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Fantasy <The Order> *Rebooted* (Open)

[QUOTE="Quiet Dragon]Pein struggled against the water for a moment then let out a roar and a shockwave bursted from him pushing all the water away from him. He was now standing in a dry area with all the water being pushed back "humph...." He said unamused

Keith growled and was about to make him explode but sighed and sat down on the edge of the dock "fuck this I'm too lazy.......look just give me some fish and we'll call it even yea?" He said looking around for his fishing pole
Penance said:
Keith growled and was about to make him explode but sighed and sat down on the edge of the dock "fuck this I'm too lazy.......look just give me some fish and we'll call it even yea?" He said looking around for his fishing pole
Pein sighed a bit disappointed that this didn't turn into an epic fight and looked around in the water. He reached down and pulled out a handful of fish and tossed them onto Keith's lap like it wasn't a big deal. He then climbed up the pier and sat next to Keith "......pein.....you?"
[QUOTE="Quiet Dragon]Pein sighed a bit disappointed that this didn't turn into an epic fight and looked around in the water. He reached down and pulled out a handful of fish and tossed them onto Keith's lap like it wasn't a big deal. He then climbed up the pier and sat next to Keith "......pein.....you?"

Keith marveled at the fish and tore into it hungrily "Keith! Nice to metcha!!" He said mouth full of raw fish "nice we could settle that then yea?" He said laughing as he swallowed some food
Aero entered the home behind him, staring unabashedly at the house. Where the hell were the brownies ? Also, she actually needed to pee. Crossing her legs slightly, the hazel eyed girl remembered her practically nonexistent manners and added a half assed please. Aerowen's wings extended quietly behind her as she tapped him on the shoulder. "Uh-you got anything to eat around here ? Preferably something chocolatey ?".

Ryuu looked over at Aero as he narrowed them a bit. "...................................... I want chicken wings...." He mumbled his eyes laying on her wings before he looked over at her. "Chocolatly?? Ummm I have chocolate bars..... Chocolate cake...chocolate cookies.... Buuuuuuuuuuuuut that's all." He mumble as he let out a yawn. "Oh? When did your twin come here? Hehehe She looks exactly like you! Hahaha~"

@Of the Red
Goddamn. Aero was tempted to ask the white haired guy what Vera asked her everytime she and home buzzed, " How's the weather up there ?". Flapping her wings gently, Aero's feet lifted 6, 7 inches of the floor, a childhood habit for when she needed to pee. Ugh-even the word chocolate made her sick. Aero couldn't digest anything sweet unless it was one chocolate chip a month or something and even then, it tastes disgusting. Playing along, she shrugged, " My twin's name is Sasha. She randomly pops in sometimes...Nah, do you got any brownies or somthin' ?". Jetting higher into the air, Aerowen began gliding around, her avian eyesight scanning the rooms.
"Brownies??????????? Why do you want brownies? You asked for chocolate.... Brownies are filled with brown stuff... Chocolate cake is filled with chocolate." Ryuu giggled as his eyes got heavy and he started to close them. "Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh None that are for sale~ Hehehe Hi Sas your sister is nosy~ Hehe."

There were a total of five brownies left. Three Ryuu's were blundering around outside with a brownie in there jacket pocket. Another was hidden under the bed in one of the bedrooms, while the last was in the cabinet already munching on that one.
(( @Penance @Peaceswore @Of the Red @Lumina @Quiet Dragon @RandomBomb @StoneWolf18 ))

<The Order>
So um... Lance managed to piss off A GIANT ASS swarm of skeletons... we're really lazy, and they're really weak, so would ya mind wiping them out for us? It shouldn't be that hard... I mean we checked, they can't reform or anything, there's just a metric shit ton of them, and they are all over the city, so they shouldn't be hard to find... If you help with the clean up, we'll give you 50 pts... Oh and don't worry about people seeing you, we'll just erase the civilians memories of this afterwards.

((ok, so first off, @StoneWolf18 will be in charge of said massive swarm of skeletons, as a nameless bodiless force rather than her character, but uh, for doing this, she'll get 75 pts, because I envision these mob posts would be a pain to write. Next off, @Of the Red and @Peaceswore you each have a choice. @Peaceswore you could choose to immediately head out and start attacking skeletons, but that would leave your brownies unprotected. @Of the Red you also face this choice, because you can abandon the brownie and fail the mission or you can keep trying for that brownie.. up to you. As for the rest of you people, @Penance @Quiet Dragon @Lumina @RandomBomb you guys are free to start going after this massive swarm of skeletons.. just don't break to much of the city in the process please...))
Aerowen glided on her stomach, a few inches above- "Ayo-what's your name anyway ?"- white haired guy's head. Licking her snakebites again, she sucked her teeth. " I know right, Aero's such a gossip". Rolling around to her back and then on her stomach, the hyrbid began doing a awkward imitation of a swimming octopus. "Here, lemme just look through the cabinets and find somethin".
Ryuu let out a small laugh and he was about to answer but his phone rang. "Hold on floating paint." He mumbled as he took out his phone and fumbled with it. After a true struggle he was able to read the text. "...... I'll have another me deal with it..." He mumbled before he rolled to his stomach and got up. "Right~ You asked for my name~ I'm Ryuu... And go ahead~ I don't have any brownies there thought~" He said honestly before he stumbled to his room. 'I got to make another me to handle it.... Got ta tell origin.'

@Of the Red
James looked down at his buzzing phone.

"A message from the Order. Interesting. Well, I've got nothing else to do, so it's time to go and kill some skeletons." He looked over at his Guy Fawkes mask... Now might be a good time to use it. He put it on, grabbing his Spade, and walked out the door of his apartment, ready to kill some skeletons.

((OOC: Waiting for @StoneWolf18 to send some over, just say the words... Or type.))

EDIT: Sorry this is short, just waiting for the attacks to begin.
"Ryuu, huh ? Sounds schmancy". Aero knew he was lying about the brownies. A. she gueesed the Order guy-Grimm-wouldn't lie to her and B. she could smell the sickening sweetness of brownies aside with the tinge of weed. "You know, I'll just go outside and find a snack. I have quite the diet". A few months before, Aero snagged up a Boy Scout and was half way to the house before Vera screamed at her and took the kid home. Regardless, she was too lazy to look around in his house anymore. Aerowen felt her phone buzz in her back pocket but she ignored it. Turning around, she began gliding back to the door:

As you walk out the door, hellish cries meet your ears. And soon enough, a gigantic undead horde has surrounded you. At first, it's a stand off. The only sound being the finger bones of the skeletal warriors tightening their grips on various weapons and undead steeds growing impatient. Morning stars, claymores, long bows, and others were being held firmly as their sockets reamined fixed upon you. Then, from the back of the crowd, a large, 6 story colossus let out a deep battle cry, and they rushed. Swarming you.

@Of the Red @Peaceswore

The ground starts to oddly vibrate. Looking out a window you see a swarm of undead rushing down the street, directed at the house. In the back you see a large colossus, roaring. Seeming to hand out orders. As the cries died, the skeletal calvery and warriors screamed in response and charged faster. Weapons raised, the hell spawns near Ryuu's humble abode.
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The Ryuu that was at the house opened up his archive and started to type on it. 'Origin, Did you get the text?' 'Huh? Yeah... But I don't think I'm in much of a mental state to do it... I swear I'm following a trail of unicorn sh*t...' 'I think it's worth a few points.... Just make a few of us and vola.' '...... Okay... I'll do that.... Once I find this damned Unicorn!!' 'Origin!' Letting out a sigh the original snapped his fingers making three of his six clones (the ones that were in his house) dissipate.

He then stopped running and leaned against a wall. Taking the gas mask that was hanging from his hip he placed it on before closing his eyes. Taking a deep breath he cleared his mind the best he could despite his mental state. When he exhaled two clones had been made, both of them now wearing masks.. "I can't concentrate enough to make a third.... You two go deal with the skeletons~ I...I will probably pass out in a random alley.... F*ck my head hurts." He grumbled as he stumbled away.

The two clones looked at each other and grinned. "Plan A?" "Plan A." With that the two ran off (even though they were also on the high side but not as much) Taking the back alleys they made there way to a nearby new station. Upon arriving they didn't even hesitate before running to a news fan that was getting ready to speed off to get on the scenes action of the skeleton attack. The first clone drabbed a brick and ran over to the driver's seat. Pulling out the driver he hit him upside the head knocking him out in one blow. With that he climbed in only finding the other Ryuu there as well. "Let's go!" The one in the passenger seat shouted before the one in the drivers seat sped off.

Peaceswore said:
The Ryuu that was at the house opened up his archive and started to type on it. 'Origin, Did you get the text?' 'Huh? Yeah... But I don't think I'm in much of a mental state to do it... I swear I'm following a trail of unicorn sh*t...' 'I think it's worth a few points.... Just make a few of us and vola.' '...... Okay... I'll do that.... Once I find this damned Unicorn!!' 'Origin!' Letting out a sigh the original snapped his fingers making three of his six clones (the ones that were in his house) dissipate.
He then stopped running and leaned against a wall. Taking the gas mask that was hanging from his hip he placed it on before closing his eyes. Taking a deep breath he cleared his mind the best he could despite his mental state. When he exhaled two clones had been made, both of them now wearing masks.. "I can't concentrate enough to make a third.... You two go deal with the skeletons~ I...I will probably pass out in a random alley.... F*ck my head hurts." He grumbled as he stumbled away.

The two clones looked at each other and grinned. "Plan A?" "Plan A." With that the two ran off (even though they were also on the high side but not as much) Taking the back alleys they made there way to a nearby new station. Upon arriving they didn't even hesitate before running to a news fan that was getting ready to speed off to get on the scenes action of the skeleton attack. The first clone drabbed a brick and ran over to the driver's seat. Pulling out the driver he hit him upside the head knocking him out in one blow. With that he climbed in only finding the other Ryuu there as well. "Let's go!" The one in the passenger seat shouted before the one in the drivers seat sped off.

As you two ride away, the click of bones and hooves in pavement. Looking in the review mirror, you see three skeletons in skeletal horse back chasing the van, and they were catching up. One of the three drew their bow and aimed for the back left tire while the other two neared the driver and passenger windows. The one in the passenger side cried and slammed their morning star repeatedly into the glass.
The Ryuu that was driving smirked as he looked at the other Ryuu who nodded. "BRING IT!!!" They shouted while laughing merrily. With that Ryuu suddenly slammed on the acceleration as he pulled the van into reverse before he swung the wheel hard in doing so the van completely turned around and hit the skeleton with the morning star forcing it to fall off the horse from the hit. As he did this the other Ryuu brought up his archive creating a shield for the window in front of them. After doing this Ryuu turned the wheel hard before slamming on the acceleration. With that he charged straight for the one that had the bow. He did a hard turn to the right avoiding the first arrow before straightening the an again to bowl over the skeleton horseman.

As you take out the three horsemen, the rush of adrenaline was intense. Grinning as the bones of the fallen cavlery crushed under the tires of the van. Then, as you round a corner, in the street, blocking your advance, is a 6 story colossus with various warriors gathered at his feet.

"OH!" "SH*T!!!!" Both Ryuu's shouted as the driver did a sudden U turn. With that he speed away from them going down the street some ways before doing another U turn having the van facing the skeletons again. With that both Ryuu's got out of the van. The driver took the brick he had and smirked at the other. "Idea!" "I'm with you... Today is a good day for bowling!" "My thoughts exactly!!!" With that Ryuu took out a small switchblade he had on him and cut the seat belt. He then tied the brick to the accelerator after putting it in over drive. As soon as he took off the break the van sped down the street straight toward the small army without a hitch. As this happened both Ryuu's pulled up their archive to use as shields just in case.

Penance said:
Keith looked up suddenly to see skeletons coming towards them. He sighed and made some water tentacles slam into them. "Greaattt.....another day in the big apple....wanna help..?"
@Quiet Dragon @StoneWolf18
Pein sighed and looked to the skeletons that were coming towards him from the other direction "I got nothing else to do...." He waved his hand and a shockwave sent the walking bones flying away "where did these even come from?...."

@Penance @StoneWolf18
((sorry all, had writers block...still do, but a little is better than none.>~<))

James began to thrust his blade into the skeletons, crushing their bodies once on the ground. After killing several, he looked up at the colossus. "Hey! Anyone want to take this thing down?" he yelled. He kept fighting, and fighting, but adrenaline was wearing off, and he began to feel the small cuts adding up. He, however, gritted his teeth and fought through it, until he killed around 30.
Kairi sat atop a nearby building as he watched the chaos unfold. He held a slice of pizza and a ca of soda sat next to him about halfway full. He saw other people, probably more players of The Order, as they fought it out against the increasing mob of undead.

Oni- What a show huh? we're not going down there right? Just finish the pizza and head home man. It's not our job.

Kai- I don't plan on it, relax. I need to get paid first. You know how these things work, besides if I help them earn points, and I'm not getting any it will be like shooting myself in the foot. And I happen to like my feet just as they are.

He thought aloud to no one as he took another bite, then another finishing the slice. He reached behind him and grabbed another slice out of the box
Sitting down besides Kai, Fenris reached inside his jacket, pulled out a M67 frag grenade, pulled the pin and lightly tossed it down into the street below before grabbing one of the slices of pizza from the box and asking Kai,

"What? You don't even plan on blowing shit up when you've been given permission? that's unlike you Kai.... Or at least I'm surprised Oni isn't trying to get you to..."

Kai shrugged as his old accomplice popped up, seemingly out of nowhere.

Kai-"I'm eating, food comes first."

Oni-"He can't have any!! tell him to go away, the pizza is ours!!"

Kai involuntarily grabbed the pizza box and held it away from Fenris. A look of concentration crossed his features and he jerkily brought the box back down.

Kai-"Want a slice?" He offered pointedly, just to annoy Oni. He didn't really care about sharing, not at the moment anyway. "Big explosions? Not my thing, I like getting in close. You know that" He responded once more with a laugh

@Jesters Court
andujarprime said:
Kai shrugged as his old accomplice popped up, seemingly out of nowhere.
Kai-"I'm eating, food comes first."

Oni-"He can't have any!! tell him to go away, the pizza is ours!!"

Kai involuntarily grabbed the pizza box and held it away from Fenris. A look of concentration crossed his features and he jerkily brought the box back down.

Kai-"Want a slice?" He offered pointedly, just to annoy Oni. He didn't really care about sharing, not at the moment anyway. "Big explosions? Not my thing, I like getting in close. You know that" He responded once more with a laugh

@Jesters Court
"Wow? Is Oni seriously becoming over protective of food? That's just sad dude."

Accepting a slice of pizza Fenris stuck a cigarette in his mouth and pulled out his lighter before grabbing a handful of grenades from inside his jacket and tossing them into the street below. Lighting his cigarette he said,

"Ya I guess the explosions where really more my thing weren't they."

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