and then a very dark interior. and the inside is a jumbled mess of clothing scattered.)

Simon Cobb slowly opened the heavy wooden door. His serious side had taken over. Focused on his task, and on protecting Granny. He got inside with no problem, using a dusty chair to prop the door open. The store was dark, preventing Simon from entering further. He took the leg off a different chair that had been near the first's original spot, just inside. He then pulled down the driest of the shirts on display, wrapping it around the chair leg, creating a makeshift torch. It wasn't much, but it was good enough for his quick task of fetching some clothing. Though finding his size would be difficult, if at all possible.

He took a pinch of gunpowder from one of his pouches on his suspenders and peppered the torch. He then took one of his matches, which were normally for his pipe, which had been recently misplaced, and lit the powder. It climbed to life in a brilliant display of orange and yellow before settling down to a low flame. "I'd kill the king's butler for pipe full 'o tobacco an 'alf our ago." He muttered to himself.

He was cautious with every step as he plunged into the dark, in his search for supplies.
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He followed Roland. There really wasn't anything for him to do. Although, maybe scouting out the other buildings might be a good idea? He was still unsure of himself so he asked Roland "What did you see in there? And should we bother scouting out the other buildings here? Because i don't think anything useful would be left this close to the gate. For obvious reasons." Johnny, didn't truly believe it, but his instincts told him that this was probably the most dangerous part of town. It was close to the gate of no return, so any creature that hunts humans and the other races would have an easy time killing off lonely adventurers. 
Ok, no prob.
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(Ok so, I don't mind that most of what has happened so far has just been gaining information about our surroundings. I am going to regain control of my character back by godmodding myself to have stayed in the middle of the street this whole time.)

Mathilda watched the men go in separate directions. A feeling of heavy danger sat on the city like a fog. With quiet movements, she turned her eyes and her ears to the city. Where were the 'animals?' Was there unspoiled water? Where was a quiet safe place? What could they eat here?
Mathilda listened very carefully. Trickling, from the drain pipe into a sewer system. She followed the trail with her eyes until they met with a large wooden bucket sat beneath the gutter, catching run off from the light rain. The water seemed clean enough, with only a few leaves and some debris (cloth) from the clothing store. Mathilda also noticed an open produce market in the distance, her eyes caught the glint of a bundle of what looked to be fresh apples.

Of course Mathilda was aware that an ancient city of deceit such as Sol would not likely have fresh apples. Mathilda then noticed, a large tree hanging over the stall, with hundreds of other apples hanging from its branches. The presence of the apples was made clear now. How an apple tree of such health was able to grow here was another mystery entirely however.
(sorry about that, I tend to do stuff like that without thinking. I'll not do it again. I edited the post, so she's not there)

Simon Cobb slowly opened the heavy wooden door. His serious side had taken over. Focused heavily on his task. He got inside with no problem, using a dusty chair to prop the door open. The store was dark, preventing Simon from entering further. The smell of moth balls and decaying wood was strong. He took the leg off a different chair that had been near the first's original spot, just inside. He then pulled down the driest of the shirts on display, wrapping it around the chair leg, creating a makeshift torch. It wasn't much, but it was good enough for his quick task of fetching some clothing. Though finding his size would be difficult, if at all possible.

He took a pinch of gunpowder from one of his pouches on his suspenders and peppered the torch. He then took one of his matches, which were normally for his pipe, which had been recently misplaced, and lit the powder. It climbed to life in a brilliant display of orange and yellow before settling down to a low flame. "I'd kill the king's butler for pipe full 'o tobacco an 'alf our ago." He muttered to himself.

On the display, he took a few of the shirts and pants. Before venturing any further, he made a makeshift bag with a shirt and some string he found lying on the floor. With that slung over his shoulder, he peered into the darkness. He was cautious with every step as he plunged into the dark, in his search for supplies.
fisheypixels said:
(i'm picturing a large window display, with some clothing on display, and then a very dark interior. and the inside is a jumbled mess of clothing scattered.)
Simon Cobb slowly opened the heavy wooden door. His serious side had taken over. Focused on his task, and on protecting Granny. He got inside with no problem, using a dusty chair to prop the door open. The store was dark, preventing Simon from entering further. He took the leg off a different chair that had been near the first's original spot, just inside. He then pulled down the driest of the shirts on display, wrapping it around the chair leg, creating a makeshift torch. It wasn't much, but it was good enough for his quick task of fetching some clothing. Though finding his size would be difficult, if at all possible.

He took a pinch of gunpowder from one of his pouches on his suspenders and peppered the torch. He then took one of his matches, which were normally for his pipe, which had been recently misplaced, and lit the powder. It climbed to life in a brilliant display of orange and yellow before settling down to a low flame. "I'd kill the king's butler for pipe full 'o tobacco an 'alf our ago." He muttered to himself.

He was cautious with every step as he plunged into the dark, in his search for supplies.
As Simon entered the store he came upon a man who looked to be staring upon a tailored suit. It was very deep into the store and the man didn't seem to take notice of Cobb even though he had a very bright orb of light surrounding him. Upon closer inspection the man had thinning hair and a hunched posture, he seemed to be whimpering to himself quietly and breathing heavily.

Something about him seemed quite unnerving. The suit of which was rather nice, and even in Cobbs size, yet it was a little torn, and dusty. As he searched the man with his eyes cautiously he noticed that the man had a flask on him containing a wet rag hanging from the lip.
Curiosity took Mathilda down the street towards the apple tree. She tried to keep a low profile, walking as silently as she could. She didn't know what she might disturb from the shadows--whether she sensed things in the shadows or not. If there was some promise of attainable food in the city and a safe home base, an actual real search for her grandson could be possible.
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"I'm not sure exactly what they were. They looked kind of like people... but they definitely aren't people anymore. You might be right about scouting the buildings, but we will need more supplies than we have." As he headed away from the bakery, he decided it would be best to warn the others. He waved to Mathilda as he approached.

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As Mathilda approached the tree in the market she took note of her surroundings seeming mostly safe upon the way there. The market was a shadow of what it once could have been. Mathilda could imagine all the local farmers gathering up their produce to sell. Now though it was a husk of humanity. A small round garden sitting in the center of the market contained flowers, and in the center the apple tree. Upon inspection the apples looked harmless, and a ray of sunlight could be seen peeking through the clouds, only shining upon the tree. The market was empty, and no signs of anything to eat other than the apples from the tree were apparent, though she did spot an herb she was quite familiar with. It was a medicinal herb used to treat infections. She had used it many times to treat her husband from boar attacks.
Mathilda felt a great gush of relief inside of her. It was as if this small garden was a great oasis of hope in this dreadful, dusty city. Oh, flowers. How could it be that there were lovely flowers? Mathilda waved back towards the men and even allowed herself a yell, "Over here!"

Mathilda climbed right into the garden for a rest. She drank from her waterskin and ate a fresh apple from the tree. She felt immensely rejuvenated, both in body and spirit. Luckily for her she didn't need to eat much nowadays to feel full. After a few minutes rest, she started harvesting herbs and apples into her pack.
As Roland approached the busy Mathilda he took notice of a small hub just down one of the streets. Mathilda noticed Roland's curious stare, and looked as well. Both noticed what looked like a ship. A beached freighter isolated in the distance... in the middle of a city. Johnny could tell that they weren't alone. His experience as an assassin gave him a level of awareness that most didn't have. It wasn't necessarily that they were being hunted, but they were being monitored. As a bell in the distance rang, it filled the group with dread. The three outside knew very well that it couldn't mean anything good.

Meanwhile as the bell rang, the figure that Simon had approached cautiously turned it's head to reveal a twisted face. It was man that had obviously been taken by the plague. His teeth chattering, and his head twitching he reached for his flask and hurled towards Simon.
(oh yeah! I like this one a lot, definitely top two of all the forum RP's I've done so far! And I'm going to guess it was a glass flask? Welp, I guess it is now)

Simon had been figuring out how to silently get to the man and take him out when a bell rang and he reared around. The face of the man had Simon frozen where he stood. Simon Cobb, pirate captain. Fearless pirate captain. The captain that had singlhandedly taken a castle with his crew. Simon Cobb, the captain that had faced great beasts and prevailed. Simon Cobb, the fearless captain that now stood frozen in fear. Simon stared at the mangled face of the man. The only sound came from the chattering teeth of the man.

They locked eyes for a second, but only a second. The deranged man snatched up his flask and hurled it straight at Cobb. He had only a second to react. Purely out of instinct, before he had a chance to even think, his left arm appeared in front of his face and blocked the flask. It burst open on impact. Simon's torch had been falling apart little by little. When he moved his arm to block the flask, a small ember fell. It caught a drop of the strange contents.

Upon impact, one or two shards of glass had embedded themselves into Simon's forearm. But it didn't stop there, the single flaming drop had caught some of the contents in it's hungry fingers and caused it to roar to life. Simon had no time to do anything before half his left arm was engulfed in flame, singeing the hair on it. Some of the flame had fallen onto his sopping wet vest. "AAAUUUUGGHHHHHH!!" He screamed. The pain shot through his arm and up his shoulder. He could feel it burning. His arm still burning, his only emotion went from fear to rage. He charged the man, and grabbed him by the throat, some of the fire from his arm fell onto the stranger's face. Simon screamed in in a terrifying display of rage and hatred, "DAMN YE BLOODY SACK OF SPOILED INBRED MEAT!" The stranger now on the floor, with his face just catching fire, Simon stood up before dropping down on him, all his weight channeled into his knee. He aimed for the man's chest.
Roland quickly gathered what apples he could fit into his bag carefully checking them over. As he did he asked Mathilda "What is a freighter doing here? Ah, nevermind. Those bells don't sound like a good thing. Perhaps we should find some shelter in case things get hairy." That reminded Roland that Simon still hadn't come out of the clothing shop. It hadn't been long, but he began to feel as if something dreadful may have happened. "Speaking of hairy, we should really check on Simon."
(Fishypixels I rolled a real die to see if you succeeded, good news is that you did!)

As Simon's knee came crashing into the mans rib cage, a large crack could be heard. The man, his face now immolated in flames, began to stop moving. As the tension in the air began to dissipate, Simon dipped his arm into a cool puddle of water from the shops exceedingly damp floor. It felt good to the touch, since Simon had sustained 2nd degree burns all along his left arm. Simon was alive however, and for the most part fine aside from his burns.

Simon noticed an intriguing necklace around the mans neck, it was a wooden vial of some sort, with engravings all along it.
He heard a howl of rage from the direction of the tailor's, where Cobbs was. He quickly walked towards the source of the sound and as he entered he saw that Cobbs had killed the man, probably with the knee that was now resting on top of the deranged man's chest. "Cobbs are you alright? I heard a scream of sorts was it you?" he inquired. As he approached Cobbs he saw that he had some pretty bad burns on his left arm and asked him "Cap'n what to your arm?".
(Woah, whaaaa?? There's dice involved? and is there something special about the suit? or just a normal suit? and I forget, is there magic in this world?)

"Piss off." Simon hissed at his comrade. His adrenaline rush was just now starting to subside. He knelt there for a minute before pulling out a dagger and plunging it into the man's chest. Simon ripped the necklace from the man and examined it with his good arm, while his burnt arm stayed limp. "What do ye make of it?" He said, tossing it to Roland. He finished looting the man, only to find empty pockets. He then walked over to the suit he had worked so hard to obtain. He sat in a nearby chair to rest. Lifting the suit to examine it, his left arm oozed with clear liquid and shot pulses of pain through his body.
fisheypixels said:
(Woah, whaaaa?? There's dice involved? and is there something special about the suit? or just a normal suit? and I forget, is there magic in this world?)
"Piss off." Simon hissed at his comrade. His adrenaline rush was just now starting to subside. He knelt there for a minute before pulling out a dagger and plunging it into the man's chest. Simon ripped the necklace from the man and examined it with his good arm, while his burnt arm stayed limp. "What do ye make of it?" He said, tossing it to Roland. He finished looting the man, only to find empty pockets. He then walked over to the suit he had worked so hard to obtain. He sat in a nearby chair to rest. Lifting the suit to examine it, his left arm oozed with clear liquid and shot pulses of pain through his body.
(There is indeed magic, but it's all alchemical based. So most people don't know a whole hell of a lot about it aside from the academic community. Nothing special though it's in nicer condition than most of the other clothes there, it's mostly dry, essentially un-rotted, but quite dusty with a few tears here and there. The dice thing is just make sure people actually get a fair shot at the world, it's quite hostile and I don't want to run around nearly killing everyone all the time, so I worked out a system where if it seems like a life or death situation I'd roll a die... I can actually warn everyone before I do if you all would like?)
(Good idea. with the dice and all. no not at all, surprise is best. okay, cool. So typical nice fancy pants suit. neat.)

Simon took off his vest. And with not an ounce of shame, he undressed completely. He slipped on the pants, perfect fit. As he slipped back into his boots, he thought to himself "How the 'ell does this fit? It's always been custom." Upon further examination, he couldn't find anything wrong with the clothes. "It's got to be some sort of trap. Welp, at least its dry." Cobb tried moving his arm to slide it into only to feel a jolt of pain. "GAH! Damn this bastard!" He kicked the dead man. It was only then, did he remove his knife from the man's chest and return it to his belt. Walking to Roland, he said "Me arm be dead weight till we get some bandages on it. Take me shirt and coat fer safety, I don't need em right away." Simon stated as he placed his shirt and coat in his makeshift bag.
Roland studied the necklace carefully. The engravings seemed familiar. Did his tutor show him something like this? He couldn't quite place it. "I'm not sure. Its a charm of some sort." After inspecting the charm he tucked it into his breast pocket and began looking over Simon's arm. "This needs to be cleaned and wrapped. I wish I had remembered more of my supplies. I don't have for soothing wounds," he said, quickly offering his flask to Simon.
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While taking in that he wasn't being treated very well by the group, Johnny had heard a voice, though no one else could hear it he knew all too well who's voice it was. It was his father. He knew that it couldn't be him, but it was so uncanny and real sounding. Johnny was wise to the city however, he knew it was a trick of some sort. "Find... me..." is all he could make out. The voice echoed on and on in Johnny's mind though. He hadn't heard the voice of his father in so long...

Mathilda examined the leather she took notice of behind the counter. It was an odd kind. Thick, and dark green. It didn't seem to be dyed, but how did it gain such an odd color. It was nice enough though. She also noticed that there was only one other room... A metal door at the back of the shop slightly concealed by a shelf.
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"Oi, that charm's mine. I killed the man, I got me arm burnt. It's mine." A strong feeling of greed had washed over Simon. He reached out for it, out of habit using his left arm. A jolt of pain shot up and he fell to his knees. "GARRR!" He snapped out of the feeling, "What 't 'ell was that?"

Simon took the flask. The wine felt good as it went down his throat. He only drank a little. He poured just enough on his shoulder so it would run down his arm. Wincing, he took another drink. "Anyone find me any bloody bandages? I ain't too partial 't dyin in 'ere." He shouted to everyone nearby.

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