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Fantasy The Phantom Hunt (ACCEPTING)


Logic Deviant
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Seamus climbed up and hid in the first tree he came across. He smirked, looking below him at the confused soldiers that were searching for him. "Too slow, too bad." he whispered to himself. Leaning back, he decided he could wait here until the soldiers stopped their search.



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Collin should be considered a freak. After all he killed children younger then him. The girl in front of him was squirming on the floor was pinned down and had a the gun was pressed against her head. With a psychotic laugh and a reach into his pocket. His hand fiddled with something. This something was his hunting knife. Then the torture began.

When Collin left the now skin peeled body. He left it with his six crows. The girl her self was still barely alive, and now she would feel the pain of being eaten alive. The two soldiers that followed the boy were horrified by how he killed. He was to return to base before further notice.
Seamus watched in disgust as Collin tortured the girl. He squirmed a little in the tree, starting to feel sick. This guy wasn't like the other soldiers. He was somehow different...
Elizabeth ran towards an alley with two soldiers running after her and shooting at her. She suddently found herself in a dead end and knew she had to act fast or she was going to die. The soldiers were getting closer and closer but when they finally reached the place were Elizabeth was they were hit by a strong blast of dark energy that Elizabeth made and before they could stand up again she made a small platform of dark energy and got on top of it and started flying with it. She smiled at the wounded soldiers and yelled. "This was really fun! Let´s do this again next week!" and flew out of their sight and landed on a roof. Elizabeth looked down and saw a person torturing a woman and rolled her eyes. She thought of the soldiers as monsters and she knew they were a danger and she really wanted to help the poor girl but there was nothing she could do against death so she just continued watching and planning were to go next.
Then one of his crows heard the squirming and came back to his master to alert the boy of the new target. So with a turn and a wicked smile. He pulled his gas mask over his face. The soldiers knew what came next they began to walk away and the boy returned to the body. "So we have more Phantoms......Show your self and your death will be quick....." His smile was deathly cruel. Then the green gas appeared forming around his hand. "Clave hunt them down" He commanded to his lead bird.
Seamus froze in place. Maybe if he stayed still and made no noise, the boy wouldn't notice him. He remained a statue, trying his best to hold in his horror. It wasn't as if Seamus had no emotion control; he had been through numerous horrific events. But this, this was too much. Watching an innocent little girl getting skinned and eaten alive by crows was just too much. Seamus let out a small cry, a whimper-ish noise. A big mistake.
The noise instantly alerted one of his birds of the presence. The creatures knew to tell the master the presence of a creature. So the crow told him were the Phantom was. "Hey I know your in the tree......and guess what were going to play a game.......A game of tag......Ill give you a thirty second head start...If you can evade me for thirty minutes.....Well your free....If I catch you in this time frame were going to play a game of operation alright...Time starts when you leave the tree" Collin spoke with poison in his voice.
Seamus wanted to leave. He wanted to run from the tree and hide somewhere, but his legs were frozen in place. His breathing was hard and uneven, his heart racing. He finally made an awkward leap out of the tree, stumbling on his own feet as he ran. He needed to get as far away as possible, and quick.
Elizabeth's opened her eyes widely when she heard what the guard said and took a few steps back hoping she could have a few seconds to think before getting caught too. She could do two things, one was to help the person in the tree and try to survive after that or she could just escape and let the stranger fight alone. Elizabeth took a deep breath and got closer to the edge and made a dark energy ball and started to hit some of the soldiers but she decided to leave bird man for the last. She quickly made a platform of dark energy and got on top of it and made a dark energy force field around her just in case they decided to shoot her, which was something very possible, and flew towards the tree. When she saw that the guy was gone she quickly flew up and started to fly away. "Why do I even bother?" she thought.
He began to count as the boy landed"1....2.....3" Then noticing the flying girl he laughed as he continued counting in his head. After a few seconds it was time. "30.....Ready or not here I come...." Then the boy got up and sent out his crows to hunt down the boy. The he himself started to chase after the boy who had a small head start.
Noticing the girl that was seemingly trying to help him, Seamus cut around a building and tried to follow her. His thoughts were jumbled and twisted. His mind refused to make sense of things and only focused on remaining living. Seamus had no objections to this. What mattered now was finding the girl. He could make sense of things later. Although he would have trouble finding the girl if he didn't get away from the guy hunting him. And the odds of that weren't looking to great right now. Seamus kept falling and tripping.
Elizabeth looked down in case the soldiers were still following her but instead of soldiers chasing her she got the guy from the tree who kept falling and rolled her eyes as she started to get lower and lower until she was a bit closer to the guy. She knew the right thing to do was to help him but it was going to be hard with that soldier who was officially the officer Elizabeth hated the most. She flew towards the guy and stopped flying to make the guy come with her. She quickly made another dark energy platform and looked at the guy as she put one foot on top of it. "Are you coming or not? "
The six birds then found the two and began to swarm them trying to hit with there claws. Then the boy turn the corner. Seeing the two he luanched some sort of of poison ball that would explode as it made contact. The birds left as it was about to hit.
Zane sat on a roof as he watched the ongoing chase, he was playing his old scratched up gameboy game 'Sims Bustin Out'. As he finished mowing the lawn for cash, he jumped from the roof, his armor clunks as he hits the ground. Directly in front of him is a fallen person,"Well hello my fallen fellow, it seem- wait that's my jam..Yolo say no no... ok like I was saying it seems you're running and keep tripping. You should really condition or like run in your spare time," Zane says as he grabs the man and throws him to his feet. "Don't worry buddy I'll teach you how to really run, um hold your breath real fast. Oh and dark lady yeah uh, poison guy is gonna try and kill you so uhhh shhhh," Zane pulls his foot up as if pitching a ball and speeds off with a thump through the air. "Your a motherlover i'm a motherlover, it would be my honor to be your new step father," Zane sang under his breath as he began making a sand-which in a small grey walled apartment, he set the random man on the couch. "You want somethin to eat buddy ole pal or are you like not hungry, I know I am," Zane said as he took a chomp out of his newly made sand-which.

Uriel sat on top of a building, enjoying the view. He smiled as the birds flew by and a gentle breeze blew his hair around. He looked around and decided that he wanted to see stars. He snapped and the sun disappeared, being replaced by the moon. Stars blanketed the sky and he made shapes out of them. He made a heart with one group and a flock of birds with the other. He laughed and made the stars start swirling around in the sky because it reminded him of a water park ride. He looked over to his right and wished that he had puppy, and a puppy appeared. He squealed in joy and began to play with the young dog.
Seamus sat frozen on the couch for a few seconds, unable to form words.

"I uh- how did you?..." He attempted, but the attempt died and failed miserably before a correct sentence was formed.

He remained quiet for a second, trying to regain his memory and make sense of what had happened. A sickening memory formed, he saw the little girl getting skinned and tortured by the boy. His stomach lurched and he fell off the couch and onto his knees. He grasped at Zane's collar, pulling on his shirt.

"I think I'm going mental, man. You gotta help me, I think I'm sick." Seamus whimpered, his normally fun loving, sarcastic attitude had vanished and been replaced with terror and nothing. He felt so empty and shallow, his only possible emotion terror.

"That was the worst thing I've ever seen."
Elizabeth realized that the guy he was trying to help was gone and she remembered that another guy had been there too but she simply didn't care, she had other things to think about like the poison ball the soldier sent and it was coming her way. Without thinking it twice, she made a dark energy wall to stop the poison ball from hitting her and flew away as fast as she could .
Uriel lied on the roof, holding a sleeping puppy in his hands. He laughed and made it daytime again because he enjoyed the yellow ball that was the sun. He sighed in pleasure and stared at the sun. To other beings, that might have burned their eyes out but to Uriel, it was no bother. He stroked the puppy that lie on his chest and he closed his eyes, taking in the peace and quiet.
"Well geez calm down, the girl can fend for herself Fabio, plus you couldn't save her as your princess buddy boy," Zane slowly pushed the man away and looked him over. "Well your not human your what they would call a 'Phantom' and some other guys hunt to kill or capture them. Sadly I couldn't play any mario on the roof because you suck at running," Zane said as he takes a swig from a gallon of orange juice.
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Uriel was bored. Sure, peace was relaxing and all, but it totally bored him. He could create people to talk to, but it wouldn't be the same. He sighed and the puppy disappeared. He stood up and walked to the edge of the roof. He just stood there, gazing at the horizon. "Being bored stinks." The young boy muttered before sitting down on the edge, his hand underneath his chin.
"Damn it! We lost her." A soldier breathed out rapidly in exhaustion, scanning the area through a helmet. Another man stood next to him with heavily equipped armor. A shotgun sat in both of his hands, ready to shoot at any moment. The man grunted out in anger, and motioned for the soldier to follow him.

"The bitch can't be too far." He snarled while bursting into a jog across the street. His feet slammed against the ground, loud and heavy. The heavily armored man made no attempt to quiet his sprint, alerting others of his presence.

A girl with long white hair and neon blue eyes sped through the dark alleyways, trying to get away from the approaching soldiers near by. Her feet treaded silently, mostly because she wore no shoes. She pressed her back behind an old garbage can as the soldiers made their way past the alleyway. She peeked her head around the corner, and immediately began running again. The soldiers, now finally using their brains, cut into the alleyway from the street. The girl seemed to have unlimited endurance, and pushed herself faster. The footsteps suddenly grew louder. Her heart raced in her chest. Before she knew it, the soldiers were already behind her. Bullets exploded and were shot, rippling through the air. The girl gasped and dove out of the way in a quick somersault. She landed onto her knees and jolted up to her feet. The soldiers skidded around the corner, running furiously after her. Her neon eyes looked behind her, and with a look of panic, she began running again. The distance between the soldiers and her was now just a mere few feet.

Little did she know, that the alleyway eventually was going to end.

The girl sprinted faster. The shadows engulfed her and blinded everything in her way. With watching eyes, the darkness in front of her began to disperse, revealing a red brick wall blocking all escape. The girl skidded to a halt and pivoted around to face the men. Her eyes were filled with panic and utter horror. The two men stood in front of her now, aiming the weapons at her chest with tiny red laser beams. The general smirked through his helmet, pressing harder against the trigger.

The girl felt her body begin to go numb, crumpling down to the ground and onto her knees.

N-no... It's happening... I'm shifting. A jagged black spine burst out from her back, along with black claws shooting from her fingertips. Eve's jawline grew longer and wider, forming into the shape of a creature-like face. Her legs became curved as the bones began to reassemble themselves. A few seconds later, a monster with black strands wavering from it's back stood in front of the soldiers. Their guns began to lower in shock, taking a few steps back.

"What the fu-" The man's words turned into an ear splitting scream. Blood splattered the wall like an abstract painting. The creature clawed their bodies over and over again, spilling their organs onto the cement. It retracted from the bodies with black claws dripping and lips curled back into a dangerous snarl. It stood onto it's hind legs and let out a deep roar that rippled through the air.

Several seconds later, the monster burst into a silent run through the everlasting maze of alleyways. It appeared in the middle of the abandoned street now, peering around with piercing blue eyes. With a growl forming in its chest, the horse-like creature sped away before any unwanted eyes could see it.
Uriel looked down and saw a scary monster running through the streets. It was running incredibly fast, but to Uriel, it seemed in slow motion. He shook his head and sighed. "Monsters are scary." He mumbled before returning his attention to the clouds. He lifted his hands and the white clouds began to move around, forming animals in the sky. He giggled as he created giraffes, elephants, dogs, and kitties. "I love the clouds."
"No! No, you're wrong!" Seamus yelled, losing his normal fun loving personality to the terror of the situation.

"I'm not a monster!" He remembered the news reports, the wanted posters, the murders committed by these things called 'Phantoms'. The General had persuaded the public that they were awful, gruesome creatures. And like the other citizens, Seamus believed it. Then he was taken for the experiment, although he still refuses to accept what he is.

The twins watched from a roof, watching the monster tear apart the men as if the task was nothing. Cassius smiled at this and turned to Mathias. "Woah." He said, interest entering his eyes in a strange, twisted look. Mathias over boiled with pleasure, his smile a maniacal addition to his over all appearance. He fiddled with his dagger that he removed from his back pocket, his expression giving away his murderous urge. "Let's go, brother. That girl interests me." They took off, sprinting across roofs and jumping over obstacles, all in an effort to keep up with the creature that seemed like a nightmare inhabitant, surprisingly once a fair girl.

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