The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"Does anyone have blunt weapons that are strong enough to keep the guards knocked out for a good enough time for everyone to get out and not be caught?" Says Axel.
"Hm, that could work.." Faye says, looking at Val. "They'd have a bruise, maybe...but it's all part of their job to try and protect the border. Just make sure they're just unconscious..not dead." She looks at Roslyn for a longer moment to get the point across to her.
"I don't know, put them into a pie, a cake, or bread, a sandwich." she shrugs "Mash them into jelly or a sauce or juice and just give it to them. I mean they won't refuse free food."
(Alright guys, I need to :brb: for a little bit. When I get back hopefully everyone should be online and Warlock and hopefully Manda..I shouldn't be long, though. Sorry! Be back shortly!)
Valindil turns to Juniper and says " That's also a good plan" They're there all day. Getting food delivered to them would be hard for them not to accept.
Birch was a little surprised as Faye left his company. Part of the entire reason he'd tried to bring her along was so that she could help him leave but it seemed that she had her own matters as she wandered over to an older elf without so much of a word of confirmation from him. Despite the awkward silence and her lack of memory on him, her walking off like that hurt. He only stood there a moment, wondering who the man could be until he realized it was her father. This revelation made him feel instantly hollow as he suddenly walked off, his plans on waiting for her ending abruptly. He didn't want to see whatever happened.

After a few more minutes of walking he finally arrives at the little hut on the edge of the village, the rich smell of food coming from the open window in the front. Pushing the door open, he entered what looked like a miniature inn complete with a bar counter and tables pushed into the corner. Without hesitation he made his way past the counter and into the pantry, grabbing a sack to carry what he needed and filling it up with anything long lasting he could find. A few dried meats, some fruits and vegetables, a few cooking oils and spices. As he turned to leave he gets quite a shock as he realizes his way is blocked. Vonthus, aging, balding and with a beer belly hanging over his belt, was watching the youth with a curious look on his face.

"What are you up to, boy?" he asks, his voice calm and curious as his brow furrows as he looks his adopted son in the eye.

There's a long silence as Birch just stares up at him. He didn't want to say what he had to, break the chefs heart and then just leave on what felt like a suicidal run out of the blue. And yet he still wanted to go. He didn't want to leave people he once knew and miss a chance to see the world. Unable to look at him as he says it, Birch lowers his head and mutters to the ground, "I'm leaving."

There's a stiff silence as the greying elf looks him over, concern written across his face though not for long as he shrugs, crossing his arms as he says, "Okay. Have fun," in an oddly chipper tone. Birch looked up, obviously confused thought before he can ask anything, Vonthus lifts a hand to ask for his silence. "I know there's nothing left for you here, my boy. Not since your mom and pop passed on. I always knew you'd put this village behind you one way or another. I just didn't expect it to be so soon."

Birch, still confused and dazed, couldn't help but feel thankful all the same. He really should have expected this. The old chef was wise from his age and he knew that Fayland was the unhappiest place in the world for Birch. Too many nice memories soiled by time. In a sudden surge of sadness, Birch began to feel tears roll down his cheek as his one good eye had begun to cry. Without another word Vonthus stepped forward and pulled the boy into a gentle hug.


Birch was practically running by the time he left the house, food and equipment his teacher had helped him gather clanging and bouncing around on his back. He managed to surprise even himself as he found himself in front of the general store in mere minutes, his breathe long and ragged as he walked to the clearing behind the place. Spotting the group standing around the burnt out fire pit - along with a giant animal he could only assume was one of them as well - he slowly made his way towards them, staying quiet for the most part as they talked about getting past the guards. After some violent and hair brained ideas were thrown around, he decided to make his presence known by throwing his hat in as well. "You're all overcomplicating it," he says quietly with his best poker face on display. "Just lie to tell. Tell them the captain wants to see them or that there's been some kind of accident."
Vex roared loudly to get all of them to shut up. They were all throwing dumb ideas around and were forgetting the original one that had been made, which in his opinion was a perfectly fine one.
Valandil turns to see the boy that had just joined the group standing there. "What if they ask for a letter of approval from their captain?" Says Valandil. But your idea may work.
Roslyn took Vex's cue and didn't say another word. She decided she would let them argue it out themselves over how they where getting out. Either way, it didn't matter to her, as long as they left and done it quick.
(I'm back! ^^ Lovely post btw, Warlock~ ^^)

Faye turned, hearing another idea. She turned to see that it was Birch, standing there with a bundle of items he had gathered at his home attached to his back. She walked over to him and said, "Good thinking, although I'm afraid it's not as easy as it seems. They're trained to not believe everything villagers tell them, especially a bunch of curious elves like us. Either way, one of the guards will stay there while the other goes to check out what it is we've told them." She shrugs, feeling bad that they couldn't take his idea. She assumed it must've taken him quite a bit of courage to speak up.

"As of now, I think we're going to have to knock them unconscious. That is, if Ivy can't play them a song to put them to sleep.."
(Is Ivy coming back online anytime soon? If not, you could control her once again and suggest that they use a gap in the patrol times that she learned from Darian during their conversation. This is just an idea to move the escape along.)

Ivy bites her lip, not sure if they should have her put the guards to sleep. She was afraid it'd put her friends to sleep as well.

"I'm really not all for violence," she squeaks worriedly, "but I'm not sure putting them to sleep with music is a good idea right were right..others might, I don't want to risk putting any of you guys to sleep.." she kicks a small pebble with her foot, feeling bad that she doesn't think she can help. 
(She still hasn't answered my texts..//le sigh// use what?? hahahah, I don't remember. I was thinking knocking the guards out, so that they're unconscious would be a perfectly fine idea. Just hit 'em on the head real quick and climb over the wall xD )
(Basically, Darian told her about a time when the patrols are switching. It's a good five to ten minutes, so it should give the group time to get out. This was told to Ivy as a random idea. Perhaps now is a good time to bring it up... or you could do the knockout thing, it doesn't matter.)
(Ah, okay. That's poor security on King Calaer's part xDD But yes, I'll have her bring that up now lmao)
(Hey, Darian had been studying this stuff for years. There's really no way a group of people who just decide to leave would notice. But, someone who's had access to the King's security for years would know. You're lucky Darian likes Ivy... or does he? XP)

"Wait!" Ivy blurts, holding her hand up for everyone to shush. "I just remembered something Darian told me earlier..he said that there's a time when the guards are switching..which lasts a good five to ten we could escape then? That way..we don't need to be violent?" she suggests shyly. Ivy pushes a strand of pink hair behind her ear, hoping they don't turn down her idea too harshly. 
(DARIANxIVY for life <3 xD //slapped//)
"Great." Roslyn blurts out. Her impatient-ness was getting extremely high at this point."So we have a plan. Can we get going?".
Faye puts her hands on her hips and nods, smiling proudly as she steps back. Everyone has their equipment and gear ready to go, along with any other items they believed was necessary to bring along with them. Vex is in beast form still, all of the heavy bags of food tied down to his back.

Faye rubs her hands together and lifts a brow. "Goodbye Fayland, hello outside world...Roslyn, would you like to lead the way?"
Birch doesn't say anything back to Faye and ends up looking away from her without thinking about it. Though he didn't want to think on the matter and considering how well things had gone, he still couldn't help but disliking how she'd left him high and dry to face the problem on his own. He does his best to not ignore her for long, trying to ignore the obvious pity he thought was in here eye and simply shrug in response to her apology. He hardly thought his plan was the best one possible.
Roslyn smiles "I thought you would never ask". She then proceeds to head south-east along the edge in the surrounding woodlands. She makes a hand gesture behind her queuing everyone to follow.
As Faye follows, she holds her second quiver of arrows over her shoulder as she catches up to Birch. This time, she's sure to approach his good side.

"Hey," she says with a smile, adventure clearly sparkling in her dark eyes. "Are you pumped to get out of here, or what?" 
"Oh!" she blurts, remembering something. "Sorry for kind of ditching you earlier..I needed to say bye to my father...I honestly can't believe that after today I may not ever see him again.." she says, looking down at the ground as she speaks.

She gets a little choked up, hating to have to say it aloud.
He watches Faye from the corner of his eye, his hands tensed on the straps of his bag as they go. So his theory on the identity of the man from before was right. All for the best that he didn't wait then. He doubt he could have kept his composure if she was going to be saying goodbye to him. Still, he felt bad. Despite how cheerful an appearance she'd been keeping up, he couldn't help but notice the tiniest bit of redness in her eyes. She was leaving everything behind, things she loved and knew. All he had to leave was one person and a lot of baggage.

On a complete whim, he reaches out to touch her shoulder, barely letting his fingers brush up against her before he pulls it back and speaks quietly. "It's fine," he insist, rubbing his good eye as he remembers his own tears. "I can't damn you for wanting to get some closure before we left. I would have done the same thing in your shoes."

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