The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Birch was fairly sure that story was meant to be endearing in some way but it was so worrying that he couldn't help but look shocked. "Oh," is all he mutters at first, looking her over for any sign of injury though if the red haired girl was really a healer, there shouldn't be with something so simple as a burn. He didn't want to admit it but it almost made him want to see Faye as a bit of an clutz as well as an over optimist on the side. Still, she was willing to humble herself even if it was self degrading and he could appreciate that.

"Do you really not remember me?"

A thousand other questions had gone through his mind but this one just pushed it's way to the top before he could really think about it. Despite how embarrassing him blurting it out was, he didn't look away and instead made eye contact as he tried to read her expression.
Faye's smile slowly faded as she looked at him, seriousness in his gaze. She tried to search her mind again for answers, but struggled to find any. It was all blurry, though she knew somewhere in her mind she remembered him from something.

"Uhh.." she stammered, not wanting to tell him she couldn't remember. "I know I remember you from something.." she told him with a half grin, hoping the fact that she knew she knew him from somewhere would make it less terrible of her.

"Maybe I'll remember later, just give me some time to think," she says, punching him on the arm playfully. She smiles lightheartedly at him, trying to rid of the tension that had just risen between them. "As I said, my memory's not all that perfect. And as you said, it was a long time ago."
He doesn't react in any real way to her words though his flinching when she playfully punches him is perhaps a bit too bit much. It's still so strange, all this casual contact with near strangers. "I guess I shouldn't have expected much. I don't know why I remember myself." Why, not how. He realized the wording was bad and it would lead to questions but saying it otherwise would have felt like lying. Whether he wanted it to be or not, his memory was actually very good if not selective so he couldn't help but wonder what made him tag someone like this to memory. If she was anything like when they were younger, maybe it was to remind himself that other people could be happy despite his situation.

"If you want, I could grab some things and make a little meal for everyone before we go. You guys look like you might have skipped out without a real bite to eat." Noticing people being hungry from how they moved was something he picked up working with Vonthus. So many people came in just before work to order something from him and there was such a difference between when they entered and exited. Besides, he felt like he needed to confirm his skills to himself and the group before he was brought along.
(Okey dokey! ^^)

She wasn't quite sure what he meant by I don't know why I remember myself. She opened her mouth to question it, but then just smiled instead. Faye doubted that Birch was in any type of state to pour out his life story to a somewhat stranger.

"Just give me some time to think, I'll rememberrr," she pressed, trying to convince both him and herself that eventually it would just click.

Now she was curious about Birch and their supposed childhood memories together. She wanted to remember, but as of now-she couldn't..and it was certainly making her brain hurt.

"But yeah," she began, moving on from the previous topic, "you're right, I skipped out on breakfast. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm sure they didn't have much to eat either."

She scans the clearing, seeing how lifeless everyone is, not to mention impatient for Darian to arrive finally. "Plus," she added, cocking her head to the side with a competitive smirk as she placed her hands on her hips, "this would be a great way for you to put your cooking skills to the test."

Though, a moment later she rushed to say, "But I mean, that's only if you really want to. You don't have to...but it's really kind of you to offer." She clasps her hands together behind her back and grins at him.
Faye was so energetic. She was always moving around, even when she was doing something as simple as speaking. It was actually tiring to watch. Of course it didn't seem that abnormal. She was probably this full of energy even when she was younger so she had to outlet it somehow though this thought is pushed aside as Birch realizes the problem at hand.

"That's what I was trying to say before. I don't have anything on me, not even money. I suppose I could run home and grab some things. I suppose I should if I'm leaving. Vonthus would want to know." Of course he would. The man was practically his father, the idea of leaving without a single word felt insulting. "I'm not really sure I want to head back alone," he admits. He knew he would fail trying to explain the situation to his old teacher given that he hardly understood it himself. Maybe Faye could explain things to him.

The way he'd been acting since getting here may have seemed to be simple shyness at first but now it was quite obvious that it was more awkward than anything, so much so that he realized it. He didn't lack social grace as a whole but he just seemed uncertain about how to act at any given time. He was always doubting himself, leaving movements and speech as short as possible to avoid potential screw ups. Even so he managed to keep eye contact most of the time despite the condition of his eye sight and he only shied away when people touched him which he felt was reasonable.
(Sorry, guests at my house, can't find the time to write a quality post. Nami had a good idea. Since Darian is the most trained and knowledgeable about the outside, I think I can make him catch up. Just do that, and I'll try to sneak online at night.)
Faye smiles and says, "Sounds like a plan, I'll come with you."

She gestures her hand out towards the path back to the village and says, "Lead the way, Birch." 
(I'm picturing it now: Darian heads back to the clearing behind the general store with all of the wonderful supplies he gathered, only to find no one there. He drops the supplies onto the ground and sheds a tear. "Omg. They ditched me. Jerks. :'c" )
He nods once, not saying a word as he puts his hands inside the pockets of his jacket and he starts walking back towards the general store, not even looking back to make sure she's following.
Faye speeds up her pace for a moment so that she's walking beside Birch as they make their way through the village. "So where in Bellford do you live?" she asks, turning to face him as she awaits a response.

She knows that some people don't live in actual houses, like her friend Ivy, so she feels it makes sense to wonder.
"The edge of town," he states simply, looking at her from the corner of his eye for a moment before he focuses on the path ahead of them as they get onto the street near the stores. "It's close to where all the crops are grow. We get a lot of ingredients from the farmers as well as good deals from the trappers who have meat. And... we bake our own bread," he says, wishing that he hadn't put such an obvious stutter in his words though he tries to not give it attention.
As she makes her way to the south, Roslyn sneaks up to the southern gate. She remains hidden from sight yet close enough to see what's going on. She notices that there are only two guards at this entrance. She listens in on their conversations. She hears the mention how long it had been since they had the company of a good woman. Roslyn rolls her eyes, but then an idea dawns on her. She motions to Axel once more to follow her, and begins making her way back to the camp.
"Ah, I see," she says with a nod. She really didn't know what else to say, allowing silence to build up in the chill of the air. She crossed her arms, hugging her long jacket close to her. It was definitely a cooler day than yesterday. After all, it was Autumn.

She looks at Birch for a moment, taking in his appearance again.

Tan skin. Thin auburn eyebrows and silky straight hair. Different shades of gold in his eyes. Piercings attached to his ears. A blank expression. And of course, a permanent scar that trailed up from his neck to beneath his left eye.

Why can't you remember? she wondered to herself. She continued to study him as they walked in silence, trying so hard to remember how she knew him.
For Birch, walking with Faye was a stifling experience. The silence wasn't all that awkward since he didn't much have to say but even as he kept his eyes in front of him she was hardly hiding the fact that she wasn't doing the same. She was staring at him openly and to top it off she was standing on his bad side with his scar in plain view. The only person who had regular contact with him was Vonthus and he made it a point ever since the incident to never let his eyes wander. A somewhat damning action as it's left him feeling rather vulnerable to the act though he does his best not to show it though he subconciously take a sideways step away from her as they go.
(I think so. By the way, is it possible my that my character can just sorta follow you around? I have to go but I'll be back soon)
Roslyn eventually makes it back to the camp. She she's that Faye and Birch are gone, but she spots Juniper. "Hey Juniper." she states with a smile.
Faye notices him take a step away from her, which is when she realizes that she's been...staring at a weirdo. She jerks her head back so that she's looking ahead of herself once again. Allowing her eyes to close for a moment of peace, she takes in a soft breathe of air. She opens her eyes again, telling herself that it's fine. It's just, the fact that she couldn't remember where she knew him from was rather annoying.

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