The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"I couldn't agree more Vex.". Roslyn begins gathering things from around the camp. She starts loading it onto Vex's back and making sure her own things where secure on herself.
Faye clenches her jaw shut for a moment, having not even thought about how Darian could've turned them in.

"Oh, crap.." she mutters, her hands rolling into fists. She knew they shouldn't have trusted him. Thanks, Ivy, she thought with an eye roll.

Her fists unroll suddenly. "Well, you don't actually think he'd lie to us like that...?"

She shook her head and grabbed some of the bags of food they'd gathered and started throwing them onto Vex's back.
((well you guys can't just THROW them up onto his back all haphazard without something to hold them there lol. They would just fall off. You have to tie them down with rope. I was gonna have Ivy make Vex's beast form a harness, but she disappeared so yeah just tie the stuff down with rope or whatever))
"We shouldn't take that chance.". Roslyn walks up to Faye and looks at her. "Faye, I found a way we can easily get out of the city. There are only two guards at the southern gate. They seem like they could be easily...err...distracted. Me or any other of the females in the group could distract them while the rest of the group gets out. The only issue is..." Roslyn looks around. "Whoever decides to distract them, is going to have to kill them after the rest get out, so she can escape too.".
(Well yeah, she was going to tie them down, she was just putting them there first xDD And I think you mean Selina, the tailor. Ivy plays the harp~though she vanished as well. I've been trying to text her and tell her to get on since we're leaving soon, but she will not answer T-T)
((Oops, I forgot that detail Froggie lol. So let's just say they are tying them with rope xD .))
((okay Gypsy lol and yes Tamura, we are getting ready to leave. Everyone is tying the supplies for the trip down onto Vex's back so he can carry them in beast form))
Faye turns to Roslyn, her big brown eyes widening in shock. "Kill them?! Are you insane? That's murder! We can't just kill them. They're just doing their jobs by protecting the border." Faye lets out an exhausted sigh, moving back over to Vex. She begins to tie the bags down, still speaking to Roslyn.

"Where's Ivy? Can't she just put them to sleep?" she asks.
"But what about the rest of us? Won't we fall asleep if we hear the song too?". Roslyn clenches her fist. She was trying to hold back her frustration. "Look, if Ivy's little lullaby doesn't work, then we need a back up plan. I can do it if no one else can.".
She shakes her head fast before looking back at Roslyn. "We're not doing all this just to kill our own people. That's nonsense. There must be another way. Does anyone know magic?" she wonders, looking around at everyone.
((Hey Nami, sense you are friends with her in RL, do you think she would mind if you played Ivy until she got on so we can keep this moving?))
(Ikrr, I was thinking that Darian did too and I was like, figures T^T lmao, anddddd~I guess she wouldn't mind hahahah. I mean, I have been trying to text her..Idunno where the heck she went o-o)
((It's what she gets for failing to contact you/us. Easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.))

Ivy races back into the clearing, panting from running so much.

"Sorry, everyone! I forgot something at my house." She twirls the stone hanging from the string around her neck. She almost forgot her mother's necklace after taking it off when she fell asleep last night. She skips over to where the others are loading things on to Vex's back and tilts her head to the side, her pink hair falling into her face.

"Need help with anything else?" she asks curiously. 

Faye looks to Axel and shakes her head with a small shrug. "Unfortunately, no..I mean, they take turns with shifts, yes..but there will always be guards there. The borders are highly protected so elves like us don't do what we're doing."
Juniper looks down thinking. A way to distract the guards. It couldn't be that hard? They stood there as their job, but what would make them want to leave. Maybe if they felt sick or maybe if they thought someone some where else was sneaking over the wall. She couldn't think up a plan for any of these things. She rubbed her head thinking. "We could give them some of those berries that make you feel sick." she suggested.
Vex roared to acknowledge Ivy's return. Now that she was here, their plan could now be executed.

Vex grunted slightly, as if to question whether everyone was ready to go.
(Maybe it's another family game night for her or something xD But when she responds I'll let her know what's going on..)
Roslyn turns to Juniper "And how do you suggest we get them to eat those berries?". She then turns to Valindil when he speaks."That could be a good idea, but we would need to make sure they are out long enough for everyone to get out.".

Faye patted Vex's furry head and said to him, "We still need to wait for Birch..he should be here soon..." She looked down the path, trying to see if he was almost here, but she didn't see anyone there.

"Ivy, have you seen Birch? The tan kid with auburn hair?" she asks, looking to her friend.


Ivy shakes her head slowly. "No, I haven't..."

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