The Perfects and Imperfects


Junior Member

Here is the skelly! I'll have one up for the Perfects and Imperfects! Try to make each character unique and try to stay across the guidelines of the personality. But, not all Perfects have to be mean and not all Imperfects have to be really nice. Have fun~




Age: (10+)



Loyalist or Equalist:

Personality: (Type at least a paragraph. No 'reveals later in RP')

Biography: (I want at least 1-2 paragraphs. It can be longer but don't write too much.)

Likes: (Optional)

Dislikes: (Optional)

Love Interest: (Optional)

Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Spouse: (Optional)

Other: (Optional)

Password: (You know what it is ^U-)




Age: (10+)




Personality: (Type at least a paragraph. No 'reveals later in RP')

Biography: (I want at least 1-2 paragraphs. It can be longer but don't write too much.)

Likes: (Optional)

Dislikes: (Optional)

Love Interest: (Optional)

Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Spouse: (Optional)

Other: (Optional)

Password: (You know what it is ^U-)



|Equality Seekers|

Leader: CLOSED @emhart

Lieutenant 1: OPEN (message me for this position)

Lieutenant 2: CLOSED @LadyNerdington

Advisor for Leader: OPEN (Message me for the position)

|The Government|

Adam: CLOSED @LadyNerdington

Eve: CLOSED @Muffin~Tyrant

Adam's Advisor: CLOSED @Muffin~Tyrant

Secretary: CLOSED @emhart

Army General: CLOSED @Zachariah el Morgan

|The Dogs of The Government|

The Hartstring Family

(All of the people share this last name and are related in some way. Ex. Cousins, Siblings)

Father: OPEN (Message me)

Mother: OPEN (Message me)

The Nakayama Family

(All of the people share this last name and are related in some way. Ex. Cousins, Siblings)

Father: OPEN (Message me)

Mother: OPEN (Message me)

The el Morgan Family

Head (Father deceased): CLOSED @Zachariah el Morgan

Mother: OPEN (Message me)


(I will finish this later, at the current moment I am busy or I just have no inspiration. Just send me a message if you have any questions and I will be answer either today, or tomorrow.)



Brendan Whitehart







Loyalist or Equalist:


"Hahaha, I don't need to be part of that. I am the Adam after all."


On the outside, Brendan is sweet, caring, and most of all charming. He seems like a nice fellow that you can entrust all your secrets too. This sweet side is shown outside of the Government to all his "loyal subjects" Do not be fooled, however. Underneath that sugar-coated top personality, there is a truly rotten one. The Brendan down there is spoiled and rotten to the core. He's used to everything going his way and no objections. You might as well label him a child, having that childish like aura. If things do not go his way, he will likely throw a tantrum when he's alone with his wife/close officials or throw something. He absolutely hates Imperfects and wishes that they all go die in a hole somewhere, as he wishes. It's not truly his fault, his parents raised him like that. Although he hates them, he knows that Imperfects are necessary to keeping his nation strong.

There is a side to Brendan that only Siris knows of. It's the very small bit of Brendan that's there...somewhere. Only around his fragile wife, he acts sweet and thoughtful. He knows of her imperfection but cares nothing for it. He just loves her for who she is, not for any other reason. This Brendan is very overprotective and doesn't allow anyone to lay a hand on her. Not ONE! He is a tad bit possessive over her. Brendan wants everything for her and knows of her one dream. He feels that one day he will help her achieve it. Not now of course, with the verge of war coming.


Brendan was born and raised in a family that was completely loyal to the Old Adam and Eve. After all, they were family friends with the couple. He was raised to think that Imperfects were scum. The white haired boy didn't always believe they were but followed down the wrong road. His parents were serious people who had no time or fun and games. They put the young Brendan to work from the age he could walk and talk. He was trained in the art of battle planning and

put in the best schools in the area. They were molding him into the perfect Adam candidate. This made the boy childish and spoiled, ruining his innocence.

His parents thought he was perfect and thought nothing of it. Brendan was perfect by the time he entered college. He knew how to handle himself and was over average, by Perfect terms. He had graduated at top of his class and showed extreme promise of being the new Adam. In his time, he had met a wonderful woman by the name of Siris, whom he fell in love with at first sight. Their parents had arranged for them to get married, not that Brendan cared. he loved her even after learning of her slight disability. They have been happily married since. he was even happier when they were to be the new Adam and Eve. He now has fun with his position and has made imperfect life even harder. Many hate him but others adore him. Will he win the battle or loose it?



~Messing With People


~Getting What He Wants


~Not Getting What He Wants


~People Hurting His Wife


Love Interest:

"I will only ever love Siris! And HOW DARE YOU ASK THAT QUESTION!"


Siris Whitehart


Brendan enjoys messing with people and ruffling their feathers. he's just that kind of guy that gets under your skin. He is not easy to impress and it takes a lot to get him to admire and trust you.


Super Humans


Black hair and hazel eyes. Her complexion is a tan olive color.


Aurora Hawkes





"Do I look male."


Second Lieutenant

"I have made my way up from a simple solider as a child. I am the youngest female lieutenant to join The Equality Seekers. If you have anything against me, I suggest you run or I'll kick your behind."


Unable to show any form of emotion.

"Basically, I cannot smile, talk with passion, frown, cry, appear to get angry, etc. It is not my fault since I was born this way and this is the imperfection that labeled me an Imperfect. But, I can feel pain, even if I cannot show it."


Aurora cannot show any sign of emotion but she does have a personality. That is if you can somehow understand her emotions or how she feels. She is really kind and caring underneath. The girl is just a person who cares greatly for the good of her people and will gladly kill for their freedom. Aurora is very intelligent, despite her imperfection. She is wise beyond someone of her age, as if she had lived for much longer than thought. Every Imperfect is her family member, she did know her birth parents herself. She is tough and hard to break because of her inability to show any sign of emotion. However, there is a hidden girl deep down. The little girl that exists is scared and in deep pain. Aurora feels alone in the world and needs someone to change that. She needs a father figure, or a mother hen. She wants to show feeling above all. That is her truest wish which has been kept pure all those years the girl has been alive.


Aurora was left on the doorstep of the house of an old crippled woman when she was but an infant. The woman took her in despite only knowing her name and why she was given up. The Imperfect old lady discovered of her imperfection and took her in knowing the fact. She raised the emotionless child to be kind and caring, even if she could not show it. Aurora was pretty much like any child, not wanting to take naps or not wanting to bathe. She was perfect in 'Nana's' eyes, as Aurora called her. When she grew into a ten year old, the woman was killed by some drunk Perfects who were visiting from Perfect City.

Aurora was devastated and out of rage she fought the guys and left them to crawl home. Nana was slowly dying from a gunshot wound to the stomach. Tears had leaked from her eyes, despite not showing any emotion of sadness. The old woman understood though and smiled before passing on. Aurora was in a blank state and buried Nana with many regrets. If only she had been stronger, if only. As a result, the girl joined The Equality Seekers. The men and women took her in and put her to train right away. Many were intimidated by her never changing face and that blank stare. Aurora proved to be a good warrior and after five years of climbing up the ranks, she became a lieutenant. No one thought bad of this and proudly followed her orders. She was intelligent and ordered her troops fairly.


"There aren't many thing I like but I have a few. I enjoy helping people fight for freedom and black roses. They remind me so much of the ones Nana used to sell in the Shopping District."


"I deeply dislike Perfects, Loyalists, and drunken people. They remind me too much of Nana's passing."

Love Interest:

"I have no one in particular. They seem to be very intimidated of my expressionless face."


"None. I have more important things to worry about anyways."


Aurora usually wears dark leggings and black tunics. She keeps an assortment of weapons by her side constantly. The girl will do ANYTHING to bring Nana back.


"You may think us Super Human, but we're not."

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Siris Whitehart







Loyalist or Equalist:


"I like the idea of equality but for now I must respect and stay in line within my status."


Siris is a very quiet and reserved person. She highly lacks spirited emotion and it is extremely rare to see her show any emotion other than simple kindness. Being a very soft-spoken woman, Siris doesn't let much bother her and she doesn't mind being bossed around; quite frankly she is used to it though it doesn't happen to her anymore. Some would think she is mute because she can go for so long time without the need to talk but Siris surprisingly says the most sweetest and wisest of things. Basically, Siris is a very mundane and caring woman who wants to explore the world with her loved one but that is just a silly dream of hers that will likely never happen.


Growing up Siris had a very simple and mundane childhood but in a very rich lifestyle in 'Upper Perfect City'. Her parents loved her dearly with all there hearts. Siris's parents were both perfects but somehow Siris was born with a slight imperfection. It shocked everyone that she had a imperfection but seeing as her parents weren't ready to give away their beloved child and dump her into the imperfection area, they tried their best to persuade the government to let her stay and it did work. They still acknowledged her as a 'Perfect' since her parents were both 'Perfects' as well.

Siris's parents didn't stop there worrying there though. They feared because of her weak ability to walk certain amount of distances and her weak immune system she would one day fall terribly ill or even die at a young age so her parents did the only thing they could do. They kept her inside and under watch at all times. She had things done for her all her life. Her parents dotted over her every need and never let her out of there sight or at least the guards sight. Siris grew accustom to the lifestyle but she yearned to be freed from her cage of imprisonment.

Siris loved and respected her parents deeply. She always understood why they kept her under lock and key; for her safety. She was truly blessed with caring parents and she didn't expect more from life than the confinement of her home and the helping hands of her servants. That is until one day when she was given news that she had been selected to be the new Eve.


~ The rain

~ Red spider lilies

~ Wearing Kimonos

~ Collecting dolls

~ Children


~ Sitting all day

~ The indoors; being inside for to long

~ Spicy food

~ People who mistreat any child

Love Interest:

"Brendon is the only love I'll ever need."


Brendan Whitehart


She is diagnosed with Ataxia telangiectasia but only shows a few symptoms of it; including difficulty with movement and coordination and has a weaken immune system.

(( She basically can't walk a very long distance or for a long period of time without resting frequently and she gets sick easily. ))


Super Humans



You like? Don't worry, it's alright. The handsome face is all part of the el Morgan package.

Name: My name is Eloarch el Morgan. Most people call me Elo. No, I don't respond to Archie, Elly, or Morgan. Seriously, I will quite literally ignore your existence if you utter those repulsive names.

Age: I'm a decrepit old man who is 80 years old... What do I look like? I'm 15, turning 16. Why does age even matter anyway? I'm more competent that half the Perfects already working in the Perfect City, more "perfect", if you will... What? Try not to be arrogant, condescending, or insulting to them? Awww... What a killjoy.

Gender: I happen to be a male with all the right male anatomical parts. Yeah, surprised me this morning too... You do understand sarcasm, right?

Position/Occupation: Well, seeing as my old man kicked the proverbial bucket and is now six feet under some synthetic grass and dirt, I guess that makes me the Head of the el Morgan family. Don't ask me why, we're just patriarchal like that. Oh, and since I am so much bloody better than the guys working for Adam and Eve... Oh, right, no condescension. Okay... Since I'm only slightly more competent than them, I'm also the new, and youngest ever, Army General. You said you understood sarcasm, right?

Loyalist or Equalist: Why in the world would I be an Equalist? They killed my father, yeah? Granted I wasn't that close to him, but still. If anything, I'm kinda pissed that the Equalists shot him in the head while I was right next to him. Do they know how hard it is to get blood stains out of high-quality clothes? Plus, the whole sniper to the head thing is so cliche. Why not try something more subtle and tactically beneficial, like poison. Then again, I guess there are no Equalists who think on my level. I can insult the enemy as much as I'd like, right?... What do you mean I haven't answered the question? Even someone like you should know that I'm a Loyalist... No, that wasn't a flippin' insult... Sheesh...

Personality: Yeah, I can describe myself. Here goes. I've been told I'm childish. I'll give 'em that. After all, I'm only 15. They also say I'm a recaltricant, apathetic sociopath with distasteful habits, arrogant tendencies, dangerous proclivities, and foolish propensities... Can't say I disagree with them. Still, I like to think I can be caring, brave, loyal, responsible, kind, generous, etc., etc. if I wanted to... right? Plus, I'm really good at staying calm, at least on the inside, and riling others up.

Biography: Right from my birth, I was called "special". I've been told I didn't cry or wail; I just stayed silent and stared at everything around me. Apparently, my first word was "stupid" when I saw my old man beat that Brendan guy at chess... Right, sorry, the Adam. Anyway, I went to school, got accelerated about eight or nine years, and still graduated with the highest marks ever, including Mr. Adam. College was more of the same thing: accolades from teachers, adoration from some, hatred from most others, top of my class, and best scores ever. Again. No friends, whatever. Who needs foolish people who can't comprehend at your level anyway, ya know? No, of course you don't know. Anyway, they did an IQ test on me and found that I was off the charts, even for Perfects. Big whoop. Next thing I knew, I was being trained to serve right under my father.

So, that's where years of my life went: studying boring textbooks, defeating ignorantly arrogant fools in mock battles who thought they could outwit me because of my age, rejecting non-stop confessions from girls who couldn't talk to me without stuttering and blubbering about, making connections that would be "beneficial to the long-term success of the el Morgan family, blah, blah, blah. Actually, I was attending a gala thrown by the Adam and Eve when Father got shot. So, now, here I am. A perfect prodigy among the Perfects, taking over as the Head of a "Dog" family and as the youngest Army General ever. People ask if I can handle it. See, that's not in question; I can definitely handle it. A more pertinent question is this: Can they, meaning the position of Army General, the Government, the Perfects, the Imperfects,
everyone... Can they handle me? I'm betting not. And you can put that on the record, thank you very much.

Likes: Let's see. I don't particularly like anything. Life's kind of a bore, at least for me. Being perfect as a Perfect makes for a perfect life... which tends to suck major... what, I wasn't gonna finish the sentence, calm down.

Dislikes: Ah, now dislikes I can do... Wait, never mind. I guess I don't really dislike anything. I just look at everything with a sense of boredom. Dunno if that counts, and to be frank, I don't care. Just put it down, would ya?

Love Interest: I wish. No, seriously, I wish I had a love interest. It'd give me something to do with my time, maybe make life a little less boring. If anything, at least I'd be able to talk to someone. Alas, for some reason, people can't seem to hold a decent conversation with me before getting flustered and making exceedingly terrible, yet strangely amusing excuses to get away. I wonder why? *cough*Sarcasm!*cough* Course, that's not to say I don't get my share of attention from girls. I'm an el Morgan. C'mon, we're naturally even more handsome than other Perfects. Doesn't mean any of those girls ever mean anything to me. Is it bad that I don't care about that? I mean, I used to care... only with her... Sorry, what? No, I did not say anything.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Spouse: Well, smart one, try to see if you can keep up. To have a spouse, you need to have had a boyfriend, girlfriend, or an arranged marriage. Since I never had, don't have, and never will have or agree to the last one, that leaves me with the boyfriend and girlfriend routes. Now, I'm a guy, and I like to think I know my preferences just a little better than you, so I'll tell ya right now, I go the girlfriend way. Continuing right along, to get a girlfriend, you have to ask out a girl you like, also known as a "love interest". Does that term ring any bells? Maybe you need to look at that interview sheet to help you think, eh? So, no love interest means no girlfriend means no spouse. Capiche?

Other: You said no one will see this interview transcript after it's filed away, yeah? Okay, so here's a secret: I'm a Perfect, that's true. But, unfortunately for me, I have a terminal illness. Weird, right? Apparently my dad's position and family stature helped me keep my status. Hey, whatever works. I won't tell you how bad it is, but I'll tell you that I've had my family get my casket ready since, like, yesterday. Well... last year, to be more accurate. But, hey, whatever. C'est la vie!

Password: Password? What kind of a weird interview is this? Tch... Fine, the password is "Super Human". The heck does that even mean...?
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Name: Kas. I find my last name to be irrelevant.

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Position/Occupation: Leader of The Equality Seekers

Mutation/Imperfection: None of the perfects know of my imperfection yet, and I’d like to keep it that way for equality’s sake. They simply assume I’m weaker, so my imperfection is only between my right hand (wo)men and I, alright?

I’m quite prone to violent attacks of anxiety. Whereas the perfects are not so easily affected by their emotions, anything that may cause me anger, nervousness, and much more will cause my breathing and heartbeat to become rapid. Sometimes I freeze, and sometimes I start to lash out. Few people have witnessed my attacks. Who knows what advantage my opponents could gain if they found out?

Personality: Most people see me as strong, intelligent, and passionate about my cause. When it comes to leading the Equality Seekers, I tend to act a tad bit controlling, but it doesn’t mean I don’t care about anyone any less. All of the imperfects are my misfit band of family members nowadays, and I make sure to show my gratitude towards them as must as possible. However, I still must say I’m more stoical and honest than anything. My closer friends, however, do understand my greater emotional side that often brings indecisiveness, worry, and regret.

Biography: I grew up in the Upper Imperfect City, growing close to all my loving neighbors. Academically, I was never the greatest student until I grew older and studied harder, but I was always the responsible and trustworthy one that people new to pick on for the roughest tasks. Because my father was best friends with the previous leader of the Equality Seekers, our family gained the respect of our people, but was still set back by the limitations on imperfects. And so I grew up learning of the tyrannical rule the perfect government had over us, and how the relatively privileged imperfects like me had a duty to end it.

The greatest eye-opener came for me when my mother took me with her to the Shopping District the day I graduated from high school (and didn’t have enough of anything to place myself into a good, imperfect college). Visitors from the Perfect City came around, mocking all the handmade crafts. One man spit on one of the ceramic bowls my mother was most proud of making, and from then on I knew I would make my father proud by taking down the terrible government. Within two years, both my parents had grown sick. I grew distant due to my desire for revenge on the perfects that had everything handed to them, but thankfully had my loved ones to keep me from becoming cold like the evil ones. My father’s close friend had passed away around that time, and had left me to become the leader of the Equality Seekers. Who was I to refuse? I loved and I knew my people, and that love and recognition was reciprocated. My friends, my family, and my passions are the reasons I will win once the upcoming battle is over. I will tear the Adam to pieces if I have to.

Likes: Loyalty

Dislikes: Betrayal

Love Interest: That’s a rather personal question, wouldn’t you say?

Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Spouse: There was one girl in my past, but she broke my heart. Nowadays, I can’t have distractions.

Password: Super human, if you’d like to put a label on what is not truly there.


Name: Marquetta Hollingsbrook

Age: 18 years young

Gender: Female, of course

Position/Occupation: Secretary

Loyalist or Equalist: Loyalist

Personality: People see me as a friendly secretary, a busybody that works hard to aid my government. There’s a certain aura of naivety to my attitude that I allow everyone to catch. But is it the honest truth you want? I’m quite deceptive, and that’s my defining trait – even more so because it’s rare that people notice it. My intelligence and wit can astound a person that is trustful of my apparent aloofness. After all, I like to put on a show for people so they can trust me, because only when I gain trust can I get what I want. Did I mention that I tend to desire things very often? I suppose greed and envy are two more sins you can add to my personality, not to mention superficiality and egotism on some occasions.

Biography: I was born to a typical family of perfects, but my family members were never as perfect as I would have liked them to be. My mother, my father, and my three sisters…they were all the same, putting play before work. I learned to regret what I believed to be the faults of not only the imperfects, but the faults of the lesser perfects I grew up with as well. Throughout school, I consistently scored three steps better than the rest of my class, and five steps better than my family had in the past. From my point of view, the teachers were learning from me, and I was teaching the students.

By the time I aged to become a teenager, I had grown extremely rueful of the family that foolishly told me to “work less harder,” a phrase even the imperfects might have known to be illiterate. My perfection was at its prime, from beauty to brains. My popularity grew as I learned the inner workings of social circles, and I used that to gain influence (as well as get boys to buy me delightful things). Everybody knew I would be something great one day because of my beauty, and even more because of my charms. When I became the secretary of our beloved government – a position I landed solely because I impressed them, rather than used family ties – I could taste the endless power I would hold one day. If people trust me now, what will stop me from next Eve? I believe myself to be a better candidate for the title than Miss Siris Whitehart is today. Don't tell her though! It just might ruin all my plans for the future if the current Adam and Eve don't trust me to maintain my current position below them.

Likes: I like it when power comes my way, I like being beautiful, and I like shiny things. What else is there to live for?

Dislikes: The worst times in life are those in which I do not get what I want.

Love Interest: No one specific.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Spouse: I tend to like the next person too much to keep whoever is in my hand in the present second.

Password: Super Human



"Aren't we all Imperfect?"



Name: Salvon (Salv - on) Treance (Trance)

Age: "I'm 17 years old."

Gender: "I think you can tell, can you? Wait, you can't?!"

Position/Occupation: "I'm too busy caring for my family to get a job."

Equalist or Loyalist: "I don't actually choose a side in the war."

Mutation/Imperfection: "I really am a 'Perfect', I'm just branded as a 'Imperfect'. They believe I'm 'Imperfect' because I look and have the same personality as 'Imperfect'. They assumed I must have had a Imperfection, because I didn't have to hide my true personality, a personality of cunning, rudeness, and control, a personality I didn't have. They didn't know of it, but that didn't stop them. And from Perfect City, I was abandoned by my family and sent to Imperfect City."

Personality: "I have a harsh attitude to those who dislike or hate the ones I care for, and I am extremely violent towards those who have attacked my family. Because, come on, what's the point in doing so? They are awesome, loving people! Normally I try to be nice to people, and I am. Normally, if you just ask me, I'll help you out with whatever you need, and I also am a calm, quiet person."

Biography: "I used to live in Perfect City. It was a weird place to me. I somehow didn't have lots of friends, and people tended to ignore me, because of how I looked. When I was 12, eventually my parents themselves ignored me. The community began to believe I was 'Imperfect' and my family abandoned me, sending me to Imperfect City. I didn't actually have a family anymore. So, wandering the streets I did, a lone 12 year old. I eventually became too thirsty to continue on. I fell on the streets, accepting my fate of death. My vision blurred, and I thought I died. Surprise, twist ending! I slowly woke up in a house, with two relatively old people standing above me. One man, one woman. They explained the story of how they found me lying on the streets, and they carried me back to their house, as a day passed, with me waking up. They became my new family... The ones I care for. Their wasn't much I could give them, only my love.

Eventually, they had to give me tests before I was actually put into a school, so I could be in the right school. I was put back into school. I was placed in a intelligent and high school. I had much more friends, and people cared for me, unlike Perfect City. It was happiness, a happiness I truly felt to my heart. I was accepted. I was loved. Although, I never could shake the feeling...

That I would one day have to defend with my life for them.



~Family and Friends~

~Being Quick~

~Surprising people~

~Some other stuff~


~People who dislike/hate family and friends~

~People who attack family and friends~



~Some more other stuff~

Love Interest: "Alas, love isn't something in my path. I think I have some sort of opposition against girls, like two of the same magnetic forces, like negative with negative and positive with positive."

Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Spouse: "To have a Spouse, you need to be married, which I don't have love, so I can't be married. I'm NOT that type of person to be with the same gender, and again, to have a girlfriend I need to have love, which I don't. So... Not a single one of them."

Other: "I once threw a heavy ball at a wall... It bounced back and hit my head."

"Oh, I forgot to answer, yes, I am a Male!"

Password: "Ah, the word that will get me out of this interrogation! Haha, it's not a interrogation, just messing around with you. Is it... Chocolate? No? Aw.... Superhuman?"

(Eastern garb since Leigh is Asian in origin)


Name: Leigh Il Sung

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Position/Occupation: Small shopkeeper in Imperfect City, sells baked goods :D . Wants to join the Equality Seekers.

Mutation/Imperfection: Leigh was blessed with an amazing and strong physique that was to be admired but cursed with blindness from birth. Leigh can live with his blindness and uses a long two meter titanium stick as a walking stick.

Personality: Leigh is a silent man who emits an aura of sadness. Leigh is deeply philosophical and has thus developed strong and set ideals he adheres to. Most of these ideals include things he can deal with through his own power currently, such as making sure to treat everyone as well as he can, and attempting to put others before him-self. However, Leigh also follows a utilitarian belief which is that he can subvert or not apply his ideals when achieving something. Leigh’s belief in treating everyone equally as well has also developed to wanting to make imperfects and perfects live equally. Leigh is pacifistic and does not like fights, although he can fight when he is pressed to. Because Leigh is idealistic, he also upholds many grand dreams such as achieving an equal society of perfects and imperfects. Additionally, Leigh believes in fortitude through pain and experience, which Leigh has practiced himself throughout his life. This isn’t self-harm or something like that, it is physical conditioning and martial arts used to push the body and thus push the mind. Leigh loves bread and has learned to bake while being blind through scent :D . It seems that Leigh opens up in the presence of good bread and will become more talkative and loves the subject matter of talking about bread.

Biography: Leigh was born blind to a proud father who cherished him even with his defect. Leigh’s mother died soon after childbirth. His father was an exceptional baker and known around the Imperfect Market for his goods and his father taught him to bake at a young age even through his blind impairment. Leigh’s father was just as idealistic as Leigh was, instilling the ideas of equality into Leigh which Leigh fully embraced. Leigh also took the tradition of physical hardship and adversity for learning from his father, who had taken this ideal from his father, and so on. When Leigh grew adolescent, he was ostracized even by other imperfects in school due to his blindness and faced hardship. Leigh also learned during this time the great inequality and social class divide between the perfects and the imperfects. Leigh fostered the great dream his father had, to strive towards making an equal society. The fateful day came when Leigh’s father was killed. During the night, Leigh’s father had heard a muffled cry for help and had gotten out to help the needy person. He found an attempted rape by a few inebriated perfect men on an imperfect woman. Leigh’s father, in a fit of rage, physically assaulted all three of the men and left them bloody and bruised. For this he was apprehended by the security force and killed, as all three of the men he attacked were sons of rather prominent figures. Leigh fell into depression after this event. Nobody was left to care for him. For a month Leigh sat in his home, his father’s bakery which his father had been so proud of. Eventually, Leigh picked himself back up from his mental downfall and opened the shop, becoming its owner now. Since that time, Leigh has mostly recovered, although his doubts on human nature and a small, but present hate towards perfects still remain.

Likes: Bread, baking bread, physical conditioning, thinking, helping others when needed, and bread.

Dislikes: Bad bread, hearing the clumsiness of an inexperienced baker, injustices of inequality, inequality in general.

Love Interest: None.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Spouse: None.

Other: None.

Password: Super Human.

(Can I join? Also how do I make my text look more readable like the other people here and not a mass wall of text that assaults the readers brain.))

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