The Plague-Callers


Follower of Sigmar's Holy Path
Chapter/Regiment/Whatever Name: Plague-Callers

Faction: Chaos, Nurgle

Colors and Iconography: A black horned rat on a sickly green background

Brief History: Raised in some unknown Founding, the Plague-Callers was once called the Horns of the Emperor. There were corrupted during a battle against the Death Guard, their leader touched by Nurgle's glorious touch. They are most renowned for infecting 14 planets with Nurgle's Rot, and slaying and corrupting three chapters in a series of battles.

Preferred Tactics: Using heavy weapons and vicious melee weapons to break through enemy lines, while also using Daemons and biological weapons to wipe out units. Makes use of primitive drop-pods to swiftly bring in reinforcements.

Character Name: WIP

Character Description/Picture: WIP

Character History: WIP

Character Personality: WIP

Character Weapons/Armor: WIP

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