The Phantom Earth


Logic Deviant
Application form




Role(phantom,hunter, other(if other, put what))

Ability/Power(only for phantoms):

Weapon(if any):


Backstory/History or Bio(optional):

Pets(if any):


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Name: Inanimado Avliden

Age: somewhere in her hunderds, but she appears to be in her early twenties

Gender: female

Role: Death Angel (helping souls to their deserved rest and keeping them save from demons)

Ability/Power(only for phantoms):


Her amethyst bracelet changes into a scythe when she takes if off.


Personality: She is quite a loner as she is shunned by both sides of the world. Demons hate her for taking away the souls, Hunters dislike her for not doing a good enough job. She has a hard time trusting people and can be very distant. Her social skills aren't that good since she mostly spends her time around the people that have just died. Once you gain her trust however she will do whatever it takes to keep you save. She takes her task in protecting souls very seriously and is a very fierce and skilled fighter.

Backstory/History or Bio(optional): ((will update this later maybe...))

Pets(if any): -

Other: She has grey feathered wings which only will appear when she uses them.


Long grey coloured hair that goes to her hips (so it is longer than on the pic, but this picture come closest to how I have her in my mind). Her eyes are of a soft purple colour (amethyst). Her clothing mostly consist of a black leather corset on top of black skinny jeans and army boots.

Cool! Accepted

I'm gonna go ahead and post my characters :)

Name: Harvey Knightwalker


Gender: Male

Role(phantom,hunter, other(if other, put what)): Hunter

Ability/Power(only for phantoms):

Weapon(if any):a plain dagger that transforms into numerous different forms of weapons on voice command

Personality: empty-minded, fun loving, picks fights

Backstory/History or Bio(optional): Orphaned; his parents were killed, but he doesn't know how, why, or who by. Ties the murder of his parents to a scar across his torso by instinctive feeling. Motivation to be a hunter is to find who killed his parents and gave him the scar. Also, for the spirit of his job, he has a deep disgust for phantoms.

Pets(if any): German Sheperd(Rollin)

Other: best friends with Dean


Name: Dean Hayes


Gender: Male

Role(phantom,hunter, other(if other, put what)):Phantom

Ability/Power(only for phantoms): Fire manipulation

Weapon(if any):nope; fights with fire

Personality: much like Harvey's, which is probably what makes them friends. Harvey is about to find out a BIG difference between him and Dean though.(hint hint)

Backstory/History or Bio(optional): Didn't return home when resurrected to protect family. Not much more other than Harvey being his friend

Pets(if any):nope

Other: Harvey has no idea about Dean's secret:he is a phantom


Anyone else?... I know it's not that great but still... only one person signed up...
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