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Fantasy The Other Side - Characters

The Basics
  • Real name: Crown Princess Inara Visconti
  • Goes by: Princess Inara
  • Nickname: Nora
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 5’6
  • Romantic preferences: Heterosexual
  • Race/species: Human
  • Role: Princess of Mirim
  • Neighborhood: Castle


Appearance, hobbies, and abilities
  • Hair color: Midnight blue/black
  • Eye color: Green
  • Scars and body markings: Her skin is flawless besides the freckles that adorn her face and tops of her shoulders.
  • Occupation: Princess of Mirim; Inara is not allowed to participate in matters of state, so she spends most of her time in etiquette lessons or involving herself in charity work.
  • Hobbies: Needlework, philanthrope, horseback riding, archery
  • Abilities: While she is not blessed with physical prowess, Inara possesses other qualities that make her a worthy adversary. Inara has keen intrapersonal skills and excels in areas of speech making, diplomacy, and politics.

The Personal Things
  • Personality:
    • Intellect: While Inara often comes across as naïve and lacks the traditional education of a leader, she is blessed with immense intellect. She tends to be meticulously organized and is blessed with keen observational/interpersonal skills.
    • Caretaker (Myers Briggs): Inara is perceived as being the kind, generous, and charitable face of the kingdom. She is fiercely loyal to her close friends/family, enjoys helping others, and enjoys being liked by others.
    • Honorable: Inara prides herself in being the picturesque princess. She is persistently dedicated to all of her duties as princess and carries herself with an air of distinction that is well beyond her years.
  • Strengths:
    • Cunning: Blessed by good looks and an extroverted nature, Inara is often able to use her good looks and high social standing as a weapon against others.
    • Justice: Inara possesses a strong sense of justice, or what she believes is morally right or wrong. She is very stubborn when it comes to upholding and protecting her value, and tends to be cruel to those who interject.
    • Graceful/Kind: The princesses’ jaw dropping appearance and her kind demeanor makes her very popular both in and out of the castle. Many people praise her gentle nature and worship her like a goddess.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Needy: Having been sheltered most of her life, Inara tends to be needy. She is so used to getting her way and people breaking their necks to cater to her every whim that she becomes flustered when things don’t work out in her favor.
    • Controlling: Inara has an intense need to please others, so she tries to bend most situations to her liking. Unfortunately, those who get on her bad side know how controlling and insufferable she can be.
    • Approval-Seeking: The princess yearns to be noticed by others and will sometimes go through extreme lengths to be recognized for her efforts.

  • Biography: Despite what most people may believe, the privileged life of a princess is not one to be envied. Inara was born to Queen Helen and King Jero as the second heir to the Kingdom of Mirim. Princess Inara has been doted on by the royal family since her birth, so she grew up very sheltered and spoiled. She was never allowed to leave the castle grounds, and she was not even allowed to attend the royal school (due to being a female). Instead, her education consisted of needlework, keeping a happy home, and producing heirs. Inara was never quite satisfied with the life a princess was expected to live, so she made a show of being the castle's number one terror. She was often punished as a child for her naughty behavior and frequent tantrums. As she aged, the princess became more aloof and withdrawn from the castle's daily life. Things significantly shifted for her after the death of Emory's beloved wife, Alicia. Emory was once her only company within the palace with whom she could be her authentic self. During this period, both she and her sibling were very isolated from each other. To gain attention and prove her value within the royal family, Inara started studying books on history, politics, and the art of war. This period gave her enough strength to eventually feel brave enough to help pull Emory out of his mourning.

The Fun Things
  • Loves: horseback riding, fashion trends, gossiping, cats
  • Likes: tea time, morning beauty prep, and sweets.
  • Dislikes: Frogs (they’re so ugly!), being disturbed while studying, being told what to do
  • Fears: Losing her family, being worthless or having no purpose, not experiencing life fully (life just ‘happening’ to her).

  • The princess writes under the fake moniker Chelsea Wayze. Chelsea is known throughout the kingdom as the writer for the gossip section of the social pamphlet "What the Cat Dragged In." It specializes in mostly local gossip and propaganda. The writer is known to have eyes all throughout the kingdom.

  • Crown Prince Emory: The prince and Inara have been mostly inseparable since the princesses' birth, but the passing of Emory's wife caused some strain in their relationship.
  • (Character name here):
  • (Character name here):
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Robin Lynwood


The Basics


Real name: Robin Morwind Goes by: Robin Lynwood Nickname: (Any nicknames your character may go by) Age: 20 Gender: Trans female Height: 5'6 Romantic preferences: Bisexual Race/species: Human Role: Gifted Time in Mirim: Whole life Neighborhood: Balta
Appearance, hobbies, and abilities

Hair color: Pink with a white streak Eye color: Pink Scars and body markings: Various small scars on hands and arms Occupation: Fortune teller Hobbies: ➤Shopping: Fortune tellers don't bring in a whole lot of cash, but Robin also works odd jobs where she can so she doesn't have to live too frugally. Like her mother, Robin has a weakness for fashion and a large closet. Despite being adamant that she is a woman, she doesn't let this stop her from enjoying both feminine and masculine styles, though you will definitely find her wearing a dress most of the time.
➤Music: Robin finds music calming, both listening to and playing it. She owns a flute, though her skill isn't anything special.
➤Vigilantism: An outlet for Robin's guilt and anger. When she witnesses wrongdoing, she will take justice into her own hands. Sometimes, she'll even stroll around at night specifically looking for trouble.
Abilities: Illusions: Robin power as a Gifted. She can alter the appearance of herself, others, and objects, or make people see and hear things that aren't there at all. If she creates an illusion of something that would cause harm to someone, they would feel pain, but take no real damage. The pain wears off once they realize they are uninjured. She is capable of making herself invisible as well, but anyone already aware of her presence, or otherwise expecting to see someone where she is, will be able to see her.

The Personal Things


Personality: Robin enjoys acting sociable and friendly, but this is largely performative. She has trouble opening up to or trusting others due to her past experiences, but doesn't mind maintaining more casual friendships, especially if they benefit her in some way. She'll purposefully distance herself from those who get too comfortable around her though. She's got a sharp mind underneath her act, and is usually aware of how she comes off, and can generally predict how people will react to her. She can be a bit of a flirt, though she also tends to use this as a way of deflecting when nervous or uncomfortable, sometimes unintentionally. While she's good at focusing on smaller details, she'll often miss the forest for the trees, and can come off as air-headed or unfocused at times.

On a good day, she's bright and fun-loving, though it's also not rare to see her moody and brooding over something that's happened recently. Her thoughts can become dark or drastic pretty quickly, but she usually bounces back before long. Robin took the failed uprising and it's consequences hard, and is frequently wracked by guilt and regret over her actions. She feels as if she is running from judgement, and while she's not about to turn herself in, she's left feeling like she owes something to somebody, she just can't figure out what or who. While she is concerned with her own honor and self-image as a good person, she acknowledges that the world as a morally complex place and is willing to do ethically dubious things. She often does things her conscience objects to, though she'll usually try to rationalize things to herself after the fact. She can also be somewhat rash, almost to the point of seeming drawn towards danger.
Strengths: ➤Physically Fit: Robin is in pretty good shape, and can accomplish most tasks that don't require superhuman strength or endurance. She's also trained with a sword.
➤Creative: Robin likes to come up creative ways out of sticky situations. Her abilities have their limitations, especially in a fight, but Robin knows that it's how you use them that counts.
➤Social Skills: Robin can be a bit of a loner when she's in a mood, but she usually likes talking to people, and is good at steering conversations where she wants them to go, to the point where calling her manipulative wouldn't be entirely inaccurate.
Weaknesses: ➤Reckless: Robin can get in over her head, and often ends up tackling things she can't handle on her own. She isn't the type to ask for help, or take things like personal safety into account. Some might even say she has death wish at times.
➤Haphephobia: Robin experiences significant anxiety when touched by others, especially by strangers.
➤Hallucinations: When under great stress, or when overusing her powers, Robin begins to lose control, and inadvertently creates illusions as she begins hallucinating. She can keep up simple or well practiced things like appearance changes almost indefinitely, while more complicated creations push her near her limit more quickly.
Biography: Robin was born to a pair of gifted parents who worked as sentries. Her father came from the Morwind family, which boasted a long history of service to Mirrim’s military and defense. Her mother was the youngest daughter of the wealthy Lynwood family, who developed gifts despite her parents being powerless. To Robin, her parents seemed invincible. Her father could see a short distance into the future, and was considered a swordsman without peer, while her mother possessed monstrous strength, and wielded a longbow ordinary humans would struggle to lift, much less draw and fire. As such, it came as a complete shock to an eleven year old Robin when they were found slain in the divide that separates Mirim from the Shadowed North.

With who or what killed her parents left a mystery, Robin blamed the King and the gifted for her their demise, and prayed that she would never develop a gift of her own. A bit of a late bloomer, Robin hadn’t developed any powers by the time of her parents’ death. Her father had always seen her powers coming in as an inevitability, and trained her to prepare her to serve Mirrim like all men of the Morwind family had for generations. Her mother, who retained a weakness for fashion, as well as the trappings of high society, chose to spend time with their child in a different way. Robin would tag along with her mother when she shopped for dresses on her days off, and at some point she developed a taste for them herself. Despite Robin being a boy at the time, her mother came to enjoy dressing her up almost more than she did shopping for herself.

But, in the weeks following her parent's funeral, Robin would begin to see and hear things that weren't really there. Robin kept to herself a lot during this time, and it was nearly a month before anyone was with her for one of her hallucinations. It was her uncle, Robert Lynwood, who walked in on Robin being tormented by the voices of her parents, telling her that she would die as they had. To her shock, Robert had heard the voices as well. Robin realized in that moment that she was a gifted like her parents.

The reveal of Robin’s gift sparked a bit of a custody struggle over her. Her Uncle Robert had been taking care of Robin since her parent’s death, but now Evelyn Morwind, her father’s sister, wanted to adopt her. Robin wanted nothing to do with her father’s family, but the choice ended up not being hers. As a gifted with no control over her powers, it was decided that her aunt, an instructor who taught other gifted to use their powers in combat, was better equipped to care for her. Evelyn took her in, and continued her training.

At fourteen, Robin would begin to have a bit of rebellious streak. She had a decent grip on her powers at this point, and began using them to shirk her training and sneak out into the city. She fraternized with Otherfolk, making friends her aunt would not approve of, and picking up occult practices like fortune telling. She would read fortunes for spending money, and bought fashionable dresses for herself like her mother once had. Her aunt didn’t approve of her crossdressing or her Otherfolk friends, but with the powers she’d helped Robin gain control over, there was little she could do to stop her niece from sneaking out.

During these years, Robin would grow particularly close with a beastfolk girl named Fran. Her aunt was prejudiced against Otherfolk, and Robin knew she wouldn’t approve of their relationship, so she kept it hidden. With Fran, she was comfortable enough to be herself. When Robin expressed that she wanted to live as a girl, the beastfolk girl was nothing but supportive. She equally supportive when certain beliefs of hers began to rub off on Robin as well. The young gifted began to see the mistreatment of Otherfolk in the kingdom. Really, anyone could if they actually looked. Sure, it wasn’t as bad as in Ostello or Asmique, but that was no reason to sit by while prejudice and targeted violence ran rampant in the Kingdom.

Robin would end up participating in uprising, disguised as an Otherfolk. When things took a turn for the worse, escaping punishment was as simple as running in the other direction and using her powers to conceal herself. No one would suspect a human, much less a gifted, of having any part in the riot without solid proof. She would learn later that Fran had been killed, and her aunt Evelyn, who had joined the effort to suppress the riot, had been grievously injured in battle with a werefolk. In the months following her recovery, Evelyn began to show signs of changing, and one night, she vanished from Mirrim without a trace.

Realizing how stupid and impressionable she’d been, Robin was overcome with guilt and regret. All that had kept her alive that day was dumb luck and her privilege as a human. She moved in with her uncle and began using her mother’s last name, but when the announcement came that Otherfolk would purged from Mirrim, Robin began having hallucinatory episodes caused by her powers again. She moved into an apartment Balta and mostly keeps to herself these days, reading fortunes and doing odd jobs to get by. As an outlet for her guilt and anger, and also because she feels Mirrim is still owed justice, she has recently taken to patrolling the city at night, and acting as a vigilante.

The Fun Things


Loves: Fashion, Music, Sweets Likes: Watching the sun rise or set, Casual socialization, Cooking a nice meal just for herself Dislikes: Mirrim's government, Injustice, Physical contact Fears: Betrayal, Other gifted



Robin takes medicine obtained from a local doctor that helps her achieve a more feminine appearance. Just don't ask how it's made.

Robin has switched to using her mother's maiden name since the uprising. She feels she has failed to live up to the Morwind name, not that that's something she's sure she ever wanted to do anyways.



(Character name here): (This section is optional. It's for filling out as your character meets more people) (Character name here): (Character name here):
Lavender Margo Withersbury


The Basics
  • Real name: Lady Lavender Margo Withersbury
  • Nickname: Margo
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 5’8
  • Romantic preferences: Lesbian
  • Race/species: Human
    • Role: Gifted Human
  • Time in Mirim: 19 years
  • Neighborhood: Farmland, currently in Maple Hill
Appearance, hobbies, and abilities
  • Hair color: reddish brown
  • Eye color: brown
  • Scars and body markings: none
  • Occupation: Unemployed
  • Hobbies: Horseback riding: One of Lavenders many passions are horses. Like any real member of the nobility, she has enjoyed extensive riding lessons from an early age. But unlike most of her peers, she doesn’t content herself with the occasional hunt. Since she has spend the majority of her teenage years stuck in her families country estate, Lavender has spend countless hours learning to understand, handle and take care of horses. She bribed the staff into allowing her to work as a stable boy and is familiar with not only the formal and stiff riding technique becoming of her social class, but also the free and wild style used by Eastland peasantry. Drawing: This hobby is closely connected with Lavenders abilities. To create illusions, she needs to be able to picture objects and people in her mind perfectly. Sketching, especially anatomical sketches, have helped her painstakingly refine her gift. In her free time she likes to experiment with chalk paints, since they blend nicely. Geology: one of her fathers great passions. Is it really her hobby, or simply the need to continue the parental legacy of measuring every stone and hill in Mirims vast farmlands? Lavender isn’t sure, but she is rather proud of the amount of rock formations she has sketched so far. Acting:The only thing lavender loves more than horses is probably Theater. She has spend more than one evening secretly sneaking out to see plays while in Maple Hill, and she acted in a few minor village plays before. Obviously, her mother would never let her be an actress, so for now Lavender can only dream of the big stage.
  • Abilities: static illusions - Lavender can create incredibly realistic illusions of inanimate objects. This isn’t too difficult for her, depending on the complexity of the object, and she can keep up the illusion for months before it starts fading. Moving illusions/Imitations of living things - These are still quite difficult for her, she needs to have a very clear idea of the creature she is trying to imitate, especially their movements and manner of speech. It is difficult to keep up a complex illusion for more than a few hours before it starts going haywire. Currently, Lavender also can’t handle more than two moving illusions at once. Very observant - Since her gift is entirely dependent on attention to detail and focus, Lavender tends to pick up on and memorise small details overlooked by others. She is hard to fool with magic or disguises.
The Personal Things
  • Personality: INFP - Lavender is an awkward, dramatic and energetic person. She is very insecure and seems to hide behind a sarcastic self-deprecating “look at that” humour. This can come across as slightly annoying or insensitive, especially because she doesn’t have the best comedic timing. After being stuck in the same place with little company, Lavender feels restless, bored and curious about everything. She really wants to see and experience things, all the time and preferably right now. Her pettiest and most rebellious attitude is reserved towards her mother, but she can react childishly when angered. Though reflective, once the noble has an opinion on something, she can be surprisingly stubborn. When interacting with strangers, Lavender likes to use her acting talents to put on a polite and optimistic facade. Not very used to talking to nobility outside of her family, weirdly enough, lavender finds herself less uncomfortable around normal citizens and servants. She doesn’t think all that much of social status, something perhaps formed because of her stay in the countryside. This does not mean that she is aware of her immense aristocratic privilege. Lavender might see a servant as a friend, but she has no problem with their position as servant to her.
  • Strengths: Caring - Lavender understands what it’s like to feel ignored or lesser than others. She normally doesn’t want anyone else to feel bad or lonely and she enjoys helping people with small things. It makes her feel valuable and needed. As soon as she gets over her awkwardness, her gestures can be thoughtful and considerate. Determined - She might have a dramatic crying fit and chuck things out of windows or bemoan the injustice of her situation, but the towel is never truly thrown. No matter what, Lavender never gives up. Open minded and Educated - Her mother insisted on it, so the young noble has been forced into a vigorous education including a variety of humanistic and scientific subjects. Lavender plays the piano and sings decently, knows even the most abstract social etiquette and read the classical literature of both Asmique and Mirim. Though she prefers a good hunt over theoretical conversation any day, Lavender can hold her own in a political debate. There was no other choice. Great hugs - some people just have a talent for soothing others and calming frizzled nerves with a smile or bad joke.
  • Weaknesses: terrible liar - Even rather inattentive people can often tell when Lavender is telling an outright lie. She turns red as a tomato, stutters and fidgets excessively. Chaotic - Her teacher always described Lavender as air-headed. She constantly forgets things, acts impulsively and gets distracted by the smallest things. Overall, she works in bursts of motivation and not methodical action. Bitter - Grudges can fester for a very long time and Lavender acts cruel towards people that she’s come to dislike. Even if they do not truly deserve it. Her lack of genuine communication can make it difficult to resolve conflicts. Awkward - as already mentioned above, something about Lavender just screams awkward politeness. Her mother once called her a “neurotic mess” in a fit of annoyance, which sadly hits close to home. Though some find her flustered attitude charming, public speaking (or generally speaking) don’t always go without a hitch for Lavender. She just seems to attract disasters!
  • Biography: The youngest child of the wealthy and reasonably respectable noble house Withersbury, Lavender grew up sheltered from the very beginning. Her childhood was a happy one, spend mainly fighting her siblings and spending time with her favourite nanny Ann. Eudora Withersbury played a distant role, strategically setting aside one hour each week for “mothering” in her busy calendar. Only two years younger than the heir, Lavender grew up slightly envious of her brothers position as the golden child and their mothers limited attention. Olivian Withersbury was a kind, jet mysterious father, disappearing for months at a time as he traveled between kingdoms to secure trading deals. He always carried with him souvenirs and fascinating adventures from his travels. The two shared an interest for Geology, leading Lavenders room to be filled with stones from far away places and islands. At the age of 13, the families world view was turned upside down when a grinning Lavender demonstrated her abilities for the first time. Having a gifted child meant an uncomfortably closer relationship with the crown. And the Witherburies worried that a certain rumour spread across the nobility might see itself reinforced. Lavender didn’t look very much like either of her parents. No matter how many gushing family members pretended to see her grandfathers nose in her face, or their aunties twinkly eyes. No, the young noble suspiciously resembled a certain person once known to be closely allied with the house Withersbury. A certain gifted person. Rumoured to have been spotted rather often dancing with the countess. So it was obvious that poor Lavender needed to be kept far away from listening ears and watching eyes. Labelled as a sickly child, she was swiftly send away to her families country estate. There, far away from the capital and her mothers ambitions, the young girl would spend her teenage years among horses and kind village folk. This separation from the rest of her family has made Lavender bitter and rebellious, as well as blurring her perception of aristocratic etiquette and propriety. After her eighteenth birthday, Eudora has taken it upon herself to help her daughter find a suitable match or long-term occupation. So far, without sizeable success. The sudden death of Lavenders father has shaken the girl and caused her to question the families long standing tradition of overlooking and under-mentioning. What, or who, will she find?
The Fun Things
  • Loves: horses, red velvet cake, patient people
  • Likes: crystals, spring, art exhibitions
  • Dislikes: Pretentiousness, boredom, dinner parties
  • Fears: A lacking sense of purpose, cramped spaces, darkness
There is a persistent rumour that Lavender was the result of an affair.

My character is in a long-term relationship that is nearing its unfortunate end.

Eudora Withersbury - A complicated mother-daughter relationship. Lavender likes to make her mothers life as difficult as possible, though in reality she just feels ignored and unimportant. Eudora loves her daughter, but isn’t sure if she likes her. They are very different people, who both struggle to communicate. Olivians death has sharpened the tension.

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