The Phantom Hunt (ACCEPTING)

What should the title of this RP be? (Trying to attract more people)

  • Keep it the same! Changing names is confusing.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We should brainstorm a new one under the Ooc Chat tab.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Title should be 'The Phantom Hunt'

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Logic Deviant
Roles and Role Descriptions


People that used to normal kids, but were chosen to be injected with something created by General Salim L. Barren, who was hoping to make you his human weapon. The injection gave you strange powers and abilities that could be used to crush any mere mortal opponent in battle. You either refused to be a machine of war and ran, or you stayed loyal to the General due to respect, fear, or other reasons.

Humans on Phantoms' Side:

The name pretty much explained itself.

Phantom Slayers:

Hired by the government to hunt down and kill Phantoms


It's fine to have a different role but if you do, explain it in the 'Role' section of the Skelly.
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Preferably Called:




Ability/Power(N/A if human):







My Skelly

Name: Seamus Jackson(Shay-mus)

Preferably Called: Seamus

Age(10-18): 16

Gender: Male

Role: Phantom

Ability/Power(N/A if human): Manipulation of Fire

Weapon(optional): N/A; fights with fire

Personality: A little empty-minded at times; hot-headed; will protect you over anything once you've gained his trust; picks fights; SUPER friendly once you've gained each others' trust; fun-loving

Bio(optional): Parents were highly regarded scientists and devoted to General Samil L. Barren. Even devoted enough to give away their own son as an experiment for creating human-weapons of war.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.04ed08f5eeef5733482d92366c7eca4b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.04ed08f5eeef5733482d92366c7eca4b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Nope



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Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Preferably Called: Liz

Age(10-18): 16

Gender: Female

Role: Phantom

Ability/Power(N/A if human): Dark energy manipulation: Elizabeth can create, shape and control dark energy. She can make dark energy attacks, dark energy force fields and fly by riding dark energy.

Weapon(optional): Her powers

Personality: Rebellious and likes to live by her own rules. Likes fighting and even though she likes to help people she likes to be alone . Very loyal and nice if you win her trust. She is very much intelligent and can be manipulative if it helps her get out of danger.


After her parents died when she was twelve, Elizabeth had to take her of her younger brother and became the head of the family. When the government got her, she decided to play along for a little while and was loyal to the general until she escaped and returned to her brother. The government killed him a short time after


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.8fbd64b2dc7e7d02c9f7f14fe76e5fad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.8fbd64b2dc7e7d02c9f7f14fe76e5fad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Collin Macron

Preferably Called

The Crow






Phantom Hunter/Phantom


Poison Gas Manipulation

Communication With And Major Control Over Crows


Desert Eagle And A Hunting Knife


Collin is a complete psychopath. The only reason he stayed with the general was to have the right to kill without consequences. He loves to screw with others. He seems to be fearless and won't stop in till his target is killed without remorse. He loves to torture his targets. If your ever able to get passed his psychotic side you'll find a boy that is extremely protective and jealous, but also extremely kind and loving.


The boy lost his humanity the day his parents were slaughtered right before his eyes.

The man that killed his two parents was slaughtered by the boy.

When the government found him. He was laughing as he slashed the man with his hunting knife.

The boy went insane.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/837893-bigthumbnail.jpg.2d50c3cfc17694b031ab852d8f23bb9b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38337" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/837893-bigthumbnail.jpg.2d50c3cfc17694b031ab852d8f23bb9b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Zane Carthage "Specter" "Light Keeper"

Preferably Called: Specter

Age(10-18): 18

Gender: Male

Role: Prototype, he can't control his powers as well as other phantoms, his powers may be stronger but he is also turning into a being of his powers. Can not control his powers.

Ability/Power(N/A if human): Use of light, create pure energy, blind people, use it to heal as in turning it to physical objects or bind wounds temporary. Makes light push behind him making him very fast. Use it to make his body as if metal. Several other uses. Needed to explain he is strong but has two weaknesses. He hates darkness, he wants to illuminate everything and kill those that harbor darkness, makes him go insane. Once he lets himself use his powers he cannot control the urge to use them.

Weapon(optional):Guns, swords, knives, bombs, body armor. And yes his powers.

Personality: Zane stays on a single concept for as long as it interests him. He sees things as evil and needing to die first, always suspicious. Has a hatred for the dark. He will help anyone he believes to deserve his help. He will literally show up from no where to save your ass and or kill you. Though he is scatter brained, he does understand love, and he fears it.

Bio(optional): Brain Wiped BOIIIIIIIIIIII he has flash backs often.

No body stops bullets, why do you NOT have body armor?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!??!?


Always has sunglasses and a long sleeve hoodie on. Spikes are recessive.

Other: Nothing except that he is HETEROSEXUAL straight as my machete, hold up, that ain't that straight its more like... Never mind straight as AS ME! And sirs and mams i believe I am quite straight or well, straight as a line :)
Accepted.(( I don't know why I don't have body armor xD ))

Ok everybody I'm thinking about changing the title of this RP to attract more people, so I'll put up a poll and I hope all of you help me decide a name!

Hey guys just letting you all know that you can start posting. Sorry I didn't mention this earlier, I thought we could get more sign ups, but this is a good enough sized group. STILL ACCEPTING SIGNUPS, this is just saying that you can post.

Evelia Bruining




17 years old






-Able to shapeshift into a creature unknown to man. Eve was an experiment in a lab for the government throughout most of her life. She was a normal human being before, until they injected her with a man made drug one day. Eve managed to escape the lab, due to the super strength the scientists accidentally gave her. In Eve's monster form, she grows unpredictably violent and dives into dangerous situations without thinking things through. She goes into a mode called a 'rampage', where everyone around her becomes a stranger. Eve will attack anyone at first sight, no matter who it is.

Monster form


-This ability is only triggered when Eve feels in danger or angered.

-Sight, sense of smell, and hearing is increased to abnormally accurate levels

-Super strength is an added ability

-Has night vision

-For her size, think of a horse, but twice as big.




Eve has a quiet and observant nature. She is seemingly emotionally broken, and has difficulty portraying how she feels. This causes her to almost have a robotic-like attitude. Eve's heart is strong and brave, but she never takes risks. In a time of danger, her instinct is to run. But no matter how hard she tries, Eve shifts and attacks whomever is in her way. Because of this, she isolates herself from others to keep them safe.


(Will be revealed throughout the roleplay)


When in her monster form, she surprisingly gets along very well with animals. They show the soft side of her form. Humans, however, are a different story.
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Name: Kotios Demonis

Preferably Called: Kotios

Age(10-18): 17

Gender: Male

Role: Phantom/Phantom Slayer

Ability/Power(N/A if human):

Rift -

- Kotios's main power is his being able to use the Rift. The rift is a tear in time and space, where Kotios is able to store anything he might need to store, and it will stay there, untouched, just like it was when he put it there, until he takes it out. The Rift can only hold an infinite amount of things, however, the more that is in there, the harder it is to keep things in there. Kotios is able to take things out of the Rift at any time, and when he takes it out, he can make it appear in any place he can currently see. It takes more energy for Kotios to take large items out of the rift, so while he may be able to take many small items out at a time, large items are much harder to do the same thing with. It is harder for him to take things out at a longer distance, however, he can still manage it a few times before he regains his energy. He cannot put any living thing inside the Rift, including himself. Kotios can also use his rifts to partially control substances around him, which can temporarily make Kotios better at doing something, such as helping him do a little bit of extra damage with a punch, helping him run faster, somewhat protect him from hits, and form lenses to give him better vision. -


Arahel, Piercer of Planets -

- This is Kotios's main weapon. It's a large longbow, at around 6' tall. Arahel is all black, except for the grip which is a dark crimson. Arahel has a dark red glow, and the quiver that is half the size of the bow. Kotios hangs the quiver on his side, and it is primarily black, but it has a vertical stripe pattern that's in red. Arahel's arrows are all red, with a red glow too. Kotios is able to shoot Arahel's arrows at rather fast speeds, he can exceed the speed of light at his fastest, when they're imbued with the air element. He is still learning to master shooting arrows that fast though, as he is not very adept at shooting projectiles he cannot see. The bow, and it's quiver are both indestructible, as they're made out of a rare material which has not been given a name in this world yet. In addition to that, the bow can be shrunken down to 1/3 it's size, which will let it fit into the quiver which lets it be stored much more easily. In addition to it's special properties the quiver is not just a regular quiver, and if the wielder wants it, the quiver can create bundles of arrows that are indestructible, easily enchanted, and disappear 30 seconds after they're shot. Over the time he's trained using Arahel, he's learned how to imbue the arrows with the elements, which lets him shoot arrows adept at piercing enemies at high speeds, arrows capable of freezing enemies, arrows that can knock the enemy back, and arrows that are able to set enemies on fire. These arrows are of the elements Air, Water, Earth and Fire, respectively. -


Personality -

- Kotios is a really quiet introvert. He's always had friends, however he rarely ever has relationships any deeper than that. He never really tries to get to know people, and when people try to get to know him, he usually just pushes them away. Even though he doesn't try to get to know people, he isn't the type that would ignore someone in pain, and he tries to be as nice as he can, however he holds grudges , and no matter how much he may want to be nice to a person, he could never forgive a person who's harmed one of his friends, or his family. Kotios is also very orderly, and he's sort of a perfectionist. He doesn't hide it either, and there probably isn't a soul in the universe as neat as him. He prides himself on that. -


Backstory -

- Kotios is from a small village where everyone knows each other. He lives there with his father, Kade, and his mother, Raelynn. His mother is an extraordinary healer, she can close the biggest gaping wounds in seconds, and she's rather renowned as she has traveled all over the world with her husband. Kotios's father, Kade, is a traveler and explorer. His favorite thing is to travel around the world, and that's what he does. Since Kotios was just young child, his parents would recount the most amazing tales, about inventors who made things called bombs, and the most legendary warriors who vanquished amazing beasts, dragons, and gods. Whenever Kotios would ask about these tales, his parents would always dismiss it as just stories to let the imagination run wild. Kotios wouldn't believe them, and his mission was to travel the world as his father had, and find all of these beasts and relive the fairy tales himself. He did not do it for only that reason, nor because he could travel, his favorite thing was never traveling, he loved training, and getting stronger, and he was an expert in martial arts by the time he turned 14. When he turned 14, it was also when his father gave him a present, and it was two legendary weapons which Kotios would then start training with, to unlock their secrets. Soon after he had recieved the weapons, he was kidnapped by people working for the government, and he had drugs injected into him. He lost one of his weapons on the way to where he would soon be held. The government officials who held him taught him how to use his weapon, and then one day, when Kotios turned 16, he had also found out he could use a power, a power like no other, that would let him perform amazing things, like moving objects from one place to another, to giving himself a cat's sense of vision. -


Appearance -

- Kotios is a tall, slender, relatively muscled broad shouldered boy standing at around 6'4". His skin is slightly tanned, and he's got short, messy, reddish - brown hair, and black eyes. Kotios has a small nose, pretty average ears, and rather thin eyebrows that seem like they're permanently facing down. He has no facial hair, nor does he have any tatoos. He keeps himself clean, which is why his teeth are always white, and his nails are usually trimmed down.-


Clothing -

- Kotios usually wears dark clothing, maybe with a white t-shirt underneath, however, in his favorite outfit, he's wearing a black leather jacket, white t-shirt underneath with a pair of grey jeans, complimented with a pair of black/white shoes. Finally, he has a grey pendant with a small diamond shaped red crystal held onto his neck by a silver chain.


Tell me everything that's wrong with it and I'll fix it. I'm sort of bad at making things not overpowered. Or so I've been told, anyway.
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Character Skelly:

Name: Leon Davies

Preferably Called: Leo

Age(10-18): 15

Gender: Male

Role: Phantom

Ability/Power(N/A if human): Metal Manipulation (Ferrokinesis) The ability to control and manipulate metal around the user, it cant be generated out of thin air, there has to be a metallic substance nearby

Weapon(optional): Leo carries a handful of tiny metal balls in his pockets which can be used to serve as projectiles

Personality: Leo is a very kind person who will always put others needs before his own, he is very cunning and has a tactful way of thinking, able to devise plans almost instantaniously. Despite this he is known to act rashly and has an extremely short fuse.

Bio(optional): Leo was born into a reletively poor family, youngest of 4 children. He would often steal from market stalls as he was desperate for things to eat. One day, soldiers loyal to the General invaded his home and took him away from his family who were then later killed. Leo was then target to experimentation to become a war weapon. He was loyal to the General for one year due to fear, but now he has fled and is now on the run.


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Other: If he needs to fight, he will fight. He doesnt like to show cowardice. Although he will try to never kill somebody even if his life is on the line. But that doesnt mean he won't, if he feels he has to, then he will

((If I need to change or add anything please let me know :) ))



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Accepted! I love the name Leo but it never seems to show up, so great skelly :3

Name: Cassius and Mathias Reddick

Preferably Called: Cassius and Mathias

Age: Both 18

Gender: Both male

Role: Phantoms


Misfortune's Blade

They can conjure up anything that would be considered 'deadly' to add to their transforming daggers that take in things that make them stronger (i.e.: if they conjure up poison gas or venom and give it to their weapon, the dagger takes that in and would give out venom when it cuts like a viper does when it bites

Weapons: Both have a plain, simple looking dagger that transforms into any weapon on voice command. Also, it takes in[deadly] things that make it stronger.

Personality: Kill every government official/soldier they get the chance to or anyone that gets in their way, but would never kill anyone that doesn't deserve it... although that doesn't mean they wouldn't torture them(what? when info is needed, info is got) ;unphased by usually traumatic events; might be called 'insane murderers' but they are technically still sane; they aren't disturbed by what happened at youth, only driven by it; emotions rarely waver from the usual: sadistic and ridiculing and when killing, witty and playfully sarcastic when not; strangely enough, they seem quite attractive and charming when they are not in the murderous mood

Bio: Used to be normal kids part of a loving family, but one day the soldiers came to take them to be part of an experiment. Parents fought them back, but were killed in the process, right in front of there two twin sons. After being taken to a facility where the experiment was being held, the brothers were put through mental and physical tests, tortured to see how they would react to certain situations. Always the same results. They didn't respond. They wouldn't. Right after the last phase of the experiment(the injection)was done, the boys mysteriously disappeared. They then carried on murdering/torturing state officials and soldiers, in a different way very time. Thus, Cassius and Mathias Reddick were crowned the 'Central Slashers', a name that sent shivers down the backs of even the most highly regarded and respected officers.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.66707e2875f1bfcc8b0c147696e1af02.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.66707e2875f1bfcc8b0c147696e1af02.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.1e8911aa6638b1f758bd90684d3fa1b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.1e8911aa6638b1f758bd90684d3fa1b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Name: Zeke

"Zeke is dead..."

Preferably Called: Umbra

"I am Umbra"

Age(10-18): 17

"I stopped counting a long time ago"

Gender: Male

"Last time I checked"

Role: Phantom

"Long live the General"

Ability/Power(N/A if human):

1. Umbrakinetic Combat

(The user can fuse manipulation of darkness with physical combat to create a devastating martial arts. They can use both direct and indirect attacks, utilizing every patch of darkness or shadow available or create tools and weapons as needed. Zeke can make his body intangible, allowing him to fight with swift movement and surprise attacks)

+ Enhanced Combat

+ Invisibility/Shadow Camouflage

+ Shadow Armor

+ Shadow Generation/ Infusion

- Takes up energy

- Weak against Light Manipulation

- Might be outdone by other manipulations that make light

- If low on energy, he might lose the ability to make shadows and will have to rely on ambient shadows

2. Disease/ Virus Generation

(Zeke can generate
diseases and viruses, including mixing illnesses together or creating completely new ones, whether by drawing them from already existing sources, or by manifesting them anywhere they want)

+ Can devastate opponents by creating and infusing Diseases/Viruses on his weapons

+ Can render opponents feeling drained/ weak

+ He can track viruses that are dormant or active

+ Can implement diseases/viruses that stay dormant till his command

- User of Contaminant Immunity and Disease Immunity are either immune or highly resistant

- His mind must be focused for him to achieve these feats

3. Absolute darkness:

(Zeke is able to create a field of absolute impenetrable darkness that completely negates sight and completely negate the other senses. He also has complete control over darkness.)

+ In his Abosulte dark dome, it slowly drains the victim of energy and happiness. Replaces it with feelings of dread and despaire

+ His dark Dome negates all senses, you cannot even hear yourself talk/think or feel yourself.

+ Complete control over darkness

- Takes up energy

- Extreme light can negate his weak darkness but only weaken stronger dark techniques

  • "A demonstration is in order?"



"Gets right to the point"

Personality: In a nut shell he is a Sociopath;unable to feel any emotion but hatred, but can put up Oscar winning facades of emotions. He hates everything and is determined to destroy everything in his path in order to get revenge on the world that had wronged him. Loyal to a fault to General Samil L. Barren, yet unorthodox in his methods compared to others, he is his right hand man, always in the fray of battle or undercover on infiltration missions.



Zeke was born into a small village northeast of Central City where he grew up as a orphan, his parents killed by bandits a few days after his birth. Zeke grew up without family in the orphanage, no one wanting to take him in he was forced to be here. The kids were not kind to him, they treated him like a freak and an outsider, constantly bullying him and making sure his self esteem was always low. By age of 5 he had already become "emo" as he always was hurting himself and trying to kill himself, and if he was not doing this he was alone in a corner of the orphanage until the kids came back from school, they he went to the forest to get away. When he started school, the teachers tried to help him but bad luck was associated with the child, each teacher came into life threatening accidents, either dying or having to take leave, and was given up on once again. His hatred was growing more and more each day as the kids and the adults shunned him and made his life miserable, and had to take this until the age of 10, when Samil came to his village and started to take children. He offered himself up and was gladly accepted and taken to the facility to get injected.

When he was injected with the serum, his whole life changed, he became stronger and faster then the others and quickly rose through the ranks. His darkness and hatred towards his village manifested itself into his powers, which increased his deadliness even further. He was trained in the art of S?jutsu, the art of the spear, and the Touch of Death: the use of pressure points in hand to hand combat. Due to his speed, strength, and endurance increase this made him a deadly warrior as he quickly completed all tasks handed down to him in extraordinary time. By the age of 13 he had already became one of the General's top soldiers and was introduced to the art of the stealth and espionage, increasing his skills even further as now he could blend in and act normal, thus earning his nickname Umbra. At age 14 he had proven himself so much that he was made his right hand man, always accepting and completing all tasks given to him, becoming a paragon of thoroughness and is still to this day loyal to the General for this opportunity for revenge against the world. At age 15 his lust for revenge was satisfied a little, he was granted permission to kill everyone in his former village and to this day not a single soul steps onto the village without risk of dying.

"My life means nothing, all that matters is that you die!"




"If you don't like me remember It's mind over matter, I don't mind and you don't matter"

Other: His shadow armor can withstand the pressure of 1,00 IB, way above the force of even the strongest of fighters.
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Accepted, is he supposed to be the opposite of Zane though? Just wondering cuz I think that's cool, even if unintentional.(Zane is jole875's character)
Name:Kandy cat




Role: neutral

Weapon: sword- 2 feet wide, 6 feet tall, 1/2 inch thich, handle made of carbon, weighs 40 pounds

Personality: jumpy, scared, fun, can be very talkative, but usually quiet

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c133a79cb_download(6).jpg.d01089108f416b6c2265a50ae1b213f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38573" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c133a79cb_download(6).jpg.d01089108f416b6c2265a50ae1b213f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c133a79cb_download(6).jpg.d01089108f416b6c2265a50ae1b213f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38573" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c133a79cb_download(6).jpg.d01089108f416b6c2265a50ae1b213f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio:Grew up alone, works with spiders and poisons so he is not as harmed to poisons as others, never had any friends, and is skinny and looks weak but is stronger than he looks, always judged by appearance, and is 5'4in



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Accepted. If Cassius and Mathias(my characters) ever run into him, his nickname shall be deemed 'Kit Kat'. This is just because of their witty nature, don't make anything of it

And lol federoff


Name: ( they only gave her a codename )

Preferably Called: Animal

Age(10-18): 12

Gender: Female

Role: Phantom

Ability/Power(N/A if human):

Spirit animal bond - She has wolf senses, power, speed and features. The only thing she has not mastered yet is controlling the wolf because when she transforms it's by accident when she is angry or scared

Weapon(optional): Her Phantom ability but she CAN use any weapons. Carries around small things like knives and has a custom bow & arrows.

Personality: Brave, Stubborn, Silly, Funny, Childish and Adventurous

Bio(optional): She was an orphan adopted by the army for this purpose. Now she found out the truth...and she is on the run.

Appearance: Always has animal features stands 5'11 and weights 125 pounds

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-102.jpeg.01dc0f262970c3d6b8274c4d8900689b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38640" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-102.jpeg.01dc0f262970c3d6b8274c4d8900689b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her spirit animal is a wolf and when she fully transforms

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-87.jpeg.b4ba353c6d64fbbbf589ba7420f2cfae.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38641" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-87.jpeg.b4ba353c6d64fbbbf589ba7420f2cfae.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The wolf stands 6'0 to the shoulder and weights 245 pounds

Other: Has a pet Raven named Scar

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-60.jpeg.614a8bca5be22da7dbda3f5ff1174ca3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38639" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-60.jpeg.614a8bca5be22da7dbda3f5ff1174ca3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>she formed a bond with Scar since she raised him




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Name: Lucy may

Preferably Called:Bunny



Role: phantom

Ability/Power(N/A if human): Spirit controling, being able to co.troll all the spirits that wonder the world

Weapon(optional):Making the spirits do her work or caring around a metal rod or golf club

Personality: Sweet+ caring+ over sensitive- smart ass- imaginative+-

Bio(optional):Lucy pretty much grew up with the experiments since se was a young girl. One of the first recruits in so she became docile to then. Now she will do what ever they wish from her, even I it is to kill. She can be quite stubborn when somethin needs to be done, and likes to take control when allowed.

Appearance:Long curly white hair usually pulled up in a bow, with purple eyes. A somewhat busty body, but about 5'3 and palish pink skin. Usually wearing a white undress with black tights, white furred boots and a blue shaw

Other: She has a fear of the dark and egals which will usually ripple her to not moving

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