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Multiple Settings The Only Way To Go Is Up! -Quest Version-

Prologue ~ Your Ending
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    Vote goes to Option 3.

    >A young girl of age 12, famous for drawing on the internet.



    You are Erina Chara Darwin, a young, talented artist who took hearts all over the world with her work. You began your path to ascension under the name 'CED' precisely two years ago, at the age of 10 with a drawing of a girl wielding a sword uploaded on Deviantart. Even without proper tutoring, you've managed to have proper anatomy while maintaining an air of cartoonish cuteness that elevated you to draw more for a year before attempting to create a story out of it--A comic, if you will. Soon enough, you already began to earn money by commissions, and a year later, you were contacted to attend a panel in a ComicCon. Over the course of two years, you've learnt how much your work impacted the world, and how popular you were growing. You worked hard to keep your fans attention, and for a while, that's all that mattered to you.

    Until the day everything ended.

    You remember the last moments of your 'life'. The sky was dyed in a rainbow hue, a peculiar hole drew ever so closer. You are sitting in the swing of a local playground with the neighbor's son who was about the same age as you. You were talking about the vivid future, and what sort of dreams both of you had at the moment. Your path is already set while he is still lost in childhood. The boy appears to be contemplating a future with you, despite what the grown ups believed that this moment was the end. The boy promised to be with you for all eternity. Just before you could respond in tears,

    Light engulfed your very vision, and everything faded to black.


    However, by some form of miracle, this didn't spell the end for you. You find find yourself lying face first on a brown couch. You don't remember being here, nor coming here in the first place. As you sit and look around, you find yourself in a circular lobby, walls lined with green brick with what appears to be a spiral stairway, circling the walls up to the ceiling, which was lighting up the entire room. It had green stained windows, looking through the vast nothingness. In front of the couch was a glass table, and a few more chairs around it. There were some bookshelves lined up near the stairwell, as well as what appears to be an office desk and a book. One question was purposefully on your mind.

    Where are you? How did you get here? What happened to him?

    As those questions burrow onto your tiny little head, you hear a voice groaning...

    [ ! ] What do you see?
    1. An Knight in Silver Armor, giving off a menacing aura

    2. Twin children clad in robes.

    3. A girl who looks like a cat?

    4. A monster
    1. That boy you were with during the end.

    2. A man in a trench coat

    3. A Teen with a rather strange gun
    1. A strange, lifeless girl.

    2. A man who is half machine

    3. A gun and headphone...?

    ((To pick a choice, either type out your choice or type in [A1] ))
    Information ~ The Tower Of All Origins
  • [ ! ] Minimum Limit Reached. Vote goes to:
    >Ask about the Tower

    "The Tower of All Origins...?" You asked, clearly confused on what she meant by that.

    "Yes, The Tower of All Origins is the source of all creation." The woman began, "The very tower where all creation of all 'Universes' and 'Multiverses' are created and roam until the birth of their 'Universe'. This vast tower is home to many incomplete worlds, interconnected by the very lobby you stand in today." The Stewardess disclosed the information.

    "So what you're saying is...We're born from this place?" Ante asked, confused.

    "Yes, and no." Asina answered, "You are one of the survivors of your home. Your home, is your birthplace. That birthplace is the child of a Concept. And this Concept is born from here, from the Mistress' own will."

    "I...Still don't get it." Ante admitted with sigh. "Are you saying that there's a god that created god that created gods?" She clutched her head in with one hand, "This...Doesn't make a whole lot of sense..."

    "In any case, the Mistress wishes to grant the wish of any one who reaches her." Asina said, walking over to the adjacent seat. "Whether it be to restore everything you knew or to create everything to your liking. Your wish is up to you." She said as she sat down,

    [ ! ] "Any more Questions?"
    >Who is the Mistress?
    >Is there an exit?
    >Who are the Other Explorers?
    >None. (Ascend to Floor 1)
    Information: The Mistress, Goddess of All.
  • [Minimum Limit Reached]
    Vote goes to Option 1.


    Curious on who you have to reach, you ask about the Stewardess' Mistress.

    "Yeah, I've been wondering about that myself." Ante agreed with your decision, crossing her arms. "Who's your little Mistress anyway?" She asked in tandem.

    "The Mistress is something that you would call a 'God', or our case, the Goddess of Everything." The Stewardess began, "No one truly knows her origin. Some say she was born from nothingness and created the Tower and everything in it. Some say she was like you all, a concept that gained knowledge and powers of a god. Either way, she rests on the top of the tower, watching her creations in hope that one day, one will gain the same sentience and attempt to search for her."

    "Sounds like a lonely girl to me..." Ante muttered softly, but loud enough for you to hear it.

    "Now then, if there is no more questions, I shall tell you how to ascend the Fictous Torre." Asina said to both of you, pointing at the glowing ceiling. "In order to ascend, you must search for stairwells and a glowing ceiling, similar to the one in my lobby. In the first floor above, there are four stairwells scattered in the four corners of a labyrinth that would send you to varying locations in the second floor. The labyrinth would be filled with monsters and treasures that would aid you in your journey." She explained, "Do you understand?"

    "So basically, we'll be dungeon crawling for the entire thing." Ante summarized, her paw on her hip. "Yeah, I guess we got it." She nodded with a grin.

    "Very well." Asina smiled, "Then my service here is done. You are free to explore and take whatever you desire in this lobby, or ascend to the next floor, confident in your abilities. It's your choice."

    [ ! ] What do you do next?

    >Look for anything to defend yourself with.
    >Ascend to the 1st Floor.