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Fantasy The Order *Reloaded*

Peaceswore said:
I don't need no Fck'n kraken; I got me a peacesworn xD


Peaceswore said:
I won't get them drunk yet~ Sorry~ *Still laughing evilly in the corner* I'M GOING TO GET HIM HIGH!!!!!
Oh dear god...
That post may be ehhhhhhhhhhh But my excuse is.... It's late and I should be in bed..... xD I may change it later.


[QUOTE="Jesters Court]((I love how he's able to hold conversations like that with himself xD ))

Clones man.... Very, very useful~
Peaceswore said:
That post may be ehhhhhhhhhhh But my excuse is.... It's late and I should be in bed..... xD I may change it later.

Clones man.... Very, very useful~
Meh I got the pan sexual outer god for when I want shit to get wierd.
Peaceswore said:
At least one Ryuu is free anytime ;)
Very true... But that's what smoke imaging is for xD not a true clone, but basically a hologram made of smoke.

So they can't do anything besides talk and look pretty.
True... Ryuu clones however... Can talk, look pretty, and get fully physical~

Now.... I need someone to walk in on this lovely mess.... Or maybe not........ Hmmmm
-cant wait for her first challenge- If its eating a sandwhich I will murder you

Oh, and we.. heh, both apologize for our monster posts.... yeah....and for whats to come...
Hey people, I just got back from work, so give me a few minutes to get myself organized, look at lumina's Cs, set up the current leaderboreds aka just put your names down with zero points so I don't forget, and then I'll start sending out challenges :D

@Quiet Dragon ... We may have a slight problem... Rolling hills asylum isn't within NYC city limits... its all the way across the bloody state...the characters fine... but ah, could you maybe find a location a bit closer to be crazy at?

...that and its no longer an active insane asylum... its a tourist attraction xD
@Quiet Dragon[/URL] ... We may have a slight problem... Rolling hills asylum isn't within NYC city limits... its all the way across the bloody state...the characters fine... but ah, could you maybe find a location a bit closer to be crazy at?

...that and its no longer an active insane asylum... its a tourist attraction xD
Fuuuucccckkkkkkkkkk............canI do it some other time? I'm eating dinner rn
[QUOTE="Quiet Dragon]Fuuuucccckkkkkkkkkk............canI do it some other time? I'm eating dinner rn

Sure, im about to do that to. i will start sending our orders after that btw.
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Sure, im about to do that to. i will start sending our orders after that btw.

*flares nostrils with excitement*
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Sure, im about to do that to. i will start sending our orders after that btw.

I couldn't find any active ones.
Quiet Dragon]I couldn't find any active ones. [/QUOTE] Well... i found [URL="http://mental-health-facilities.healthgrove.com/l/4003/Montefiore-North-Division-Mental-Health-Clinic said:
this one[/URL] (their actual website. Google maps is the next link.), but it is a mental health institute, not an asylum like in a stereotype... This is where its at on the map...
StoneWolf18 said:
-Pushes faces up on laptop screen, eagerly awaiting the PM-
I did one thing, and now i have to wait on peace before i can do what i want to next... it doesn't help that we only have a few people i can set against each other right now... as more people join i will be able to do more...
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]I did one thing, and now i have to wait on peace before i can do what i want to next... it doesn't help that we only have a few people i can set against each other right now... as more people join i will be able to do more...

Remember that not all challenges have to have someone against someone. Its not a battle royal (Well kinda but you get my point)

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