• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Order *Reloaded*

Wicked Jester

Suit Gangs Infamous Jester

Prohibited powers:

This is going at the top so you people can’t use the excuse of “I didn’t see it…”. Also, im removing a ton of restrictions from last time, so this will be done allot more by ear, but I am​


(you can fill in the 100 possible answers for that blank there… and all of them are banned…)

“Time fuckery of any sort”

(I don’t feel like dealing with any paradox shit or nothing. So no slowing down, stopping, rewinding, changing, or fucking with time in anyway…. THIS ALSO INCLUDES SEEING THROUGH TIME… [inhuman reaction speed and movement is not manipulating time so dependent on its scale, it may or may not be allowed.]

“Mind control/reading/manipulation”

(takes way to much coordination among players, and often involves god modding.)

“No Sever Reality Warping”

(really flexible on this rule here, but um for example, removing gravity from existence would be a no-no… this one is going to be a case by case kind of thing.)

“No Immortality or Immunity BS”

(once again really flexible, but you people should be able to figure stuff out.)

“Whatever the hell I say no to.”

(I will often give a reason, but my word is final. If I have ideas on how it could be modified to work, I’ll tell you, but if I tell you no, and something like “There’s no way in hell that power or any variation of it is going to be accepted”. Then it might just be best to drop it.)




these are legitimately what they sound like… they can be nicknames, or other identities you use to remain anonymous…


(won’t really play much of a role in the RP, but its always fun to know what side of the moral line you fall on.)



(originality appreciated, but you have to be able to explain what it is/you are…[see top of application for a list of banned powers])(also, while members of The Order know of the existence of supernatural beings, normal humans not in the order do not… so be careful about revealing your existence to them…)


(oh dear god… if you really have to ask…)


(this is appearance wise, your character can be a 12 century old vampire, but they should look to be anywhere from 8 years old to 80 years old)



Place of residence:

(Oh look, I’m actually making you do research… not much, but some… just go use google maps or something and find a place to live in New York…)


(Images and/or descriptions please, also if your character is inhuman please create appearances for their human appearance, and their unleashed form)


(if your character is about to commit an illegal/suspicious act, then wearing a mask is likely to be a good idea… aka WEAR YOUR MASK IF YOUR ABOUT TO BLOW UP A GAS STATION YOU BLOODY IDIOT!!!!)


(if applicable)


(Attitude towards others, Likes, Dislikes, Phobias, Etc…)

Preferred Weapon(s)/equipment:

(be original, unique weapons are always fun)


(this can be anything from the supernatural to something like lock picking)


(natural resistances, miscellaneous powers, etc… [note that this is broader that the abilities section I guess… if your good at being sociable, then you wouldn’t put that under abilities, but more here and the personality section…])


(same thing as strengths but the opposite…)


(a general overview of your characters past and history)


(This kind of became a joke last time so… well, you will see as more Cs appear…)

Even if your accepted, you’re not off my watch list just yet; and I will yell at you for any tom foolery, undue shenanigans, or bullshittery that occurs… and believe me; I am mean when I start yelling…
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Name: Fenris D. Avalon

Aliases:Everest L. Avalon, PEAK

Alignment:110% Neutral

Gender: Male


Soulshard- A synthetically created being, made from an incredibly rare stone charged with unimaginable power, and surrounded by the final ashes of a phoenix. A soulshard is the physical embodiment of an absence in the universe. (In a simpler wording we could say he’s the sentient, physical embodiment of a pocket dimension.)



Height: 6’0’’

Weight: 15lbs (his body is made of various gasses; the soulshard that grants him life weighs 15 pounds.)

Place of residence:95 Wall st.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-23_21-46-20.png.c6435e92047ebb9292033daa67d23c30.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70829" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-23_21-46-20.png.c6435e92047ebb9292033daa67d23c30.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Smoker form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-23_21-46-13.png.65435239ba04e474ccce5e06c192042b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70828" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-23_21-46-13.png.65435239ba04e474ccce5e06c192042b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-23_21-46-4.png.f5604047c1499480a876fbbed3f50c1e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70827" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-23_21-46-4.png.f5604047c1499480a876fbbed3f50c1e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation: Ambassador/servant of the Six (this is mainly because as the RP creator, I can't exactly give myself points, so this will give me a way to interact with you guys while still attempting to keep it fair.)

Personality:Very open going and friendly, Loves music and food, is extremely lazy when he gets the chance, and will always be willing to help.

Preferred Weapon(s)/equipment:

He is a pocket dimension, so he has pretty much everything, but he really only uses his duel tonfa swords.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-23_21-45-54.png.1637932b61fb7a441f4ca0473300803d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70826" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-23_21-45-54.png.1637932b61fb7a441f4ca0473300803d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Dimensional storage: by encompassing any object while in smoker form, he can “store” it inside of him… there has yet to be a limit as to how much Fenris can store. (this ability only works on organic things with their consent.) also note, that while physical projectiles can be stored, magical projectiles cannot.

Typhokinesis: smoke manipulation in all its glorious uses... (so smoke screens, matter surfing, and aoe style attacks... [no ally creation or anything, just escape and evasion uses.])


Has extremely versatile abilities

He is extremely well acquainted with the six.

Knows how to use most physical weapons.

Is really hard to kill as he only has one true physical point that can be attacked. (Fenris can move his shard throughout his body at will, so it may not be in the same location twice.)


Is extremely well acquainted with the six,

Is far too lazy for his own good.

Has to smoke a lot to maintain a layer of smoke around his shard. (this smoke layer can be blown away with ease, possibly temporarily revealing his soulshard.)

If the soulshard inside him is somehow destroyed, he will die instantly (well he could be revived if the six had another soul shard, but he is their only one… currently I guess…)

Is overly trusting of people

is way to much of a jokester.


(Audio recording made by Fenris, retelling his life's story):

"So a great number of years ago, the strongest being in the universe was a extremely rare variation of a phoenix. Millennia passed, and he was a great guy. People loved him. Then, he died. They still haven't figured out how the hell it happened... because I mean phoenix... dying... does not compute right? Ya, well either way, he died, and left behind a big pile of ashes the would continuously release smoke, but no reincarnated bird guy. So, the next six strongest beings in existence quested for a stone that was supposed to be able to restore ones life... god this is sounding like something out of a third rate anime. Blah, Blah, Blah, many adventures and perils, yadayadayada... anyway, they got the stone and the ashes together and started pumping magic into it... Who the fuck thought that was a good idea and that it wouldn't just, I don't know explode or something is beyond me, but after they started pumping magic into big giant smoke cloud appeared and out popped me... So ya... with nothing better to do, I've just been chillin' with the six... oh ya, apparently I'm not supposed to say to much about them on here because of this weird new game or something they came up with... unfortunately I know that that means that they are going to start using me as an errand boy again... hell they might even want me to play... and that would be way out of my pay grade... Where was I.... Oh right, don't give away details, and focus on life story right... so ya... basically I'm the six's glorified errand boy... I mean I do all the laundry, wash and wax the cars, clean the guns, cook the food, serve the booze, organize the house. All of it. I do basically all the chores... Without me, I don't think the idiots would survive a single day."

(At this time we hear another voice yell out,)

"YO! Fenris! I'm hungry, could ya make me a sandwich?"

(We hear the sound of a glass being picked up, a snort as if saying "I told you so" and Fenris yell back)

"I'm doing that life story shut you guys told me to do! Go make it yourself you lazy ass squid!'

"Well I would, but currently I'm out on the balcony holding you box of Cuban cigars."

(We hear a small slosh of liquid before coughing and sputtering, fallowing that we hear loud thuds and Fenris yell out,)

"MOTHER FUCKER I'M SAVING THOSE!!!! I swear to god if you drop them of the guiding I will show Amp the magazines under your bed!!!"

"You wouldn't dare!"


(At this point, all that can be heard is indistinct yelling and loud crashes and thuds followed by a female voice yelling extremely loudly,)



"OH FUCK!!!!"

(Far louder crashes and bangs are heard and the audio tape ends there.)

((You guys don't have to do your background this way, you can do it normally, but I thought this seemed kind of stupid and funny and gave you Fenris' view on his life.))



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Name: keith Rae


Alignment: chaotic

Gender: male

Species: humanoid bull shark (pretty self explanatory xD )

Sexuality: straight

Age: 21

Height: 6 foot 3

Weight: 370 pounds (sharks are heavy bastards xD )

Place of residence: Algeria hotel at long beach

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.9917aaed014e0cd0507695d56772787f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.9917aaed014e0cd0507695d56772787f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mask(s): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.8308398ce3288cc5438e09b64fa96acb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.8308398ce3288cc5438e09b64fa96acb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation: fisherman (shocker right?)

Personality: violent and sadistic. He had no regard for others feelings and if it was up to him everyone would be dead. He loves however killing and destruction no matter what form its in.

Preferred Weapon(s)/equipment : he usually used just his powers and his strength

Abilities: can control water and make it move however he wants. He can also expand the amounts of water. (Ex. He can make spit turn into an ocean......of spit.)

can breathe underwater and swims faster there

Strengths: high strength due to size

Good strategy skills

Weaknesses: cant move as fast on land

Gets weaker in dry areas

Background: born and raised in the deep ocean part of Hawaii. He was born to a race of shark people that were made from unknown causes. Either desperate men or radiation no one knows. Some say they are spawn of the ocean king himself and that's why they can control water

Some of these creature live underwater while some go on land to offer services for valuable gems. (How do you think jaws was made?)

Keith was an infant swimming after some trout when he was caught in a fishing net and was accidentally shipped to New York. They weren't used to this creature like Hawaii was so they forced him to work on fishing boats. This actually wasn't that bad to him because free fish when needed.



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Penance said:
Name: keith Rae

Alignment: chaotic

Gender: male

Species: humanoid bull shark (pretty self explanatory xD )

Sexuality: straight

Age: 21

Height: 6 foot 3

Weight: 370 pounds (sharks are heavy bastards xD )

Place of residence: Algeria hotel at long beach

Appearance: View attachment 160026

Mask(s): View attachment 160031

Occupation: fisherman (shocker right?)

Personality: violent and sadistic. He had no regard for others feelings and if it was up to him everyone would be dead. He loves however killing and destruction no matter what form its in.

Preferred Weapon(s)/equipment : he usually used just his powers and his strength

Abilities: can control water and make it move however he wants. He can also expand the amounts of water. (Ex. He can make spit turn into an ocean......of spit.)

can breathe underwater and swims faster there

Strengths: high strength due to size

Good strategy skills

Weaknesses: cant move as fast on land

Gets weaker in dry areas

Background: born and raised in the deep ocean part of Hawaii. He was born to a race of shark people that were made from unknown causes. Either desperate men or radiation no one knows. Some say they are spawn of the ocean king himself and that's why they can control water

Some of these creature live underwater while some go on land to offer services for valuable gems. (How do you think jaws was made?)

Keith was an infant swimming after some trout when he was caught in a fishing net and was accidentally shipped to New York. They weren't used to this creature like Hawaii was so they forced him to work on fishing boats. This actually wasn't that bad to him because free fish when needed.
Ok... so no human appearance... this should be interesting... approved... as for a spit ocean... remind me to book a flight to cali first xD
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Ok... so no human appearance... this should be interesting... approved... as for a spit ocean... remind me to book a flight to cali first xD

No guarentees xD


Aliases: Ry, Lazy bastard, Clony

Alignment: The more the destruction the better! So I'll ally myself to whichever side makes shit go boom.

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 17

Height: 5"10

Weight: 210

Place of residence: I live in a normal apartment in Brooklyn on 13 avenue

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/33694de57a183b70c03683008bedf333-d88fjsy.png.5924dcbe08a8a5c6c7b2e609214c6495.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71096" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/33694de57a183b70c03683008bedf333-d88fjsy.png.5924dcbe08a8a5c6c7b2e609214c6495.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mask(s):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/4RzcoK.jpg.9a07802088926b0a5b8e3d2dcd9a83f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71097" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/4RzcoK.jpg.9a07802088926b0a5b8e3d2dcd9a83f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation: I'm not telling you my job... Don't bother to ask It's not happening... Why? Simple it's top secret not even the order can compar-

Clone 1: He works at Brooklyn Baby World

Ryuu:................................................................................... I hate you to.

Personality: Ryuu is a really chill guy, he is often laid back and isn't one to really interfere with others unless he sees a good reason to. Despite how calm he usually is he knows how to hold a grudge. Cut in line at a convention five years ago? Well sucks to be you since you are now on his hate list for all eternity. He is also really lazy, and won't lift a finger unless he has a job he needs to do. Even then the amount of actual effort he puts in varies.



Food of all kinds

His computers

Preferred Weapon(s)/equipment: He uses a lot of different weapon, though he prefers guns, wires long weapons (like staffs) nd blunt weapons. He also has a van that is filled with tech and more or less illegal weapons. Of course he keeps this very well hidden and drives his rusty car to normal places.


He can create identical clones of himself, with the exact same knowledge, power, and physical abilities of the caster at the time of creation. The power used during the initial casting of this ability is split up among all the clones made, resulting in clones with similar physical combat capabilities but more limited in their power.

Furthermore, depending on how much power he uses have, his clones can take more or less punishment before dissipating; once they have 'popped,' clones can dispel in a variety of ways: exploding, showering water, firing lightning shocks, crumbling into mud, unleashing cutting winds, releasing smoke, or dissolving into Magic Power that can be partially returned to him

He summons a terminal that is used as the external medium for this Magic. He can convert information into Magical data, which can be stored with the Magical Databases, a vast collection of information gathered; in addition, he can access this database for a wealth of knowledge. Information is projected as a flat-screen into the air. These screens are very durable, and can be used as a shield. Also allows him to transfer information from person to person more quickly than through verbal communication.


Great Marksman

Top notch hacker

Has trained in kickboxing for many years

Strengths: He knows a everything about computers and even knows how to make his own as well as program them. He has sharp eyes which make it so he rarely misses his target. He is also really good at kickboxing so he's not defenseless when close up with someone. Not that this is important... But he knows a lot about babies, and how to handle pregnant women.....

Weaknesses: If he get's knocked out, his clones immediately disperse. He often gets in fights with his clones even in the middle of an important battle against a deadly enemy.




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Peaceswore said:

Aliases: Ry, Lazy bastard, Clony

Alignment: The more the destruction the better! So I'll ally myself to whichever side makes shit go boom.

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 17

Height: 5"10

Weight: 210

Place of residence: I live in a normal apartment in Brooklyn on 13 avenue

Appearance:View attachment 160420

Mask(s):View attachment 160421

Occupation: I'm not telling you my job... Don't bother to ask It's not happening... Why? Simple it's top secret not even the order can compar-

Clone 1: He works at Brooklyn Baby World

Ryuu:................................................................................... I hate you to.

Personality: Ryuu is a really chill guy, he is often laid back and isn't one to really interfere with others unless he sees a good reason to. Despite how calm he usually is he knows how to hold a grudge. Cut in line at a convention five years ago? Well sucks to be you since you are now on his hate list for all eternity. He is also really lazy, and won't lift a finger unless he has a job he needs to do. Even then the amount of actual effort he puts in varies.



Food of all kinds

His computers

Preferred Weapon(s)/equipment: He uses a lot of different weapon, though he prefers guns, wires long weapons (like staffs) nd blunt weapons.


He can create identical clones of himself, with the exact same knowledge, power, and physical abilities of the caster at the time of creation. The power used during the initial casting of this ability is split up among all the clones made, resulting in clones with similar physical combat capabilities but more limited in their power.

Furthermore, depending on how much power he uses have, his clones can take more or less punishment before dissipating; once they have 'popped,' clones can dispel in a variety of ways: exploding, showering water, firing lightning shocks, crumbling into mud, unleashing cutting winds, releasing smoke, or dissolving into Magic Power that can be partially returned to him

He summons a terminal that is used as the external medium for this Magic. He can convert information into Magical data, which can be stored with the Magical Databases, a vast collection of information gathered; in addition, he can access this database for a wealth of knowledge. Information is projected as a flat-screen into the air. These screens are very durable, and can be used as a shield. Also allows him to transfer information from person to person more quickly than through verbal communication.


Great Marksman

Top notch hacker

Has trained in kickboxing for many years

Strengths: He knows a everything about computers and even knows how to make his own as well as program them. He has sharp eyes which make it so he rarely misses his target. He is also really good at kickboxing so he's not defenseless when close up with someone. Not that this is important... But he knows a lot about babies, and how to handle pregnant women.....

Weaknesses: If he get's knocked out, his clones immediately disperse. He often gets in fights with his clones even in the middle of an important battle against a deadly enemy.


looks good... is there any changes you were going to make besides the background?
Peaceswore said:
Nah I just added his van all I need is a backstory... That may take a bit...
Well then in that case, you can update it when you have it. approved in the meantime.
Name: pein (pronounced pain)

Aliases: wrath

Alignment: evil

Gender: male

Species: human with powers

Sexuality: asexual

Age: 18

Height: 5 foot 6

Weight: 230 pounds

Place of residence: cell 126 rolling hills asylum

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.006d83c3d86ce0590c4853ccc0c22604.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71151" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.006d83c3d86ce0590c4853ccc0c22604.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mask:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.0379145b1d1ab62eacf56c3f5a2ac2b3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71154" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.0379145b1d1ab62eacf56c3f5a2ac2b3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation: has none. No one will hire someone in an asylum

Personality: quiet and keeps to himself. He rarely says anything to anyone unless he feels it's necessary. He cares little for human life and if given the opportunity will extinguish it

Preferred weapon: anything sharp like knives. His powers

Abilities: can create shockwaves that rival an explosion of a few nukes going off at the same time

Strengths: excellent escape artist even without his powers. He's escaped from everything between a car and a maximum penitentiary.

Weakness: he's not very good at socializing so when it comes to negotiations he fails badly

Background: he was born silent for whatever reason and stayed that way from birth to present day. His parents thought something was wrong with him so one thing led to another and he ended up being put in a asylum. There is where he unlocked his powers.......during a routine shock therapy he shook more violently then normal and soon a unknown force pushed everything and everyone away from him. All that was there was a huge creator with him standing in the center. He was soon placed under maximum security deep under the asylum. However he learned to master his powers and escaped his prison every so often to explore. The only time he goes back is when he lets them catch him so he could eat and sleep somewhere. He is currently loose.



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[QUOTE="Quiet Dragon]Name: pein (pronounced pain)
Aliases: wrath

Alignment: evil

Gender: male

Species: human with powers

Sexuality: asexual

Age: 18

Height: 5 foot 6

Weight: 230 pounds

Place of residence: cell 126 rolling hills asylum

Appearance:View attachment 160531

Mask:View attachment 160534

Occupation: has none. No one will hire someone in an asylum

Personality: quiet and keeps to himself. He rarely says anything to anyone unless he feels it's necessary. He cares little for human life and if given the opportunity will extinguish it

Preferred weapon: anything sharp like knives. His powers

Abilities: can create shockwaves that rival an explosion of a few nukes going off at the same time

Strengths: excellent escape artist even without his powers. He's escaped from everything between a car and a maximum penitentiary.

Weakness: he's not very good at socializing so when it comes to negotiations he fails badly

Background: he was born silent for whatever reason and stayed that way from birth to present day. His parents thought something was wrong with him so one thing led to another and he ended up being put in a asylum. There is where he unlocked his powers.......during a routine shock therapy he shook more violently then normal and soon a unknown force pushed everything and everyone away from him. All that was there was a huge creator with him standing in the center. He was soon placed under maximum security deep under the asylum. However he learned to master his powers and escaped his prison every so often to explore. The only time he goes back is when he lets them catch him so he could eat and sleep somewhere. He is currently loose.

I like the idea... but the words "a few nukes" worry me... i mean... we are trying to keep the city intact xD
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]I like the idea... but the words "a few nukes" worry me... i mean... we are trying to keep the city intact xD

True but that's as strong as they can be..... at least now you know the extent so you can get out of the way.
[QUOTE="Quiet Dragon]True but that's as strong as they can be..... at least now you know the extent so you can get out of the way.

do they require physical contact or are they projectile waves?
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]do they require physical contact or are they projectile waves?

Projectile waves. Like you know that wavy stuff you seen when a bomb goes off? The shockwave? That's what it is minus the explosion
[QUOTE="Quiet Dragon]Projectile waves. Like you know that wavy stuff you seen when a bomb goes off? The shockwave? That's what it is minus the explosion

so you mean the actually dangerous part... do ya think we could maybe limit that to one nuke? I mean i dont need half the city gone because he missed... (many structures in Nyc were actually reinforced after 9/11 so many would likely survive the shockwave from a nuke....)
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[QUOTE="Jesters Court]so you mean the actually dangerous part... do ya think we could maybe limit that to one nuke? I mean i dont need half the city gone because he missed... (many structures in Nyc were actually reinforced after 9/11 so many would likely survive the shockwave from a nuke....)

No problem



Vera Lomahan

Aliases: The Doctor

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Gender: Female

Species: Half Shapeshifter Half Vampire

Sexuality: Demisexual

Age: 17 (Yeah, really)

Height: 5’ 9”

Weight: 130 lbs

Place of residence: Beekman St. New York, NY 10038




Written Appearance: Vera has a lean yet muscular build, a pale complexion (Think normal pale, not sickly), unnaturally light silver eyes that emit a faint glow, and long ebony hued hair. Along side that, she also sports a large pair of ...bat wings. Being quite large, when they are folded they would still made a noticeable hump on her back. That's why she is usually see in a simple hoodie and jeans, despite the weather. Also, being a vampire entails having fangs, and indeed she does. Normally, using our custom lore, a vampire’s fangs would be able to retract and when out, it wouldn’t be much of a problem. Yet, with her being part of an animal that has them as well, things get interesting. They are much larger than normal and unable to retract fully. When she does, they appear as a normal vamp’s would. A bit larger than a human's. But, when extended, they are extremely long and lets just say a pain in the ass. Her speech would become muffled and practically inaudible. Vera’s ears are also at a point yet aren’t any larger than the next guy’s.

When things are unplanned, she would wear whatever with her mask and rubber gloves. Yet, when something is planned, she will wear her mask, the gloves, a balaclava to conceal her head, black male dress pants with combat boots to match, and to top it all off, a short leather top hat. (I am so sorry)

(Not exactly but enough to give an idea)




The lenses are tinted just enough so if someone were to shine an extremely bright light in her eyes, it wouldn’t cause blindness, but stun her enough to give her foe the upper hand. The glow to her eyes can be clearly seen through the tinting, especially in the dark.

Occupation: The costume store they own (Just imagine it the lower half of the building we gave you)

Personality: Vera has an...interesting personality. A disarray of various things, all transformed into one. Most often, to everyone's displeasure, she is immature. The one that has to make that one joke at the wrong time. Sarcastic, has to combat most things in that manner no matter the situation. And somewhat emotionless, rarely you will ever see Vera have fits of rage, or misery without a good reason. But, this doesn't mean that she is unable to show fear, because trust me, she can. More antisocial than others, not wanted to get involved with unnecessary social interactions, yet Vera isn't a loner. Once she has warmed up to one you will be sure to have numerous discussions on diverse topics. All of these make her harder to "Get used to" than most people. Learning how to deal with Vera is a taxing process, although more than one person has succeeded in this.

Now, when called upon, Vera can somewhat become an opposite of herself. She is exceedingly intellectual. A great joy of her's is to solve problems of assorted degrees and to test her mental ability. Serious, yes it is possible for Vera to become quite pensive in certain situations. Taking the utmost precaution even when doing the slightest action. A very rare sight is to see her become emotional with not a single justification. It does happen, if one were to see this that is, then you are of the very few.

Preferred Weapon(s)/equipment: Duel Wielding bonesaws as a weapon, large black rubber gloves, lab coat, balaclava, black male dress pants, combat boots, short leather hat, and a 12 oz flask of blood.


She holds them with the blade outwards


Abilities: Aside from night vision, enhanced senses, strength, and reflexes She can fly yet it consumes quite a lot of energy.Vera can only stay aloft for about an hour before needing to feed and rest. And because their part animal, they are able to communicate using various bird calls, whistles, chitters, shrieks.

Strengths: Vera...heh...has very few strengths. But, she’s the brain outta the two, can handle herself quite well in combat, stealth, nuff said, and more emotionally solid than her sister.

Weaknesses: Oh boy...this is going to take a bit...First off, wings are kinda hard to conceal, fangs and a need for blood(Can be dead, body can’t digest animal blood, no human foods), a bit more mentally stable than her sister but not by much, sunlight and below will irritate her but anything brighter will make her blind unless wearing her mask then it’ll stun her, children...urrrg, no sense of sophistocation, everyone hates them. And finally, her greatest weakness is her sister.


It was awkward. That’s the best way to describe it. The high shifter pack, vampire clan, and local witch coven in the same room, bloody lovely. It was amazing that war didn’t start right there, but they had more pressing matters at hand. 2 interbred children had been found only days apart on opposite ends of the city. The worst part, they were both alive. Normally, the sperm of a certain race wouldn’t fertilize the egg of another, yet the mother was able to conceive the child. But, the most surprising fact of all was one was half vampire. Now, vampires aren’t supposed to have children. The egg simply wouldn't fertilize or it would be a miscarriage. But, what this council didn’t know is that they mothers knew each other. One a witch, the other a shifter. Meeting a day later, they would share the news. The shifter didn’t want to lose the child, so after talking to the witch, some voodoo shit was performed.

9 months later, they both had carried the children to term. But it was the birth that was their downfall. Vera, the shifter’s child was part vampire. Now, to steer away from all that twilight shit, she wasn’t eaten from the inside out, no no. It was just the stress on her body that the child had caused and birth pushed and broke the limit. The only reason she wanted to keep the child in the first place is simple, shifters love children. Most are anti-abortion and the mere thought of it would bring rage and tears to a mother’s eyes.

Then, after a long and exhausting debate, it was decided that they hopped the children would kill each other, but it was the exact opposite. After taking an extremely odd liking to each other, they tried various other tactics that proved unsuccessful. These children were practically immortal. Not wanting the blood of a child on their hands, it was then agreed upon to pass them around until the age of 13. From there they were on their own, though getting enough money for food and rent. But, the amount of petty crimes the committed was startling. By 15 they had 17 armed robberies under their metaphorical belts. After that, they were kept under surveillance by any and everyone. This brings us to today, the day they threw their lot in with “The Order”.
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Jesters Court] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12813-stonewolf18/ said:
@StoneWolf18[/URL] D: so much reading...
<3 Love you too bud. Just read the lore on vamps and shifters.
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]I skimmed it... Quick question... What would happen if she was ordered to eat a sandwich? xD

xD I know, we're skyping and talking about that...it would be worth 100 points too (':3)

Am I accepted? Red's finishing up her's now.
Name: Aerowen Lomahan

Aliases: The Phoenix

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Gender: Female

Species: Halfling. Half shapeshifter and half pyromancer

Sexuality: Homosexual

Age: 17

Height: 5'10

Weight: 132 lbs.

Place of residence: Beekman St. New York, NY 10038


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.cad65453c459bec51256ff7dfe50c1e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71508" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.cad65453c459bec51256ff7dfe50c1e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.25552eaa3236e6272e9ce6a81e2f7dd6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.25552eaa3236e6272e9ce6a81e2f7dd6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aerowen has a lithe, muscular build with sloping curves. Her skin is a mocha tone with tattoo sleeves on both her arms and some scattered along her back. Aerowen also has snakebite piercings and several earrings. Long, inky black curls tumble down to the bottom of her rib cage. Aero's eyes a swirling hazel of unnatural gold and reddish brown complete with long eyelashes and thick arched brows. She has the wings of a golden eagle, quite big and coated in reddish gold feathers. Due to her love of tighter and more revealing clothing, she'll usually have a large leather jacket hanging off her shoulders.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.69639fec7682468fa8d8d2ff9e33646b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71510" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.69639fec7682468fa8d8d2ff9e33646b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation: The costume store they own (Just imagine it the lower half of the building we gave you)

Personality: Aerowen, to put it sweetly, is a freak. To tell the honest, blunt truth, a menace. She flips through moods incredibly fast, her feelings right now will most likely not be the same as her feelings in 10 minutes. Her opinions are steadfast and strong though, a little too strong some might say. She is stubborn and relentless, never one to give up the high ground and hates being watched over constantly and told what to do. Aerowen will never be thought of as quiet or meek and even the way she stands gives away the fact that she is incredibly cocky, self confident and dangerous. The raven haired girl is untrustworthy at first-second and well, third too but somethings like a traumatic experience or a long lasting friendship will bind her to you. And once she's bound, you have a friend that has your back from all sides and will defend you to the best of her ability. She is oddly sweet and motherly but tries her best to conceal it. Aerowen is extremely flirtatious with everyone and anyone, regardless of gender of sexuality. Her personality and body traits are naturally charismatic and she's definitely used her skills with flirting to her advantage

To wrap it up, Aerowen is many layered person. She can be grumpy, impatient and devious. She can annoy the hell out of you and vice versa. Still, she can be creative, protective and humorous. She can love the hell out of you too. All she asks is meat.

Preferred Weapon(s)/equipment: Aerowen's talons are a sight to see. Her talons are about five inches long, curved, wickedly sharp and incredibly hard to cut. She can't hold eggs, babies or pretty much anything when they're out so she is able to retract about three inches into her cuticles. The nails that are visible are still very long and sharp so she is still restricted from holding more delicate items. Aside from that, Aerowen wields dual morningstars.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.504e0e8f413a757e2fd377d9b98f4434.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71511" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.504e0e8f413a757e2fd377d9b98f4434.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


•Badass talons

• Aero is able to fly and easily glide long distances

• Due to her golden eagle genes, she is incredibly strong

• Due to her mother being a pyromancer witch, she has SLIGHT pyrokinesis. When she concentrates, she can light small items d control what parts ignite. When upset, bookshelves, desks,couches and anything in a short range will burst into flame, including people.

• Her and Vera made their own little language out of bird calls, whistles, chatters and shrieks. Because they are birds, they can fluently imitate the birds.



• The charisma *and sadly the brawn* of the two

• Fluent liar and actress

• Can hold her own in combat

• Flexible


• Emotionally unstable

• Overdramatic

• Getting cold is anywhere from annoying severely painful

• Can't digest lots of things including burnt, spicy, really starchy and sweet foods.

• Randomly igniting things when she's upset

• No sense of sophistication

• Her sister

• Children are terrified of her

• Doesn't plan anything

Background: It was awkward. That’s the best way to describe it. The high shifter pack, vampire clan, and local witch coven in the same room, bloody lovely. It was amazing that war didn’t start right there, but they had more pressing matters at hand. 2 interbred children had been found only days apart on opposite ends of the city. The worst part, they were both alive. Normally, the sperm of a certain race wouldn’t fertilize the egg of another, yet the mother was able to conceive the child. But, the most surprising fact of all was one was half vampire. Now, vampires aren’t supposed to have children. The egg simply wouldn't fertilize or it would be a miscarriage. But, what this council didn’t know is that they mothers knew each other. One a witch, the other a shifter. Meeting a day later, they would share the news. The shifter didn’t want to lose the child, so after talking to the witch, some voodoo shit was performed.

9 months later, they both had carried the children to term. But it was the birth that was their downfall. Shifter children are bigger and are given birth to in anthro from in order to successfully get the child out. Being a witch, she couldn't shift thus during the incredulously painful birth, Aero came out with so much force that it shattered the cervix bone causing her mother going into cardiac arrest from the pain. When Aero was found, they discovered that her mother was a infamous witch who dabbled in the darkest of sacrificial magic. The plan was to behead her and burn her corpse so the witches bargained furiously to kill the child immediately and end her bloodline.

Then, after a long and exhausting debate, it was decided that they hopped the children would kill each other, but it was the exact opposite. After taking an extremely odd liking to each other, they tried various other tactics that proved unsuccessful. These children were practically immortal. Not wanting the blood of a child on their hands, it was then agreed upon to pass them around until the age of 13. From there they were on their own, though getting enough money for food and rent. But, the amount of petty crimes the committed was startling. By 15 they had 17 armed robberies under their metaphorical belts. After that, they were kept under surveillance by any and everyone. This brings us to today, the day they threw their lot in with “The Order”.



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StoneWolf18 said:



Vera Lomahan

Aliases: The Doctor

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Gender: Female

Species: Half Shapeshifter Half Vampire

Sexuality: Demisexual

Age: 17 (Yeah, really)

Height: 5’ 9”

Weight: 130 lbs

Place of residence: Beekman St. New York, NY 10038




Written Appearance: Vera has a lean yet muscular build, a pale complexion (Think normal pale, not sickly), unnaturally light silver eyes that emit a faint glow, and long ebony hued hair. Along side that, she also sports a large pair of ...bat wings. Being quite large, when they are folded they would still made a noticeable hump on her back. That's why she is usually see in a simple hoodie and jeans, despite the weather. Also, being a vampire entails having fangs, and indeed she does. Normally, using our custom lore, a vampire’s fangs would be able to retract and when out, it wouldn’t be much of a problem. Yet, with her being part of an animal that has them as well, things get interesting. They are much larger than normal and unable to retract fully. When she does, they appear as a normal vamp’s would. A bit larger than a human's. But, when extended, they are extremely long and lets just say a pain in the ass. Her speech would become muffled and practically inaudible. Vera’s ears are also at a point yet aren’t any larger than the next guy’s.

When things are unplanned, she would wear whatever with her mask and rubber gloves. Yet, when something is planned, she will wear her mask, the gloves, a balaclava to conceal her head, black male dress pants with combat boots to match, and to top it all off, a short leather top hat. (I am so sorry)

(Not exactly but enough to give an idea)




The lenses are tinted just enough so if someone were to shine an extremely bright light in her eyes, it wouldn’t cause blindness, but stun her enough to give her foe the upper hand. The glow to her eyes can be clearly seen through the tinting, especially in the dark.

Occupation: The costume store they own (Just imagine it the lower half of the building we gave you)

Personality: Vera has an...interesting personality. A disarray of various things, all transformed into one. Most often, to everyone's displeasure, she is immature. The one that has to make that one joke at the wrong time. Sarcastic, has to combat most things in that manner no matter the situation. And somewhat emotionless, rarely you will ever see Vera have fits of rage, or misery without a good reason. But, this doesn't mean that she is unable to show fear, because trust me, she can. More antisocial than others, not wanted to get involved with unnecessary social interactions, yet Vera isn't a loner. Once she has warmed up to one you will be sure to have numerous discussions on diverse topics. All of these make her harder to "Get used to" than most people. Learning how to deal with Vera is a taxing process, although more than one person has succeeded in this.

Now, when called upon, Vera can somewhat become an opposite of herself. She is exceedingly intellectual. A great joy of her's is to solve problems of assorted degrees and to test her mental ability. Serious, yes it is possible for Vera to become quite pensive in certain situations. Taking the utmost precaution even when doing the slightest action. A very rare sight is to see her become emotional with not a single justification. It does happen, if one were to see this that is, then you are of the very few.

Preferred Weapon(s)/equipment: Duel Wielding bonesaws as a weapon, large black rubber gloves, lab coat, balaclava, black male dress pants, combat boots, short leather hat, and a 12 oz flask of blood.


She holds them with the blade outwards


Abilities: Aside from night vision, enhanced senses, strength, and reflexes She can fly yet it consumes quite a lot of energy.Vera can only stay aloft for about an hour before needing to feed and rest. And because their part animal, they are able to communicate using various bird calls, whistles, chitters, shrieks.

Strengths: Vera...heh...has very few strengths. But, she’s the brain outta the two, can handle herself quite well in combat, stealth, nuff said, and more emotionally solid than her sister.

Weaknesses: Oh boy...this is going to take a bit...First off, wings are kinda hard to conceal, fangs and a need for blood(Can be dead, body can’t digest animal blood, no human foods), a bit more mentally stable than her sister but not by much, sunlight and below will irritate her but anything brighter will make her blind unless wearing her mask then it’ll stun her, children...urrrg, no sense of sophistocation, everyone hates them. And finally, her greatest weakness is her sister.


It was awkward. That’s the best way to describe it. The high shifter pack, vampire clan, and local witch coven in the same room, bloody lovely. It was amazing that war didn’t start right there, but they had more pressing matters at hand. 2 interbred children had been found only days apart on opposite ends of the city. The worst part, they were both alive. Normally, the sperm of a certain race wouldn’t fertilize the egg of another, yet the mother was able to conceive the child. But, the most surprising fact of all was one was half vampire. Now, vampires aren’t supposed to have children. The egg simply wouldn't fertilize or it would be a miscarriage. But, what this council didn’t know is that they mothers knew each other. One a witch, the other a shifter. Meeting a day later, they would share the news. The shifter didn’t want to lose the child, so after talking to the witch, some voodoo shit was performed.

9 months later, they both had carried the children to term. But it was the birth that was their downfall. Vera, the shifter’s child was part vampire. Now, to steer away from all that twilight shit, she wasn’t eaten from the inside out, no no. It was just the stress on her body that the child had caused and birth pushed and broke the limit. The only reason she wanted to keep the child in the first place is simple, shifters love children. Most are anti-abortion and the mere thought of it would bring rage and tears to a mother’s eyes.

Then, after a long and exhausting debate, it was decided that they hopped the children would kill each other, but it was the exact opposite. After taking an extremely odd liking to each other, they tried various other tactics that proved unsuccessful. These children were practically immortal. Not wanting the blood of a child on their hands, it was then agreed upon to pass them around until the age of 13. From there they were on their own, though getting enough money for food and rent. But, the amount of petty crimes the committed was startling. By 15 they had 17 armed robberies under their metaphorical belts. After that, they were kept under surveillance by any and everyone. This brings us to today, the day they threw their lot in with “The Order”.
[QUOTE="Of the Red]

Name: Aerowen Lomahan
Aliases: The Phoenix

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Gender: Female

Species: Halfling. Half shapeshifter and half pyromancer

Sexuality: Homosexual

Age: 17

Height: 5'10

Weight: 132 lbs.

Place of residence: Beekman St. New York, NY 10038


View attachment 161274 View attachment 161275

Aerowen has a lithe, muscular build with sloping curves. Her skin is a mocha tone with tattoo sleeves on both her arms and some scattered along her back. Aerowen also has snakebite piercings and several earrings. Long, inky black curls tumble down to the bottom of her rib cage. Aero's eyes a swirling hazel of unnatural gold and reddish brown complete with long eyelashes and thick arched brows. She has the wings of a golden eagle, quite big and coated in reddish gold feathers. Due to her love of tighter and more revealing clothing, she'll usually have a large leather jacket hanging off her shoulders.


View attachment 161278

Occupation: The costume store they own (Just imagine it the lower half of the building we gave you)

Personality: Aerowen, to put it sweetly, is a freak. To tell the honest, blunt truth, a menace. She flips through moods incredibly fast, her feelings right now will most likely not be the same as her feelings in 10 minutes. Her opinions are steadfast and strong though, a little too strong some might say. She is stubborn and relentless, never one to give up the high ground and hates being watched over constantly and told what to do. Aerowen will never be thought of as quiet or meek and even the way she stands gives away the fact that she is incredibly cocky, self confident and dangerous. The raven haired girl is untrustworthy at first-second and well, third too but somethings like a traumatic experience or a long lasting friendship will bind her to you. And once she's bound, you have a friend that has your back from all sides and will defend you to the best of her ability. She is oddly sweet and motherly but tries her best to conceal it. Aerowen is extremely flirtatious with everyone and anyone, regardless of gender of sexuality. Her personality and body traits are naturally charismatic and she's definitely used her skills with flirting to her advantage

To wrap it up, Aerowen is many layered person. She can be grumpy, impatient and devious. She can annoy the hell out of you and vice versa. Still, she can be creative, protective and humorous. She can love the hell out of you too. All she asks is meat.

Preferred Weapon(s)/equipment: Aerowen's talons are a sight to see. Her talons are about five inches long, curved, wickedly sharp and incredibly hard to cut. She can't hold eggs, babies or pretty much anything when they're out so she is able to retract about three inches into her cuticles. The nails that are visible are still very long and sharp so she is still restricted from holding more delicate items. Aside from that, Aerowen wields dual morningstars.

View attachment 161280

both of ya be approved.... I swear to god, if your people's posts are that long, we are never interacting xD


•Badass talons

• Aero is able to fly and easily glide long distances

• Due to her golden eagle genes, she is incredibly strong

• Due to her mother being a pyromancer witch, she has SLIGHT pyrokinesis. When she concentrates, she can light small items d control what parts ignite. When upset, bookshelves, desks,couches and anything in a short range will burst into flame, including people.

• Her and Vera made their own little language out of bird calls, whistles, chatters and shrieks. Because they are birds, they can fluently imitate the birds.



• The charisma *and sadly the brawn* of the two

• Fluent liar and actress

• Can hold her own in combat

• Flexible


• Emotionally unstable

• Overdramatic

• Getting cold is anywhere from annoying severely painful

• Can't digest lots of things including burnt, spicy, really starchy and sweet foods.

• Randomly igniting things when she's upset

• No sense of sophistication

• Her sister

• Children are terrified of her

• Doesn't plan anything

Background: It was awkward. That’s the best way to describe it. The high shifter pack, vampire clan, and local witch coven in the same room, bloody lovely. It was amazing that war didn’t start right there, but they had more pressing matters at hand. 2 interbred children had been found only days apart on opposite ends of the city. The worst part, they were both alive. Normally, the sperm of a certain race wouldn’t fertilize the egg of another, yet the mother was able to conceive the child. But, the most surprising fact of all was one was half vampire. Now, vampires aren’t supposed to have children. The egg simply wouldn't fertilize or it would be a miscarriage. But, what this council didn’t know is that they mothers knew each other. One a witch, the other a shifter. Meeting a day later, they would share the news. The shifter didn’t want to lose the child, so after talking to the witch, some voodoo shit was performed.

9 months later, they both had carried the children to term. But it was the birth that was their downfall. Shifter children are bigger and are given birth to in anthro from in order to successfully get the child out. Being a witch, she couldn't shift thus during the incredulously painful birth, Aero came out with so much force that it shattered the cervix bone causing her mother going into cardiac arrest from the pain. When Aero was found, they discovered that her mother was a infamous witch who dabbled in the darkest of sacrificial magic. The plan was to behead her and burn her corpse so the witches bargained furiously to kill the child immediately and end her bloodline.

Then, after a long and exhausting debate, it was decided that they hopped the children would kill each other, but it was the exact opposite. After taking an extremely odd liking to each other, they tried various other tactics that proved unsuccessful. These children were practically immortal. Not wanting the blood of a child on their hands, it was then agreed upon to pass them around until the age of 13. From there they were on their own, though getting enough money for food and rent. But, the amount of petty crimes the committed was startling. By 15 they had 17 armed robberies under their metaphorical belts. After that, they were kept under surveillance by any and everyone. This brings us to today, the day they threw their lot in with “The Order”.

[QUOTE="Jesters Court]both of ya be approved.... I swear to god, if your people's posts are that long, we are never interacting xD

Pfft, go and see the IC thread of Daicetta then get back to me. ;3

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