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Futuristic The Orb of the seven brothers (open&accepting)

bloodfire said:
As aether was unconscious he had heard the voice of the prophet celestial. And had began to search around for her. @sprouhtt
Outside aethers mind receptis had floated up frantically to aratorio holding a phial of blue liquid medicine. Since receptis had yet to evolve a voice she touched a hand to his forehead and tried using the telepathy technique aether had shown her. "Use this....help daddy. " is all she had managed to say and she dropped the phial to his hand and kept her hand placed. "Inject into him...is last resort ..needs to be used or daddy will die..." was the words sent. Receptis then flew back to the little house aether made for her inside the labs @Arubion Sivart
Aratorio would look at the medicine and would sigh knowing what it was just by the sight. "Its gonna be alright Aether.." He'd inject aether and would finish fixing his wounds. Everything was up to Aether now.
Outside aethers mind receptis had floated up frantically to aratorio holding a phial of blue liquid medicine. Since receptis had yet to evolve a voice she touched a hand to his forehead and tried using the telepathy technique aether had shown her. "Use this....help daddy. " is all she had managed to say and she dropped the phial to his hand and kept her hand placed. "Inject into him...is last resort ..needs to be used or daddy will die..." was the words sent. Receptis then flew back to the little house aether made for her inside the labs @Arubion Sivart
An erie voice kept calling Aether as he was sleeping, it was Celestial the prophet. She pulled Aether further and further into his dream which was a clear and empty room with nothing in it, the room was a bright white. "You've grown very well Aether since the last time I saw you, I have a news to bring you." She said with a soft quiet and very soothing voice.
Aether was still asleep when he found celestial. "Lady celestial... " He said with a kneel as his family had always done. "You...you have news for me? About what...please...tell me". @sprouhtt
"My answer is short so listen close. You will either be our destroyer or our savior, the fate rest in your hand as well as your crew and captain...don't doubt your doings or yourself." Celestial the Prophet said to him as she began fading away with the bright white room as well. @bloodfire
Aether snapped awake after hearing celestial speak. And he looked to see Vienna hovering over him. "M..mother...? What happened...we're traveling already? How long was I out?" He then looked serious. "Mother...I saw the prophet celestial....she said that we will either be the savior or destroyer of the universe...and that it's fate rests on me and you as well as the crew....we need to get that orb mother...if we did that we could retake lost worlds...and i..I coukd have my family again..and help the other world's that suffer."
Vienna heard his voice and she woke up slowly seeing that his eyes were open. Vienna put her hands on top of his and smiled,"I know," Vienna said and she looked at him. "I know you may not want to hear it but you can't bring your family back my love," Vienna told him calmly knowing that bringing back the dead would make the bringer who summoned the dead suffer to a great cause whether it be taking the life of someone he/she cares about or taking he/shes life. "Aether, know that I'll always be with you and the rest of the people who are on this crew." Vienna told him.
Aethers heart heart dropped. Then he suddenly had a look of pure rage on his face. "Then let's hope he attacks us...because I cannot wait until I can cut out laysiirs heart while it still beats...I hate him...not with hatred...but a pure burning grudge......he better not come anywhere.near you...I don't trust him..." He then stopped and instantly hugged his now new mother in tears. "I hate them...all of them...they always take everything away...all of it for nothing or profit...." @sprouhtt
Vienna didn't say anything but comfort him and she rubbed his back slightly as he poured his heart out to her hearing his cries. Vienna knew he was crying and didn't say anything but hug him tightly in her arms. @bloodfire
I was sitting in the command center right before a monitor and I was inspecting the programming that the ship had for the gunnery. The ship had primary and secondary cannons. The primary cannons had bigger firepower but slower rate of fire. If you got into the cannon's room you could switch among the primary cannons and the gunner could choose one primary cannon station and take control of it or go with the concentrate fire where all the primary cannons shoot to the same point as the one which is taken control over. Honestly, the latter is not really a good thing now. With this programming, I wonder how the ship stayed in one piece.

A couple of hours later, I closed the console. "This should do for now." I said as I stood up and headed to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. Succeeding in that I headed to Amelia's room. Arriving there I took a sip from my coffee and knocked on her door. "Hey Amelia! Are you here?"

@Ami the breadling
Aether walked Into the weapons area with Vienna in tow so he could show her a new weapon he had recently made and also he had a tank on display as he recently.finished it as well. "Mother..this is my new sniper gun. It is also an assault rifle. I gave it a unique attachement made from a blueprint designed by my father himself...the tank you see over their I designed from scratch on my.own. equipped with twin cannons and also energy based weapon for limitless ammunition. And it can hover as well. This can be our ground based weapon/transports for places our aerial ships cannot traverse." He held his new weapon to vienna. "This is the new X-three twenty two. Or lumian assault sniper..it can fire sniper rounds like a machine gun. As well as fire single shot rounds as any other sniper gun. It has deadly accuracy in the hands of someone like you. I made this first one for you mother." Aether then began tearing up again "mother...I saw a tear from your eyes....are you trying to hold back tears..?" @sprouhtt

(Weapon and tank Seen below...sorry for not inserting the images...my phone m decided to stop letting me copy urls normally...)
Silently Faolin Starseeker glanced at the nav computer then typed in his password. They were slightly of course so he righted the ship as it rocked gently sideways sliding back onto the fast route to wherever they were going he didn't remember exactly luckily he had put the coordinates into the computer. He scratched the red skin on his neck as he sighed. He was a freak that was for sure and the only crew member who used swords instead of guns. However his swords were like light sabers just not laser swords their were electro blades that cut through almost anything easily. They also glowed which was cool. He had a small dagger to for throwing at mid range distances. When you fought with swords you had to be flexible fast and good at martial arts which he was. He practiced almost every day however his power he never practiced with. He could absorb energy in any amount and force feed it to his body or use the energy to increase the cutting edge on his sword. He had never shown this power even to the captain of the ship mostly because he had never been asked and he stayed mostly in the navigation room of the ship which was removed in a secluded part of the ship for a reason. If someone wanted to take the navigation computers they would have to walk past 68 hall cameras without being seen which was impossible because they had motion detectors in the air system just in case anyone had a smart idea. Smiling to himself Faolin glanced around then pulled out his swords and touched the blades which immediately glowed with electronic power he never asked how the blades worked he just knew they did.
(Guess I will respond for the first time in a while)

Seeing as his newfound adoptive mother was busy aether decided to try and get to know some of the crew. Being as he has been too shy and nervous to meet the rest of the crew he called receptis to his side and walked out of the room. He decided that he would pay a visit to Faolin in the navigation room. As he walked to the navigation room aether had thought to himself as he walked "celestial....she sounded so urgent....as if the orb was needed for something other than restoring balance to the universe....and when we get there...will that guardian ziraga still be there? Waiting to fight those who come to take the orb? I guess we won't know until we arrive at the orbs resting place" arriving at the navigation room aether walked inside to see Faolin with his swords. Gathering Composure aether spoke. "H-hello? Are you the one known as starseeker? I haven't met the crew members besides amelia...and the captain and doctor. So I thought that I would...drop in..and introduce myself...my name is aether. And this creature with me is receptis" aether said, his nervousness taking hold again. But quickly he calmed as his red eyes gleamed in the light of room.

Looking around the room Faolin heard the sound of the door opening. He stood instinctively swords drawn he saw the man and sheathed his swords in a smooth motion. He wore an odd type of armor that looked like cloth but really it was high density body armor that was light and protected him from laser blats. He looked at the person speaking who was obviously nervous this might be due to the fact that Faolin looked weird. His face was structured like a humans but his skin was red and looked like velvet only not blush just smooth like wood. He looked at the man as he stated, "Nice to meet you Aether and you to Receptis. I am Faolin Starseeker. Please have a seat if you wish to know me begin asking questions. Don't be nervous Aether I don't bite." He grinned and chuckled.
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"Well....I do have a few questions...important ones..." aether stated. "My first one would be if you have had a dream and in it someone named celestial has made an appearance and mentioned things concerning a sphere known as the "orb of the seven brothers" aether said and continued. "I was also curious if you have been to a planet known as kyrellus? And if so if you met the lumian queen and king salandra and nyveries? Because you look...familiar..." he said as receptis floated over to faolin. "SKREE!!!" Receptis shrilled and nuzzled faolin happily. "Heh heh heh....receptis likes you....shes a raycodius...I rescued her when she was a larvae after the queen was killed during the kyrellus attack" he said. "Don't mind my rambling....I tend to talk and get carried away once I'm not nervous...also...I happen to be the ship mechanic...but I do research and developed weapons and upgrades...you can request a sword or something sometime if you wish...." pulling out the small cube from his satchel aether pressed it to reveal his energy scythe. "This bits my handywork...it's made to generate it's own energy and recharge by way of solar light."
Looking at Aether Faolin smiled as he sat and listened to Aether speak. First he started with a question about a dream with a man named Celestial. Faolin had been having strange dreams with a man in it perhaps the man was celestial he didn't know though. Next Aether mentioned an orb of the seven brothers. Something flashed in Faolin's head a memory. Something round something white and glowing and flashing powerfully and then it was gone a planet's name was thrown in and he tried to remember something seemed familiar about the name. A king and Queen who sounded familiar but he couldn't place the name. He watched as Receptis shrilled and nuzzled him. Looking at the odd creature he smiled gently and rubbed her head as he stated, "Everything you mentioned sounds familiar Aether. The orb, Celestial, the King and Queen the planet but I can't place the name." He closed his eyes as he stated, "I lost my memory some time ago and so far it hasn't come back I get bits and piecies once in a while like a door opening and shutting the door opened and now it's closed. I can remember nothing but something is familiar about all of this and the thing Receptis is I have seen it before." He smiled as he pet Receptis gently. In his head armor he had a small yellowish jewel that was actually imbedded in Faolin's forhead. Somehow it hadn't killed him and Faolin thought it might be the reson he could absorb any amount of energy. He looked at Aether and stated,

"Sorry I can't help much."
Aether looked at faolin with a stern look upon hearing these words and turned to the door and walked out with receptis following behind closely. As aether walked through the halls he had become lost in deep thought. "How could he have seen a diakis...they are native to planets on the inner rim of the skyway system as well as restricted to them...unless he is a native of one of these worlds or a fan of creatures i don't know how it's possible...still....no..its best not to think on the subject..." drawing himself away from his thoughts aether had knocked on the captain vienna's door. "Mother? May I come in? I wanted to talk to you about something that is very troubling as of late..." receptis landed on aether shoulder and cooed happily as she had heard Aether mention the captain.


(Its It's been too long since I responded to this rp)

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