The Otherwordly


The Mystical Creatures of Rotsheimgaard


It's important to note that even though otherworldly creatuers and fantasy animals do exist in Rotsheimgaard they are very rare. Most people live their entire life without ever interacting with one! Some creatuers (such as dragons, unicorns, gryphons) are often considered extinct or in fact mythical.



One of the most common otherworldly creatures in Rotsheimgaard are the trolls. They come in various different kinds and are found in almost all corners of the world. They vary in size; from three feet tall to actual giants. Most trolls are hunchbacked and hairy with broad noses and tiny eyes. They often have long, lanky arms, long dog ears and, hairy cow tails. Some trolls are mortal almost in the same manner as humans and live shorts lives, while other kinds can live for hundred, if not thousands, of years.

It is a common belief that trolls are stupid, but that is far from an absolute truth. The reason for the widespread belief of trolls being stupid is because the kind of troll that are most keen to live in close perimeter to human settlements – Grey Trolls – are just that: stupid. In other words, most humans only ever interact with dumb trolls, even though other trolls may be both sophisticated and cunning.

Trolls all feel pain at the touch of steel, and get headaches from the sound of church bells.

All trolls are found of things that are pretty or shiny, and throughout their lives they try to collect as many pretty things as possible, stacking them in hoards. Trolls are known to steal gold and riches from humans. It is said that there are trolls that have uncountable treasures of gold and gemstones hidden in their homes; the caves and forests of Rotsheimgaard.

Trolls are keen to kidnap beautiful women, forcing them to live with them as trolls, and often take them as brides or spouses. In the eyes of most trolls, humans are much more beautiful than they are, and the amount of human blood in ones bloodline is a status symbol among trolls. It's not uncommon that trolls abduct human children and exchange them for their own, this way, the troll gets a beautiful child, and the troll cub has a chance of being raised among humans.



Elves are light, spirit-like, frail creatures that are smaller than most humans. They are regarded beautiful by human standards, and all have long hair and usually dress in fine white or silvery clothes. They live under ground and prefers to come out during night time. On summer nights they can be seen dancing on meadows in the mist which they seem to be able to meld with, disappearing in one place and reappearing in another.

Elves are, like trolls, weak to the touch of steel and to the powers of The One Faith. They are considered immortal and doesn't age as other creatures do.

Elven creatures are almost as common as trolls, but are rarely seen by humans as they avoid bigger settlements. All elves are Wind Weavers to some extent, and often use their powers to hide from or inflict harm upon humans that have wronged them. Sometimes they use their powers to seduce human men who wander alone in the forest, this is because elf men are so rare that female elves sometimes must mix with humans in order to produce offspring.



There dwarves are tiny people that live underground and that are rarely ever seen by humans. They come in different kinds, which can be divided into three categories:

Sot Folk – They stay away and care little about what other creatures and folk are up to. They are short, dark of skin, and often have big beards. They have long lives, just as the trolls, but are not weak to the touch of steel. In fact, they are the greatest smiths in the world, creating magical artefacts by using their Wind Weaving skills. Sot Folk live in caverns so deep into the mountain that not even trolls can find them.

Vaetir – The most common type of dwarf is the Vaetir. They live as big families in underground tunnels. They often have entrances to their homes under fallen trees, stumps or behind big rocks. They are curious and playful, but often vile or thieving at the same time. The few Vaetir that learn to weave winds often become leaders of the families. They are known to lure and trick humans into getting lost in the woods.

Tomten – Tomten are close relatives to Vaetir, but they live in solitude their entire lives. They grow very old and are almost always powerful Wind Weavers. They are often helpful towards humans (well, as long as they think they deserve their help), and often make their home close to human farms. Tomten is rarely ever seen, but their work and labour is there for everyone to be seen, as they help around the farms and keep the animals clean and healthy. They love animals and can communicate with them.

Human Hybrids


Though rare, there are times when humans and these creatures mix. Such unholy relations are called Spottjalag and humans who partake in it willingly are often cast out from society. Direct offspring from spottjalag are easy to spot thanks to their inherited physical traits from both parents. They are the lowest of low in human societies, and are considered to be below the law. However, as blood gets diluted through generations the physical traits starts showing growing less visible, allowing for many hybrids live normal human lives.

Troll-blood – The blood of trolls lingers for a long time within the veins, often clearly visible for several generations. Troll-bloods, as they are called, are often big and strong, but just as often ugly and repulsive. Traits common to troll-bloods are dark hair, big noses, much body-hair, ugly teeth, big hands and feet. Troll-bloods are also sometimes born with cow-tails! Due to their low social status and usually heavy builds,Troll-bloods are often fit for trades of labour and war.

Elf-blood – Elf blood doesn't linger in the same way as troll blood does. It's visual tells last only a few generations. Add to that that it is very uncommon that the offspring of a human and elf is raised among humans (because eleves only willingly mate with humans in order to produce children to rise for themseleves). However, there are still few individuals in human societies that have elf-blood in their veins. Such individuals are feared rather than hated (which is the case with troll-bloods). Human descendants of elves tend to be considered beautiful, with porcelain skin, silverish-blonde hair, big eyes and sometimes pointed ears. They often make good Wind Weavers, and are just as often in touch with nature and animals.

The Creatures of Dimgaard

Ghosts and demons exist in all places of Rotsheimgaard, most of them are weak, harmless and pass unnoticed. However, there are rare individuals that are very powerful. They all come from the spirit realm, Dimgaard (known as Hell in The One Faith). While Ghosts are the passed away spirits of the living, demons are beings born from seemingly nothing. There are  two kinds of demons: Ancient demons and Young demons. In short, ancient demons are the demons of The Old Faith, while the young ones are those of The One Faith. 

First of young demons often take the form of horned animals such as bucks and bulls. They feed on the sins and evil acts of people. What is considered an evil act or a sin is based on a person's belief, which has lead these demons to specialize on followers of The One Faith which is a religion with many more rules and laws that say The Old Faith. They like to torment people by possesing their bodies, that way they are able to create evil deeds of their own to feed upon! 

Ancient demons share some attributes with their younger cousins; They have horns and are very monstrous-looking, but really doesn't borrow appearances from animals, instead, they look more like wretched humans or trolls with copper-coloured scales for skin. They don't posses people, but rather objects or places instead. They commonly feed on false sacrifice, either by fooling followers of the Old Faith or by Tjettanis-worshippers. However, they can just as well feed on sacrifice from a worshipper of The One Faith, but it is usually harder for them to make that happen.

All demons are tricksters that are prone to lie, and they lack all form of empathy. They will never feel pity for anyone ever. As long as they can profit on something, they will do it. That said, demons are cunning and clever, they can never really die and as such they are always very patient. Demons all have different powers, and each one is unique. It would seem that they are all wind weavers, even if they do not need to make nor gestures nor say magic words to summon their spells, it seems to happen at will, as if wind weaving is in their very nature. This makes them extremely dangerous and even more unpredictable. Demons hate the holy world and react strongly to holy symbols, words or even the presence of a holy person, such as a priest. This hatered is one of their main weaknesses, for it is one of the few times when they are predictable: demons will always try to harm or destroy holy people or artefacts in one way or another. (However, remember that they are still very patient!).

Both demons and ghosts can freely travel back to Dimgaard at almost any given time, but is unable to enter the world of Rotsheimgaard without help from a living soul who is already there. There are some places, however, where the two worlds seem to overlap, allowing spirits to travel back and fourth much easier. These places are called Dimgates. A typical sign that a Dimgate is close by is if the ground is covered in Gateclover. A bronze or copper coloured type of clover that can be used in many magical rituals (demon or ghost summoning rituals for example). Gateclover smell of sulphur, just like demons do!

Other Creatures

There are many other creatures in Rotsheimgaard, too many to list and describe here! There are river sprites, will-o-wisps, lindworms, worg-beasts and in ancient days even dragons! And that's to only name a few of all those that are lurking about in the wast world of Rotsheimgaard! It's important to note that otherworldly creatures are very rare. Most people live their entire life without ever interacting with one!

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