The People of Etaria

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Within the Depths of a Dream

Table of Contents

Playable Races:

- Humans

- Elves

- Werewolves

- Vampires

- Stalagma

- Zviera
- Avians


This is a working list. If you have one you would like to play, just ask!
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Humans were the first to exist unlike common elvish superstition. They were created by Urbain after he wed Sirris and had his two children, seeing the formless planet they watched over lifeless and dark. Compelled by this, the four worked to prepare the planet, creating Etaira before modeling the first of mankind.

  • Bryn -The Bryn are native to the southern part of Majula, Noah to live among the hills that roll there. With a lack of tree cover and long grasses they stand an average of five feet, eleven inches with broad builds, dark hair as well as eyes and sun-kissed skin to accompany it. They are nomadic herders of various livestock, sheep being the most common. Their culture is very family-orientated, believing everyone to be equal provided they do their part.
  • Paith - The Paith live in the eastern part of the large continent where much prairies extend for miles. Sod structures containing large, multi-generation families are common as is inbreeding. The act usually frowned upon is heavily encouraged due to the lack of neighbors, the nearest family most likely a few days journey away. Similarly to the Bryn, they are family-orientated although are known to hold more sexist views with women only seen fit for cooking, cleaning, other such chores, children, and pleasure with the men doing everything considered important. They have tanned skin, blonde hair, dark eyes, and strong stocky builds that stand about five feet, eight inches high as well as birth defects that are rather common depending on the generation of the child.
  • Dail - The Dail reside in the thick forests to the north of Majula and are thought to be the sub-race elves descended from. They are no doubt the smallest out of the six with males reaching five feet and five in heat if they’re lucky. They have slightly angular features with agile forms built to run and live among the trees as superbe hunters. Their skin tone is more of a pale olive due to the lack of sunlight they receive on a daily basis and their eyes ironically leaning towards more green and hazel tones. They believe that because Urbain created a women first and made her his wife, that they were supposed to lead, despite the goddess having been exiled. They live in large communities with the females in positions of power.
  • Cynnes - The Cynnes are dominate over the western deserts of the land mass. They are the tall and leanest with most reaching heights of six feet, two inches with darkly hued skin, smooth features, blue eyes, sun-bleached white hair, and surprisingly narrow frames. They are most commonly refereed to as barbaric, cannibalistic tribesmen though that is just a huge misconception the ignorant form. Yes they used to control the west in such a manner but that was long ago, the people forming an intricate society where their technology rivals the spells cast by mages, priests, and sorcerers alike.
  • Canol - The Canol are those who are heavily racially mixed within the capital of the continent. Culture has been just as blended with men holding power over women, families being close knit, and inter family physical relations being a common sight amongst noble blood. Because of those facts, there is no set appearance or culture beliefs considering it relies on an individual’s personal heritage.
  • Hollt - A rarity within the continent the Hollt come from a small island just east of Majula. There is little known about them aside from their thin and somewhat small stature, slanted and thin eyes, and odd culture that is seen as exotic to many.

Once humans who were eager to settle the continent connected to Majula via a landbridge due to worshiping Urbain’s children and not the king himself, the Elves ingested the coveted sap that belongs within their large trees and over many generations have created themselves anew with a strong resentment for mankind.

  • Sun Elves -  The Sun Elves are those who worship Inus, and in doing so they inhabit their landmass’ sandy shores where the sun can reach them throughout the day. They stand about seven feet tall with dark skin, broad builds, tipped ears, golden luminous eyes, refined features, and dark coarse hair usually kept short. They take usually have a rather egotistical arrogance about them considering they believe their god to be the rightful ruler and that Urbain has already served his purpose. Men are much more common in this race than women.
  • Moon Elves - The Moon Elves are those who worship Voluna and live within the massive forest that takes up most of Elurra. Because of this and their chosen goddess, they stand a similar height of seven feet tall with ashen grey sin, lithe builds, tipped ears, luminescent violet eyes, more angular features, and beautiful hair either of the purest white to the darkest black kept rather long. They are more humble and respectful than their sun counterparts but in turn are extremely territorial. Women are more common than men in this race.
  • Interbreeding - It would depend on the dominant traits and be an awkward mix of the two. Both cultures frown upon this act, especially with the opposing sub-race.

Sorcerers seldom try new spells upon themselves. And so the werewolves were born of a spell gone horribly wrong, allowing a human or elf to transform into a large, bipedal beast with intelligence comparable to their natural form.

  • Natural - Although they technically aren’t natural, years of breeding and prospering has lead them to meld with Etaria as if the were. These people are nomadic, with packs ranging from five to twenty members of different social ranking. They trade the furs they hunt as they follow the migratory paths of deer, elk, and other such game for cloth and basic supplies, being welcomed into cities and villages due to the quality of the pelts they produce. These wolves prefer their bestial forms and have full control over them but know it is disrespectful to appear as such when within polite company. When transformed they appear to stand anywhere from five to seven feet in total and walk upon the balls of their feet with bushy tails and overall lupine features that look overall rather natural with a variety of pelt hues possible that match their hair color. When not shifted, one can usually tell based upon the skillfully crafted clothing they wear and slightly deep and grating voices no matter the gender.
  • Cursed - These are people who had done wrong to sorcerer or more rarely, the gods/a priest. They are forced to transform into a hulking beast ever night with pitch black fur, hungering amber eyes, and no mercy. The natural packs rare accept or converse with them as the transformation is unnatural therefore making it next to impossible to control. More often than not they are killed when found.

They weren’t intended to reach such a high place when it came to social ranking, more of to be pets of royalty and used in infiltration operations. But when they were created, the sorcerer that had volunteered for the transformation wasn’t a mindless thrall like they predicted, and could feed off of any blood they chose and not just what their “master” chose. The vampires are now seen as nobles. After centuries of climbing the metaphorical social ladder, they finally reached a point where almost every official kingdom recognizes their status. (For the information below, please note that all vampires are infertile and immortal.)

  • House Chevron - The oldest of all the houses, they have more idealistic morals and values which goes hand in hand with their arrogant and egotistical personas. They believe to be superior to everyone else, not even bothering with the gods.

    They are allergic to silver
  • Can be out in daylight for an hour without feeling ill
  • Have retractable fangs
  • Can ingest animal and human blood.
  • Their senses are rather heightened as is their speed, reflexes and strength, although those who don’t drink human blood are noticeably weaker.
  • They are extremely picky when it comes to marriages and turning mortals.

[*]House Dowsean - The second oldest of all the houses, they are, rather expectedly, the complete opposite of House Chevron. They are the humanitarians, generally humble and kind to those they come across. Believing themselves to be no better than anyone else, while still reaping the benefits of being treated akin to nobility of course.

  • They are allergic to silver
  • Can be out in daylight if their skin isn’t directly exposed
  • Have retractable fangs
  • Can only digest animal blood
  • They are slightly below House Chevron when it comes to senses, strength, and speed but still much greater than that of a human or elf.
  • They aren’t as picky when it comes to marriage and turning mortals, doing so out of pure love and not wealth more often than not.

[*]House Falinn - The third oldest of the houses, they are most closely akin to humans in more ways than one. Most of those in this house long to be mortal, not all that fond of their so called “condition” but don’t shy away from more flamboyant treatment.

  • They aren’t allergic to silver
  • Can walk in daylight perfectly fine
  • Barely have any fangs so they are unable to retract. 
  • Can drink only animal blood
  • The only house to have worked up the tolerance to eat normal food although it doesn’t do them any good.
  • They have no advantages when it comes to sense, strength, reflexes, or speed and are normally looked upon as mortals with a thirst for blood.
  • Usually marry for their own reasons as the house usually doesn’t pay much heed to its members decisions.

[*]House Laukinis - The fourth oldest of the houses, they are looked upon as savages. And quite frankly, they are. Usually having no moral compass with most being as feral as wild dogs, they brutally attack their victims usually eating the flesh as well as draining them dry. They don’t have much of a structure to their house, it mainly being lead by whoever is strongest at the point similar to a wild animal pack.

  • Are deathly allergic to silver
  • They are unable to walk in the light without being burned to ash
  • Both rows of teeth are all usually sharp
  • Can only drink human or other vampire's blood as they are the only house to attempt cannibalism
  • Have hugely increased strength, speed, senses, and reflexes
  • Night vision
  • Lengthy claws upon their hands
  • More “in-human” appearance than the rest

[*]Rakki - Also known as mutts, these are vampires that, one way or another, have the traits of more than one house. The most common way for one to come about would be individuals from two or more different houses combining their blood before having a mortal drink it, as this was the way the other houses were formed as well as the occasional mutation in the DNA, something tainting the blood, arcane influence, what have you.

  • Their traits depend on the houses involved.
  • In past experiments, those who have tried to combine more than two houses died brutally due to the stress on the body.
  • There are usually more negative traits than positive ones.
  • Mutations within the DNA are rather common and most often aren’t positive.
  • The more of one blood type, it will be dominant and take precedence when the mortal turns.
  • Most houses see them as lesser beings and usually don't accept them within their ranks unless it is a special circumstance.

One of the more peculiar races, the Stalagma gain their name from how they are most commonly formed. That being the mother placing an ore made from her and the father onto a stalagmite and allowing their child to develop and grow. After three months, only one third of a human's gestation period, they are somewhat formed and alive needing to be taken care of by the parents. Along with that, most Stalagma are rather tall and imposing, some almost being described as orcs in a stone skin. But unlike the green-skinned monstrosities, they are gentle giants with mostly pure intentions and kind hearts. But they, however, lack brains, so smarts aren’t their forte. But if one were to work at it, they can reach the intellect of a human if they wish seeing as they have the years to do it. Because they are made of rock or stone, they are extremely durable lasting for centuries until they begin to crumble.

  • Igenite - This subrace of Stalagma live within the center of Tseldora’s volcanic wasteland. Because of this, they are mainly formed out of igneous rock such as diorite, basalt, andesite, to name a few. Obsidian is rather rare considering not many Stalaglings would survive the heating and cooling process.
  • Sedimentite - The Sedimentite live along the sandy beaches of their continent made of mostly sedimentary rocks such as sandstone and shale.
  • Metamorphite - These Stalagma live within the large underground portions of rocky terrain that covers part of Tseldora which makes it no surprise that they are usually made of up metamorphic rocks such as gneiss, schist, slate. Marble is still a rarity but not impossible.
  • Minite - The rarest of the three relatively common sub-raes, they inhabit the frozen tundra and are made almost purely of different minerals such as gold, silver, diamond and of the sort. Because of the extreme temperature, not many are sure how they are formed with the permafrost coating the earth.

The Zviera are a race of best-like beings who unlike werewolves originated from their animal counterpart. It was an accident really, the sorcerer using a much too powerful spell on his dog by accident which produced quite the product. A creature that was humanoid in shape and face, but had fur, claws, fangs, a tail, and walked upon the balls of its feet. Yet although it appeared somewhat human, it didn't have the same intellect as one. Years past and they slowly evolved the mental capacity to that of a human, but the derogatory “retarded animal” term still stung for many as they have already proven themselves to be more than mindless beasts. Some, however, still prefer to live a tribal lifestyle.

  • Feiera - A sub-race of Zviera, These Zvieran mirror cats both wild and domestic in their appearance from fur color to height.
  • Lupiera - These Zverian mirror lupine animals such as dogs and wolves.
  • Chamiera - The Chmeria are a bit more evolved when it comes to Zverians but in turn appear more like their animal. Taking after chameleons they stand roughly three feet high and are able to climbs surfaces with their strange hands and feet as well as blend with their surroundings almost perfectly. That and the have a superior intellect almost rivaling humans at some points. However, the are extremely passive and would rather talk their way out of a situation than fight. Because of all this they are usually employed as scribes within royal or otherwise political courts.
  • Vermiera  - A less pleasant sub-race of Zviera, they take after rodents and other such vermin.


Most Zviera (Just replace feline traits with whatever animal they mirror):



To those are are less academically inclined or purely ignorant, Avians are nothing more but another sub-race of Zviera. However they do take great offense to this despite it being rather easy to mistake them for one. Believed to originally having been created by Urbian to be the messenger to the gods with their large wings, taloned fingers and feet, as quite possibly tail feathers. More often than not their color scheme aligns with what is common for their bird and gender as well as other attributes such as personality and height with some only reaching a few inches tall similar to a few types of fae.

  • Karnivori - This sub-race of avians are the largest and undoubtedly strongest as they are mostly made up of carnivores or otherwise known as raptors such as eagles and hawks.
  • Erbivori - Made up of mostly herbivores, this sub-race of avians are more on the smaller, more agile side of the spectrum as they mirror birds such as parrots, and geese.
  • Omnivori - The final sub-race of avians, they are made up of omnivores who dine on both plants and animals. This includes birds such as robins and crows.
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