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Fantasy The Peaceful, The Warlike, and The Oppressed (cs)


Huggles fo all :3
Name: Meia Xen

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Sexuality: Lesbian

Skills/ Abilities/strengths:

Hand-to-hand combat: extremely adept at fighting with her hands, and able to disarm weapon-wielding opponents, as well as debilitate enemies using Dim Mak pressure point techniques.

Medical skills: her knowledge of the humanoid body needed for her martial arts comes with an equally useful application in treating wounds, illnesses and the like. She knows many remedies, chiropractic techniques, and accupuncture. Monks from her monastery are often sought out to help with issues that town doctors are unable to cure.

Intuition: having trained her mind to a fine sharpness, she is able to discern small details in the movement of humanoid creatures, making fighting them, especially the unarmored variety, quite an easy feat.

Lithe of foot: able to climb, scale, jump and/or balance on nearly any surface with relative ease and great speed.

Auras: able to sit in meditation during combat, preferably away from the action itself, and focus on putting out an aura that either aids her allies or disrupts her enemies. This can be any number of things from increasing the focus and awareness of her allies to sending out healing energy that causes slow but steady wound regeneration and softens pain, to causing confusion on her enemies so that they fight less effectively, perhaps missing their strikes more often.


Armored opponents, seeing as she only uses her hands and feet as weapons.

Beast opponents, seeing as she relies on her knowledge of humanoid bodies to fight.

VioletShadow VioletShadow
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But with bright green eyes(I love the little ears on the hood xD)
Name: Shizuka(first name) Mitsue
Nickname: Shizu or Zuka or even Zuzu
Age: 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Ninja
Backstory: As the only heir to the dwindling ninja clan, Mitsue Oni, heavy expectations and demands have been placed upon her shoulders. Ever since she was born, she was taught discipline and training, and since she had no one to tell her otherwise, that was all she knew. She was used to the scorn of the people around her, who were disappointed in the fact that she wasn't a male. Her ninja clan had prioritised males over females, and it was to her parents disappointment that their child was a feeble female. Nonetheless, Shizuka trained hard. Her abilities were equal to or greater than a majority of the shinobi around her. However, she felt incomplete, as if she was missing something vital in her life. She knew not of the vastly different paths of life she could take. Until their clan was attacked, and she was forced to run away by herself.
-Accuracy - Perhaps her most prominent ability, and one that has caused her reknown amongst her clan, is the great accuracy of her throwing skills(Mainly with kunai, but also with shuriken)
-Enhancements - Carries vials of poison and paralytic substances to douse her weapons in
-Brief Illusion magic - Can cause mirages of herself to appear for a few moments(She's inexperienced with this ability)
-Flexible and agile
-Fast Perception - Able to notice key items/scenes as she runs.
-Basic knowledge of handling a katana(She doesn't carry one around with her though)
-Upfront confrontations
-Completely armoured opponents
-Bleeds out faster than most due to poor blood circulation
-Lack of armour
-Inexperienced - Her training has been done against other ninjas, and only ninjas, so she has limited knowledge of other fighting styles and has to rely on her intuition to defeat them.
-Not the fastest ninja

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