The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Im supposed to get off? Good to know...)

Ivy clenches her dainty little fists and reaches for the top of the rock wall, pulling herself up, using all her strength. She finally reached the top of the ledge and looks down. 'I am NOT afraid of heights!' she thinks, 'No, no, no, yes I am!' She closes her eyes tightly and jumps. Her heart flutters as she floats through the midnight air. Her world feels turned upside down when she hits the forest floor, sending her rolling into a tree and knocking her head. Ladies and Gentlman, meet the ever graceful Ivy Alssiada. "I'm good..." She squeaks, seeing the world spin in circles. 
(See, Froggie? I SO knew it too, but here's Nami who loves to mess with everyone's plans. Isn't that right, Nami? #imsorryimsohorribletoday #justin'salive<3)
Valindil climbed up onto Vex's back and pulled himself up. He then jumped of the wall, but at the last moment hesitated and landed and stumbled into the brush.
(Oh well, Jay xD Our plan worked well)

Faye saw Ivy come sailing over the wall, rolling across the ground and hitting a tree with her head. She winced, seeing her friend hit the tree. It looked so painful! Faye quickly rushed over to Ivy and helped her stand back up. "Woah, you okay?" she asked, her eyes popping. 
Vex ushered the rest of his passengers over the wall, taking one last look around before climbing over the wall himself with his large beast-form body. It was somewhat comical to watch. Vex's beast form was definitely not built for climbing but somehow he managed to get over without damaging any of the food or supplies. He roared to signal for them to GTFO of there.
Faye then saw Val come to a messy landing in the bush. She cringed, seeing that not everyone was able to make a simple landing on two feet. She quickly hurried over to Val and helped him up as well.

"You okay?" she asks, unable to hide a bit of laughter.
Birch waits until most of them get over the wall before attempting himself. He doesn't like the odds with his unfit body and underwhelming height but after climbing on Vex's back and jumping a little to reach it, he manages to get a grip on the edge of the wall and manages to pull himself after an age. He looks down at everyone who had already gotten over and after a little bit of pacing, he spots a bush and jumps down, almost looking casual were his eyes not shut tight. He lands in it with little damage, pulling out twigs from his shirt as he looks around in open awe at the forest.
"Fabulous." Ivy winced, still dazed.

(#thisisthehappiestdayofmyyounglife Spread the word, Justin is alive and adorbs)
Juniper climbs up, pulling herself onto the top of the wall. She sits down looking down over the other side before sliding as far down the wall as she could manage before letting herself drop. She falls onto her knees and stands up brushing herself off.
Valandil looks up to see Faye standing there and asking if he was ok. Was that humor he detected in her voice? "Yea, I'm ok. Looked steeper when I went to jump."
"Hey! I just saw a bunch of elves get over the wall on some sort of beast!"

"Damn shapeshifters!"

"Get 'em!"

Faye gasped silently at the sound of the guards' voices from a distance on the opposite side of the wall.

She mouths the words, "shit, they saw us!"

After a moment of hesitant panic, she then hops on Vex's back and whisper shouts, "RUN!"
(Wow, you just had to make things hard for Darian, didn't you? Now he's gonna have to go all ninja/warlock to get out. You're lucky he's been practicing magic/combat since he was six...)
"Guys, go on without me! I've got this! Run as fast as you can away!" Ivy shouts pulling the harp off her back. She puts her fingers the the correct spots to start the song, and channels all her energy.
Faye looks back at Ivy, worry in her eyes as of now. But then she smirks, knowing her friend can do this. "We'll come back for you in a minute! We'll get to a distance so you can put the guards to sleep, then we'll come back and get you once they're asleep!" she tells her, still clinging to Vex.
(It's alright. I already have a nice post about Darian raiding the King's stores and his Master's room. I'll just add an epic fight scene in. It'll just make the post that much cooler. Besides, you guys will be long gone and you don't know if you can trust Darian or not, and I'm not telling you if you can or not because where's the fun in that? XP)
(I meant that you don't have to do anything for Darian. Just have Ivy do the song so that she can run away with the rest of the group and let Darian handle himself. *puts on sunglasses* Trust me, he's got this.)
(Ah, I seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. xD

OMG. I don't wanna go T^T All the action is happening and I'm listening to really awesome music at the same time and I'm not tired ;w; But I have to wake up in like 6 hours to go to an archery match and I dont wanna be all sleepeh~~ damn..x-x)
Vex roared at top volume and as soon as everyone except for Ivy was on top of his back, he bolted at top speed into the shelter of the forest, not stopping until they had reached a safe distance from the town, using a fallen tree as a hiding spot. He then shapeshifted back into his normal form, causing the supplies roped to his beast-form's body to fall to the ground. Vex slipped in between the bindings and headed back in Ivy's direction.

"I'm going to give her a hand, no one leave this spot or I will devour you whole, I swear upon the name of the Elf King."

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