The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Got it.)

As the guards get closer, Ivy takes a deep breath. She gives them a cheeky little grin before strumming the first note ever so calmy, followed by the second, third, and so on, until the eight note. Slowly, the guards start dropping like flies, all falling asleep. Ivy laughs. To her surprise, she hears more guards running. "Damn it!" She yells! "My harp doesn't have enough power to do that song twice! Oh my god what am I going to do?!" She cries. She takes a big gulp and unsheathes her sword. 'So, how do you use this thing again?' she thinks.
Vex caught up with Ivy right as her song ended, luckily for him. She had pulled out her sword and seemed unsure of how to use it.

"Girl's gonna get herself killed one of these days..." Vex murmured angrily to himself as he approached.
(Vex is a crazy mofo x-x lmao. and alrighty~dont roleplay too much without meee xD <3 Goodnight everyone!! ^^ Ill be on sometime around afternoon probably c: )
"I heard that..." Ivy whispered at Vex. He really loved underestimating her, didn't he? 
(Good luck tomorrow, Nami! Text me when your tournament is over!)
((im going to bed too nighty night))

"Sorry I have to do this, Ivy, but there's no time."

Vex shifted into beast form, grabbed Ivy gently in his mouth like a dog toy, and carried her off into the woods right as the remaining knights arrived over the wall.

"There they go! After them!" clamored the knights, some of them shooting volleys of arrows in Vex and Ivy's direction.
"Vex! Let me down!" Ivy squirms, irate. "Oh my god, if they don't kill you, I will! We're still missing Darian! What if he comes over the wall and gets killed by them?! I need to help! We need to help, you stupid dog!" She yells. 'I feel bad about calling him a stupid dog, but I want to be back there...I'm worried about Darian...but why?'
Juniper sat down on a rock, she plays with a twig tearing the leaves off not sure what to do. She thought it would be more interesting then just sitting and waiting and she wasn't exactly sure what she was waiting for either.
Axel grew bored of waiting so he turned to Juniper and asked "So where did you learn that skill you use Im sorry I dont sorry I dont remeber the name?"
"The holy arts." she states still looking at her twig. She scratches the bark off of it having run out of leaves. "It runs in the family, my dad showed me some stuff." she shrugs not seeing it as important.
((Holy cow guys. I am going to have to stop sleeping to keep up with you. 0.0 So anyone care to update me. Are we out of the city now or where are we?))
(We are outside the city. Right as we got over the wall a couple guards spotted us. Ivy turned around to play her sleeping song, and Vex went back to help her.)
(I'm backkk~~~ ^^ Super excited, now that we're over the wall :D
(Lysander never posted yet? :c Hm.)

Faye stood up, wiping some dirt from her leather shorts. She turned, seeing Vex come rushing back over to them as he carried Ivy with his teeth. Once Vex came to a halt beside them she raced to ask, "Did you put the guards to sleep?!"
Vex dropped Ivy from his mouth and shifted back to human form.

"Yes, she put as many to sleep as she could, but there were more guards than we expected. We'd better get moving before they all find us."
Faye nods approvingly, glad they were able to fend off at least a few guards.

"Well, we better make a run for it!" she demands, starting to walk backwards, further into the unknown forest. "I can see some of them climbing over the wall! There's only so far they can go, though! Come on!" she waves her hand at the group, gesturing to run through the woods with her.

She turns and starts running as fast as she can through the forest, jumping over logs while pushing branches out of her face.
Vex quickly shifted back to beast form, donning the supplies on his back once again and following Faye at top speed.
As he was running, Valindil looks down to see that one of his fathers gloves had fallen off."Damn it! It must have came off when I fell." He thinks about turning around but then hears the guards and decides not to. His thoughts then flash back to the day he asked his father for the gloves. He promised to give them back to his father at the end of the day. That's when he came home to discover his house on fire and his parents dead.

That's why he kept the gloves on when he left his place. He felt like now bit was his obligation to hold onto them. He then ran harder.
Vex ran top speed in beast form, easily outrunning Faye and the others. As he passed each of them, he picked them up with his mouth and threw them onto his back.
(Sorry, I was out shopping all day~hahah)

Faye chuckled a little, holding tightly onto Vex's back. She had forgotten that they could just allow him to carry them on his back as they rode through the forest.

She turned her head, checking to see where the guards were. They seemed to be at quite a distance now, some beginning to slow their pace. It looked as if a few of them were starting to give up, not caring whether Faye and her friends were willing to go out and get themselves killed.

However, she knew there would be some security sent after them still.

"Keep running," she yells to Vex, "until we've gotten far, far away from them and the village!"

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